MTL - Lord of the Myriad Demons-Chapter 900 Emperor Suzong enters the Great Origin Realm

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  Chapter 900 Emperor Suzong enters the Great Origin Realm

  Xing Hanfa noticed the Yuan Punishment in Su Yi's hand at a glance, and his eyes burst out with a menacing light.

  He walked directly towards Su Yi.

  Avatars appeared out of thin air, stepping out from all directions.

  Looking around, Su Yi and the others were already surrounded by his clones, and it was difficult to escape.

  Nan Xiaopao and Xi Qingyue were calm and not flustered.

  Long Xiaoshuai was trembling with fright, and said in his mouth: "It's over... It's over..."

  Even if Su Yi has made Yuan Punishment the master, it is impossible to display the true power of Yuan Punishment in a short time.

  Shenbao needs time to adjust!

  The stronger the treasure, the longer the running time!

   "It's just right, I will take you as a sacrifice to Yuan Punishment, so that you can see its majesty."

  Su Yi laughed, and after finishing speaking, he held Yuan Punishment in his right hand and hit Xing Hanfa directly.

  The space in front of it is like broken glass, without sound.

   Xing Hanfa's expression changed drastically, and he moved subconsciously to avoid it.

   Unfortunately, it was too late!

  His physical body was swept away by an invisible force, and the surrounding clones disappeared.


  The starry sky fell silent.

  Long Xiaoshuai was dumbfounded, and Nan Xiaopao's two daughters were also stunned.

  The original penalty is so severe?

  Su Yi's expression did not change, but he was pleasantly surprised in his heart.

   Really domineering!

  He has not used all the power of the source punishment to have such an effect. If he uses all his strength, wouldn't he be able to easily destroy a star field in the great source world?

  The star field of the great source plane is much larger than the star field of other source planes, and it cannot be compared at all.

   "Damn it! Yuan Punishment actually recognizes you as the master! My Xing Clan and you are irreconcilable! We will definitely do our best to take back Yuan Punishment!"

   The voice of Xing Hanfa sounded again, this guy is not dead.

  Su Yi showed a smile on his face, instead of pursuing the soul of Xing Hanfa, he looked at Yuan Punishment instead.

  The more he looked at Yuan Punishment, the more he liked it.

  I always feel as if I have held it like this before, and fought with it.

   "Could it be that I, in the first life, was in charge of the original punishment?"

  Su Yi thought curiously that he had always been curious about the identity of the first Emperor Su.

  According to what Qin Tianyun said, he is the first incarnation, because he traveled through time and space to create an earlier Emperor Su.

   That is to say, Emperor Su is actually the reincarnation of Qin Tianyun who traveled a long time ago.

  Originally speaking, Qin Tianyun is the first life.

   In terms of time, Emperor Su was the first.

  But why hasn't he heard of the legend of the first life?

  In the secret realm of the previous and present lives, he had experienced the enemies of the previous two lives, Su Di had more than one enemy, and his experience was richer than that of him now.

   "Could it be said that the first life existed in the highest timeline, before the Emperor of Heaven took control of the highest timeline, and after the Emperor of Heaven took control of the highest timeline, everything was rewritten, and everything before it ceased to exist, including his deeds?"

  The more Su Yi thought about it, the more he felt it was possible.

  He yearns for the highest timeline even more, but unfortunately, even if he reaches the second realm of Transcendence, the profundity of the highest timeline still gives him a headache.

   "What are you thinking about?"

  Nan Xiaopao took his arm and asked.

  Su Yi smiled and said: "I was thinking about whether my previous life was also destined for you."

  Nan Xiaopao pursed her lips and said, "Your past life was spent chasing Sister Qingyue."

  Xi Qingyue covered her mouth and smiled lightly, she became more cheerful and far away from depression.

  Su Yi smiled mysteriously: "I have more than one past life. Before Qin Tianyun, I still had an identity."

  Nan Xiaopao rolled his eyes, it was not the first time Su Yi mentioned this matter, but he never continued.

  She has heard from Emperor Yuan that the original blood of the Emperor of Heaven is the original soul, and no living being can transfer to the fetus of the Emperor of Heaven.

  So in her opinion, Su Yi was coaxing her.

  Su Yi smiled, and then led them forward.

  Long Xiaoshuai has been imprisoned by the supernatural power, unable to move.

  He is doubting life.

  He was thinking all over his head, why did Su Yi let Yuan Punish to admit his master?

  At the beginning, it took hundreds of millions of years for his master to get the recognition of Yuan Punishment.

  In his heart, his master is sacred.

  The appearance of Su Yi caused a crack in this sanctity.

   "Is this kid stupid?"

  Nan Xiaopao glanced at Long Xiaoshuai, and asked Su Yi curiously.

  Su Yi replied: "Leave him alone, when he returns to his father, he will be normal."


   Dark Universe.

  The people who killed the power gathered together again.

Fear Jiusu said excitedly: "Master, I found a divine treasure, which is created by the disciples who destroyed Yuanshen. , attracting various forces to compete for it.”

  Extreme Emperor opened his eyes and asked: "The first source plane? There are existences beyond the eternal divine life there. If we go there without authorization, I am afraid it will not end well."

  Others nodded, they had been there before, but failed.

   "It would be great if I could surpass the eternal destiny of God. Damn it, I haven't been able to find a breakthrough opportunity!"

   Miequan Wudi scratched his head, annoyed.

  His cultivation realm is already the ceiling of extermination of power. Although his strength is not the strongest, he is the most hopeful to break through, and he is highly expected.

   "Once we get the divine treasure, we will be sure to face the extremely evil ancestor demon."

  Fear Jiusu whispered to persuade him, and when he mentioned that divine treasure, he became very excited.

  Because he has seen the power of that divine treasure.

  Li Huahun sat cross-legged, jokingly said with a smile: "Go and grab it, anyway, didn't you all grab it all the way?"

   "If you don't go to grab it, you won't be able to grab it when Su Dizong enters the first source plane."

   Shi gave him an evil look, this kid always mentions Su Dizong, deliberately annoying them.

   "Give me time, I can become infinitely stronger, and the treasure will be snatched for you."

   Shi E stared at Jidi and said, with a confident expression on his face.

  It also takes time to absorb the negative emotions of sentient beings.

   Jidi pondered, hesitating.

  Zhao Chenjun said: "Divide into two plans, we are getting stronger, and so are others, we can't sit still and wait for death."

  Ming Zun nodded. Although their strength is only moderate in Miequan, they are also tyrannical existences in one source plane.

  Ji Emperor heard it, and immediately decided: "I and Shi E will go to the first source plane in person. You continue to track down the whereabouts of the extremely evil ancestor demon. You are still afraid of Jiusu, and you are still going to win over the strong for the sake of extermination."

  Everyone nodded, until today, they have been convinced of the emperor.

   Jidi's fighting talent is so strong that even Miequan Wudi has been defeated by him, and he has defeated Miequan all over.

  And under his leadership, the speed of extermination has been terrifying.

   Everyone quickly dispersed and went their own way.

the other side.

  Great source world.

  Su Yi walked forward while speaking in the Emperor Suzong. He wanted to bring some people to develop in the Great Origin Realm. After all, his enemies would be all the source **** races, and the Emperor Suzong had to be developed in advance.

  As soon as he asked, many members immediately jumped out, expressing that they wanted to go to Dayuanjie.

  For example, Perishable, Ji Daozong, Sword Emperor, Zun Ziwei, Zhao Tuyuan, Sun Wukong, etc. Although Dayuanjie is dangerous, they are not afraid and want to become stronger.

   Have you noticed that there is an extra book under my pen name?



  (end of this chapter)

Read The Duke's Passion