MTL - Look In the Mirror-v2 Chapter 716 undercurrent

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  Chapter 716 Undercurrent surging

   "Nuanfeng Pavilion??"

  The third owner, He Feiyu, frowned, forgetting to fan the feather fan in his hand.

   Just now, Huang Daxian passed through the Gu mother and fell into a dream.

   Then he reported everything he saw and heard in the dream to He Feiyu.

   "It's just for shelter from the wind and rain?"

  Huang Daxian nodded firmly: "You can't go wrong."

   "But this Nuanfeng Pavilion probably has other uses, but ordinary disciples don't know it yet."

   After finishing speaking, he found a pen and paper, drew the appearance of the 'Warm Wind Pavilion' he saw, and presented it to He Feiyu.

  He Feiyu looked at something similar to a small pavilion in the field, but couldn't help feeling a little contemptuous in his heart.

  The majestic millennium faction would actually create such a ridiculous thing when it was about to go to war.

   Even though this pavilion-like Nuanfeng Pavilion is useful, how can it hold up under the attack of my monster army?

   Heh, Shasheng Temple, let me, He Feiyu, become the stepping stone to become famous all over the world!

  He Feiyu's ambition is not just a small killing temple.

  In his eyes, he sees the whole demon clan, the whole world.

  Humans should be slaves of the monster race!

  He wants to unify the demon clan and fight Huanglong like Hong Huangyu Hongshan did many years ago.

  More aggressive than her, more bold than her.

   It has been more than a thousand years.

   It's time to return this world to the Yaozu!


  Three days passed in a hurry.

   Both sides are already undercurrents.

  Sasheng Temple guards the Sasheng Peaks and Sasheng Forest.

  At this moment, Qianji Jiange has spread all over the main roads of Shangxiashasheng Temple.

  Looking from a distance, there are small pavilions all over the mountains and plains.

  It adds a bit of style out of thin air to the originally slightly desolate Shasheng Mountain.

   Among them, the disciples of the major sects were sent to various places to guard.

  Because there are organs in the Jiange, which need to be manipulated with special thousand-machine techniques, there are at least two disciples of Wulu Chanyuan in each Jiange.

  While the Yaozu from the Wanshou Mountain Villa on the opposite side saw the small black pavilions on the Shasheng Mountain, they couldn't help gloating a little more.

   "Haha, these bald donkeys don't forget the wind and snow before they die."

   "The human race is so weak, do you think you can stop me by building a small pavilion?"

   "Hahaha, if I slap and fan out, half the mountain will shake~"

   "Not to mention those pavilions."


  In the big tent of the Yaozu, He Feiyu was discussing the details with the various ministries of the Yaozu.

  The big formation he set up is called "the formation of all plants and trees".

  This is the strange array he created based on the innate environment of the killing temple.

  Lihuang has been mountainous since ancient times, and it is said that there are 100,000 mountains.

  The Shasheng Temple is at the southernmost tip of Shiwanda Mountain.

  All entrances and exits are surrounded by mountains.

   Originally, it should be a good place that is easy to defend and difficult to attack, but the Shasheng Temple has been closed for two hundred years, and its vitality has already been seriously injured.

  How can there be so many disciples who can hold on to so many hills outside the gate.

  So simply shrink the front line, gather the disciples in the killing temple, and form a full defensive position.

   This happened to be cheap for the Yaozu in Longevity Villa.

  They took advantage of the situation to occupy the mountains, forming a situation of encirclement.

   The momentum alone has already won three points.

  In addition, the Shasheng Temple has been in decline for many years, and it has been closed for two hundred years. It was not until recent years that it finally regained some vitality.

   But even so, there are no more than 800 monks and 200 lay disciples in Hesi Temple.

  Even with the support of various sects, there will be no more than 2,000 people in total.

   On the other hand, the monster race has a long lifespan and has caught up with the prosperity of luck. It has multiplied for thousands of years, which is already countless.

   This time, the number of demon clans was ten times that of Shashengsi.

  He Feiyu, the owner of the third villa, is well versed in the formation of troops.

   There is a saying in the art of war: if the enemy is ten, encircle him; if five, attack him;

  So He Feiyu directly chose the method of siege.

   And the reason why they have been besieging but not attacking is another reason.

  The formation method pays attention to the timing, location, and harmony of people.

   Surrounded by mountains, it is a favorable location.

   Surrounded by ten, it is for the harmony of people.

  The only thing that the Yaozu lacks is the time.

  For the human race, among the three talents, the most important is 'human harmony'.

   And for the Yaozu, the most important thing is 'time of day'!

  Because the transformation method practiced by the Yaozu is all passed down from the ancient "Taiyin Lianzhen Chapter".

  This method is based on swallowing the moon as the foundation of the monster clan, and it is the supreme way for the monster clan.

  But later, Yaozu was divided into three parts, and the "Taiyin Lianzhen Chapter" mastered by the three schools is not the complete version, and the method of transformation has its own shortcomings.

  So the power of the Yaozu will change with the moon's waxing and waning.

  When there is no moon in the sky, the power of the Yaozu is the weakest.

   When the moon is full in the sky, the power of the Yaozu is the strongest.

  At this moment, a bright moon that is about to be full is hanging on the top of the mountains.

  The moonlight shines everywhere, and the silver is scattered all over the wasteland.

  The same moon is reflected in different pupils.

   Outside the big tent, there is a scene of emptiness.

   This is a high mountain, which can have a panoramic view of everything in the mountains.

  Including the ancient temple in the distance.

  On a proudly standing rock, there is a dark shadow of the author.

  He hunched over and his whole body was hidden in the cloak.

  Even if it is far away, it makes people feel a chill.

  He is the second owner of Longevity Villa, Snake Saint Fan Yuya.

  At this moment, Fan Yuya raised his head slightly, and the silver moonlight shone on a pale and cold face.

  Especially those pupils condensed into a vertical line, as if to cut the moon in the sky.

  Under the cloak, he stretched out his right hand, with surging spiritual power, which vaguely condensed into a cloud of black mist, echoing the moon in the sky.

   "Soon, soon..."

  The corners of Fan Yuya's mouth were raised, revealing a chilling whiteness.

  White moonlight, white face, and white smile.


  Sasheng Temple.

  The highest point of the Ksitigarbha Sutra Pavilion.

  The silver moonlight passed through the window sill and sprinkled on the room, like a layer of frost.

  A clean figure turned its back to the candles in the room.

  Looking blankly at the moon in the sky.

  I don't know why, but his back always gives people a kind of unresolved melancholy.

  Like Fan Yuya standing on the top of the mountain, he also stretched out his palm.

  The hand, which was as white as jade, also gushed out majestic spiritual power.

  It's just that his spiritual power is pure and flawless, and there is still a faint stream of light flickering.


  Monk Mi Jian let out a long sigh.

   "Is it really coming?"


   At the same time, sent to Zen Palace.

  The three elders also looked at the moon in the sky in a trance.

  One more day...the night of the full moon.

   If there is no accident, the Yaozu will definitely attack at that time.

  Zen Master Huiming frowned worriedly.

   Subconsciously looking to the side, the dark junior brother closed his eyes, his lips moved quickly, as if he was reciting the "Prajna Heart Sutra".

  Hui Ming curled his lips, what's the use of holding Buddha's feet temporarily.

   Look to the other side again.

  Zen Master Obscure looked at the moon in the sky, with no sadness or joy on his face, and an eternal peace in his eyes.

  The moonlight shone on his monk robe, making him look extremely holy.

  The astonishment on Monk Huiming's face flashed across: "Brother's Zen mind must have been accomplished!"

  (end of this chapter)

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