MTL - Lord of Mysteries 2: Circle of Inevitability-Chapter 101 Different abilities (ask for a monthly ticket)

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After hearing the sound of jingling, her shoulders became extremely cold, and she couldn't find the source of danger, Liya's first reaction was to use a "paper doll stand-in".

Her body quickly became smaller and thinner, turning into a well-cut paper figurine.

The paper figurine quickly darkened and turned yellow and brittle in an instant, as if it had been placed for more than ten or twenty years.

Without a sound, the aged pale yellow paper figurine disintegrated into countless tiny pieces.

Liya's figure was re-outlined at the stairs, still holding the previous kerosene lamp in her hand, but the next second, she felt her shoulders getting cold again.

Suddenly, she raised her right hand and pinched the top of the bridge of her nose.

She activated "spiritual vision", and then looked at the glass window in the opposite room.

Under the night outside, under the dim light of the kerosene lamp, the glass of the washing room is almost like a mirror, showing Liya's upper body.

On each of his two shoulders is a baby with a transparent mold lake!

The faces of the two babies were round and fleshy, their skin was pale and bluish, and their expressions were extremely distorted.

At this time, they all bent down and brought their mouths to Leah's neck, as if they were sucking something.

Seeing this, Liya not only didn't panic, but was relieved.

It's better to discover the source of the anomaly than to have nothing at all.

In this way, she can distinguish the nature of the problem and make targeted choices.

like now!

Leah pulled out the exquisite silver pistol, aimed at the transparent and terrifying baby on her left shoulder, and pulled the trigger.


A golden bullet flew out of the muzzle, lingering in illusory flames.

The baby immediately let out a cry of "Wah-wah-wah", and flew away from Leah's arms with a golden flame that burned it.


Leah fired another shot up the other arm.

The fiercely burning baby ghost wailed and flew towards the end of the corridor following its companion.

A female figure appeared there, with blue eyes, soft features, round face, and loose black hair. She seemed to be the mistress of the church, Pierre the shepherd, Berry's sister, Sibyl. berry.

Her skin was covered with a layer of blue, and there were two suspected sarcoid tumors on both sides of her neck.

The two babies of the transparent mold lake flew back to her shoulders, each sucked the corresponding "sarcomas", and were breastfeeding.

As they suck, the golden flame that ignites them dies.

However, Liya will not just watch and aim at Sybil. Berry, pull the trigger.

With a bang, the gold-like bullet passed through, only a few meters away, and hit Sybil's head accurately.

Sybil didn't know why, but she didn't try to avoid it, and a **** hole appeared on her forehead in an instant.

Inside the cave, milky white and blood red were intertwined, and the illusory golden flames quickly devoured them.

Only when Sybil fell down, losing any signs of life, the two blue-faced transparent babies wept bitterly and disappeared.

That solves it? Liya couldn't believe it at all.

The little silver bells on her veil and boots were still jingling, more violently than before!

In an instant, Liya felt something cold growing rapidly in her body.

She hurriedly looked towards the laundry room, looked at the glass window there, and saw that the skin on her face had turned blue at some point.

In the next second, her body degenerated into a paper doll.

The paper figurine crumpled into a ball by itself and fell heavily to the floor.

Liya's figure appeared in the laundry room, but the feeling that something cold was growing in her body did not disappear.

Almost at the same time, a soft voice sounded in her ears: "I signed a contract with a strange spirit creature, and I can use its special characteristics. No matter who kills me, I can be reborn in his body , occupying his body."

"You are very beautiful, I like it very much, and Hondo Kamiura should like it too..."

Hearing Sybil's words, Liya rushed out of the laundry room with a silver-white pistol and a kerosene lamp without even thinking about it.

He's going to find Valentine, exorcism is one of the things the "Sun" domain is good at and they're very restrained about things like that!

Valentine was trapped in the area near the balcony, which was surrounded by jet-black, thorny vines that hung down from the roof, and were full of blood-colored vines. Giant, foul-smelling flowers.

Valentine half-opened his arms, allowing golden flames to burst out of thin air, burning the weird surroundings.

At this moment, a figure stood out from midair. He was wearing a white gold silk robe, with short black hair, serious blue eyes, and a slightly hooked nose. It was Guillaume, the parish priest of Kordu Village. Bene.

After ending his invisibility, he floated in mid-air, looked at Valentine below, and whispered in ancient Hermetic language: "Valentine!"

Accompanied by this sound, there seemed to be a dark light flickering inside the priest's robe.

This is Guillaume. Bennet used the special ability of the "deeded person" to obtain from a certain spirit creature: by calling out the target's real name, it affected his mental body and caused him to experience dizziness and other reactions.

In this process, the closer the language used is to nature, the closer to the extinction world, and the more you know the real situation of the target, the better the effect.

If the strength of his own spirit body is much stronger than that of the opponent, he can even directly draw out the enemy's spirit, making him completely unable to resist.

Hearing the call of the priest in the church, Valentine's mind froze suddenly, and his whole body suddenly became dizzy, making it difficult to think for a while.

However, he quickly controlled this state and regained his sobriety.

Since entering the village of Cordu, he has not reported his full name, curate Guillaume. Bene's ability will definitely not have a very good effect.

Guillaume. Bene didn't expect to be able to succeed, and before Valentine completely got rid of the dizziness, he threw a prepared human bone.

Pa, as the bone fell to the ground, the priest in the mid-air quickly said in Hermes: "I can't see, I can't hear, I can't wake up."

It was a curse, the same for Guillaume. The ability Bene obtained through the contract: Throwing bones that symbolize the dead, making the target blind, hearing, and opening their eyes like a dead person.

Valentine is currently not sleeping anymore, so it is natural that he will not be unable to wake up, but the dizziness that has not completely disappeared on his body has obviously increased, so that his vision is blurred, his ears are buzzing, and he cannot see more than three meters things, can not hear the sound outside the range.

Seizing this opportunity, the priest of the church stretched out his right palm, his blue eyes suddenly became lighter, so transparent that they seemed to be empty.

Around Valentine, there appeared one after another mercury-colored complex symbols that seemed to be intertwined by small rivers. They formed a mighty, rippling illusory long river.

There are countless tributaries in the lower reaches of this long river, and as the main trunk advances, most of them are swallowed up, and only one goes down.

Guillaume. Bene observed for a few seconds, before Valentine broke free from the curse of inaudible, invisible, and sensory failure, he grabbed one of the mercury symbols.

He wants to amplify the corresponding tributary, so that Valentine's fate of being paralyzed by the surrounding abyss magic flowers will become a reality.

The shadow on the side raised his ax and slashed at Ryan. The sharp warrior dodged in time and dropped the kerosene lamp he had been carrying.

His body surface was quickly covered with silver-white full-body armor, and in his hand was a huge sword that condensed light.

Dang Dang Dang Dang Dang!

While slashing continuously, Lai En smashed the shadow back to the wall, and at the same time covered the surrounding area with bits of morning light.

Dispels shadows from this area.

The black, pale, strange, or terrifying arms that were supposed to protrude from behind the shadows were suddenly pushed far away, making it difficult to grab Lain's body.

In the sound of Dang, the shadow completely retracted into the wall and became normal.

It then disappeared under the light of the morning sun.

The remaining shadow not far away grew bigger, and the shepherd Pierre, wearing a long coat and a hood, came out. berry.

He bent down slightly, held the axe, and rushed towards Lai En.

Every time he took a step, a certain power accumulated in his body was unsealed, and after a few steps, Pierre. Berry obviously didn't grow taller, but he seemed to have the posture and strength of a giant.

Lai En opposite him was also much bigger, holding the "Sword of Dawn" in both hands, slashing at the enemy who was rushing like a bison.


The giant sword and the ax collided together, sparking a series of sparks.

Pierre. Bailey and Ryan stepped back at the same time, one took a walk to stabilize their figure, and the other took only one step.

Ryan stepped on his back and grabbed Pierre. Before Bailey had a chance to stand still, he suddenly rushed over and slammed in front of him.

Just then, Pierre. Bailey opened his mouth, and his tongue strangely turned into a strange chameleon, the chameleon's head was sandwiched between its legs, and one front foot was stuffed into its mouth.

Upon seeing the chameleon, Ryan's head ached so badly that the attack he was trying to make failed to complete.

Headache cursed!

Shepherd Pierre. The ability that Bailey acquired with a contract from a strange spirit who liked to study various curses during his lifetime.

Seizing the opportunity of Ryan's headache, he let the receding shadow come back, and launched a violent attack on the opponent.

Dangdangdang's sound, Lai En was knocked back continuously.

At the same time as there was movement outside, Lumian quickly turned over and sat up, and instinctively said to Aurora next to him: "There is an abnormality!" Go out and join Lai En and the others!

This is one of the reasons Lai En repeatedly told the siblings.

In the event of an attack, try to get closer to each other, a team that cooperates with each other is far better than five people fighting alone!

"Okay!" Aurora left the bed, reached out to touch the secret pocket of the long skirt, and ran to the door.

Lumian had just approached the open door when he suddenly saw a person.

It was Michel, the copy priest, wearing a white gold silk robe. Garrigou.

The handsome curly-haired young man smiled at Lumian with empty eyes, "Do you want to pray?"

With a pop, Lumian pulled out the ax with his backhand and smashed it on Michelle's neck.

Michelle's head tilted, but a lot of blood flowed out. He looked sideways at Lumian, and asked with a bright smile as if nothing had happened, "Do you want to pray?"

Lumian was about to pick up the ax and cut again, when he broke the guy's neck, he suddenly had a strong premonition of danger. Relying on the terrifying flexibility of "Dancer", he suddenly turned around and slashed the ax behind his back.

In the next second, his eyes froze.

He saw Aurora.

Aurora's light blue eyes became extremely hollow at some point, and she was throwing the powder made from some kind of tree in her hand at Lumian.

Looking at her sister's familiar face, Lumian's ax became slower and slower until it stopped.

He even forgot to dodge the crackling sound, and then a cloud of silver-white lightning fell on Lumian's head.

He fainted. His vision was dark.

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