MTL - Look In the Mirror-v2 Chapter 645 wait for work

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  Chapter 645 Waiting for work with ease


   "Thank you for your kindness."

  Li Chen clasped his hands together and saluted eleven times. He was not polite at the moment, and directly picked up the teacup in front of him and drank it down in one gulp.

   After drinking one cup, I was still not satisfied, so I picked up the second cup and drank it down.

  He has the help of the strange beast Chi Chi, so how could he be afraid of mere Gu poison?

   Seeing Li Chen drink it, the elder Qin nodded in satisfaction, and couldn't help looking behind Li Chen.

  All the monks have experienced the incident at Landa Temple, so naturally they all know that there is a strange beast on Li Chen's body to detoxify.

  Naturally, there was no hesitation, each took a cup of tea and drank it.

"Ha ha ha ha."

   "Everyone is really... massive."

  The elder Qin stroked his beard and put his mind at ease.

  In yesterday's dream, the land master said that he hid the elixir in the Qin's ancestral hall.

  As long as the elixir is turned into tea and those evil Buddhas are induced to drink it, then they are naturally no match for the Lord of the Land.

  At this time, seeing several monks drank a pot of tea cleanly, the task assigned by the land master has been completed for the most part.

   "Benefactor Qin, you can let Miss Xin go now."

  Li Sao gave the other party a hard look.

  If it was normal, the old man in front of him might already be decapitated.

  The old Qin clan glanced at the woman on the wooden stack, then at the monk in front of him, and then stepped aside: "It's easy."

   Lichen tapped his feet, and in the blink of an eye, his figure appeared on the wooden pile.


   Standing up to form a knife, a saber energy flashed.

   Clean and crisp.

   All the ropes on Xin Yi's body were cut off.

  The whole person fell limply in Li Chen's arms.

   Turning around, the two of them had already returned to the ground.

  One kind of people only feel that the people on the wooden pile have disappeared.

  They couldn't help but feel a chill in their hearts.

  If these evil Buddhas really did something just now, the folks are no match.

  But the leader of the Qin clan elders is resolutely fearless.

  【Hmph, I have the Lord of the Earth to bless me! 】

   Li Chen supported Xin Yi, then poured some clean water for her to drink.

  She was tied to a wooden pile for a whole day, and the sun alone was enough to make people dehydrated.

   What's more, he is still a pregnant woman.

   Li Chen could not help but glance at her stomach.

  According to Jie Yujing's prompt, the fetus in her womb must be the reincarnation of the Buddha's disciple 'Golden Cicada'.

   I have to say that this 'Golden Cicada' is really full of disasters.

  Before he was born, he began to experience calamities.

  Buddha is really ruthless.

  Drinking a pot of water, Xin Yi woke up slowly, with a little more blood on his face.

  When he opened his eyes and saw Li Chen, his eyes instantly relaxed a lot.


  Li Chen nodded, signaling her not to be polite.

  At this moment, monk Yehui came over and held down Xin Yi's wrist.

  He is proficient in medical skills, and after carefully feeling the pulse, he said: "Amitabha."

   "Blessed by the Buddha, Benefactor Xin is fine except for physical and mental fatigue."

   "The fetus in the womb is also very healthy."

   "It's time to work."

   "Miss Xin, you are welcome."

  At this time, the elder of the Qin family came over again, with a face full of disdain, he said coldly: "Several mages."

   "The old man advises you to leave this place quickly, lest the land lord send down a thunderbolt method, leaving no bones left."

  As soon as these words came out, the surrounding people immediately echoed.


   "Get out of Qinzhuang!"

   "Don't make the Landlord unhappy!"

   "Yes, yes, these monks must be responsible for the sudden backache of the old woman in the past few days!"

   "I also always feel in a trance recently, is it also because of their group of evil monks?"

   "It turns out that everyone feels unwell, and it must be these evil Buddhas!"

  Li Chen took a look at them. These people's heads were covered with dark clouds, and their luck was gloomy. It was obviously a sign that the evil spirit had penetrated deeply into their bodies.

   Let’s go on like this, don’t say anything about backaches, backaches, and mental trance, it’s a problem to survive this month.

  Thinking of this, Li Chen sighed: "Amitabha."

   "All benefactors, please do it yourself."

   After speaking, he turned and left with all the monks.

  But there were bursts of shouting and cursing from behind.


   "How dare you pretend to be a wolf with a big tail!"

   "Wait for the land lord to unscrew your bald heads!"


  The night is long and the silver moon hangs high.

  From the Earth Temple under the desolate mountain, there was a wild laugh like a villain.

  After Wumengzi knew that those monks had been poisoned by Gu, he couldn't help but feel extremely satisfied with his plan.

  The face was full of thick sarcasm: "What a stupid monk."

   "Is this worth my uncle's shot?"

  “Life is really lonely like snow.”

  His hands are behind his back, his eyes are gradually distant.

   "Two more days, two more days, I will be reborn!"


  In the dark night, the wild laughter made the beasts hidden around tremble.

  ‘Quack quack~’

   Right at this moment, there was an untimely cry of crows from the sky.

   Wumengzi's smile faltered, and his brows frowned slightly.

   Stretching out his hand, a slender crow landed on his arm.

   There is still a plain brocade hanging on the crow's paw.

   "It came so fast!"

  Wumengzi narrowed his eyes slightly, showing disdain.

   "Hmph, it's best not to disturb Lao Tzu's good deeds!"


   Lichen and his party first took Xin Yi back to the Yuelai Inn, to report to the old man Zheng and his wife that they are safe.

   Afterwards, they went back to Li Chen's room together and summoned the strange beast Chi Chi.

  Suck out the 'Planning Opinion Gu Poison' from everyone.

  Putting Machine Gu, slender as an iron wire.

  Once poisoned, it will connect with the meridians of the whole body, like a puppet.

  As long as the poisoner moves his mind, it will affect his whole body.

   Even in the Miaojiang Gu poison, it is also an extremely dangerous species.

  But in front of Chi Chi, he really didn't even have a chance to stuff his teeth.

   After just a cup of tea, all the Manipulative Gu on several people's bodies had already entered Chi Chi's stomach.

  Finally, he shook his tail contentedly and returned to the Tanchan rosary.

   "Brother, what should we do next?"

  After thinking for a while, Li Chen said: "If the "Congenital Shaping Art" is to be completed, the key point is the final sacrificial ceremony."

   "This sacrificial ceremony must bring together all the congenital young children who have been purified by the evil spirit."

   "From the time point of view, the ceremony should be within a few days."

   "In order to ensure that everything goes smoothly, he will definitely get rid of our troubles before the final ceremony."

   "We drank the tea in public before, the monster must think that we have been poisoned."

   "For him, this is an excellent opportunity to do it.

  So, tomorrow and the day after tomorrow, he will definitely make a move. "

   "We just need to wait for work at leisure."

  The monks nodded upon hearing the words, and naturally they would not doubt Li Chen's analysis.

  Li Chen thought for a while and then ordered: "Agua, you go up the mountain again tomorrow morning, so that the heroes in Jiehuang Mountain are ready to fight at any time."

   "The battle of this monster is not small."

   "Okay~" Agua responded happily.

  Afterwards, the monks discussed some details and went back to their houses to sleep peacefully.

   Nothing to say all night.

  PS: Recommended tickets, monthly tickets

  (end of this chapter)