MTL - Lord of the Myriad Demons-Chapter 902 Taiyuan Starfield, Baili God Venerable

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  Chapter 902 Taiyuan Starfield, Baili God

Among the three shadows, only the one in the middle showed his true face, wearing a ferocious black armor, on the breastplate it looked like a wolf-like beast roaring, with **** hair coiled on top of his head, his face was blood red, and there were two black lines under his eyes, The eyes are deep red.

  The two black shadows next to him are like his shadow, and their body shape is exactly the same as his.

   "The criminal family?"

  Su Yi asked, Yuan Punishment appeared in his hands out of thin air.

  Since someone wants to know the severity of Yuan Punishment, let him try.

   "I am not from the Xing clan, nor from other source **** races. My name is Tianmo, I have been looking for source punishment, and finally let me find you."

  The blood-haired man opened his mouth and Su Yi narrowed his eyes.

  Hate the demon?

  Shouldn't he be invited before and just be wiped out?

  Speaking of which, he still has one opportunity to forcefully designate an invitation, which is useless, and saves the enemy who is invincible.

  Heavenly Hate Demon quickly rushed towards Su Yi with two black shadows.

  Their speed was extremely fast, and they came in front of Su Yi and the others almost instantly.

  God weeps, cry, and signs are completely too late to react.

  Su Yi swung the source punishment violently, silver light burst out, and the lightning turned into a torrent and swept away.

  The Hateful Demon was directly thrown out, and his two black shadows exploded and disappeared.

  Su Yi swung the Origin Punishment again, hitting the Heaven-hating Demon with a powerful momentum.

  It has the power to open up the world and create the world!

  The expression of the Heaven-hating Demon who was flying upside down changed drastically.

  He immediately moved, disappeared in the same place, and came behind Su Yi.

  A black long gun filled with blood appeared in his hand, and he stabbed out, aiming directly at the back of Su Yi's head.

  Su Yi directly used Emperor Su Time.

   "Space-time rules!"

  Hateful Demon's face changed drastically, and he could feel his divine power slowing down.

  Su Yi's backhand was just a swipe, and Yuan Punishment showed its supernatural power again, directly blasting the body of the demon who hated the sky.

   It's as easy as popping a watermelon.

  Su Yi smiled slightly, and said: "The source of punishment is severe, have you learned it? Did it disappoint you?"

  At that moment just now, no one killed the Heaven-hating Demon, but it could also severely damage his soul.

  The Heavenly Hate Demon quickly condensed into a physical body.

  He clutched his chest, staring at Su Yi viciously, his eyes seemed to want to eat people.

   "Twice more, you will die."

  Su Yi looked at Hateful Demon, and smiled lightly.

  His smile is full of disdain.

  He thought that the Heaven-hating Demon was so strong that he was defeated by Yuan Punishment?

  Hate Heaven Demon's cultivation base is very strong, at least stronger than Xinghan method, but unfortunately he is facing the original punishment.

   "This treasure is too strong, no wonder all the source **** races are crazy about him, and I don't know how strong the destroying source **** can create such a treasure."

  Su Yi thought to himself, and the smile on his face became even bigger.

  From what I have seen in my life, Yuan Punishment is definitely the strongest treasure.

   It is said that this treasure is dedicated to fighting the God of Creation. Could it be that it has a stronger effect when fighting against the God of Creation?

   "I am indeed invincible, but your cultivation level is not high, and you cannot exert the full power of the source punishment. Next, you will face a situation of eternal doom!"

  Hate the Heavenly Demon's voice, the tone is cold.

  After saying this, he turned and left, disappearing without a trace.

  Su Yi did not take back the original punishment, but still held it.

   Is it not high enough to transcend the second realm of Shenyuan?

   How drifting are you?

  He was disdainful.

  When he broke through the source of transcendence, he had obtained part of the memory, knowing that the highest state was above the source of transcendence, and along the way, he rarely encountered existences whose cultivation base was higher than his own.

   "Shall we find a place to hide?"

  Nan Xiaopao asked worriedly, she was more worried about Su Yi's safety than the fairy world.

  Heavenly Demon can find him, and so can other source **** races.

  Su Yi shook his head and said: "Don't worry, even if we can't fight, we can escape."

   After speaking, he waved his sleeves and moved forward at full speed.


   In the turbulent flow of time and space.

  Hate the demon fast shuttle, he gritted his teeth, the more he thought about it, the more angry he became.

   "I must get this kind of divine treasure!"

   He clenched his fists, thinking with a hideous face.

  The severe punishment of the source made him crazy.

  If he can obtain this treasure, he will definitely be able to sweep the Yuanshen race and compete for the strongest throne!

  Unfortunately, the current him is completely no match for Su Yi.

  Since this is the case, there is only one way.

   "Just wait, I want to see how you face the siege of other source **** races!"

   He muttered to himself, and plunged into the thunder and lightning of time and space.

for a long time.

  A figure passed by this space-time turbulence.

   It is the beginning of evil.

  As he walked forward, he showed a look of fascination.

   "What a majestic resentment, it's great!"

   He murmured excitedly to himself, and began to accelerate.

  He came here this time, but he did not tell the other people in Miequan, because he accidentally discovered the time-space entrance to the Great Source Realm.

   If he guessed correctly, the former convenience is the legendary Dayuanjie!

  Once he absorbs all the evil thoughts in the Great Origin Realm, his cultivation will leap to an unimaginable height.

  The more he thought about it, the more excited he became.

   Not long after, he rushed out of the chaotic flow of time and space and entered the Great Origin Realm.


   This day.

  The three of Su Yi finally came to the star field where the Earth Immortal Realm is located, the Taiyuan Star Field.

  As soon as he entered the Taiyuan star field, he stopped.

   "Taiyuan star field, if there is no Taiyuan decree, you can't enter without permission!"

  A majestic voice sounded, and at the same time, several divine thoughts swept over Su Yi and the others.

  Su Yi frowned, he could feel that the other party was strong, even stronger than him.

   Just as he was trying to explain, the voice sounded again.

   "It's you? You're back."

  The majestic voice sounded again, and the words were full of surprises.

  Nan Xiaopao and Xi Qingyue became nervous, thinking that the other party had discovered the original punishment.

  At this time, a beam of light descended, a thousand meters away from them.

  The light dissipated, and a white-haired man came out slowly.

  His face looks young, wearing a white Taoist robe, the whole person looks extra dusty.

  He looked at Su Yi and nodded in satisfaction.

"you know me?"

  Su Yi asked, he could feel that the other party's eyes had neither killing intent nor malice.

  The white-haired man said with a smile: "I watched you grow up. My name is Baili Shenzun. You can call me Baili directly. When you were reincarnated in the fairy world, His Majesty arranged for me to take care of you."

   "Later you went to Huanggu, the Earth Immortal Realm was moved to the Great Source Realm, and I followed to the Great Source Realm, becoming the **** of the Taiyuan Starfield."

  As soon as these words came out, Su Yi understood, while the two daughters of Nan Xiaopao breathed a sigh of relief.

   It turned out to be under the throne of the Emperor of Heaven!

   Fortunately, not the enemy.

   "And you, His Majesty watched you wander through the ancient times, and was quite satisfied with you."

  Shenzun Baili looked at Nan Xiaopao and smiled kindly.

   "Okay, let's go in first."

   With a wave of his right sleeve, Su Yi felt a strong divine power enveloping him.

next moment.

   They came to a temple.

  The surrounding light is dim, and the candlelight is flickering, unable to illuminate the entire hall.

  Su Yi noticed that there were many stone statues around, row after row.

  He was suddenly moved, because he saw Yang Jian, Monkey King, and Li Yuanba. He turned his head subconsciously and found many familiar faces.

  For example, Xiang Shun, Gongsun Qi, Ren Woxiao, Li Huahun, Gonggong, Ji Bubai, etc.

   The long overdue second QAQ



  (end of this chapter)

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