MTL - Look In the Mirror-v2 Chapter 720 small killing array

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  Chapter 720 Small killing array


  A pair of phantoms with huge horns passed through the void and crashed into the marrow washing peak abruptly.

  The whole mountain seemed to shake a few times.

  Many disciples were slightly injured.

   And just as they supported each other to stand up again.

  The earth began to tremble slightly again.

   This trembling is very weak, but unusually regular.

   It's like a galloping horse, with great waves.

  And as the tremor lasts longer, the amplitude begins to become larger and larger.


   Another extremely violent impact.

  The whole mountain is shaking.

"not good!"

  Mr. Mu Duo, who was standing on a high place, had already witnessed all this.

   "If this continues, Xisuifeng may not be able to hold on."

  Obviously, the combination of 'bull head and horse face' was somewhat beyond his expectation.

  The bull's head collided, and the horse galloped.

   Not to mention the entire Xisui Peak, even the nearby Muduo Mountain looks crumbling.

  The disciples stationed there at this moment must be unbearable.

  But soon, Mr. Mu Duo groaned, and raised the ruler in his hand.

   Pointing slightly in the air.

  The disciple who sent the letter behind him hurriedly waved the small flag.

   Soon, a **** light appeared in the distance.


  Below Xisui Peak, Li Sorrow is sitting upright.

  A long time ago, in the Blood Sea Secret Realm, his face was injured by a blood clam, and he almost died.

   In the end, he was rescued by Li Chen, and only then did he take a small life.

  Since then, his temperament has changed drastically.

  Concentrate on practicing with one heart, no more distracting thoughts.

   And get three points of Buddhist enlightenment from the Buddha, and teach several scriptures.

  So the cultivation base improved by leaps and bounds.

  Years ago, he even won the leader of the Inner Sect Grand Competition.

   Even Lige and Farewell, the most popular songs, can only bow down.

  So Mr. Mu Duo asked him to guard this important place.

  Compared with cultivation, Lichou's Zen mind has made remarkable progress due to long-term study of Buddhist principles.

  At this moment, the sky was shaking, and everyone in Qianji Jiange couldn't even keep their feet steady.

  But Lichou sat motionless on the same spot, with the determination to keep a mountain collapsed in front of him without changing his face.


   "Brother!" A disciple who had just got up was full of timidity and couldn't help but want to retreat.

   "Brother, let's..."

   "Amitabha." Li Chou clasped his hands together and saluted eleven times, but directly interrupted the next words of the younger brother.

   "Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva, when practicing the deep prajna paramita for a long time, sees that all five aggregates are empty, and overcomes all hardships."

  His voice was deep and hoarse, which was incompatible with the situation at this moment.

   But the voice was like a dagger, abruptly cutting off the reverie in everyone's mind.

  The same passage of scriptures, his feeling is very different from the parting reading.

  Parting is devotion to scriptures, he is a follower of Buddha.

  And Lichou is the narrator of the scriptures, and he himself is a Buddha.

  As soon as the sound came out, the entire Jiange immediately settled down again.


  In fact, Li Chou knew in his heart that at such a critical moment, Mr. Mu Duo did not issue orders, which meant that he had other arrangements.

   Sure enough, it was as he expected.

  In the north of Xisui Peak.

  Here is surrounded by mountains on three sides, leading to the foot of the mountain.

   At this time, the "horn array" and "horse shoe array" laid out by the "bull head and horse face" at the foot of the mountain are all gathered here.

  Niu Ben and Ma Qianchao served as the core of the two formations respectively.

   All the power in one.

  Strengthen your own shape and combine the two into one.

  The horn of the bull is 'penetrating', and the hoof of the horse is 'shocking'.

  Everywhere you go, everything is destroyed.

   Even Xisui Peak, a mountain range strengthened by mechanical techniques, could not help but crumble.

  This is also the reason why He Feiyu, the owner of the third villa, let the two be the pioneers.

  Let them clear the way and get twice the result with half the effort.

  It's just... In the whole world, not only Longevity Villa has formations.

  As the Shasheng Temple inherited from Styx, formation is also the master's skill.

  Following Mr. Muduo's ruler.

  A red light flashed across the sky.

  Xishui Peak, Muduo Mountain, and Shasheng Mountain, where the three mountains merge, suddenly bursts of red awns.

  Like a blossoming mandala flower.

   Coquettish, mysterious, full of the atmosphere of hell.

   This is the "Small Shasheng Formation" that the second-generation abbot of Shasheng Temple learned from "The Great Shasheng Formation".

  The second-generation abbot is best at array and divination.

He once set up the "Slaying Great Formation" of the ancestor Minghe outside the killing temple, but he also knew through divination that the "killing big formation" can only protect the Shasheng Temple for 800 years, and after 800 years, the big formation will not help , turned into a negative burden.

  So he hid the formation within the formation, which is the "Little Killing Formation" in front of him.

  Although the range of this formation is not as large as that of "The Great Formation of Killing Lives", it can concentrate superior forces, and its power is still higher than that of "The Great Formation of Killing Lives".

   Datura blossoms.

   Even the air smells of blood.

  The demon clan who were killing so loudly just now are all wrapped in red at this moment.

   An extremely gentle wind blows by.

  The suits all over the floor flew into the sky.


  Countless petals spread out in the sky, turning into extremely sharp blood blades.



   There were screams one after another.

  The vanguard of the Yaozu was flooded by the rain of petals.

  The blades all over the sky, each one is transformed by the murderous aura of the blood pool.

  Murderous aura is the most effective against Shengmen.

  Below Xisui Peak is the birth gate of the Yaozu Great Formation.

  So as soon as "Little Killing Formation" was released, it seemed to directly block the life gate of the monster army.

  At this moment, under the Xisui Peak, only the bull-headed horse face can barely block the edge of the petals with the protective energy.

  The rest of the monster races were all turned into minced meat under the rain of flower petals.

  Niu Ben and Ma Qianchao stood in a pool of blood, looking blankly at the looming Xisui Peak in the red mist, as if they had really become the messengers of hell.

   They want to run.

  But how could Mr. Mu Duo give them this chance?

  The large formation opened, and two monk shadows suddenly appeared in the sea of ​​corpses and blood.


  The faint Buddha's name seems to have rescued all the souls of the dead here.

  Ji Yong and Ji Yun, one on the left and one on the right, came slowly towards the bull's head and horse.

  moo moo moo~

  Xi Rhythm~

  Niu Ben and Ma Qianchao looked at each other, already understanding.

  The door of life is broken, and it is absolutely impossible to run away.

   All he can do now is fight to the death with the two monks in front of him.

  So the two of them changed out of their original forms by coincidence.

   One is a copper-horned demon ox, and the other is a purple-hoofed frost foal.

   All are ancient beasts.

  The only advantage they have left now is probably the moon hanging in the sky.

  moo moo moo~

  Xi Rhythm~

  One black and one white, two figures killed the two monks in front of them.



  A cry pierced the sky.

   On the small hill opposite to Shasheng Mountain, He Feiyu looked at the water mirror in front of him, and the feather fan in his hand was clenched more and more tightly.

  The people of the demon clan followed suit one by one.

   Not one chose to back down.

   Until the end, there were only two figures left on the battlefield.

   He even watched the bull-headed horse face with his own eyes, these two favorite generals whom he valued the most.

  Knocked down by those two monks...

  He Feiyu couldn't bear to look any longer, and tremblingly put down his feather fan.

   His eyes turned to the warm wind pavilion on the other side.


  Suddenly, the feather fan waved.

  The horn sounded again.

   Thanks to book friend 2 for non-100 rewards, book friend 20220507064041263100 rewards~



  (end of this chapter)

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