MTL - Lord of the Myriad Demons-Chapter 1 Su Dizong

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  Chapter 1: Establishing Emperor Suzong

   "Please invite any three of the following creatures to create a new force... This is true..."

  Su Yi was sitting on the seat in the last row, reading the text displayed on the screen of the mobile phone, with a complicated expression, and his eyes swept down, a series of names dazzled him.

   Wang Jianxian!

  Meng Elong!

   Patriarch Blood Crow!

  Wu Qingyao!

  Taishan Lixian!

   Cang Lei Wolf King!


  These names looked extremely domineering, making Su Yi take a deep breath.

  He is in a university classroom. This year he is in the first semester of his freshman year. The counselor is talking about the start of school in the lecture hall. Only half of the fifty-six students are listening, and most of them are playing with their mobile phones.

  Su Yi sat alone at the end, looking quite lonely.

  At this moment, his heart was in shock and excitement. Just now, his mobile phone suddenly sent an electric current to his palm, causing him to fall into a short trance.

   During this period of time, a strange memory flooded into his mind.

It turns out that his mobile phone is attached to the Dao, and it is no longer an ordinary mobile phone. It can create forces, and then Su Yi personally chooses to forcibly pull other people, demons, demons, gods, etc. into the new forces. People in the new forces can create a picture in their minds like a group chat on a mobile phone and communicate with each other.

  As the master of the forces, Su Yi will have the ability to kill, expel, and silence the members of the forces. At the same time, an independent mustard space is created in the mobile phone, which can store many things, except for living things.

   Even though he had accepted this memory, Su Yi still couldn't believe it.

   "Is this the protagonist's cheat? Are these names from another world?"

  Su Yi thought excitedly and hesitantly, there will be no pies in the sky, is there a big conspiracy hidden behind this?

  After thinking about it, he began to stare at the list on the screen and think.

  Hesitated for a while, and tapped three names on the phone screen, namely Wu Qingyao, Qingyan Mojun, and Black Tiger Emperor.

  When Wu Qingyao heard it, she was a beauty, and the last two names were very domineering. Su Yi played games and liked to choose monster characters, doing whatever she wanted, chic and at ease.

   At this time, the screen on the phone screen changed, and it was displayed: "Please name yourself."



  The corner of Su Yi's mouth curled up, and a clean smile appeared on his delicate face. He quickly typed two words: "Su Di!"

   Master of power, of course you have to be more aggressive!

   "Please name your new faction!"

   "Su Dizong!"

   Immediately afterwards, the screen on the phone screen changed again to a group chat page:

  Emperor Su invited Wu Qingyao to join Emperor Suzong!

  Emperor Su invites Lord Qingyan to join Emperor Suzong!

  Emperor Su invited the Black Tiger Emperor to join Emperor Suzong!


   Afterwards, the group chat page was silent.

after awhile.

   "And then? Nobody?"

  Su Yi was speechless, thinking he had been cheated.

   At this time, someone finally spoke, Su Yi saw it, and was immediately happy.

  I saw the display on the phone screen:

  Black Tiger Emperor: What is this? Why is it in my head?

  Green Sick Demon Lord: Huh? Not only can I see?

  Heihuhuang: The green and tired demon king! Qingyan Demon Lord, one of the Four Lords of the Demon Sect?

  Green-weary Demon Lord: Black Tiger Emperor? Such an arrogant name, dare to compare it with me?

  Black Tiger Emperor: I dare not...

  Wu Qingyao: Two monsters, what are you discussing? But to target us in the right way?


  Su Yi found it more and more interesting, and even couldn't help laughing out loud.

   "Su Yi! What are you doing? You haven't worked hard in the new semester. Are you worthy of your parents? Be careful to be like your parents and be poor for the rest of your life!"

At this time, the counselor's voice came. The counselor was a man in his early thirties named Li Fei. He was very greedy for money on weekdays. He often accepted gifts from students and red envelopes from parents. Su Yi was one of the few who did not give gifts. He is one of the students, and his family is poor, and he has to rely on student loans to go to college, so Li Fei looks down on Su Yi very much, and often vents his anger on Su Yi.

  He can't do anything to those rich students, he can only bully the poor students.

  Hearing this, Su Yi's face darkened, he hated people talking about his parents the most.


  Su Yi slapped the table and got up, then walked towards the door of the classroom.

   In the usual way, he might have tolerated it, but now that he founded Su Dizong, he is a little swollen and can't bear it!

   "You dare to go! Be careful to deduct your credits!"

   Li Fei pointed at Su Yi and cursed, and the other students in the classroom all looked at Su Yi with pity.

   "It's so pitiful, I was scolded again!"

   "This guy deserves it, look at how poor he is!"

   "Hahaha, Li Fei can only bully him."

   "My family is poor, but I still want to study in our major."

  The students were laughing and taunting Su Yi. Su Yi had been working part-time in the first half of the semester, except for class, he was working part-time, and he had no friends in the class.

  Su Yi gave Li Fei a middle finger, and walked out of the classroom door.

   Li Fei was so angry that he stomped on the spot.

   At this moment, a voice resounded in everyone's mind, as if it came from the nine heavens:

"I am Xuanyuan Human Emperor! I am not reconciled to the monster clan destroying my human race. I tampered with time and space with my supreme supernatural powers, selected you as the man of destiny, and sent you to the ancient times. I hope you can bring new life to the human race. Kill Taiyi and Dijun, and change the fate of the human race!"

   Immediately afterwards, everyone's eyes went dark.

  Including Su Yi.


   After an unknown amount of time, Su Yi finally woke up. He shook his head and grabbed the edge of the classroom door to get up. Looking back, the students in the classroom were still asleep, and Li Fei collapsed in front of the classroom.

  Xuanyuan Emperor?



  Di Jun?

  Su Yi's heart fell into panic. He had heard of the three names in fairy tales before, and Huang Gu, which was not a good place to hear.

   Could it be that the reason why he obtained Emperor Suzong was because he was about to be teleported to the remote ancient times?

  Punish Donghuang Taiyi and Di Jun?

  Equaling Heaven and Tathagata Buddha cannot do it, let alone human beings like them.

  Su Yi tried hard to calm down, then turned around and walked into the classroom, kicked Li Fei seven times, pulled off his pants, left him a pair of underpants, and then turned and left gracefully.

   When Li Fei wakes up, it will be a nightmare!

  Su Yi took out his phone while walking.

  He must now have the power to protect himself in order to face the unknown desolation.

At this moment, in the chat screen of Su Dizong, the Black Tiger Emperor is still flattering Qingyan Mojun, who is curious about what Su Dizong is, and Wu Qingyao interrupts occasionally, talking about killing demons Words of justice to slay demons.

The corner of Su Yi's mouth curled up, and he started typing. After graduating from high school, he first stepped into the society. When he was looking for a job, most of the people he met were intermediaries. Until later, he gained more experience in job hunting, and he also learned a lot.

  Su Di: I am Su Di, this is your chance, join Su Dizong, you will have the opportunity to transcend everything!

  Black Tiger Emperor: Emperor Su? How did I not hear it being said?

  Qingyan Mojun: Dare to claim the title of emperor, it shouldn’t be easy, otherwise why wouldn’t we be aware of his spells?

  Wu Qingyao: Is senior the right way, or the evil way?

  Su Di: There are three thousand ways, why should you stick to the distinction between righteousness and evil? What this emperor pursues is to be free and unrestrained, to be invincible in the world!

  Black Tiger Emperor: Well said! As expected of Senior Su Emperor!

  Qingmojun: Why does this woman keep targeting us? Did we kill your ancestors?

   The first update of the new book~



  (end of this chapter)