MTL - Lord of the Myriad Demons-Chapter 892 Birth of the Tianyuan Emperor Clan

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  Chapter 892 Birth of the Tianyuan Emperor Clan

   "Come out as soon as you come out, what's the matter, they still want to target us to exterminate power?"

  Li Huahun rolled his eyes, and said unhappily.

  Ji Emperor said: "I want to subdue them."

  As soon as this remark came out, everyone was shocked, and Li Huahun's eyes widened.

   "Are you crazy?"

   Shi E yelled, how terrifying the extremely evil ancestor demon is, he still remembers it vividly, even though he is no longer what he used to be, he still fears the extremely evil ancestor demon.

  Ji Emperor nodded, and solemnly said: "Although we have completely conquered the seventh source plane, we are still far from the source **** race and Sudizong. Only by absorbing stronger existences can we truly be unrestrained."

Fear Jiusu nodded, and sighed: "Those Yuanshen races are really strong, and there is a creator **** standing behind them, any one of them, as long as they are not sealed like Emperor Datiananqing, they can easily kill us. "

  Not long ago, they were attacked by a source **** race.

  The reason why the opponent attacked them was that there was no reason, they just met and wanted to destroy them.

  That battle made them deeply aware that they were still very weak.

  Ming Zun squinted his eyes and said, "If we practice in one place with peace of mind, will there be any trouble?"

   After following Miequan for a while, he understood it.

   This group of people is causing trouble everywhere and blaming others for bullying them.

  Of course, he didn't dare to say this.

   Miequan Wudi snorted coldly: "Only by fighting can we become stronger quickly!"

  Extreme Emperor said: "Since this is the case, we can discuss how to subdue the extremely evil ancestor demons. The extremely evil ancestor demons are very special. We only need to subdue a part of them to make the power of extermination stronger."

  Li Huahun smiled disdainfully, Jidi was busy all day, but in the end he couldn't compare to Su Yi.

   I don't know how strong Su Yi is now.

  Based on his understanding of Su Yi, after a while, Su Yi's strength might catch up.


  The eighth source plane.

  Su Yi brought Nan Xiaopao into the Emperor Suzong, just like Xiang Yu, he introduced Nan Xiaopao to Bai Wuxue, and joined the cultivation of the Ice Emperor.

  Bai Wuxue took a look at Nan Xiaopao, and then snorted to Su Yi: "You will really give me people, you just gave me a race not long ago, and now you are sending your lover over."

  Beside the Abyss Evolution Emperor, Xia Xinlin, Yang Jian, Lu Ya Yaojun and others all laughed.

  Su Yi introduced them, and Nan Xiaopao was a little surprised, especially for Sun Wukong and Dou Victory Buddha.

  In Chinese legends, Monkey King is the most well-known existence and the most popular mythical figure.

   Afterwards, Bai Wuxue left with Nan Xiaopao, Xiao Tianfeng also went to play, and Su Yi sent Shenzheng to protect.

  A group of members of Emperor Suzong Shenzong gathered together in one hall.

  The two elders of the sect sat in the first seat, and they looked at Su Yi with some hesitation.

   Now, the doubt that Su Yi might be Emperor Su still exists.

  If Su Yi was Emperor Su, shouldn't they give up their seats?

  Su Yi took the lead and said: "I have surpassed the eternal destiny."

  As soon as this remark came out, everyone in the audience was shocked.

   "What? True or false?"

   Qiankun Modi asked excitedly, how many eternal gods are there in Emperor Su's sect?

  How did this kid surpass the eternal destiny?

  Yang Jian and Emperor Abyss Evolution were stunned.

  They could be said to have watched Su Yi walking step by step, but they didn't expect Su Yi to surpass everyone in Emperor Su's sect so quickly.

  Fang Qiongmo stared at Su Yi and asked nervously, "Are you really Emperor Su?"

  He used one word, you!

   It is enough to show the weight of Su Yi in his heart.

  Su Yi said with a half-smile, "Yes or no, what's important? Anyway, we all belong to Emperor Su Sect."

  If everyone realizes something.

  Su Yi continued: "This time, I want everyone to collect node keys. Once you master the node keys, you can go to any source plane."

   When he turned his right hand, the node key appeared on the palm of his hand.

  All eyes are focused.

  Xia Xinlin asked curiously: "Is it really that powerful? Where can I collect node keys?"

  Su Yi replied: "It depends on you."

  Yang Jian nodded and said: "This information is very important, Fang Qiongmo wrote a book, can you do it?"

   Fang Qiongmo's book is the intelligence leader of Emperor Suzong, and his status in Emperor Suzong is already very high, at least in the top 20.

   Afterwards, everyone continued to chat about the development of Emperor Suzong.

  The two elders of the sect did not put on airs. Although they are usually the leaders, they often listen to the opinions of the members of the Shenzong.

  Especially now, Su Yi is likely to be Emperor Su, and everyone is inexplicably nervous.

  Su Di is an invincible existence in their hearts, and they don't want to lose face in front of Su Di.

   This discussion lasted for three days and three nights before it ended.

  Su Yi didn't go directly to find Xiao Tianfeng, but wandered around the Emperor Suzong.

  The Great World of Outer Sect is bigger than before, with numerous cities and over tens of billions of living beings, all of whom are disciples of Su Emperor Sect, most of whom are just trainee disciples.

  If you want to join the Outer Sect of Su Emperor Sect, you have to pass many tests.

  Once you join the Outer Sect, all kinds of resources are spent wildly, and pigs can be cultivated into unicorns.

  Su Yi strolled around, then teleported to Emperor Su's Great World.

  In Sudi Great World, dozens or even hundreds of people practice every day.

  No matter where they are, many members of Emperor Suzong like to teleport to the Great World of Emperor Su to practice, so as to prevent being attacked and killed by the enemy in the state of cultivation.

   Three days later.

  Su Yi came to Bingdimai, just entered the palace complex, he heard Xiao Tianfeng's laughter, and some charming female voices.

  I saw a group of beautiful and lovely female disciples chasing Xiao Tianfeng.

  Xiao Tian had red lips all over her face and kept giggling.

   Obviously, he is very popular in the Bingdi line.

  Su Yi caressed his forehead. This kid will definitely be a prostitute when he grows up.

   "The Tianyuan Emperor Clan sees the sky again, all the source planes are ready to accept the arrival of the Emperor Clan, and the source planes will usher in a unification!"

   Right at this moment, a domineering voice resounded throughout the eighth source plane.

  Su Yi's face changed slightly, because he couldn't see through the voice.


   That’s right, how could the Tianyuan Emperor Clan who can create the source plane not transcend the source of God?

  He raised the corner of his mouth and murmured: "Tianyuan Emperor Clan, you think too easily."

  The current major source planes have hidden dragons and crouching tigers. The fourth source plane alone has the existence of the Ten Realms of Eternal Destiny, and the first three source planes must have the source of transcendence.

  The Tianyuan Imperial Clan wants to regain control of the major source planes, and it is estimated that they will go through a fierce struggle.

  Their old rival, the Dark Royal Family, has fallen, and maybe they will be next.

  Su Yi came to Xiao Tianfeng and grabbed him.

  Xiao Tianfeng raised his head and asked curiously: "Father, what is the Tianyuan Emperor Clan? The voice just now made me..."

  Su Yi rubbed his head, said with a smile: "Don't be afraid, father is here."

  Xiao Tianfeng shook his head, put his fingers in his mouth, and said: "I'm not afraid, I'm just..."

   "I want to eat him."


  Yesterday’s update~~

  I was in too much of a hurry when I updated the first one yesterday. I was in a panic when I updated it in the new book. I had to write the new book first, revise the chapters, and now I am adding the second chapter of Wan Yao.

  Many people have opinions recently, so let me say it.

Now the update is indeed biased towards the new book, because the new book has just hit the shelves, and the reason for opening the new book is that the income of Wan Yao’s book is not enough to support me, which puts me under a lot of pressure. Now I have the whole family and my own future on my shoulders, and I am not alone. When you're full, you're done.

Of course, it was my own fault. I heard some friends said that they wanted to read two books together, so I made a connection, but now the writing is too biased, and many people who have read the emperor thought it was the second book of the emperor. Over and over again, some people scolded me for making cold rice.

  The new book is a completely different world view, which will not be connected.

   I’m sorry again. After all, you guys have always supported me, so I opened a new book, and I didn’t just cut it off. Although I’m only 22 years old, I’ve already written more than ten million words, and my professional ethics are still there.

  To be honest, in the second half of 2018, the pressure of opening Wanyaohou was really great, and I couldn’t tell the hardships. I even gave out less red envelopes in the group.

   I won’t sell more when I’m miserable. Everyone has difficulties. If I laugh, I must laugh more. Your support makes me feel very warm.

  Even if Wan Yao ends, I will write seriously!

  Please bear with me, I believe that you don’t just read my book to get by, of course, you can scold me if you want to vent your anger, just don’t go too far haha.

   In a few days, "I Have Countless Excalibur" will appear under Ren Woxiao's pseudonym~~~

  It is the youngest son, please don’t be too resistant because of the trumpet~~~

The last sentence!

   Wan Yao will not stop updating!

  2019, wish me better, wish you better too.

  (end of this chapter)

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