MTL - Lord of the Mysteries-v6 Chapter 64 Check in

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Hearing the words of Cong Cong, Alfred suddenly felt the temperature in the room plummet.

The indescribable coolness dipped into his body, freezing his blood and bone marrow.

When the ferry docked at Utopia Port, he actually expected what the worst would look like-Utopia is the headquarters of a certain cult, and everyone there is a potentially dangerous lunatic.

But now the facts may be worse:

Utopia may not even exist!

At this moment, Alfred was very grateful that he had not been the noble master when he left Bakerland. He had accumulated a wealth of experience and did not really enter the utopia port.

In the gaze of the lieutenant and concubine, the major general took a few steps back and forth with a calm expression, calmly commanding:

"Draw me a telegram to report on Utopia to MI9.

"At the same time, please ask the local official extraordinary person to act immediately, contact the captain, and ask for a list of personnel entering the utopia port, and visit them one by one if necessary to confirm that there are no problems.

"Yes." His adjutant immediately put his feet together and saluted in response.

When the lieutenant stepped out of the study, Alfred replied to a concubine:

"Moving the typewriter downstairs, I want to get a detailed report."

His plan is to first report key information with a telegram without delaying preliminary actions, and then show more details in the form of confidential documents to provide a basis for military senior officials to make judgments.


On the platform of the steam train, Wendell pressed a bowler hat and a suitcase into a second-class compartment.

He was less than thirty years old, with dark horns and dark brown eyes. He had no memorable features in his appearance, but had his own comfortable temperament.

A few months ago, he was an intelligence officer active in the Feneporte section of Dee Bay, and he has contributed a lot. Now he has become the extraordinary of Sequence 7 and belongs to the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the MI9.

Today, his purpose is to send a confidential document to Bakerland and put it into the hands of the Director of MI9.

After sitting down, Wendell normally bought a newspaper from a newspaper boy outside the window and started reading leisurely.

This is a superficial phenomenon. The real situation is that he began to use his extraordinary ability to outline portraits of people around him, remembering their various characteristics, and make detailed and perfect preparations for possible accidents that may occur later.


The whistle sounded, the steam train ran up, and the scenery outside the window accelerated across the scene.

A few hours later, Wendell glanced out of the window with anxiety, because the sky was already overcast and a storm was about to fall.

This means that the steam train will stop at a certain station in advance, wait until the storm is over, and even continue the journey the next morning, instead of arriving at the scheduled place.

For Wendel, this will lead things a little bit out of their expected plans, which will undoubtedly bring more risks.

However, he has no way to stop it. He cannot change the weather like the "Poseidon" promoted by the new government of the Rhodes Islands.

The only thing he could do was to pray, to the Lord of the Storm.

Facts have proven that prayers are mostly useless. When the sky is getting darker, the front platform has signaled with lights to slow down the train and stop on the spot.


The whistle rang again, the train became slower and slower, and eventually stopped at a platform that everyone felt a little strange.

The next second, near the front of the steam-sprayed car, the door of the machine opened, the train leader stood at the entrance, and shouted to the staff on the platform from the air:

"What's up?"

"Heavy rain, you can't see anything!" The site worker who had already turned a little pale, answered loudly.

Immediately after his words fell, a thunderous thunder sounded from the sky, shaking everyone with a tremor and predicting the coming of the heavy rain.

"Damn!" The captain cursed. "Which station is this?"

Because he stopped abnormally, he didn't know which station he was currently in. After all, the trains he was responsible for did not stop at every stop along the way.

"Utopia! A small station! Then you arrange it yourself!" The staff member yelled a few times and ran towards the other end of the platform with a glass horse light. "I have to signal the train behind!"

The train captain has no doubt about the attitude of the staff, as this is a normal dispatching process, otherwise there will be a rear-end accident between the two steam trains.

He can even conclude that other staff at this utopian station are already telegraphing to other stations to remind them.

Of course, they must have received the telegram before they knew that the area in front had been covered by heavy rain.

"Utopia ..." Wendel whispered the place name again, not finding any useful information in his mind.

Of course, he didn't care too much, because there are many unknown steam train stations in the entire Ruen Kingdom, which is a manifestation of a country's comprehensive strength.

The train captain glanced at the black sky and muttered a few words before using the latest loudspeaker to tell passengers:

"The storm is coming and the train will stop at Utopia Station until eight in the morning."

He expected the storm to continue tonight.

"You can stay in the car, or you can leave on your own, go to the city, look for a hotel, and only need to provide a ticket stub to get back on the train tomorrow, remember to be on time." The train conductor gave two options.

Wendell looked at the passengers in the second-class carriage, considered for a few seconds, put on his luggage, and got out of the train.

He is not unable to accept the difficult and abnormal sleeping environment. When he was working as an intelligence officer, he had suffered a lot. He only relied on his professional literacy to judge that the compartments where the personnel circulation was not sufficiently closed did not have a hotel single room security.

Of course, he can stay up all night, but this will definitely affect his state of tomorrow, and it is clear that there is still a long journey tomorrow.

Out of Utopia Station, Wendel got on the roadside taxi, and said to the driver:

"Go to the municipal square."

In the Kingdom of Ruen, there must be a church and at least one hotel near the municipal square.

"Sir, are you going to the hotel?" The coachman asked familiarly as he let the horses turn quietly.

"Well." Wendell, who was extraordinary in Sequence 7, didn't hide it.

In his opinion, as long as he is in a town in the country, he can easily find a group of helpers by his own identity, and his strength is sufficient to support him to accomplish this.

"Our best hotel in Utopia is 'Red Boots'. Are you going there?" The driver asked in an ambiguous tone that all men knew.

If he wasn't in charge, Wendell wouldn't mind enjoying it, but now he can only shake his head without hesitation:

"I want a quiet hotel."

"Okay ..." The driver responded with disappointment. "Go to the Iris Hotel. No one will bother you."

As the carriage moved forward, Wendell turned his eyes out of the window to observe the situation outside.

Perhaps because of the approaching rainstorm, people on the road were in a hurry, and even newsboys couldn't beat their spirits.

"A small city ..." Wendel made a preliminary judgment from the lack of a railcar here.

He even saw only one trolley bus, which shows that most parts of Utopia can be reached within a reasonable time by walking.

As he expected, within ten minutes, the taxi carriage stopped at the door of the "Iris Flower" hotel.

Wendell paid the fare and hurriedly walked into the hotel before the rain fell.

A rattling sound rang behind him.

After checking in and packing my luggage, Wendell took a break, carrying the confidential documents, and went to the restaurant on the first floor for dinner.

He discreetly ordered no alcoholic beverages, ordered a glass of "bubble iced tea" that is said to be a local specialty, and served a slice of pork with apple juice.

As an intelligence officer who has been in and out of high society, Wendel did not expect much from this dinner, but the results were somewhat unexpected:

The pork chop was deep-fried and juicy, with a strong fragrance, and the apple juice poured on it had a slightly sour taste, which eliminated most of the greasy.

At the checkout, Wendell nodded to the middle waiter:

"Thank you, chef, for this wonderful dinner."

The ordinary-looking waiter responded with a smile:

"no problem.

"Our iris chefs are the best throughout Utopia."

Wendell didn't chat, and quickly returned to the room to make arrangements to prevent others from sneaking in.

Then he fell asleep with no hesitation.

He used this relatively safe time for potential enemies to consider unsuitable for sleeping and "nighted out" late at night.

Somehow, Wendell was suddenly awakened by a fierce noise.

He glanced at the pocket watch and found that it was not early in the morning.

In the next room ... the voice of a woman ... the voice of a man ... Wendell sat up, listened, and discerned carefully.

At first, he suspected that the man and the woman were flirting, but later found that it was so intense that even fragile items were thrown on the wall.

Brawl sparks a fight? Just after muttering, Wendell heard the women's shouts, curses and screams.

Beating women? As a Rune gentleman, although Wendell believes in the "lord of the storm", he discriminates against women, both secretly and implicitly, but this does not prevent him from thinking that men should not be aggressive with women.

After thinking about it for two seconds, he decided to knock on the door and remind the "neighbors" to pay attention.

Just then, a scream came over.

This obviously comes from men!

When it slammed, a heavy object fell on the floor.

Wendel's eyebrows moved slightly, and he keenly smelled the breath of the criminal case.

He stood up, put on his coat, and came to the next room, bending his fingers and tapping twice.

A few seconds later, the door creaked open, and a beautiful lady with green eyes and long linen hair appeared in front of Wendel.

Her hair was disheveled, her face was pale, and the light green clothing was dotted with bright red blood, and she was carrying a dagger dripping with blood.

The young lady in her early twenties pursed her lips for a while, then said in a nightmare tone:

"I killed someone ..."

Read The Duke's Passion