MTL - Lord of the Mysteries-v6 Chapter 61 Three plans

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For the mysterious town, Klein has been thinking about how to create it, and has three preliminary plans:

If the interference of external factors is ruled out, his best choice is to make the Puppet Town stand up overnight in a certain place in a country in the northern continent, and pass the railway, river, highway and surrounding cities. Connected.

In this way, a large number of outsiders will arrive every day in the Puppet Town and have a strong interaction with the surrounding area: On the one hand, towns without affiliated villages will definitely buy grain, salt, cloth, ore, sucrose, etc. from other places Essential necessities, on the other hand, it will also have its own output, which can be sold to surrounding cities, market towns and villages. In this case, the businessmen, laborers, tourists, and other groups will go back and forth very frequently, and at the same time, their interaction with the urban residents of the puppet will be much more.

Under the influence of various strong interactions, it won't be long before the Mythical Puppet Town will be born in the corresponding area of ​​the spiritual realm. When the fate trajectory of the residents becomes fine and real, Klein can take the potion promotion sequence 1 "Secret waiter".

It may take less than three months.

The problem is that this plan cannot be kept secret.

In the current era, there is suddenly a town in a place that can't hide people. Soon, government employees, police, and reporters will come to investigate, and the various strong interactions later will also let more and more people know about this. City, know this city, this is a problem that cannot be solved through illusion ability, unless the mystic town does not interact with the surrounding cities, market towns, or villages at all, or interacts less, but that is contrary to the needs of the ceremony.

When the news of the mystic town spreads, Klein will undoubtedly be targeted by enemies such as Zarathu and Amon. At that time, destruction is definitely easier than protection. He can only take his own mystic town to move the place. This will cause the previous interaction to be ineffective, just like the experience of the Wuhan Demon Wolf.

Therefore, Klein just listed such a plan, and basically would not choose, unless a "dreamer" is willing to help, so that all the souls of the north and south continents take it for granted that there is indeed a town there, and it does not pop up.

Taking into account the influence of various external factors and his extraordinary ability, Kline's safest choice is to build the mysterious town on an uninhabited island that is far from the safe channel and is sufficiently hidden, and use "source castle" for anti-divination and Anti-prophetic arrangement.

At the same time, Klein will rely on the "curtain" to "graft" some nodes of highways, rivers and railways outside the Mystic Town, making this one of the stops for some people.

This cannot be kept completely secret, but after the "grotesque phenomenon" spreads and may attract the attention of Charatou and Amon, Klein can easily lift the original "graft" and change the "entry" irregularly.

Under this strategy, only the "entry" is transferred, not the mythical city itself. The effects of various interactions in the spiritual realm can be retained without being interrupted, and the ritual can be advanced steadily.

Of course, this kind of scheme also has a lot of problems, that is, the field of interaction is limited, and it cannot produce all-round daily influences. In addition, the frequency and intensity of interaction will not be too high.

If this option is chosen, it means that Klein has to spend more than half a year or even more than a year at the ceremony.

——If he insists that the destiny of each mystic puppet has a beginning and an end, in order to be safe, the ritual will take at least fifty years. However, there is also a trick, which is to give a meteorite to the town directly after all others have met the ritual An earthquake, a volcanic eruption brought the fate of all mysteries to the end at the same time. This situation also exists in reality and is quite reasonable.

Between radical and conservative options, Klein has a compromise solution.

That is to recreate a city, and let the mythical one correspond to the inhabitants of that city. Then, if it is more evil, erase the city directly and replace it with your own mythical town. If you have a kind heart, hide that city Get up and ensure the supply of materials-the reason that the target city is not transformed is that it has a corresponding area in the spiritual world, which is not newly born and does not meet the requirements of the ceremony.

Klein relied on the "curtain" formed by the extraordinary characteristics of the "stealth waiter", and had a better choice: "graft" a certain stage of that city to his own spouse town.

In this way, it is equivalent to his mysterious town becoming the dark side of that city. Outsiders who enter during the corresponding period will encounter one by one, not real people. When that time passes, they will leave again. My puppet town, return to reality and deal with real people.

In the process, Klein will also send a secret puppet, acting as an outsider, to maintain interaction with the corresponding real person, so that the true outsider can seamlessly access after returning to reality.

That is to say, two lives are being performed in the same city at the same time, but no one can detect it. Only occasionally, some people may feel that a certain detail is not right, but cannot explain it, and can only ignore the past.

This is quite consistent with the characteristics of "stealth", and has a certain secretiveness.

Of course, this plan also has its own problems, that is, the fate of the spouse highly simulates the fate of a real person, without its own independence, which will cause the effect of one aspect of the ceremony to fall short of expectations.

Tugging, Klein tapped the edge of the mottled table with his fingers, hesitating between the second and third options.

After several minutes, he followed the will of the heart and chose the second option, preferring to spend more time without affecting the fate of the innocent.

"At first, Chalatu and Antigonus chose the third plan with a high probability ..." Klein sighed and was ready to return to reality.

At this time, he glanced at the debris pile again, and thought about whether to lower the oracle and let Silver City revise some of the descriptions in the scriptures.

For a deity, the scriptures are not too important. The most useful thing is to facilitate the mission and increase the number of anchors.

In this regard, Klein has long concluded from the canonical content of the Orthodox Church, such as "Apocalypse of the Night" and "Book of the Storm":

Most of the content in it is elevating the righteous god, bragging about it, and showing kindness and compassion.

If in the ancient times, believers' image recognition of the gods did have a certain negative impact on the gods, then the current use of symbols to replace the idols no longer has this hidden danger, at least the "night goddess" and the "lord of the storm" After the gods have generously declared themselves to be a part of the original creator, there is no fear that this will exacerbate the revival of the original will in his body.

In other words, if there is a real problem in this respect, Klein believes that the "Night Goddess" must have changed the corresponding description, from the eye of the original creator to the child born of his birth. Person.

At the same time, believers' recognition of certain things will not cause a mystical burden on the gods themselves, otherwise Amon would have helped Klein, or the former "source castle", prepare a group of believers and induce them to form " The "time angel" is the recognition of the "Secret Lord", and with the instinctual response that meets the conditions, establishes a sufficient connection with "Yuanbao" and opens a "back door".

As far as the scriptures are concerned, apart from missionary needs, the most important are only two parts:

The first is a description of the authority and honor of the **** itself. If this is wrong, it will lead the believer's prayer to the wrong unknown object, which is not only dangerous to the believer, but also will cause the **** to lose its anchor. The second is the description of other churches. This can easily lead to conflict.

As far as angels and saints are concerned, the gods actually don't care too much, they care about the angels and the saints themselves, because they need to get a certain anchor.

Therefore, the descriptions of angels and saints in the major sacraments are sufficiently detailed, with authority and honor, to facilitate the selection and substitution of different believers. In addition, this is not enough to form a solid anchor, because it covers the faith of the gods. Down.

In order to solve this problem, the Orthodox Church will assign different angels and saints to different churches to accurately divide the scope.

It is precisely because of this recognition that Klein has not paid much attention to the Holy Scriptures. After turning over the part that described his authority and honor, he was so embarrassed that he didn't want to read it. He just used the method of divination to confirm the next meeting. No conflict with the Orthodox Church.

After thinking about it for a while, he gave up the idea of ​​directly lowering the oracle to have Silver City modify the scriptures, and decided to use a softer way:

In the communication of the Tarot Society, through the "world" Guerman Spallo induced the "sun" to adjust the cognition, and the part involving the "time angel" was leaned in the direction of Pales Soroast, Without suspicion of Silver City, let the corresponding content be revised.


Byrham, Verdu Abraham has gained a lot of mystical knowledge in several extraordinary circles.

He lit the gas wall lamp and read it carefully at night.

Turning to the end, he suddenly read a message he had never known before:

"Banxi Port is a place full of mystical power, where the connection with the spiritual world is beyond imagination ... Even if the storm church directly destroyed the port, it did not completely eliminate its anomalies ...

"Many mystic researchers are buying Bansi-related items at high prices ..."

Bansey ... Verduy said to himself silently, and suddenly had a keen interest in the port.

He began to consider whether to also acquire some items from Bansi, and to study it in depth, after all, the spiritual world and the teleportation, the astral world, the starry sky and the roaming may all involve the "gate" Mr. Bethel Abraham Out of sleep.

Maybe, if you have a chance, you can go to Bansi to see ... Verdu slightly nodded invisible.

PS: change first and then change

Read The Duke's Passion