MTL - Lord of the Myriad Demons-Chapter 853 Divine power

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  Chapter 853 The Power of the Divine Dao

   Facing Emperor Shendao's insult, Emperor Ji was expressionless, and he whispered: "Great Emperor Shendao, leave it to me, and you can act on your own. Remember, what I want!"

   Shi Evil curled his lips and said, "Lots of nonsense!"

   After speaking, he turned into a cloud of black air and dissipated out of thin air.

  Ren Woxiao and Tianyuan Zhouchuan also flew in different directions, fearing that Jiusu would stay where he was. He was not strong enough, and he played the role of a think tank and intelligence collector in Miequan.

   Jidi flew towards the Shendao Emperor, he turned into a black arrow, and flew away at such a speed that it was difficult for the naked eye to catch.

   Facing his powerful attack, Emperor Shendao raised his right hand, and countless golden light beams flew out from his palm, innumerable, like tens of thousands of artillery roaring out, with great momentum.

   Jidi was directly submerged, under the indiscriminate bombardment of golden light beams, Jidi's figure disappeared without a trace.

  At the same time, Ren Woxiao, Shi E, and Tianyuan Richuan had already reached the central kingdom of God, and were about to break through and enter.

   "Get out of here!"

  The Emperor Shinto let out a loud shout, and let me laugh. The three of them only felt a strong suction force that they couldn't resist, and they were directly sucked away.

   In an instant, they were pulled in front of the Emperor Shendao.

   Facing the God of God, they are so small.

   "Damn it!"

   Shi Evil gritted his teeth, trying to break free from that invisible force, but he couldn't.

  Ren Wo smiled with a gloomy face, thinking about countermeasures.


  Ji Emperor suddenly rushed out from the explosion of golden light, and punched Emperor Shendao in the chest.

  The Divine Dao Emperor is as high as ten thousand feet. Although he is not as good as those eternal **** emperors, he is still stalwart and crushes everything in terms of momentum.

   Facing Jidi's iron fist, the body of Shendao Emperor did not tremble.

   "You only have this strength?"

   "Back then when the emperor had problems practicing kung fu and asked you to escape, you thought you were really the emperor's opponent?"

  The Great Emperor Shendao spoke, his voice was resounding, more shocking than thunder.

  Ji Di was expressionless, slowly retracted his fists, and then raised it to a height of ten thousand feet, as high as the God of Shinto.

   Four clones emerged from his body and stood side by side with him.

   "Emperor Shinto, you are indeed very strong, but if you can't see your own destiny clearly, it will be futile in the end!"

   Jidi said coldly, after finishing speaking, golden light wheels appeared one after another, wrapping around his body.

   It is his original supernatural power, the avenue produces the sky wheel!

  The same is true for the other four avatars, condensing the Dao Shengtian Wheel.

  The five extreme emperors clapped their hands together.

   What is being used is another unique magical power of the Extreme Emperor, the Big Zhou Tian Palm, which can absorb the enemy's mana.


  The Emperor Shendao snorted coldly in disdain, swung his right hand, and a wave of air burst out, blocking all five extreme emperors.

   "Today I will let you see why this emperor dares to be called Shinto!"

  The voice of the Divine Dao Emperor resounded through the universe, deafening countless beings.

  Even Su Yi felt terrified when he heard it.

   There was a terrifying bang!

  Jidi, Ren Woxiao, Shi E, and Tianyuan Richuan were all blown out, and the bodies of the four exploded directly, leaving only the primordial spirit.

   Fortunately, they are advanced and quickly condense into a physical body.

  Ren Wo laughed and exclaimed, "What was that just now?"

  He didn't see clearly how the Emperor Shendao made his move, he just felt an invisible force rushing towards his face, blowing up his physical body.

   No one answered him, because the three of Jidi were also frightened.

  Jidi frowned, his eyes turned black, his body surface turned silver, and two bone spurs grew from his shoulders.

  But before he could touch the Emperor Shendao, that invisible force suddenly blew up in his face, throwing him flying.

   "The power of the divine way, can you and other evil spirits see it?"

  The Great Emperor Shendao snorted coldly, and when the words fell, the strong light on his body rose sharply, drowning Jidi and others in an instant.

  Boom! boom! boom…

   Explosions burst out from the strong light, one after another, one after another, vaguely accompanied by the painful cries of Jidi and others.

  The Emperor Shinto used his own power to contain the entire Miequan!

  Shengtian Zhankui and Zhankui quickly came to support, but they were directly sucked into the strong light and devastated by the power of the divine way.

  In the distance, I am anxious to see Jiusu.

  He muttered in his mouth: "I said it a long time ago... It is too early to challenge the strongest of the sixth source plane..."

  Central God domestic.

  Seeing Jidi and Shi E being beaten, Su Yi couldn't help frowning.

   Jidi was raised by him, and Shi Ei was transformed by his inner demons, so naturally he didn't want to see them being beaten.

   But if he made a move, he would surely offend the Emperor Shendao.

  Besides, he might not be able to defeat the God of God.


  The strong light shrank suddenly, and golden tentacles emerged from the body of the Emperor Shendao, grabbed the necks of Jidi and the others, and lifted them up high, making them unable to break free.

   "Do you regret it?"

  The Emperor Shendao stared at Jidi and asked, his voice was indifferent, and it was impossible to distinguish his intentions.

  Ji Emperor looked down at him with a ferocious face, and said with difficulty: "I don't regret it...I was born for war...I died for war..."

  Two rays of light shot out from the eyes of Emperor Shendao, and he shouted in a deep voice, "Well said! Then I will send you to die!"


  A sound of piercing the air suddenly came from behind, and it was the shadow of Emperor Su.

  It was surrounded by the real fire of the sun, as if the **** of fire came, and punched the **** of the gods in the face, and the powerful force knocked the **** of the gods away.

  Ji Emperor and others escaped, and they retreated one after another, looking at Su Di Shenying in astonishment.

  Shi E's eyes widened, and he said in a trembling voice, "Su... Emperor Su!"

  He is still in Emperor Suzong, often watching the live broadcast of Emperor Suzong, and he still has a fresh memory of Emperor Su's figure.

  The Emperor Shendao stabilized his figure, looked at Su Di's shadow, and said, "Who are you?"

  Su Yi, who was far away in the center of the Divine Kingdom, was secretly startled. Su Di Shenying punched with all his strength, but he couldn't hurt the Divine Emperor?

   How strong is this guy?

  Su Di Shenying couldn't speak, and just looked at him coldly.

  Jidi covered his chest and said in a deep voice, "Let's go!"

  He took a deep look at Su Di Shenying, then quickly turned and left, followed by others.

   "Want to go?"

  The Emperor Shendao roared angrily, raised his hand and patted Jidi and the others.

  Su Di's shadow teleported in front of him, blocking the palm.

   A loud bang!

  The flames scattered, and Su Di's divine shadow was slapped away by the palm of the Divine Dao Emperor.

   But Shenying can't be killed!

  In the next second, Su Di's shadow came out again.

  The Emperor Shendao was furious, and he slapped out his palms, slapping Su Di's shadows away one after another.

   Jidi and the others took advantage of this opportunity and escaped without a trace.

  The Emperor Shinto stopped, stared at Su Di's shadow, and said, "Who is your real deity? You hide your head and show your tail! How dare you come out and fight this emperor head-on!"

  He could tell that the shadow of Emperor Su in front of him was just a kind of supernatural power.

  What supernatural power can withstand his successive attacks and remain immortal?

  What kind of cultivation must his deity have?

  At this moment, Emperor Shendao became afraid of Emperor Su.

  Su Di Shenying did not answer, and disappeared into the starry sky.

  The Shinto Emperor was silent.

  Su Yi in the center of God secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

  (end of this chapter)