MTL - Longevity Chart-Chapter 96 The collapsed Vice President Han Qing

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  Chapter 96 The Collapsed Vice President Han Qing

  Han Qing and a group of elders were sitting in a spacious room. Outside the huge floor-to-ceiling windows, the forest was spreading and undulating, and it didn't know how far it extended.

  This location is just right for the entrance and exit of the misty forest to be seen clearly. It is the best observation point in the academy.

   Picking up the teacup in front of him, Han Qing smiled slightly, "This is the Liu Yechun I brought from Jiyuan City this time, everyone, try it, it tastes pretty good!"

  Everyone raised their cups with smiles on their faces, took a sip each, and all showed surprise.

   "I didn't expect such a remote place like Jiyuan City to be able to produce such a strong and fragrant tea. What an outstanding person!"

   "This year's enrollment is over, I want to go to this place to see, by the way, feel what kind of environment, can give birth to a nine-veined genius, and, let's see two of them!"

   "Take me, I also want to feel it, maybe I can break through the current shackles..."

  Everyone started talking.

  A moment later, a questioning voice sounded, "Have these two nine-veined geniuses also entered the foggy forest?"

   "As a freshman, I naturally went in, but I don't know how many jade cards I can get."

"The strength at the peak of Chenggang Realm is basically invincible except for those princes, princesses, and freaks sent by major forces... However, the forest is full of fog, and finding other students is the most difficult thing to do. It would be nice to get 50 pieces in one day!"

   "I think it can reach at least one hundred!"

   "Has there been an assessment in the foggy forest before? How many pieces did the first place at that time probably get?"

   "It was held more than a hundred years ago, and the first place was our Dean Xia Yuan. At that time, he won 75 jade charms."

   "Speaking carefully, Dean Xia's talent is still far inferior to the two brothers. With this calculation, there is a real chance to get 100 coins!"


   Everyone was guessing, when they suddenly saw the forest exit directly in front of them, several students limped out, their faces full of helplessness and loss.

   Needless to think about it, she must have been robbed of the jade badge representing her identity.

   Seeing the faces of several people clearly, an elder frowned.

   "I know them, the leader is a big tall guy, nicknamed Black Bear, from Liao Shuicheng, a genius with 4.3 veins, and his cultivation has reached the peak of the sixth level of warriors. In order to pass the assessment, a [Black Bear Alliance] was specially established.

   "The people who are recruited, at worst, have reached the fifth level of warriors... According to my guess, even if you don't get the top 100 with this kind of strength, it is very easy to be admitted. Why... are you eliminated?"

  After listening to the introduction, everyone was taken aback for a moment. They all looked around and saw a boy as strong as a black bear iron tower sitting in place with a dejected expression on his face.

   "Send someone to call them over!"

   Frowning, Vice President Han Qing didn't want to drink tea anymore.


  An elder walked out. Not long after, several people from the Black Bear Alliance came to him with panic faces, "I have met Dean Han, and I have seen all the elders..."

  Han Qing waved his hand and asked directly: "What happened? Why did you get eliminated?"

  The black bear was full of confusion, and said: "After we entered the forest, we hid in the tree and prepared to ambush. When we heard footsteps, we were just about to jump, and passed out at the same time!"


   "Didn't see who the opponent was?"

   All the elders were stunned.

  In the foggy forest, the fog is thick. When you see the other party, the other party will naturally see you. The two are mutual. This group of guys were knocked out when they were about to sneak attack. The speed of the other party is so fast?

   "Yeah... No one saw it clearly!" Black Bear's face turned red.

  Relying on his strength and the strength of the alliance, he thought about whether he could enter the top 30 and become a man of the hour, but in the end, it was the end from the beginning, which was too miserable.

   "Where did you get hurt?" Han Qing asked.

  Under normal circumstances, depending on the injury, the opponent's move can also be reversed.

  Hei Xiong said: "We woke up and checked our bodies. It seems that we were hit by a stone at the [Jiuwei Point] at the same time, and we fell into a coma!"

   "Jiuwei point is located seven inches above the navel, half an inch below the xiphoid process, facing straight ahead, it is not easy to find... Are you sure you were hit here?"

  An elder frowned.

   "Yes, we have all confirmed it..." Hei Xiong lifted his clothes, and everyone immediately saw a large piece of bruise under the sword process, as did the others.

   "Five people were hit by stones at the same time, and even the opponent didn't know who it was. This hidden weapon is too powerful..."

  Elders, look at each other.

   Hitting a moving target without seeing anything, or just being stunned, not fatal... Which freshman is so scary?

  Xu Hong was good at throwing knives. Zhou Zijiang and others were ashamed of being stabbed in the buttocks, so they didn't go into details. Therefore, Dean Han and others didn't know about it. As for the other elders, they naturally didn't know about it either.

  So, I don't know for a while, who has this ability.

   "Someone came out again!"

   I was wondering in my heart, and another voice sounded.

   Everyone came to the window to look, and saw a figure again, staggering towards.

   "It's Tang Wenjia, a student recruited by Zhu Cunyuan, a genius with 4.5 veins. He has already reached the early stage of leaving the body. He is not a child of the family. He is extremely powerful in combat. How could he be eliminated?"

  Elder Chen Zhao was speechless.

   This is one of his people, an outstanding student who took all the effort to recruit. Before, I thought that it would not be a big problem if he didn't make it to the top ten, but the top fifty would definitely not be a big problem. Who would have thought that he would be eliminated in less than half a day...

In the end what happened?

After a while, Tang Wenjia walked in also full of frustration. Knowing everyone's doubts, he hurriedly explained, "I know that this assessment is a test of patience, so after entering the forest, find a dark ditch, hide it, and cover it with leaves. Out of shape, I wanted to find a chance to sneak attack, but I hid not long after I fell asleep, I didn’t move, I felt a pain in the [Jiuwei point] on my chest, I was hit by a stone, and then... I passed out!"


  The elders were stunned again.

   It’s Jiuwei Cave again, and it’s a stone again…

  Could it be the same person!

   "Someone came out again!"

Everyone looked again, and after only one glance, the elder in charge of recruiting students rang out in surprise, "I know all of these people, and I have a deep impression on them. That Qiu Weiyun is a genius with 4.3 veins, a sixth-level martial artist, then Chai Yujie, a genius with 4.2 veins, has also reached the sixth level of warriors, and that one, it should be Yan Wen, with 4.4 veins... are all outstanding students this year!"

   "Excellent students are directly eliminated? Is this still a selection?"

  Since it is a selection, it is natural to eliminate the weak and leave the strong. Now... it seems that no matter the strong or the weak, they have all been kicked out...

  It feels as if there is a Hunjiang dragon hiding in a forest full of mist, no matter who it is, as long as you encounter it, you will be eliminated directly...

   "Go and have a look!"

  Dean Han Qing had an ominous premonition, couldn't sit still anymore, and hurried to the direction of the forest, followed closely by everyone.

   At this time, hundreds of students have already walked out of the foggy forest, and many more people have come out one after another.

   "Line up in a team, tell us what your strength is, and who was eliminated!"

  Looking around, Vice President Han Qing ordered.

   "My talent of 3.9 veins, the strength of the late fifth level warrior, was eliminated by Princess Luo Yuehua of the Yuehua Alliance!"

   "I was also eliminated by Princess Yuehua, her Yuehua Alliance is too powerful!"

   "A total of seven women, all of whom have reached the stage of exiting the body, they simply cannot resist..."

   "It is said that they have collected no less than 300 jade charms, and they will not be wronged if they lose..."

   "It seems that they are not champions, and they are almost..."

  Hearing the words of the first person, the crowd immediately exploded.

   "The sixth princess of the Luoyuan Dynasty, Luo Yuehua?"

   Frowning, Vice President Han Qing secretly heaved a sigh of relief. He was relieved that he wasn't the guy who threw stones.

   "No, everyone, take a look..."

   Just then, a student's terrified voice sounded.

Regardless of continuing to ask, Vice President Han Qing looked, and a group of women in the forest came out with ugly faces. There were seven of them in total. Who!

   was eliminated...

   "What's the matter with you?" Vice President Han Qing felt like crying as his scalp was about to explode.


Luo Yuehua gritted her teeth, "We were hunting around, and in a grove full of green leaves, we saw a student chopping wood, so we planned to **** his jade token, but we didn't have time As soon as we spoke, seven stones flew over and hit our Jiuwei acupoint, and then...we passed out! The jade tokens we finally obtained were all taken away!"

   "A pebble again?"

   "Luo Yuehua, who is at the peak of the Eighth Layer of Warriors, didn't block it?"

  Everyone felt like they were going crazy.

   Realizing something, Vice President Han Qing trembled slightly, "What does the young man you see look like?"

  Luo Yuehua shook his head, and said: "It's too foggy to see clearly, but she's slender, so she should look good! As for strength, I haven't seen it, anyway, I can't even block a stone..."

  Vice President Han Qing was speechless, and looked at the forest in front of him again.

   Less than half an hour later, hundreds of people came out, the injuries were not serious, but the jade cards were all taken away.

   Continue to ask.

  This time, it wasn't the Shizi youths who sneaked in. Some were knocked out as they were advancing, and some encountered [Eagle Alliance] and [Awe-inspiring Alliance].

  Of course, it was more of a boy who looked a bit simple and honest. In the mountains and forests, he was like a ghost, robbing everywhere. In just a few hours, more than 500 people were knocked out by him alone!

   It makes people unable to distinguish the fog from southeast to northwest, as if it doesn't affect him at all.

   Among those who were eliminated by him, there were many warriors of the sixth, seventh, and even eighth ranks. It seemed that no matter how strong they were, they were no match for him.

   "Dean Han, it seems that your assessment method is not very reliable..."

  An elder couldn't bear it anymore.

  I originally thought of 10,000 students, and selected 2,000, but if this continues, they will all be eliminated!

  The most important thing is that the strongest Princess Yuehua among the new students has been eliminated... Is there anyone else who will not be eliminated?

   "I'm afraid it won't work if it goes on like this... Dean Han, elders, Teacher Xu Zhong and I go in and have a look. If you see the student who threw stones, warn him that enough is enough!"

   At this moment, Zhao Meng, a teacher in charge of enrollment, couldn't help but speak.

  Glanced at the other party, confirming that he had reached the level of a master, and his cultivation was not bad, Vice President Han nodded, "Okay!"

  Teachers Zhao Meng and Xu Zhong swayed, rushed towards the forest, and disappeared in front of everyone in the blink of an eye.

   At this time, it was already late at night, and the mountains and forests were as dark as ink. With the fog, you couldn't see your fingers.

  The two teachers used their strength and moved forward cautiously and quickly.

   "How do I remember this place? There are still many trees that have not been picked here. Why are these trees... all dead?"

   After walking for a while, Teacher Xu Zhong couldn't help but stop.

  He has learned alchemy. Although he has not reached the level of a formal alchemist, he can be regarded as an apprentice. He has come here many times to collect longevity patterns, and he is very sensitive to these trees.

  When I came here before, the vegetation containing the wood longevity pattern was covered with young leaves, but now, all of them are dead.

   "Could it be that... the longevity pattern was taken away?" Mr. Zhao Meng felt "thump!" in his heart.

   "It shouldn't be!"

  Mr. Xu Zhong was full of confusion, "There are hundreds of vegetation with wood longevity patterns here. If you want to take it away, it will be impossible to do it without one or two years..."

"Just look at it and you'll find out!"

Zhao Meng jumped up to a big tree, climbed up twice, and jumped down with a strange expression after a while, "A part of the trunk of the tree was cut off, looking at the traces of the injury, it took no more than two For an hour, the most important thing is... that place is full of vitality, it should be where the longevity pattern is located!"

   "I'll go see the other..."

  Xu Zhong jumped onto another tree.

   After looking at more than a dozen trees in a row, the two stood in place, looking at each other.

   "All the wood longevity patterns of the trees have been cut away, and all of them were found in the right position, without wasting a second cut..."

   "I don't care how you did it. Losing hundreds of longevity lines at once, the academy can't afford this loss!"

   "Go and look for it, maybe the thief hasn't gone far."

   With solemn eyes, the two teachers gritted their teeth and hurried away to the distance.

  At this time, I have forgotten to find the student who threw the stone. Compared with finding this guy, it is more important to track down the thief who picked the longevity pattern.

  The two of them walked all the way, walked three or four miles, and came to a forest full of longevity patterns again. Sure enough, they saw a figure in the distance, cutting wood on the tree.


   With a loud shout, Teacher Xu Zhong hadn't finished speaking, and immediately saw two stones roaring towards him.

   Pupils constricted, body swayed, and dodged. Just as he was guessing whether this was the stone-throwing student, a blur suddenly appeared in front of his eyes. The figure on the tree, like a crane flying in the sky, appeared in front of him in the blink of an eye.


  A punch landed on the chest, and teacher Xu Zhong suddenly felt a huge force rushing towards him. Before he could scream, he flew upside down. Under the severe pain, he felt dizzy in his mind.

  Just as he was about to resist, he heard whistling again. Another teacher seemed to have fallen not far from him.

   In the blink of an eye, someone turned it over again, and there was a vague voice of doubt, "Why don't these two guys have a jade card? Is it in the storage ring?"

   His eyes turned black, Xu Zhong was so angry that he was about to vomit blood.

  Is this... treating them as new students?

  Even if we look younger, we are masters, don't you see?

  The more he thought about it, the more angry he became. Just as he was thinking about how to resist, his eyes suddenly went dark, and then he saw the opponent's palm, which landed on top of his head.


  Xu Zhong immediately fell into a coma.

   "As expected of Hongwu Academy, there are really many geniuses. This guy's strength is probably not much worse than mine..."

   Slapped the other party unconscious, Xu Hong couldn't help feeling emotional.

  The others were all pebbles one by one. These two easily dodged the pebbles, and they might not be knocked out unless they used martial arts.

  Based on this alone, he has surpassed other people he met before!

  There hasn’t been one strong master in Jiyuan City for many years, but there are two freshmen recruited by Hongwu College... It’s really surprising.

   With emotion in his heart, he took off the storage rings of the two at the same time.

  Before getting someone else's ring, unless it was destroyed or killed the owner, it was impossible to see what was inside. Now it is different, the spirit spreads in, and I immediately feel a thought entrenched in it.

   Jin Yuan's true energy turned into a sharp sword light, and with a light stab, it immediately defeated the mind.

   Immediately, the spirit got into the inside of the ring.

   "A lot of things... But, I just want a jade token!"

   Taking a look, Xu Hong was surprised.

   As expected of a strong master, he brought a lot of good things. However, taking away the jade card is an assessment, and taking away other things is robbery.

   "How many people did this guy rob?"

   Searched around, and found that there were more than 2,000 jade medals, almost catching up with him!

   Turned over the ring of another person, not too many, only a few hundred.

   After looting the two of them, Xu Hong got up and continued walking forward.

  The longevity patterns in this area have been collected, let’s see if there are any more, anyway, there are still six or seven hours, it’s still early.

  The figure was fast, and the mist might scare others, but it was nothing to him and Xu Ying. After more than ten minutes, they found another small forest full of longevity patterns.

   His eyes lit up, and he continued to collect.

  As for Luo Yuehua, he was naturally eliminated. He was collecting longevity patterns at the time, and the other party asked him to hand over the jade token, so...throwing a stone, he knocked him unconscious.

  Though the strength of these seven women is not bad, they are far inferior to Xu Hongbi who has reached the peak of Chenggang Realm and has practiced the Four Great Emperor Skills. There is no difference between knocking out each other and knocking out other students.

  Anyway, it’s all a matter of a stone, and I never thought that these few are exactly the [Yuehua Alliance] that I wanted to join before...

   "What kind of tree is that?"

  After collecting for an unknown amount of time, Xu Honggang wanted to leave when his eyes suddenly moved.

   Directly in front of it is a log stump with a diameter of about one meter. The outside is covered with dark charred lines. It looks like it has been dead for a long time, but in the spiritual induction, this thing has a fresh breath, as if it will break out of the ground at any time.

   It's not the transformation of mental power, maybe you can't even find it.

   Slightly puzzled, he came to the front in two steps, and pressed his palm lightly.

  Changsheng Zhenqi immediately drilled into the dead tree, and returned to the palm after a while.

  I didn't feel the vitality, nor the longevity pattern.

  Induction wrong?

"try again!"

  Changsheng Zhenqi circulated to the limit, flowing rapidly along the shriveled meridians of the tree stump, spreading to an unknown depth, and suddenly the body shook.

   "Sure enough, there is a problem..."

  The metallic zhenqi from the fingertips shot out, like a shovel, digging towards the bottom of the tree stump.

  After more than ten minutes, a large pit with a depth of more than ten meters was dug, and immediately, a section of emerald green tree roots appeared in front of them.

  The vitality sensed just now is released from here.

   It's not the true energy of longevity, it's not even noticeable.

   With a flick of his wrist, Jin Yuan's true energy turned into a dagger, cutting off the tree root.

  The whole tree has been dead for more than a hundred years, but in the soil as deep as more than ten meters, a section of tender green roots has grown, which is a bit strange no matter how you look at it.

  Pinch it with your right hand, and the vitality of longevity poured into it again.

  A black pattern swam over immediately, devouring the zhenqi greedily, as well-behaved as a little chicken.

   "Golden blue? What kind of longevity pattern is this?"

  Xu Hong frowned.

  The longevity pattern in front of my eyes is neither gray nor black, but golden blue.

  According to the information he knows, there are four types of Mushouwen, namely: wide, rare, ancient, and sacred.

   corresponds to black, gray, cyan, and light cyan.

  Golden blue, what the hell?

  Gold is already the color of the animal longevity pattern.

  Could it be possible that this wooden longevity pattern can transform into a beast longevity pattern?

   Cordyceps? Green algae?

   I was puzzled, although I didn't know what was going on with this thing, but I also understood that this longevity pattern must have surpassed the level of rare wood or even ancient wood, and it is very likely to reach the level of holy wood.

  Holy wood level, even if it's just the wooden longevity pattern, the effect may not be weaker than the ancient beast longevity pattern that Senior Brother Yang has been thinking about!

Beast Shouwen is more advanced than Mushouwen, and has many effects, but when it reaches the sanctuary level, the difference will not be too big, just like chicken and mutton are more nutritious than ordinary vegetables, but compared with ginseng and Ganoderma lucidum, they are inferior. Quite a lot.

  I’ve seen people who were seriously ill and ate ginseng to hang their lives, but I’ve never seen someone who drank mutton soup...

   "Go back and study again!"

   Putting the tree roots into the storage ring, Xu Hong backfilled the tree hole dug before, and then continued to walk forward.

  The further you go in, the worse the environment is. In addition to the heavy rain, there will be thunder and lightning from time to time. Many trees were killed by lightning.

   "It is estimated that there is an iron mine below..." Xu Hong secretly guessed.

   Rainwater and the like can be produced by formation, but lightning is difficult, unless... there are iron mines below, and the layout of these trees is still in place, otherwise it is impossible to split on the trees every time!

  Thinking wildly in his heart, he took away a large piece of wooden longevity pattern, and Xu Hong realized that the sun rose from the east, and the night had passed.

  Knowing that the assessment time was about to end, Xu Hong stretched his waist, took out a purple ginseng plant, and gnawed a few mouthfuls.

   Seeing that the life span consumed by staying up late was quickly recovered, he was relieved, trotted all the way, and hurried towards the exit.


   Outside the foggy forest.

  Vice President Han Qing and many elders stood outside and waited all night. They didn't wait for the two teachers Zhao Meng and Xu Zhong to come back, but they waited for more returning students.

  Looking at the huge crowd of people in front of him, Vice President Han Qing's eyelids twitched involuntarily, "This is... how many people have been eliminated?"

  Elder Hong Yuan smiled wryly, and said: "Reporting to Dean Han, there are already more than 9,800 people..."


  The corner of his mouth twitched, and Han Qing asked, "How many were directly eliminated in the assessment by Dean Xia?"

  The elder who checked the information before, recalled it, and replied: "A total of 617 people!"

   "9800, 617, it seems that the gap is a bit big..."

  Han Qing was depressed.

  Why did other people use this method to select excellent students easily without any trouble, but when he used it, it was so nonsense?

   Those with high talent and those with poor talent were all swept out... What's the point of the assessment?

   Feeling emotional in my heart, I suddenly remembered something, "Where are Zhao Meng and Xu Zhong? Why haven't they come out yet?"

  Elder Hong Yuan thought for a while and said, "I guess I didn't find that stone-throwing student!"

   "It's too unreliable! Even if you don't find it, you have to come out and report it first..."

   Shaking his head, Han Qing looked at many students and asked again.

   "We were taken away by Helian Tiexiong's Eagle Alliance!"

"So are we!"

   "I'm different, I was taken away by Prince Cheng Hao's Haoran Alliance!"

   "The one who snatched me away was a boy who looked a bit naive."


   Got an answer quickly.

   Those who did the work were roughly divided into three waves, the Eagle Alliance, the Haoran Alliance, and an unknown boy.

   "These two guys, what are they going to do? It's just an entry test, just pass it. As for snatching everyone away?"

  Rubbing the center of his brows, Han Qing felt a headache, and couldn't help snorting: "Tell this matter to Cheng Yuan and Helian Xiaoyun later, and let them discipline it..."

   "Yes!" Elder Hong Yuan nodded.

  Cheng Yuan, His Majesty the Emperor of the Yuan Dynasty, and Helian Xiaoyun, the Emperor of the Dayong Dynasty.

  Although Han Qing is only the vice president of Hongwu College, his cultivation base has reached the peak of the fifth level of longevity increase. He scolded the two emperors, but the other party dared not say anything, let alone just notify.

  The conversation between the two had just ended, and they immediately saw many students in front of them, and they were silent again, looking at the exit of the forest in unison.

   also looked at the past.

   I saw Cheng Hao walking out with four or five teenagers in disgrace, without a single jade card in his hand, obviously, he was also eliminated...

   This is considered to be the strongest alliance among the freshmen. Almost everyone has reached the Cheng Gang state, but someone even snatched the jade card...

   "What's going on?" Han Qing trembled slightly.

   It's over, this is not an assessment of freshmen, but a performance of "Annihilation"!

   "It's Helian Tiexiong, he ambushed at the exit and snatched all our jade cards..."

   Cheng Hao gritted his teeth.

   "This guy must be taught a lesson when he comes out..."

   Anger was about to explode, Han Qing snorted coldly, thinking about what happened today, how to be kind, when he saw the people in front of him, he fell silent again.

   Looked hurriedly, and then saw Helian Tiexiong and others coming out with the same dejected faces, all of them with bruised noses and swollen faces...

   Obviously, the Eagle Alliance did not have the last laugh.

   Not only Vice President Han Qing, but everyone was dumbfounded.

  The three strongest groups of freshmen were all eliminated. Who had the last laugh?


   Time goes back to a few minutes ago.

  Xu Hong met Xu Ying when he was about to walk out of the forest. At this time, his cousin smiled and handed over a large pile of jade tokens.

   "Brother Hong, I have collected more than 3,000 pieces, which should be enough for you to get the first place..."

   "Why did you do so much?" Xu Hong was taken aback.

  He and Xu Ying started snatching from the time they entered the foggy forest until they parted ways. The total was only about 1,500 coins. After this guy left alone, he got another 3,000 coins?

   "Good luck, I encountered a few big waves..." Xu Ying scratched his head.

   This kind of squid game is like snowballing. It becomes easier to collect as you go further. Some people already hold more than ten or twenty. As long as you defeat it, his achievements will immediately become yours...

  So, after leaving his cousin, although he didn't spend much time, he collected more.

   "Brother Hong, how much did you get?"

   Slammed the jade token into a sack, Xu Ying looked curiously.

   "Me?" Xu Hong pondered.

  He hasn't calculated it carefully, but it should be more.

   The seven women who were stunned got more than 700 coins, and the two masters got more than 2300 coins... plus their own 1500 coins, there should be about 4500 coins!


  Just as he was about to say the number, he heard the sound of leaves being crushed in front of him, and then seven figures stood in front of him.

   It was the Eagle Alliance that recruited them before!

   "You guys actually collected so many?" Helian Tiexiong looked over and couldn't believe it.


  Xu Hong saw the greed in his eyes, and said with a smile: "Brother Helian, do you want to do something? Our two brothers are also members of our Eagle Alliance!"

Before Helian Tiexiong could speak, a young man next to him said: "As a member of the alliance, naturally you have to think about the leader, so that the leader can get the first place 100%... How about this, you hand in two thousand jade medals, it's considered as a reward for the leader. The alliance is doing something!"

   "Hand in?" Xu Hong looked over.

The young man snorted: "That's right! As a member of the alliance, if you get a jade medal, it will naturally be handed over to the leader for unified management and distribution. You are only allowed to hand in 2,000 pieces, not all of them. approved by..."

  Xu Hong looked at Helian Tiexiong with a strange face, "Is this what you mean?"

   Smiling slightly, Helian Tiexiong said: "As a member of the alliance, we naturally have to consider the organization. We are famous, can we also get more benefits, and less bullied by old students? I also think about the alliance..."

"I see…"

  Seeing the other party, snatching his jade token, saying so grandly, Xu Hong shook his head and looked at his cousin, "He is mine, and the rest is up to you!"


  Nodding, Xu Ying shook his body, unleashed the Tiger Fist, and rushed towards the crowd.

   "How dare you attack us?"

   "Hahaha, I'm so overwhelmed!"

   "Do you really think you can become invincible by defeating a few freshmen? Let me let you know today, the gap between us and them!"

  Helian Tiexiong and the others were stunned at first, and then laughed at the same time.

   I have seen stupid ones, but I have never seen such stupid ones!

   Leaving aside the seven of them, even if they fight alone, they should be able to handle it!

  The third prince Cheng Hao and the others are in their hands, have they suffered a big loss?

   "Teaching a lesson is enough, don't hurt too much! Otherwise, it will be difficult to explain in the academy."

  Helian Tiexiong waved his hand.

   "Yes!" All the subordinates nodded repeatedly, and greeted Xu Ying.

   Bang bang bang bang!

  Helian Tiexiong was thinking about how to shock the whole school after taking away the jade medal, and then saw six of his subordinates lying on the ground with bruised noses and swollen faces, moaning non-stop.


  Helian Tiexiong was stunned.

   I just went away for a moment God, what happened?

  These subordinates are all masters of Chenggang Realm, and they haven't even beaten one of Xu Hong's followers?

   It was really incredible, the air in front of his eyes made a sound of whimpering, and immediately, a stone shot straight at it.

  Shizi's speed is extremely fast, and he is very close to the opponent, so he came to him before he could react.

  The python suit on his body flashed with light, transforming into a textured armor.

  This is a protective item specially refined by his father, not to mention the sneak attack of Chenggang Realm, even if it is the peak of the master, it is not so easy to get hurt.

   It is also the biggest capital to defeat Prince Cheng Hao.


The stone fell on the armor, and it immediately shattered and turned into powder, and his chest felt tight after being hit. He took a step back involuntarily and let out a breath. Just as he was about to use his power to defeat the two brothers, he saw a figure in front of him. A flower and a palm are already pressed against the chest.


   Spit out vigorously, and with just one click, he felt as if he was hit by a huge rock, and he flew upside down.


  My mind was still dizzy, and a faint business sounded in my ears. Immediately, the ring in my hand was taken away by the young man, and the 2,800 jade charms I finally collected lost their traces...

   "Brother Hong, it seems that the time has not come yet... Go out now, will you be eliminated?"

  Another boy's voice sounded.

   "Then just wait!"

  Xu Hong replied.

   Helian Tiexiong, who finally recovered, realized that these two guys have been pretending to be pigs and eating tigers...

   In desperation, he had no choice but to walk out with an ugly face.

  The misty forest became a mess, and many elders outside were overwhelmed. At this time, the director of Xia Yuan was still running wildly on the way back...

   8600-word chapter, continue to ask for a monthly ticket! Recommended ticket!



  (end of this chapter)

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Read I Pick Up A Bunch Of Attributes
Read Versatile Mage (Web Novel)
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