MTL - Longevity Chart-Chapter 176 Xu Hong's talent leaked

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  Chapter 176 Xu Hong's Talent Leaked


  Just leaving the main hall, Xu Hongzheng was about to fly to the sky, and immediately felt that the surrounding space was still, without sound or light, as if a black curtain completely enveloped the world.


   Knowing that it was covered by a formation, Xu Hong's body suddenly sank, and he rushed down.

  Since you can’t go to the sky, go to the earth!

   As long as one is stained, you will definitely be able to escape.

   Creak! creak!

However, he wanted to sink, and the person who operated the formation didn't allow it. A force that was irresistible suddenly swept over. Xu Hong's whole body froze, and he was fixed in the air, like a bird sealed in amber. live insects.


   At this moment, a cold shout rang out, "An emperor, a prince, was teased in the palm of his hand without knowing it... How could I, Cheng Liyuan, give birth to such a waste like you!"

  The sound ended, and a tall figure appeared in the hall. It was Cheng Liyuan who was practicing before!

  At this time, His Majesty Gaozu, with eagle eyes like lightning, and thick hands, controlled the formation and locked Xu Hong in it.

   With a volley grab, the boy immediately fell from the air to the ground, unable to escape again.

  Cheng Liyuan took a closer look at it.

   This was the first time he saw the "genius" in Cheng Yu's mouth. He only took one look, his eyes became brighter, and the excitement on his face became more and more intense.

   "16 years old, double longevity, and blood sacrifice for such a powerful magic weapon, not bad, not bad, no wonder Cheng Yu said that you are the most suitable for seizing the house, as expected..."

  Cheng Liyuan was really excited.

  Before, when Cheng Yu and Cheng Yuan said that, they always felt that the other party was afraid of taking their home and didn't want to die. After arguing for a long time, there are really such powerful geniuses in the world!

  Thousands of years ago, at the age of 16, I reached the seventh level of warriors and dominated one side, making countless people envious. Not only is this guy stronger, but the treasures on his body are also one after another...

   Not to mention other things, dragon veins, jade seals, longevity patterns... these opportunities alone are much stronger than the original self!

  Once the house is successfully seized, it will inevitably usher in its own era again. Perhaps... a small Liyuan Dynasty can no longer restrain its own talents.

   "Second level of longevity?"

  Cheng Yu just realized it, and couldn't help but look at the boy.

  At this time, Xu Hong was running with all his strength, intending to break free from the formation and escape. He didn't hide his breath anymore, and his cultivation in the early stage of the second level of life extension was unreservedly revealed.

  I always thought that he was just a martial artist, but I didn't expect to have such strength!

   "Cheng Yuan, go get the stele for testing talent!"

   At this moment, Cheng Liyuan turned his head and ordered.


   Seeing him appear, Cheng Yuan knew that he wanted to get the inner armor, and there was no hope, so he had no choice but to walk out with a face full of helplessness. After a short time, he brought a stone tablet to Xu Hong.

   Hongwu Academy has many steles for testing talents. For a royal family, it is naturally simpler, and even the formation is more mysterious and the level is higher.

   Trapped Xu Hong rushed left and right, but found that he could not escape, so he had to stop.

   Strength is still too low.

  However, after the Inner Armor was promoted, it was not so easy for Zengshou Seventh Layer to break through, so he was not worried about being in danger.

  Come to the front, Cheng Liyuan grasped lightly, and the boy's palm fell on the top of the stone tablet. With a touch of the palm, Xu Hong immediately felt a surge of true energy, spreading from the stone tablet, and drilling towards his meridians.

  Knowing that this thing can detect the width of the meridians, Xu Hong secretly contracted his strength, intending to conceal his true talent, seeing his movements, Cheng Liyuan patted the formation.


   There was a huge roar, which shocked Xu Hong's ears for a short time, and he became deaf for a short time. When he realized it again, the power spreading from the stele had already flowed out of his body.


  In the blink of an eye, the stele shone with dazzling light.


   With a twitch of his eyebrows, Xu Hong lost his former composure and composure.

  Before, when I was testing talent at Jiyuan Commercial Bank, I shattered this thing to keep my secret. This time there will be no problems!

   Nervous in my heart, I hurriedly looked over, and saw that the flickering light had stopped, and a huge "Nine" character emerged.

   Xu Hong breathed a sigh of relief.

  Nine veins, there are still in the world, even if it is shocking, there will be no major problems.

  He thought it was okay, but Cheng Liyuan, who was not far away, was going crazy with excitement.

   Guessed that the other party's talent was very high, but never dreamed that he had reached Jiumai!

   Possessing this kind of talent, life-enhancing state, without any barriers of cultivation, that is to say, as long as he does not fall, at worst he can break through the ninth level of life-increasing... to reach a state he looks up to!

  He left behind such a proud achievement in less than seven veins, a dynasty that has been passed down for thousands of years...

  Nine-veined genius is a legend on the mainland, even before he fell asleep, he had never encountered it...

  Now, not only have they met, but they are also so weak!

   It is simply an opportunity bestowed by God.

  Before, Will felt that Cheng Yu, the great-great-grandson who had died for dozens of generations, was very good. After a long time of trouble, this guy was the real king bomb!

   Not only was he shocked, Cheng Yu was also completely dumbfounded.

  In an instant, everything became clear.

   It’s no wonder Yang Mo, who is so proud, recognizes him as a junior, and Xia Yuan even treats him as an elder...

  Nine veins genius, no matter how much is worth it!

   This kind of talent, he is too far behind, not at the same level at all... It's ridiculous that I still think that I can harvest it as a younger brother...

   It's been a joke for a long time!

   "Your Majesty Gao Zu, it seems, something is wrong..."

  Both of them were speechless in shock, and His Majesty Cheng Yuan's voice suddenly sounded from one side.

   Cheng Liyuan frowned, "What's wrong?"

  Pointing at the stone tablet in front of him, Cheng Yuan's lips trembled, "It seems to be still flickering..."


  Cheng Liyuan looked at the stele for testing talent again, and was also stunned.

  At this moment, after the word "nine" appeared on the stele, it did not stop there, but continued to flash. Suddenly, with a slight shake, a word "ten" emerged.

   Cheng Liyuan's eyes showed confusion, "What do you mean? It's not... the nine meridians, but the ten meridians? Could it be... there are ten meridians in the world?"

   Not only his expression, Cheng Yuan and his son were also dizzy.

  Nine veins genius is the most powerful and invincible existence in the world, ten veins... what do you mean?

"Just look at it and you'll find out!"

  Cheng Liyuan came to his senses, grabbed Xu Hong's palm, and a powerful qi surged towards his meridians immediately.

   This kind of test stone tablet is just the most intuitive way. The strong can directly infuse true energy, and can also detect the width of the meridians, thereby determining the talent.

   Knowing what he meant, Xu Hong wanted to resist, only to realize that he couldn't resist at all.

  The gap between longevity-enhancing 7th and 2nd is really too big.


The true energy circulated in the young man's body, and after a while, Cheng Liyuan's eyes changed from dull to ecstatic, and then he burst out laughing excitedly, "Sure enough, there are people who surpass the nine meridians in the world, and they even fall into the In my hand..."

  If there is a problem with the stone tablet that was suspected to be tested just now, it has been confirmed after passing the test of its own strength.

  The meridians in the other party's body are wide and tough, amazing, just ten times that of ordinary meridians!

   That is to say, the "ten" that appeared on the stone tablet represented nothing wrong with the talent!

  Before Jiumai couldn't help but want to seize the house, Shimai, this unique talent, you don't have to hesitate...

  Once lost, such a perfect body will never be found in the world again!


   At this moment, the light on the stele continued to flicker endlessly, and there was still no intention of stopping.

  Looking over again, the word "ten" just now slowly disappeared, and four clear characters appeared again—Warrior Ten Heavy!


  Rubbed his eyes vigorously, and found that he was right. Cheng Yu couldn't bear it any longer, and asked directly, "Could it be...this guy, he broke through after reaching the tenth level of martial arts? But... isn't there only the ninth level of warriors?"

"I don't know either…"

  His Majesty Cheng Yuan was equally confused.

  Even if he is the emperor of a dynasty, he still can't understand this kind of thing beyond his cognition.


  Cheng Yu looked over.

   "Ten Warriors...Ten Warriors..."

Cheng Liyuan fell into deep thought, and repeated it twice, his body stiffened involuntarily, and his face was full of disbelief, "I seem to have heard that it is said that it is the level of warriors hidden in the blood. If you can’t find it, let alone make a breakthrough, once you find it, the breakthrough will be equivalent to awakening the power of the great emperor in your body, thus possessing the qualifications of a great emperor!”

   "Emperor's capital?" Both Cheng Yuan and his son were a little puzzled.

  This level, I have never heard of it.

   With serious eyes, Cheng Liyuan explained: "The one who is above the martial artist is to increase the life span, the one who is above the life extension is the extraordinary, and the one who is above the extraordinary is the saint. You two should know this!"

   "Yes!" Cheng Yu nodded.

  He passed the assessment of Chiyuan Mountain and had the potential to break through the extraordinary, so he was accepted as a true disciple and was valued.

   Without this reason, let alone Senior Uncle Bai, even the two peak seniors at the sixth level of longevity increase would not be able to be called here.

   Transcendence is also Jiuzhong. If you can break through this realm, you will be a legendary saint.

   It's just that the number of such people is too small, and he has only heard about it, but has never seen it, and even the Central Dynasty has never had one.

   Seeing him nodding, Cheng Liyuan said with emotion: "Everyone knows that a saint is invincible. In fact, there is still someone stronger than a saint! That is... the emperor!"

   Cheng Yuan and his son's eyes widened at the same time.

  Shoushou Jiuzhong is the limit they can imagine, saint, beyond saint...

   How strong is that?

Cheng Liyuan said: "In the tens of thousands of years of historical records, a total of five great emperors have been born, namely: the Qing Emperor Cangyuan, the White Emperor Duhong, the Red Emperor Huorong, the Black Emperor Zhuan Yu, and the Yellow Emperor Chi (chi) Fu. These five people have all reached the tenth level of warriors... When I heard the news before, I thought it was just an ancient legend with no basis to follow, but now it seems that it is very likely to be true!"

   "Five emperors?"

  Cheng Yuan's eyes immediately showed longing, and at the same time showed a trace of curiosity, "With such strength, they should have reached a thousand lifespan, and a long lifespan! I wonder if they are still here?"

  The higher the strength, the higher the longevity.

   This is also the reason why countless people pursue cultivation.

   "It is said that in a catastrophe, all five great emperors fell...Of course, what is going on, my strength is too low to reach, and later...someone deliberately concealed it, so that you have never heard of it!"

   With a word of emotion, Cheng Liyuan looked at the young man again, the excitement in his eyes could not be contained, "Whether this is a legend or not, but from the moment the ten-vein talent appeared on this stele, and the warrior was ten-weight, I must be true!"


  Cheng Yuan and Cheng Yu nodded at the same time.

   "This matter is very involved, only the three of us know about it, and it must not be spread!"

  After the excitement, Cheng Liyuan looked at the two juniors in front of him with piercing eyes, as if as long as they disagreed, he would directly kill him on the spot.

   "Yes!" Seeing the murderous intent in his eyes, Cheng Yuan and his son nodded at the same time.

   "There is no evidence for what you say, so how about it, the two of you, make an oath of heaven, and if it is leaked, you will definitely be punished by the gods, unable to survive the longevity calamity, and your soul will be shattered..."

   Cheng Liyuan continued.


  Looking at each other, Cheng Yuan and his eyebrows twitched at the same time.

  The Heavenly Dao Oath is a promise to the Heavenly Dao, which is equivalent to signing a contract with the Heavenly Dao.

   Posting this just to keep it a secret... Isn't it a little too much?

   "Why don't you want to post it?" Cheng Liyuan narrowed his eyes.


Knowing that if he does not agree, he may not survive today, Cheng Yuan nodded and raised his right hand, "I, Cheng Yuan, swear to the Dao of Heaven today, if anyone reveals Xu Hong's ten-line talent and martial artist's ten-level talent, he will be punished by heaven. Death, if you violate this oath, you will be punished by heaven and earth!"

   Cheng Yu followed suit.

  After the two of them finished speaking, they immediately felt the power of countless rules floating above the iron chain in their minds, like dark clouds, as long as they violated them, they would directly descend and destroy them.

   My heart trembled at the same time.

   "Well, after making an oath, I will tell you the real purpose, this body, I must take it away...Once successful, it doesn't matter whether Li Yuan Dynasty wants it or not!"

   Cheng Liyuan's eyes flashed.

  Although it was the country he built at countless costs, it is nothing compared to... a body with the qualifications of a great emperor.


  Cheng Yuan and Cheng Yu also nodded.

  This is an existence beyond a saint... In the eyes of such a powerful person, the Li Yuan Dynasty may not even count as a feather. Therefore, the dragon veins and longevity lines that were considered extremely precious just now are nothing at this moment.

   "I know that you each have your own ideas, but from now on, put away all these ideas, as long as you let me win the house, help me succeed, and become a great emperor in the future, I will definitely help you become a saint..."

   Cheng Liyuan looked over again.


  Cheng Yuan and Cheng Yu immediately became excited.

  The position of saint... This is absolutely unthinkable before!

  If it can be achieved, no matter how much effort you put in, it will be worth it!

   I wish all the beauties a happy March 8th!



  (end of this chapter)

Read The Duke's Passion