MTL - Look In the Mirror-Chapter 9 broken jade ecstasy

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  Chapter 9 Broken Jade Ecstasy

  cough cough~

   Lichen felt like his whole body was falling apart.

  A strong smell of blood oozes from his throat and eyes.

  The palm of the giant bear just now.

  The power far exceeds his own limit.

  Even with the "Karma Transformation Art" body protection, it still cannot transfer all the damage.

   Helplessly, I endured for a little while before finally resolving it.

  If you do it again.

  That Li Chen probably needs to be explained here.

   Watching the giant bear raise its giant claw again.

   When he was desperate.

   "Broken jade ecstasy!"

  A deep voice suddenly came from behind the giant bear.

   Li Chen took a closer look.

   It was the **** brother just now.

  Before he finished speaking, he turned into a phantom, like wisps of misty breeze blowing by in a hurry.

   came out from behind the giant bear, and re-condensed in front of him.

  The stars are dotted around, dazzling.

  This trick seems real but false, like a fleeting shadow.

  It is completely different from the evil spirit of Shasheng Temple.

  That giant bear was alive and well just now.

  Just for a moment, like a kite with a broken string.

  The soul seems to have been drawn away.

   There was a 'boom'.

   Like a collapsed mountain, it fell to the ground.

  The surrounding trees shook for a while.


   It is estimated that this trick consumes a lot.

  Seeing the bear and the beast fell to the ground, the monk also seemed to have lost his support.

   slipped to the ground.

   Li Chen cried inwardly.

   Enduring the severe pain, he stepped forward to check.

   It’s okay, he just fainted temporarily.

  Look at the sky.

  It's already fading away.

   I want to spend tonight in the killing forest.

   Li Chen first retrieved the full-fed leeches from the ground.

   Simply cleaned up some blood.

   Sprinkled some animal repelling powder around.

   Then he pulled out the Jie Dao from the giant bear, and used it as a self-defense.

   I found a big tree to lean on, drank a few sips of wine, and began to adjust my breath.

  He took Xiong Wei's full blow just now, although he was lucky enough to lose his strength.

   But it was still heartbroken.

  Transform blood and true air to circulate throughout the body.

  He was full of blood and gas, quickly repairing the wound.


   Two hours later, Li Chen recovered as before.

   At this time, the night was dark.

   Li Chen added two handfuls of firewood to the campfire.

  The injured monk also woke up slowly.

   "Brother, you finally woke up."

  The monk struggled to get up, his face still pale and yellow.

  Sharp eyes glanced around.

   It was pitch black, and the sound of insects was silent.

  Finally, his gaze was fixed on Li Chen's face.

   Then his expression warmed up.

   Li Chen hurriedly used the Interpretation Mirror to look.

【I'm alive…】

  【I'm still alive...Σ(⊙▽⊙“a】

  【I didn’t expect to meet a bear here. 】

  【If there is no blood transformation pill of this junior brother, I really have to explain it here today. 】

  【This junior looks like a scholar, he has no strength to restrain a chicken, but unexpectedly he is born with supernatural power, and dares to take the full blow of the bear beast! 】

  【He is a ruthless person, worth paying for. 】


  【Junior brother saved my life, what should I give in return? 】

  【Giving Lingshi, will it be too tacky. 】

  【Besides, I am not rich. (灬灬)】


  【With such great strength, I wonder if he can push that stone door open? 】


   It was the first time Lichen saw so many words appearing in the mirror.

  It is more drunk than "Hua Xue Jing".

  I never thought that a person's thoughts could reach this level.

  MD, with emoticons.

  This brother's mental activities are too rich.

   "Thank you."

  Thousands of words, only these two words are left on the lips.

   Good guy.

   Should I say you are concise?

   Or do you mean you have a cold face and a warm heart?

   "This senior brother, I am in the empty nest monastery, from the dust."

   "Li Ge."

  【It turned out that he came from the empty nest monastery. 】

  【I heard that the inheritance of the empty nest monastery is unique, but seeing it today is really extraordinary. 】


  【It’s just the day after tomorrow, and it’s really brave to come here. 】

  【Maybe he can help me find the Nuwa stone. 】


   Li Chen was almost speechless.

  He obviously looked indifferent, but not completely indifferent.

  The screen full of thoughts is really worrying.

   In addition, what is the Nuwa stone?

   Li Chen sighed, it's good to wake up anyway.

   "Brother Li Ge, today we can only spend the night in the woods."

  Li Ge first looked up at the sky, then nodded slightly.


  Nima only has one word this time.

  【It’s getting dark, I didn’t expect that I’ve been unconscious for so long. 】

  【Junior brother Li Chen has been by my side all the time, so touched. 】

  【When it is dawn, you have to go out immediately. 】


   Nothing to say all night.

   But better than watching ten movies.

  Brother Li Ge's inner activities are even more exciting than the script.

  He always mentioned 'Shimen' and 'Nvwa Stone' repeatedly.

  Wanting to visit Shasheng Temple has another purpose.

   Early the next morning, Li Chen woke up.

   I saw that the giant bear that was knocked down by the two together yesterday had already been dismembered into several piles by Li Ge.

   Bear skin, bear paw, bear claw, bear tendon, bear heart, bear gall...


   Li Ge saw Li Chen wake up.

   Pulled out a fist-sized, black thing from a pile of meat.

   Li Chen was taken aback for a moment, wondering what his intention was.

  Can't help turning the Jieyu mirror to look.

  【The bear bile of the bear beast is the most precious. It can be refined into a elixir that can calm the liver, improve eyesight, and increase strength. It is suitable for juniors to eat. 】

  【Just a little bit more strength, just help me push the stone door open when the time comes. 】


  【Bear claws can be made into a set of dark darts, just for self-defense. 】

  【Bear tendon can be made into a bowstring, but it doesn’t work for me, so I sold it. 】

  【This skin...】


  【In short, I'll finish it up, and I'll give benefits to the younger brother. 】

   Li Chen quickly interrupted his wild thoughts.

  Take the bear bile, and try to refine it into a elixir when you have a chance.

   This bear beast turned out to be no ordinary blind bear.

  Li Ge spread out the bear skin he had peeled, wrapped four bear paws and tendons.

   Make a big burden on your body.


  【I don’t know how the younger brother’s body is recovering. 】

  【Yesterday, in order to save me, he was hit by the mighty bear beast with all its strength. 】

  【Forcibly resisting Juli, the most likely to hurt the lungs...】

   Li Chen did suffer some minor injuries yesterday.

  But after two weeks of operation, the "Hua Xue Jing Jing" almost recovered.

  But as a veteran actor, how could he let go of this opportunity?

   "Cough cough cough cough cough..."

   "Cough cough cough cough cough..."

   Li Chen felt like he was about to cough up his lungs.

   Sure enough, guilt flashed across Li Ge's cold face.

  【It turns out that the younger brother was injured so badly. 】

  【It's really a hero to see a senior brother who has never met before, and then risk his life to save him. 】

  【This friend can make friends! 】

   "Brother, without further ado, let's go."

   Li Chen rubbed his chest, looking a little depressed.

  Li Ge nodded heavily, and walked ahead.

   Li Chen followed behind, full of thoughts in his heart.

  This brother, it took only one night, and he was able to recover as before.

  It seems that the exercises he practiced are not ordinary.

   Then think of the amazing move to kill the bear beast before.

   Li Chen became more and more certain that there must be a big secret hidden in this senior brother Li Ge!

  PS: I wish all readers and friends, auspicious and prosperous Year of the Tiger~Gong Xi Fa Cai~

  PS: Favorites, recommended tickets, investment~ Thank you, all the officials.

  (end of this chapter)

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