MTL - Look In the Mirror-v2 Chapter 649 farewell apprenticeship

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  Even though it has been two days, faint vomiting can still be heard in the village from time to time.

  No way, the scene that night shocked everyone's nerves.

  The ground is full of rotting corpses, rotten meat, and full of wriggling maggots.

  Dense white bones, entangled with blood, and a stench came.

  I believe that in the next period of time, there should be no more meat in their dishes.

   As for the Earth Temple?

   no longer exists.

   At that time, it had been razed to the ground.

  In order to express their gratitude, many villagers want to build a Buddha Temple in the east of the village to worship Buddha.

   But this matter was temporarily stopped because of the obstruction of the old Qin clan.

  Why do you say temporarily?

  Because since last night, the elder Qin clan has gone crazy.

  I often run to the ruins of the Earth Temple on the mountain when people are not paying attention.

   Every time I have to kowtow a hundred times before I come down.

  The family can't stop it.

   Still yelling in his mouth, the land princess fell asleep at night.

  Today is to fulfill the vow.

   Anyone with a discerning eye knows that this old thing is really crazy.

   At this time, no one trusted him at all.

  Qin Zhuang, Yuelai Inn.

  Old man Zheng can be regarded as elated.

  Before, the old Qin clan brought people to rob people in his inn.

  At that time, those people still scolded Zheng's Inn as the bane of Qinzhuang.

  If the Lord of the Land really left, he would destroy the inn.

  The elders of the Qin family even came to the door the next day to mock them.

  Looking at it now, many people realize that it was themselves who were obsessed with obsession.

  So when I saw old man Zheng, I avoided walking.


  Early in the morning, old man Zheng walked around the Zhuangzi, and as soon as he returned to the inn, he saw Master Xinguang and other monks.

   "Amitabha, Amitabha."

   "Masters... are you waiting for me?"

  Old man Zheng looked at several people with their bags on their backs, as if they were waiting for him to come back.

   "Benefactor Zheng, fate comes and goes, it's time for me to leave."

  Master Xinguang smiled and saluted.

  Old man Zheng was surprised when he heard this: "Masters, why don't you stay for two more days?"

   "Although this Qinzhuang is barren, there are a few delicacies that are quite outstanding. It is not too late to wait for the old man to display all the dishes, and wait for the masters to taste them before leaving."

  When they heard about the food, Li Sao and Agua were all excited.

   But Li Chen shook his head: "Amitabha."

   "Benefactor Zheng's kindness, I appreciate it."

   "If there is a chance, I will come to Qinzhuang again to taste the craftsmanship of the donor."

  Old man Zheng is very good at observing words and expressions. In the past few days, he has already known that a group of monks are all respected by Li Chen.

  Seeing the other party talking at this time, I already know in my heart that it is useless to persuade the other party to stay.

  But he still has one thing on his mind, and he doesn't know how to speak.

  It was Monk Yehui who saw the hesitation on his face, so he asked: "Benefactor Zheng, but what else do you need to explain?"

  Old man Zheng smiled awkwardly: "I do have something to ask for."

   Monk Xinguang smiled when he heard the words: "Benefactor Zheng has something to say, just say it."

   "If I and the others are within their abilities, I will do my best."

  Old man Zheng's eyes lit up when he heard the words, and he actually used the thick-skinned skills he had practiced in business for many years: "Then the old man is here to thank all the masters."

   Can't help but make a deep salute directly to the monks.

   Made the monks dumbfounded.

   Is this old man going to rely on the big guy?

  When everyone saw him acting like this, they immediately laughed and said, "Benefactor Zheng, come and listen to me."

   "Mages, wait a moment."

   After speaking, he turned his head and whispered a few words to the waiter.

   Soon the shop assistant ran away.

   Not long after, Mrs. Six hurried to the front hall with the child in her arms.

   "The benefactor is leaving?"

  It is said that children are the heart and soul of mothers.

  Since Lichen helped her son get rid of the evil spirit, the child has recovered to health.

   Even got flushed with aura, and his physique improved a lot.

  From then on, the woman called all monks benefactors.


   "I waited a long time to go out this time, so I have to go back earlier."

"I see."

  Before the woman could say a few more words to inquire about her health, it was the old man Zheng who waved his hand to signal her to put the child down.

   "Yun'er, hurry up! Kowtow to the master!"

  The child was also clever, he broke free from his embrace in a short time, and came to Li Chen, without any explanation, he knelt down directly.


   This master called out simply, but Li Chen was startled.


   "I can't make it, I can't make it."

   Li Chen hurriedly got down and picked up the child.

  This child looks cute, although he is young, he has more than a hundred hearts.

  It's really cute.

   "Little Yuner, would you like to shave your head bald?"

   "I do!"

  His voice is childish, but his eyes are very firm.

   This startled the old man next to him.

   He only had this bloodline in his late 70s, so how can anyone cut him off?


   "Master, lay disciple, lay disciple~"

  Of course Li Chen knew what old man Zheng was thinking, but just now he deliberately frightened old man Zheng.

   Seeing old man Zheng with a layer of sweat on his head, he couldn't help feeling amused.

   "I see."

   After finishing speaking, he stretched out his hand to touch the child's head and said, "It's a pity, if Xiao Yun'er has the qualifications to become a monk, then he has a bright future."

   "Oh, I can't make it~"


  Li Chen raised the corner of his mouth, and put the child down: "Benefactor Zheng, I understand the intention of the benefactor."

   "It's just the noble son and the monk, there is no relationship between master and apprentice~"

   After speaking, he looked at the smiling monk Xinguang.

   Monk Xinguang kept counting with his left hand, but his expression was unpredictable.

  Old man Zheng saw this, and quickly told his son: "Yun'er, kneel down to Master."

   "This is your master!"

  The little baby looked at the big monk with big shoulders and round waist, he hesitated for a moment, and then knelt down.

  But the monk Xinguang smiled and said: "Little benefactor, my heart is not sincere."

  After speaking and helping him up, he turned his head to look at old man Zheng: "I also have no relationship with Takako as a mentor and apprentice."


  Old man Zheng was disappointed.

  After the Qin Zhuang Earth Temple incident, he wanted his son to step into the practice.

  Cultivation emphasizes inheritance from teachers and inheritance.

  In the whole world, there is no better master than a few monks.

  So old man Zheng wanted his son to worship under the names of several masters.

  But looking at it now, after all, I think too much.

   Is my son not qualified to practice?

  He couldn't help asking himself.

  But the monk Xinguang smiled and said: "Benefactor Zheng, don't think too much."

   "Your son is beautiful, smart and cute. It's not because he doesn't have the qualifications for cultivation, or because I don't want to be a disciple."

   "It's that he is destined to have a good teacher."

  Old man Zheng raised his head involuntarily when he heard the words, his voice trembled: "Master Xinguang is serious?!"

   "It's true!"

  Monk Xinguang counted with his left hand, looking serious, and then slowly said: "Just wait until tomorrow morning, let him go out at Mao."

   "The first person you meet wearing a bamboo hat is his master."