MTL - Lord of the Mysteries-v6 Chapter 72 explore

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Verduy swallowed his saliva subconsciously, creating an inexplicable sense of fear.

He didn't know what he was afraid of, and apparently there was no real danger. Just dropping a drop of unknown source of liquid from the height made his spine cold and his pores tightened.

Maybe the environment here is too gloomy and silent, or the identity and source of the liquid is unknown ... Verdu moved out two steps cautiously, and began to observe patiently.

In the next few minutes, there were no more anomalies here, and no more liquid fell from the height.

This made Verdu reasonably suspect that just a bird had passed by, carrying a sea fish or freshwater fish from the island's stream in his mouth, and the surface of the fish had slightly viscous liquid falling down.

He calmed down and inspected the ruins of the Telegraph Bureau.

In the past ten minutes, Verduy initially confirmed that there are only blood scars and simple murals related to mystery, which is worth studying.

Instead of recklessly picking up **** dirt and printing strange murals, he took out a pure and dreamy crystal ball from his clothes pocket.

As an "astrologer," he certainly has to do his best to confirm whether to take action.

Holding the crystal ball in his left hand, and stroking his right hand, Verdu went into the state of "horoscope".

The next second, the crystal ball bloomed brightly.


It burst open, throwing debris around.

... Verdu's eyes were frozen, and he stood still, ignoring the pain caused by the fragments inserted into the body.

"It exploded ... it exploded ..." He whispered unacceptably.

The crystal ball fragments inserted into his body did not seem to break through the classical robe, and at this time they fell without contamination with blood.

Of course, Verdu had a small amount of crystal ball debris on his jaw and face, creating small wounds after another.

"Who?" Verdu woke suddenly, and turned to look at the other side.

In the ruins opposite, a figure came out, the slightly exposed **** the pirate ship.

She had been hiding very well and was not found by Verdu, but the explosion of the crystal ball just shocked her, causing her to make an overwhelming and obvious response, which led to the failure of sneak.

Verdu's injured face suddenly twisted:

"Why are you here?"

The girl lifted her lips and made a gesture of indifference:

"This is Ban Xigang, not yours, why can't I be here?

"I'm bored. Get off the boat and take a walk. I hope I can pick up some jewellery in the ruins. Is it okay?"

She asked two questions in a row, without meaning to stay away from Verdu.

Verdu did not quarrel with her, took out the prepared ointment and medical alcohol, dealt with injuries to his face and jaw, and put all the removed crystal ball fragments back into his clothes pocket.

He didn't want the blood to stay in such a weird place.

Verdullah then pulled a decoration on the classical robe.

It was a "door" pattern consisting of three rubies, three emeralds and three diamonds.

Almost instantly, the robe tightened sharply, making Verdu's flesh stand out.

Just as Verdu's bones were about to break, his figure gradually faded and disappeared.

Then he "teleported" to the mountain peaks outside Banxi Port.

The mountain peak had also collapsed, and it became a rubble.

According to Verdu, this was once the place where Bansi residents worshiped the "God of the Weather", and it was also the target of the Church of the Storm.

——After the crystal ball reminded him of the unknown danger hidden by the Banxi Telegraph Bureau with a self-explosion, Verdu dare not continue to explore there, collect mystical materials, and only forcibly moved to the next scheduled location.

And this also let him get rid of the girl's tracking.

As soon as Verduel's figure stood out, he bent down his back and panted there, feeling a sense of relief from the choking state.

At the same time, Verdu felt a sting in his right rib and seemed to have broken a bone.

After taking several deep breaths in a row, holding back the pain, he walked forward with sweat on his forehead and reached the altar marked on the map.

There is no doubt that the altar has been destroyed, leaving only a huge glassy, ​​slightly blackened pothole surrounded by scattered stones of different shapes.

Those gravels were more or less marked by fire and thunder.

Verdu Abraham looked around, raised his right hand, and raised his sleeves.

The whistle of wind suddenly appeared, and some small pieces of gravel were "pushed" away from the place, exposing the ground they covered.

This is the "wind blowing technique" of the "Master of Juggling", which Verdu uses to replace his manual labor to ensure his own safety to the greatest extent.

As the rubble "flyed" away, Verdu saw the same blackened ground, with some areas remaining with a small amount of very incomplete patterns, patterns and symbols.


The sound of the wind became more intense, ringing in Verdu's ears, making him look up in surprise.

His wind, which was only able to blow small gravel, did not know when it turned into a hurricane, "pushing" him a little wobbly.

Verdud immediately saw a thick cloud gathering at high altitude, and it seemed that a storm was coming.

Although he heard that Bansey is a "weather museum", he never thought that change would come so suddenly.

For a moment, Verduel wondered if his "wind-winding" had caused a storm, or the clearing of the ruins of the altar just now inspired some changes.

Such speculation quickly made his forehead sweat coldly.

During the storm, Verdu saw a pile of rubble flying obliquely forward, revealing a boulder buried beneath them.

The boulder's surface is staggered with deep cracks, giving a feeling that it will crack when touched.

At this point, the winds subsided a lot, and heavy rain was still brewing.

Verduin thought that he had come to Banxi Port and could not be scared away just like this, so he gathered his courage and approached the scorched black rock.

He immediately took out a magnifying glass with a singular pattern inscribed on the handle and carefully checked the condition of the boulder.

Seventy or eight minutes later, Verdu put away the magnifying glass that was a magical object, and sighed with regret and frustration.

He has initially confirmed that this boulder has no problems and does not involve mysticism.

Verduy was about to take his eyes back and was about to leave, suddenly seeing the place where the bottom of the boulder meets the soil, a little bright red appeared.

The bright red gradually expanded, like the blood that spread out.

However, it did not infect much and was confined to a small area.

Verdu's mind flashed through the two blood-red silhouettes in the ruins of the Telegraph Bureau, and his scalp was irritated.

His lips dried quickly and intuitively thought it was not a good thing.

Swallowing saliva again, Verdu lifted his right hand and created a gust of wind again, rolling a lot of tiny crushed stones over, completely filling the bottom of the boulders, covering up the bright red.

He didn't stop here anymore, but forcibly turned on Teleport again, and went to the last target location.

This time, one of his ribs was broken, so painful that he was about to faint.

Coupled with the suffocation caused by the compression of space, Verdu had a feeling of wandering on the edge of death.

It took him dozens of seconds to slow down and set his sights forward.

Here is also a ruin, with collapsed houses covering the overgrown ground.

According to a pirate who has explored the ruins of Bansi, here is an item worth studying:

It's a very ordinary wooden door, but it's the only thing in Bancy that is still intact.

The pirate couldn't find anything special from the wooden door, so he let his hand go down and lifted it, trying to move back to the ship.

However, they only took two steps and suddenly fell down, dragging their spines, leaving their bodies and rolling to the side.

This frightened the pirate. He didn't dare to stay, and hurried away with the rest of the crew.

Verdu did not fully believe the story told by the other party. Although he did not have much activity at sea, he also knew that sailors loved bragging and always exaggerated only two or three points to eleven or two points.

However, even if it was bragging, Verdu thought the wooden door was worth studying.

After some searching, he found the target:

The ordinary-looking wooden door leaned against a collapsed wall with brass keyholes and handles.

There are no corpses and no bloodstains around it, which is consistent with most of the ruins.

Sure enough the bragging, huh, maybe the pirate heard something from other places, he and his men did not dare to try to carry it ... Verdu looked around, and suddenly said:


"Why monitor me?"

He didn't actually find anyone around, but based on the previous experience and lessons, he used words and responses to cheat possible monitors.

The next second, in a shadow, a middle-aged man with a raised belly came out.

He didn't speak, and silently stayed away from this place.

While rejoicing, Verdua let out a secret sigh of relief, seized the time, and approached the wooden door.

According to the information he received, no matter which side the wooden door was pushed to, it would not bring unusual changes, and there would be no danger of touching it without trying to move it.

After thinking for a few seconds, Verdu retracted his hand into his sleeve robe, made "gloves" with a classical robe, and pulled down the wooden door.

The wooden door stood up and there was a quiet surrounding.

Verduy pushed the wooden door as usual, but still couldn't see the slightest change.

He tried a variety of methods, but none of them could make the wooden door appear abnormal. It seemed that it was just luck, and it was preserved intact under the blast of the Church of the Storm.

Taking a deep breath, Verdu tried to calm himself.

He thought about it and tried to open the door again.

However, unlike before, he grasped the handle and twisted it gently.

After hearing the click of a slight metal collision, Verdu pushed forward, letting the wooden door tilt backwards, leaning again on the broken and broken wall.

This time, a pale mist suddenly appeared in front of Verdu's eyes.

There was a looming street and row of houses in the mist.

One of the houses was inlaid with a wooden sign, which seemed to have a few Rune words written on it:

"Banxi Port Telegraph Bureau."

As Verdu's pupils dilated, a gentle voice came from the telegram bureau that enveloped the faint mist:

"You are, come here, telegraph?

"Come in."

PS: In the evening, there will be the first monthly change of February monthly tickets ~

Read The Duke's Passion