MTL - Lord of the Myriad Demons-Chapter 839 Emperor's Strength

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  Chapter 839 Extreme Emperor's Strength

  Su Yi was stunned, is Qin Tianyun so scumbag?

   No, isn't scolding Qin Tianyun scolding himself?

  Being stared at by Xi Qingyue, Su Yi felt a burst of pressure like a giant mountain.

   If it is true what Xi Qingyue said, then he really owes Xi Qingyue too much.

   It is impossible to escape from past and present lives alone.

  He sighed and said, "Stay here, and I will make it up to you."

  Nan Xiaopao also sympathized with Xi Qingyue, presumably if she was told about this matter, she would not object.

  Xi Qingyue still looked at Su Yi with a resentful expression.

  Su Yi is about to be overwhelmed, elder sister, what do you want?

  Ji Emperor couldn't stand it anymore, and said: "Su Yi, before we leave, why don't you and I fight?"

  Recalling that when he was young, Su Yi often bullied him by sparring and fighting.

  Even though countless years have passed for him, he still remembers.

  Su Yi understood his gaze, and immediately said: "I feel that you are very confident, how about this, I have a pet, if you can defeat it, I will lose."

   Emperor Ji and Ren Wo raised eyebrows with a smile, Su Yi is a little arrogant!

  Ren Woxiao has reached the Immortal Realm, and the Extreme Emperor has surpassed the Immortal Realm. What kind of pets can beat them?

  The four immediately flew to Siwon.

   Along the way, Xi Qingyue stared at him silently, but he pretended to ignore it, and asked Jidi about the situation of extermination.

  So far, the number of power exterminations has reached ten.

  They also recruited several powerful people in the extremely evil place, all of them were ruthless and ruthless, and they came from different source planes.

  Su Yi raised his eyebrows and joked: "You guys are so ambitious, do you want to sweep all the source planes?"

   Jidi shook his head and said, "I just feel that my strength is pretty good."

  Su Yiruo asked deeply: "Will one day, because of different positions, Miequan and Emperor Suzong become enemies, what should you and I do?"

  Ji Emperor was stunned for a moment, then smiled, and said: "No, I don't have the heart to dominate."

  Su Yi didn't ask further, some things are uncertain.

  Ren I smiled and looked at the profiles of the two of them, revealing an unfathomable smile.

  Xi Qingyue also saw something, and frowned slightly.

   Soon, they left Hongmeng and came to Siyuan.

  Su Yi directly took out the God Weeping.

  Looking at this cute little white pig, Jidi and the other three all had extremely strange expressions.

   Jidi couldn't help but said: "Are you sure?"

  Shen Qi felt his contempt, humming and rushed towards him.

  Ji Emperor gently pushed it out with his palm, and Su Yi dared to take out this pig, which showed that this pig has something special, why don't you try it out.

  When Shenqi came in front of Jidi, he accelerated suddenly, brushed past Jidi's palm, bumped into Jidi head-on, and knocked him into the air.

  Let me stop laughing.

  Xi Qingyue frowned.

  Su Yi's face was expressionless.

  A big battle officially broke out. Ren Woxiao's strength is far inferior to Jidi, and this battle is also a battle of eternal divine destiny. He can't intervene at all. He can only be reduced to a spectator like Su Yi and the other two.

  Boom! boom! boom…

   Jidi and Shenqi turned into two rainbow lights and collided crazily at the pale end in the distance, and their aura was so strong that even Su Yi was terrified.

  He took a step and stood in front of Xi Qingyue.

  Xi Qingyue, who was made extremely uncomfortable by the coercion of the battle, froze for a moment, her back looking at Su Yi softened.

   This scene is very similar to that year.

   Once Qin Tianyun wanted to pursue her, but she didn't like it because he stood in front of her desperately during a crisis.

  At that time, he was not as strong as he is now, but his back was exactly the same, which moved her heart.

  She just looked at Su Yi like this, her eyes were dazzled, and tears glistened.

  Su Yi's attention was on the battle in the distance, and he didn't notice that the beauty behind him was crying.

  The Emperor Ji and the God Weeping fought inextricably.

   In other words, Jidi is already comparable to the strongest combat power of Emperor Suzong?

  Su Yi is a bit appetizing, what is the original rule that is so powerful?

   Once awakened, he will directly leap to the ranks of invincible powerhouses on the eighth source plane.

   This hang is even more outrageous than him, the son of the Emperor of Heaven.

  He even felt that Shi Evil was not as good as Jidi.

   No wonder the Heavenly Emperor brought the Extreme Emperor to him in person.

   It turned out that the relationship was established in advance.

  If this kind of talent becomes an enemy, how terrible would it be?

   Su Yi was thinking blindly.

   This battle was more difficult than he imagined, and soon Taisu Tianjun appeared beside him.

   She frowned and asked, "What's going on?"

  The coercion of Jidi and God Weeping made her tremble with fear, and she felt like her soul was blown away.

   After all, she is only the Supreme Source Lord, and the gap with the Extreme Emperor and God Weep is like a mortal who will only feel his own insignificance when facing the gods.

  Su Yi explained to her, and she was relieved just now.

  She looked at Ren Wo and smiled, dissatisfied: "From now on, are you still a primordial god?"

  Ren I laughed and shrugged my shoulders casually, and said, "Is it important? Let the power go to you, and you will be the greatest primordial **** in the future, isn't it good?"


   Taisu Tianjun snorted coldly, but did not answer.

   At the same time, several ancestors of the original **** race watched the battle on the other side, and their panic was the same as that of the previous Taisu Tianjun.

   Fortunately, they remembered God Weeping. When Su Yi suppressed them, the horror that God Weeping brought to them was vivid in their minds.

   This battle lasted for a long time.

   Time passed day by day.

  In the end, the ancestors of the Shiyuan Protoss all retreated, and the Jidi and Shenqi were still fighting, and it was hard to tell the winner.

  Ren Wo smiled and sighed: "What a beast of war, Emperor Su is truly unparalleled."

  Su Yi looked at him in surprise. Could it be that Jidi didn't tell him Su Yi's true identity?

   It seems that Jidi still has not changed his original intention.

   Waited for a few more days.

  Su Yi couldn't help shouting: "Stop!"

   If we continue to fight like this, God knows how long it will take.

  God cried and immediately turned around and flew towards Su Yi.

   Jidi didn't sneak attack, so he stopped.

  He looked at God with a complicated face and wept, he couldn't beat a pig.

   This frustrates him.

   Soon, Emperor Ji and Shenqi came to Su Yi.

  Jidi snorted coldly: "You are amazing, let's go!"

   After speaking, he took me away and let me laugh and leave.

   Taisu Tianjun frowned, and asked: "What do you think they are plotting to destroy power?"

  My predecessor, Wo Xiao, had already told her about the existence of Miequan.

  Su Yi shook his head and said: "I can't see through it for the time being, but they have gathered so many strong people, they must have a big plan."

   He didn't believe what the Emperor Ji said, and held together to protect himself?


   Taisu Tianjun nodded, then glanced at Xi Qingyue, and said if he had any deep meaning: "Treat her well, heartbreaker."

  When Su Yi heard this, his face turned pale instantly, feeling extremely uncomfortable.

   Taisu Tianjun disappeared out of thin air and returned to Hongmeng.

  Su Yi continued to think about exterminating power.

  At this time, a pair of hands reached out from behind, trying to hug his waist, which made him tremble with fright, and hurriedly avoided.

  He asked warily, "What do you want to do?"

  Xi Qingyue, who was as cold and glamorous as a snow lotus on an iceberg, withdrew her hands and said expressionlessly: "I want to hug you, can't I? Aren't you going to make up for me?"

  Su Yi's head was full of black lines, he snorted coldly, and said in a deep voice: "I haven't decided how to make up for you yet!"

   "Follow me home first!"

  (end of this chapter)

Read The Duke's Passion