MTL - Lord of the Myriad Demons-Chapter 845 Cause and effect

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  Chapter 845 Causality

  Su Yi checked Xiao Tianfeng dozens of times, but still didn't notice anything unusual.

  The little guy is in good health, and his soul is not contaminated by evil, but he is inexplicably hyperactive.

  Su Yi frowned tightly, feeling puzzled in his heart.

  Nan Xiaopao cautiously asked: "Do you want to find my...or godmother to come and see?"

  The young lady is Emperor Yuan, and the godmother is naturally Taisu Tianjun.

  Su Yi thought about it, but hesitated.

   It may be useless to ask Taisu Tianjun for this matter, after all, he has already surpassed Taisu Tianjun.

  Yuandi is in the Supreme God Realm, and he doesn't know how to enter the Supreme God Realm.

  He didn't want to ask the Heavenly Emperor for help.

  The last time was for Li Huahun, Shi E, Jidi and others. How long has it been?

   I have to run for my son again, and he always feels that he is negligent.

  But for Xiao Tianfeng's safety, so what if he loses face?

   "Space-time causality has occurred."

  The voice of the Emperor of Heaven suddenly rang in his ears, and he quickly asked, "How to solve it?"

  Even with the origin of time and the rules of space, he cannot see through the cause and effect of time and space.

  Nan Xiaopao asked, "Who are you talking to?"

  Su Yi didn't speak any more, but waited for the answer from the Emperor of Heaven.

   "Collect all thirty-six pieces of the Dao Gate, and let you father and son become spirits."

  The Emperor of Heaven's answer made Su Yi frown. The Gates of the Great Dao can't be gathered at any time.

  The most urgent task is how to rescue Xiao Tianfeng.

   "Seal him, let him stagnate at his current age, wait for you to collect all thirty-six pieces of the Great Dao Gate, and then release him."

  The Emperor of Heaven continued to speak, causing Su Yi's face to change dramatically.

  How could there be any reason to seal his own son?

   But besides this, is there any other way?

  The Emperor of Heaven no longer speaks, the meaning is obvious, there is no other way.

  Su Yi's face changed from cloudy to sunny, his arms holding Xiao Tianfeng trembled slightly, and he fell into the battle between heaven and man.

  Nan Xiaopao walked up to him, stretched out his hand to caress Xiao Tianfeng's face, then looked at Su Yi, and said softly: "Tell me, what should I do, no matter what, I will support you."

  Su Yi sighed, and then repeated what the Emperor of Heaven had said.

  Nan Xiaopao was silent, Xi Qingyue and Xiangyu frowned.

  They all knew the existence of the Dao Gate, but they didn’t expect that the Dao Gate cost thirty-six yuan, and they had to go to different source planes to collect it.

   When will this be collected?

   It may even never be possible to collect the thirty-six pieces of the gate of the avenue.

  Nan Xiaopao took Su Yi's arm, leaned his head on his shoulder, looked at Xiao Tianfeng, and said: "Seal him, anyway, he is usually very noisy, just let me be quiet."

  She pretended to be calm and spoke casually, but Su Yi could still feel her trembling.

   Saying this sentence, she probably feels like a knife is piercing her heart.

  Su Yi whispered: "I'm sorry."

  Nan Xiaopao murmured: "I don't blame you, everyone has their own destiny. It is his pride to have a father like you."

   "I believe in you, and will release his space-time karma."

  Su Yi's heart was heavy, and he understood that Nan Xiaopao was trying to comfort him.

   Immediately, he began to seal Xiao Tianfeng, and the immortal mana turned into ice, freezing his vital soul.

  He is going to put Xiaotian Bong into the independent time and space created by himself.

  Nan Xiaopao hoped that Xiao Tianfeng would always be in front of him.

   Without looking at him, she would be restless.

  Su Yi immediately walked to the mirror in the hall, integrated the rules of time and space into the environment, opened up an independent time and space inside, and then put Xiaotian Bong into it.

  Nan Xiaopao asked nervously: "Isn't it too hasty? What if the mirror is broken?"

  Su Yi glared at her, and said: "You are a mother, can't you protect this mirror?"

  Nan Xiaopao looked aggrieved, and said in a low voice: "Isn't he just in case..."

   Seeing her like this, Su Yi really couldn't get angry.

   "Don't worry, even if the mirror is broken, I don't care. This mirror is connected to the independent time and space in my body. A broken mirror will only make you unable to see him."

  Hearing Su Yi's words, Nan Xiaopao was completely at ease, and decided to keep this mirror with him at all times.

  Su Yi looked at her and said, "I'm going to look for the gate of the Great Dao immediately, what do you think?"

  Nan Xiaopao nodded and said, "Can I follow you?"

  Without Su Yi and Xiao Tianfeng, what's the point of her staying here?

  Su Yi subconsciously wanted to refuse, but soon came up with an idea.

   "How about this, you live in the small world of Nantian and devote yourself to cultivating in it. The small world of Nantian is my magic weapon, which is equivalent to following me at any time."

  As soon as Nan Xiaopao heard this, he immediately agreed.

  Xi Qingyue followed and said, "I want to follow too."

  Nan Xiaopao smiled and said, "Okay!"

  With Xi Qingyue here, she happens to be not alone.

  Xiangyu looked at them enviously, but she didn't dare to make the same request, so she could only keep silent.

  On the same day, Su Yi summoned the ministers of the Wan Yao Court, and once again placed the heavy responsibility of the Wan Yao Court on Young Master Shang Xie, Han Yuandao and Han Hai.

   Knowing the reason, the ministers panicked, but did not stop them.

  They pinned all the hopes of the Ten Thousand Demon Court on the Little Demon Emperor, so they naturally didn't want anything to happen to the Little Demon Emperor.

   After explaining, Su Yi entered the gate of the avenue and summoned three thousand royal powers.

  A man named Wang Quan came from all directions, Nan Xiaopao and Xi Qingyue watched curiously.

  It was the first time for them to see three thousand kings gather together.

   In less than half an hour, all the royal powers arrived.

  All knelt down in front of Su Yi, Long Zun Wang Quan said in a deep voice: "First Ancestor, what do you want?"

  Su Yi said in a deep voice: "Do your best to search for the gate of the Great Dao. No matter who it is, as long as you find one, I will help him strengthen the power of the king. If he is a soldier of the king, I will help him become the king!"

  He embraces the rules of kingship, although it cannot enhance his own strength.

  But for the three thousand kings, he is like the aura of heaven and earth, which can help the kings become stronger, but will only damage the rules of the king.

  Even if the rule of kingship is exhausted, as long as time is given, it will be restored.


  Long Zun Wang Quan responded, his eyes shining brightly.

  The other royal powers also showed excitement.

   With a wave of Su Yi's right hand, they flew in different directions.

   Immediately afterwards, he took out the Nantian Small World and said, "Go in, all the creatures in the Small World are raised by me. They are violent by nature. Although they are not your opponents, they should be avoided as much as possible."

  He was afraid that Nan Xiaopao would get mad and kill his pets.

  The two girls nodded, and they were accepted by him into the Nantian Small World.

  Su Yi closed his eyes and focused his attention on the Emperor Suzong.

  So far, there are three members who do not belong to Hongmeng and the eighth source plane, namely Xiantian Haoxin, Dahuang Qingdi, and Dangyang God Venerable Hu Dingzhu.

  Besides Dahuang Qingdi, the other two are very active, as long as you close your eyes, you can see their figure of Water Sect.

  Who should I choose?

  Su Yi fell into hesitation. He killed the Xiantian Clan's cold formation technique, and the Xiantian Clan might not be able to go there.

  Since so...

  He had an idea and disappeared right where he was.

  After he left, space-time thunder and lightning suddenly appeared where he was standing before, like flames flickering, extremely strange.

   Tired, did you go out today?



  (end of this chapter)