MTL - Look In the Mirror-v2 Chapter 699 love pig riding

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  Chapter 699 Passionate about riding pigs

   Li Geng was relieved when he learned that the elder had sent someone to rescue him.

   It's just that my head is still groggy.

  I always feel that I have forgotten a lot of important things.

  But whenever I try to think back, I start to have a splitting headache.

   Gradually, he didn't dare to recall too much, but often sat alone on the stool in a daze.

  Even the younger brother who took care of him, Li Shu, was worried.

   "Brother...Which brother in our temple rides a pig?"

   Li Geng, who was in a daze, asked such a question so suddenly that even he was surprised.

  When Li Shu heard the words, he was full of embarrassment: "This... there is indeed a junior in our temple who loves riding pigs~"

   "It's just...just...he and senior brother..."

   Li Geng was stunned for a moment, not understanding why the other party suddenly stuttered: "Junior brother, but it's okay to say."

   "Cough cough." Li Shu slightly raised his head, seeing that Li Geng's face was normal, he was relieved.

   "Speaking of which, there was a misunderstanding between the senior and the senior?"

   "O? Who is it?"

   "Empty Nest Buddhist Temple, Li Sao."

   "Empty Nest Buddhist Temple? Li Sao?"

  Hearing this dharma name, Li Geng froze in place again.

  He seems to have heard the name, and it is unforgettable.

  But when I think about it again, my head starts to hurt again.

  Seeing his pale face and standing there blankly, Monk Li Shu couldn't help sighing: It seems that the senior brother still hasn't come out of the shadow of the past.

  A few years ago, Li Geng was punished for three years, and everything was caused by Li Sao.

  So he felt extremely familiar with this name.

   But during this period of time, he has forgotten too many things, and even this name that he regrets so far only has some vague memories.

   Li Geng clasped his head in his hands, and in the severe pain, the image of a monk came to mind.

   "A face full of meat? It doesn't look like it~"

   Li Geng was taken aback again: "Why would I say that he has a face full of flesh?"

  Heart-eating Gu, as an existence that once made the entire world of cultivating immortals turn pale, has a layer of mystery in itself.

   It is recorded in the book that this kind of Gu worm can bite the brain and destroy memory.

  So anyone who has been infected by the Heart-biting Gu will gradually lose their memory.

  And the Gu species can brainwash the parasites through the Gu mother.

   Just like Li Geng at this time, although I lost a lot of memories, I often blurted out many strange things.

   "Empty Nest Buddhist Temple, Li Sao?"

   Li Geng shook his head, he seemed to have forgotten the headache he had just now.

  I only remember that in the empty nest monastery there was a young fellow named Lisao who loved to ride pigs and had a full face.

  Sitting so much that he wanted to move, Li Geng stretched his waist, and decided to go to the empty-nest Buddhist monastery for a stroll.

   Let's meet that junior brother's wild boar mount.

  Why would I be interested in a wild boar?

   Li Geng didn't understand either.


  Empty Nest Buddhist Temple.

  A meditation room in the corner.

  Li Sao sneaked into the room, and when closing the door, he didn't forget to look left and right.

   After making sure that no one was paying attention, he carefully closed the door.

   "Ahem, it's time to eat~" Li Sao said softly, and then put the food on the table.

  The next moment, the cabinet in the room was opened from the inside, and a woman in a monk's robe came out.

  Her hair is dark red, like a flame in a mass of ashes, and her skin is also unusual, showing a pure natural wheat yellow.

  Even wearing monk robes, she still couldn't hide her proud figure.

  The woman poked her head out, seeing that the person who came was Li Sao, she put down her guard and walked out.

  Chixiaodou has been successfully transformed for two days.

  But because of the strict security at the Shasheng Temple, she couldn't escape at all.

   Helpless, she can only hide in Lisao's hut, waiting for the opportunity.

   "Why turnips and greens again!"

   "Is this feeding pigs?" Chi Xiaodou frowned, his face full of displeasure.

   Li Sao was stunned for a moment, thinking to herself, maybe she was just feeding pigs, but her face was full of smiles: "Girl, why is this a temple, and everyone eats like this~"

  Actually, the monks in Shasheng Temple do not avoid meat at all, and Xiangji Kitchen has delicious meat.

   There is even a big pigsty in the Shasheng Temple, and several villagers are hired to look after it.

   But the woman in front of her is a wild boar after all.

   Giving a pig demon to eat pork is exciting~

   "No fun!"

   Chixiaodou fiddled with it a few times, but still ate it honestly.

   She didn't have the slightest liking for this stupid monk in front of her.

  Who can have a good face after being ridden for so long?

  Li Sao only saw her before she transformed into a human form, but she didn't know Chi Xiaodou's true identity.

  Looking at the displeased woman in front of her, she secretly thought in her heart: next time I will serve you two bowls of braised pork~


   After just a cup of tea, Chixiaodou burped.

   "It's over~"

  She patted her stomach and walked away, only Li Sao was left staring at the empty bowl in front of her in a daze.

  ‘Isn’t your food delicious? '

  For this woman in front of her, Li Sao had a very strange feeling in her heart.

  He didn't know how to describe it, no matter how much the woman disliked him, he was not angry at all.

   On the contrary, you will feel very happy.

  If Lichen was here, he would definitely exclaim 'Lick the dog'.

  The pig became a man, and the man became a dog.

  At present, she is as beautiful as Li Sao, and she can't help but feel her heart fluttering.

   After all, he is still at the end of adolescence, and there is a little affection, and the Buddha should understand it.

   What's more, Li Sao has ridden him for so long, and it seems understandable to serve him for a few days.

   "Miss, do you have any other orders?" Li Sao asked with a smile all over her face.

  Chi Xiaodou didn't even look at him: "This dress is almost rotten, and I don't know how to get a new one for Miss Ben."

   "Don't worry, girl~ I've made a note of it."

   "Write down what? Have I finished?" Chi Xiaodou turned her head and gave him a blank look.

   Li Sao just stood there and giggled, smiling happily.

   "The clothes have to be new, no one has worn them!"

   "I have to wash it twice, understand?"

   "Understood, I understand, I will follow suit~"

  Li Sao licked her face, picked up the bowl and chopsticks, and walked out of the room.

  In the room, Chixiaodou burst out laughing.

   "What a silly monk."

   "I've been riding this girl for so long, I have to command you well~"


  Relying on the little memory left in his mind, Li Geng finally found the empty nest monastery.

  He stood at the door and looked at the courtyard, and it was just like the name, empty.

   "Then why did the monk come~"

   Li was stunned for a moment, followed the sound, and saw a rope hanging upside down from the chamfered eaves of the house, and a four or five-year-old child was hanging upside down under the rope.

  The child bared his teeth and had a layer of fluff growing on his body. From a distance, he looked like a monkey.


   "What a woolen yarn."

   "What are you doing here?"

   "Ahem, I'm here to look for Junior Brother Li Sao."

   "Oh, that's my master." Huai Sheng's eyes were extremely agile.

   "My master is practicing, and generally does not see outsiders."

  (end of this chapter)