MTL - Lord of the Myriad Demons-Chapter 914 Annihilation of Power and Su Dizong

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  Chapter 914 Extermination of Power and Emperor Suzong

  Su Yi didn't notice the abnormality of Baili God Venerable, he was still concentrating on his cultivation.

  His consciousness has come to another world.

  Here, his various rules become invisible and tangible, like shooting stars coiling around him.

   Surrounded by a colorful world, it's like a space-time tunnel.

  This world was created by his consciousness.

  He is looking for the opportunity to break through the third layer of Wansheng Creation Gong.

  He looked around at the power of rules and fell into deep thought.

   "My way, what should it be?"

   "Follow the Emperor of Heaven, and keep practicing Creation Skills for All Life?"

   Su Yi thought blankly, along the way, he received a lot of help from the Emperor of Heaven, which made him feel bound.

  For example, there are three thousand orders.

  Since a long time ago, commanding the Three Thousand Ways has become the supernatural power he relies on.

   Now it is the creation of all living beings.

  In the dark, he felt that it would be difficult to defeat Qin Jun only by relying on Wansheng's creation skills.

   While he was becoming stronger, so was Qin Jun.

   Qin Jun was transformed by the Emperor of Heaven, so in terms of talent, would he be inferior to him?

  He raised his right hand, looked at his right index finger, and murmured: "You traveled through time and space, went to the previous original era, and wandered between the original eras. What are you looking for? Do you have my answer?"

  After merging with the broken finger, he saw everything the broken finger had experienced.

  Back when he used the Nine Vaults Breaking Finger, his finger broke off and fell into the turbulent flow of time and space inside the gate of the avenue. By accident, he traveled to the end of time.

   Along the way, the time-space thunder and lightning tempered this finger, and it met the Emperor of Heaven at the end of time.

  At that time, the Emperor of Heaven had not yet controlled the highest timeline, and this finger shocked the Emperor of Heaven.

  In the end, this finger became the only variable in the highest timeline.

  Because it has always existed at the end of time, when the Emperor of Heaven destroyed everything and opened up everything again, it existed all the time, and was taken away by the Emperor of Heaven until today and handed over to Su Yi.

  He continued to think.

   One year.

  Five years.

   Ten years.

  Hundred years.

  When all the undead in Emperor Suzong had been resurrected, and everyone went through the promotion of Shenzong again, he still had nothing to gain.


  Qin Duzun murmured: "Brother has encountered a bottleneck? Why are you still stuck on the second floor?"

  Before it took Su Yi ten years to break through to the second level of Wansheng Creation Gong, which made them have great expectations.

   Now, Su Yi doesn't seem to have become much stronger.

  Baili God Venerable glared at him, and said, "I'm ashamed to say your elder brother, what about you?"

  Until today, apart from Su Yi, none of the sons of the Emperor of Heaven have learned the Kung Fu of Ten Thousand Lives Creation.

  Qin Duzun blushed and hummed, "Aren't I working hard?"

  Baili God Venerable rolled his eyes, looked at Su Yi, and frowned.

  He could feel that Su Yi seemed to have stopped cultivating.

   "What the **** is he thinking?"

   God Lord Baili frowned and thought, what a critical moment it is now, this kid didn't practice, and started to realize suddenly.

   No matter how much you comprehend it, it is impossible to create a skill that surpasses the creation power of all lives!

  You must know that the Emperor of Heaven only realized the power of creation after reaching the summit.

   And what about Su Yi?

  He is not optimistic about Su Yi, thinking that Su Yi is wasting time, but he is not easy to bother.

   "What exactly does Your Majesty want to do? Why is Emperor Ji absorbing the power of Lord Qin?"

  Baili God Venerable thought tangledly that he has a very high level of cultivation and can feel what happened in the highest God Realm.

   Emperor Ji fought with Jun Qin for fifty years. After Jun Qin was defeated, Emperor Ji began to absorb the power of Jun Qin.

   This made him unbelievable and completely incomprehensible!

  Because he saw that outside the temple, the Heavenly Emperor was guarded by a clone, and even immortality and eternity were not allowed to enter.

  If Emperor Ji completely absorbs Jun Qin, will this catastrophe be considered the end?

  The reason why God was so anxious to raise children that day?

  The more he thought about it, the more headache he got.

   At this moment, his expression changed, and he suddenly disappeared in place.

after awhile.

  He returned to the original place, but his expression became complicated.

  Looking at Su Yi, full of struggle.

"What's wrong?"

   Emperor Tianwu asked, not only him, but the other children of the Emperor Tianwu also looked at the Baili God Venerable in surprise.

  Is this old boy going to say bad news again?

  Baili God Venerable sighed, and said: "The situation has changed, Qin Jun has been absorbed."

  As soon as this remark came out, everyone's eyes widened.


What does it mean?

  Danger lifted?

   "That man is transformed from the origin of fighting, and he was born for fighting. After absorbing Lord Qin, he will be unprecedentedly powerful."

  Shenzun Baili said quietly, with a heavy expression on his face.

  Emperor Tianwu stared wide-eyed, and asked: "Could it be the Lord of Extermination, Extreme Emperor?"

  He couldn't help looking at Su Yi, but he knew that Su Yi had a close relationship with Jidi.

  Qin Du said: "Isn't this a good thing? Qin Jun is gone, if Emperor Ji dares to mess around, Father Emperor should be able to execute him directly, right?"

  With the ability of the Emperor of Heaven, no matter how strong the Extreme Emperor is, he can still suppress and kill them.

  Baili God Venerable shook his head and said: "Emperor Ji himself also wants to destroy everything. After absorbing Qin Jun, he will be equivalent to Qin Jun, and His Majesty cannot destroy him himself."

   "In other words, Qin Jun is equivalent to having an extra talent of being strong when he is strong."

   Everyone stared wide-eyed, what is this called?

  Emperor Tianwu stroked his chin, pondered and said: "Not necessarily, my elder brother can persuade him."

   Tiancheng Shenjun frowned and asked, "Why?"

  He has always been competing with Su Yi, but he doesn't want to be upstaged by Su Yi in everything.

   "Because he is Emperor Su."

  Emperor Tianwu smiled, with a mysterious smile on his face.

  Su Di!

  The God of Heaven, the Emperor of the Heaven, the Mistress of Destiny, and the Emperor of Destiny were all moved.

  They can be said to be watching the rise of Emperor Suzong.

  I always thought that Emperor Su was Su Yi's master, protecting him from the wind and rain, but now Emperor Tianwu told them that Su Yi was Emperor Su?

   "That's right, you don't know Su Di's greatest ability."

  Qin Duyi laughed along, making everyone even more confused.

   At the same time, Su Yi was still in a state of epiphany.

  No one noticed, his right index finger glowed faintly, and a ray of light extended to his arm.


  Three hundred years later.

  A domineering voice resounded through all planes.

   "I am the emperor, calling for the extermination of power, all gathered here!"

   "From now on, Miequan will start a war against Emperor Suzong, and Miequan will wait for Emperor Suzong in the Supreme God Realm!"

   "If Emperor Suzong loses, all source planes will be destroyed by me!"

   "At that time, I will let all living beings watch this battle together!"

   "Mie Quan and Su Dizong, only one can survive!"

   As soon as the voice fell, various source planes exploded in an instant, and the chats in Sudizong's chatter frantically swiped the screen.

  In the starry sky of the Supreme God Realm.

   Jidi was suspended, and figures appeared around him out of thin air.

   They are Li Huahun, Ren Woxiao, Fear Jiusu, Zhankui, Shengtian Zhankui, Mingzun, Zhao Chenjun, Miequan Wudi, and Shi Evil.

   Shi E's face was ugly, and he looked at Jidi with complicated eyes.

   "Why are we here? Are you serious about what you just said?"

  Zhao Chenjun frowned and asked, is Emperor Ji crazy?

  The current Miequan is not capable of shaking all the source planes.

  (end of this chapter)

Read The Duke's Passion