MTL - Lord of the Mysteries-v6 Chapter 8 Joint Action (Monday's recommendation for monthly ticket recommendation)

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The Pope ... Daniz was startled and almost couldn't believe the oracle he heard.

If it wasn't for this command came directly from Mr. "Fool", he would definitely curse a swear word.

Of course, if the opposite is German Sparrow, he can also hold back.

"Master God, what's the problem?" The head of intelligence of the Poseidon Church outside the door saw that the expression of His Excellency St. Deniz became quite weird, and he was a little scared.

Daniz withdrew his thoughts and smiled a little:

"Pay close attention to the movement over the Wave Church."

"Yes, Lord Envoy." The intelligence director secretly relieved himself and hurriedly said goodbye.

Daniz turned back and looked at Alger Wilson, smiling broadly:

"Mr. Fool" has lowered his oracle. "

Alger was not indifferent at all, got up immediately, and pressed his right palm against his left chest.

Daniz straightened his back and solemnly said:

"God said that from today, Alger will wear a mask and serve as the Pope of the Church of Poseidon."

"Mr. 'Fool''s will is my will!" Alger diffidently concealed a smile and bent down to salute.

Half of his smile was shown to Daniz, showing his humility, and half was indeed from the heart, because the oracle meant two things:

Mr. Fool and the Lord of the Storm have reached a certain agreement. With a certain tacit understanding, his defection will no longer be pursued. Of course, he must wear a mask and use a pseudonym to prevent the Storm Church from losing face;

Becoming the Pope of the Church of Poseidon is a key step towards the throne of "Poseidon".

In Alger's view, this means that he has officially become a subordinate of Mr. "Fool", whether in exchange for the status of "Poseidon" or as a leader of the "Fool" church, there will be no small opportunities Mr. Fool is a gradual recovery, a great existence at the same level as the true God, and even higher. How could his agent not be an angel?

After the salute, Alger waited patiently for a while, and waited until the envoy Daniz brought a silver-black mask.

He took the mask and solemnly put it on his face.


Leonard wore red gloves and wandered along the coast of the middle sea, enjoying the leisure just after handling an extraordinary case.

As for the bizarre opening of the doors and windows last night, he has received the order of the temple, so that he does not need to investigate and do not delve into it.

Regarding this order, Leonard wanted to obey but was powerless, because he already knew the general truth from the old man, Pales Zoroaster:

Mr. "Door" returned to the real world, and "Time Angel" Amon took advantage of the opportunity to steal his god-forming ritual and was promoted to the "error" of sequence 0. Almost at the same time, Mr. "Fool" recovered further, and established a weak, fleeting connection with the extraordinary people in the three ways of "Fortress", "Apprentice", and "Stealer".

——As an angel of the “stealer” approach, Pales Zoroaster can undoubtedly perceive Amon as a god, experience the change of corresponding authority, and find that “Yuanbao” has established a certain relationship with himself Kind of connection.

"Old man, Amon has been promoted to sequence 0, now you, for him, should have no effect, why do you even" parasitize "in my body?" Leonard breathed in the fresh morning air. Pressing his voice, he asked with half doubt and half concern.

In his head, Pales Zoroastre sighed:


"Do you feel that you have become a saint, have mastered a lot of occult knowledge, and no longer need my teaching?"

"You can choose to teach me face to face." Leonard pondered.

For him, having an angel in the body has both advantages and disadvantages.

The advantage is that even if he encounters a real mythical creature, he is not without strength now. As long as he whispers "old man", the problem may be solved. In addition, the history of the Quaternary and various uncommon mystics Knowledge is also quite useful.

The most obvious disadvantage is that life is controlled by the "parasiter". If the other party has any evil intentions, he can't stop it at all.

This issue used to be Leonard ’s biggest concern, but it ’s not important now, because Mr. Fool ’s recovery is getting higher and higher, and he has been able to completely suppress Pales Zoroaster, and Leonard also Became a high-level deacon of the night church, it will inevitably be watched by the "goddess of the night", and even be specially marked. In this case, the secret **** in charge cannot possibly find Pales Zoroaster, if the old man It was resolved long ago without good intentions.

Leonard's biggest worry at the moment is that many things are not so convenient.

Although he has become accustomed to entering and leaving the bathroom while "parasitic" an old guy in his body, and even chatting with each other while squatting the toilet, in a similar situation, he still prefers to be alone.

Therefore, he felt that it was a better way for the old man to leave his body and live in his own home like an elder. When he needed to deal with something more dangerous, he would let the old man temporarily "parasitize" back.

Hearing Leonard ’s suggestion, Paris Zoroas sneered:

"Are you still thinking about releasing the" parasitic "after returning home, and then" parasitic "when you need to go out?

"When I am your bodyguard?"

Leonard laughed dryly and said instead:

"If you haven't completely recovered and want to continue to" parasitize ", I have no opinion."

Paris Zoroastre was silent for two seconds, making the slightly old voice echo again in Leonard's mind:

"The next is the most dangerous period of time. For the position of" Secret Lord "," Fool "and Amon will have a battle. At that time, under the influence of various laws of extraordinary characteristics, we angels of the same path say Maybe it will be affected, oh, it is safe to take shelter in the sight of night.

"When the" Secret Lord "is born, please beg me to" parasitize "you, I can't take it!"

Leonard heard a little stunned, subconsciously repeated a name:

"Secret Lord?"

"It's not something you can understand in depth. Of course, I'm here, but don't worry too much." Pales Zoroastre said with exclamation and pride.

Leonard was about to take the opportunity to inquire, and suddenly saw a "red glove" team member holding a telegram and ran over.

"Your Excellency, the telegraph of the Templar." The team member saluted respectfully.

Leonard nodded slightly, took the telegram, and scanned it quickly:

"Go to the southern continent and participate in the action of the Encirclement and Suppression Rose School."

The Southern Continent ... The Rose School ... Leonard extracted the two most critical words.

He quickly returned to the largest church in the city, using a large ceremonial magic to establish a connection with the church, and in his dream saw high-ranking people such as the Pope and Ms. Arianna.

After a simple communication, Leonard roughly figured out the essence of the task:

Each of the major orthodox churches transferred three to four half-gods to the southern continent to encircle and suppress the very active rose school since the total war.

This is a long-term task, because the demigods of the Rose School know how to cover up whereabouts, and their work is quite secret. It is not so easy to find, not so easy to lock down, and not so easy to deal with.

According to the Pope, it is good to see enough results in three years.

During this process, the Templar will rotate the demigods as appropriate to ensure that the archbishops and senior deacons responsible for this matter are in a relatively stable state of mind.

After leaving the dream, Leonard looked around and pressed his voice:

"Old man, things are a bit strange. Why did the major churches suddenly encircle the Rose School?"

This is not an easy task. In the past few hundred years, the Orthodox Churches have not made similar attempts, but they can only suppress and weaken, and cannot really eradicate the Rose School.

This is because there is suspicion among allies, there is suspicion and lack of cooperation, on the other hand, it is due to the demigods of the Rose School who are indulging in desire, and the mental state is abnormal, and they are not normal. And concealed, will not take the initiative to die.

In addition, they are sheltered by the “Bounded God” and “Mother of Desire”, and it is difficult for the gods to provide precise guidance for their actions.

Paris Soroyast did not immediately answer Leonard's question. After a few seconds, he sighed and said slightly old:

"This is to eliminate hidden dangers and prepare for the end."

Preparing for the end ... Leonard opened his mouth and wanted to say something, but eventually he was silent.


Beckland, Harvest Church.

Emlyn White had just entered the hall, and had not had time to go to the room and change the clothes. Then he saw Father Utravsky standing up in the front row, like a mountain rising from the ground.

"The goddess told us to go to the southern continent and bury those evil ones." The godwife said lowly.

His voice echoed in the hall, like a slowly thundering thunder, and the blood-stricken believers who were startled in prayer opened their eyes one after another.

It turned out that the dream last night was true ... Emlin heard a sudden burst of noise.

He dreamed of the ancestor last night. He dreamed that he and Father Utravsky would join the Rosary Department of Conservation and go to the Southern Continent to deal with the members of the Rose School who believed in the "primitive moon."

Of course, if there is a chance, enemies who believe in the "Mother Tree of Desire" cannot be spared.

Because there are often false revelations, Emlin did not take this dream to heart, preparing to change clothes, complete prayers, and then ask Father Utravsky for confirmation.

He gave a "huh" sound and responded to Father Utravsky quite calmly:

"Do not worry.

"I will contact the members of the Rose School Conservation Department first."

Father Utravsky nodded innocently:

"Choose some voluntary blood races."


In the Republic of Intis, the capital of Trier, a supervisor of an intelligence agency is arranging tasks for subordinates.

Suddenly, there was a blur in front of his eyes, and a sound from his ears sounded as if from a distant place:

"Orville ... Diran ... Orville ... Diran ..."

PS: Recommended monthly ticket for Monday ~

Read The Duke's Passion