MTL - Lord of the People: Build Immortal Realm From Scratch-Chapter 1

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Lord of the People: Creating Immortal Realm from Scratch Author: Lord of Machinery

Everyone can become a fairy, everyone can become a god!

This is an era of national lords, and it is also an era of immortals and gods, and myths are not just stories!

Wu Chi crossed the parallel world and stepped into this exciting world where the heavens are fighting and the blood of all races!

With the mysterious treasure in hand, he can mutate all the territorial buildings!

"White" Lord's Heart → "Golden" Lord's Heart! Legendary features, the door to heaven is open!

【Cultivation】→【Spiritual Field】: Yield x1000%! Growth speed x1000%!

【Water Well】→【Moon Well】: Instantly restore blood! Instantly back to blue!

[Arrow Tower] → [Element Tower]: The magic chimes, destroying the sky and destroying the earth!

[Barracks] → [Xiu Xian Academy]: Three thousand sword immortals, why fear a battle!


Wu Chi: "Wealth, power, strength, beauty... I want them all!"

Chapter 1 The era of the lord of the whole people! (1/4! Please collect!)

"Next! Wu Chi!"

Silvermoon City, the eighty-first floor ascends the ladder.

A middle-aged man wearing a silver crane robe and a blue scarf spoke loudly. The voice was not loud, but it was transmitted in all directions, like a turbulent wave, blasting in the ears of everyone.

Climbing down the ladder, the audience couldn't take their eyes off of them and didn't dare to speak.

On the ladder, the people in line looked up,

at the forefront of the line,

A teenager walked out of the team and came to the middle-aged man.

He looks a little delicate, with short hair, a determined face, and plain eyes.

The middle-aged man glanced at the boy, then looked at the scroll in his hand, and said, "Kamikawa High School, Class 5 (5), 16 years old, Wu Chi! Is that right?"

"Yes." Wu Chi nodded.

The middle-aged man stepped aside and motioned for the young man to pass.

Behind him is a floating altar!

This is an ancient altar, covered with sang mulberry, it looks tattered, but it reveals a charm, maybe there was an immortal **** on it.

Wu Chi took a deep breath and stepped on the altar.

When the middle-aged man saw Wu Chi go in, he didn't talk nonsense, he directly opened a silk book, and solemnly recited "Words of Prayer for Heaven"!


It's the Ascension Festival.

This person is the "introducer" of the Celestial Climbing Festival in Yinyue City. His job is to guide the new generation of young people to "pray for the sky", obtain the "Heart of a Lord", and become a [Lord]!

In the central square, people were densely packed, most of them were relatives of those who queued up, and a few were there to watch the fun.

On important occasions, no one spoke, but all eyes focused on the young man on the altar, with different expressions.

Wu Chi listened to the voice of the "introducer", and also felt that countless eyes were focused on himself, and his heart was quite complicated.

Finally the day has come...  

He is a traveler!

The past is like a cloud of smoke, and it is meaningless to say more.

As soon as he crossed over and became a newly born baby, Wu Chixiao's head was full of surprise and joy.

Surprised that this kind of thing happened to me!

The joy is that I have gained a new life, I have gained a lifespan in vain, and with the memory of my previous life, this life may be very exciting!

If you travel to the historical world, you can copy poems, make cement, make glass, make gunpowder, mix up rice, and find sweet potatoes and potatoes. Maybe you can earn an emperor and beauties of three thousand in the harem!

If you travel to the urban world, you can become a copywriter, open a company, go through the business opportunities of your previous life, become a hero, and say "I'm not interested in money" on TV shows!


However, when Wu Chi grew up a little and understood the background of this era, he gave up all these thoughts.

This world is the era of national lordship!

Every Earthling can become a lord, enter the "Endless Void", build a territory, and gain everything by developing his own territory!

This is an era where lords have endless possibilities!

Everyone can become a god, everyone can become a fairy!

Naturally, the lord is the only way, and neither the copyist nor the business has any meaning.

After crossing into this great world, Wu Chi naturally wanted to be a lord.

It is possible to perform "Prayers" to obtain "Heart of Lord", which requires the strength of the soul to reach a certain standard.

Ordinary people have qualified soul strength between the ages of 16 and 18!


Wu Di waited until a month ago,

After turning 16 years old and having qualified soul strength, he successfully signed up for this year's "Ascension to the Sky Festival".

As for the so-called "Climbing Festival",

As the name suggests...  

One step to the sky!

Every year at this time, the country will hold a "Heaven Praying Ceremony" on the climbing ladders in various cities, praying for the sky for all humans who meet the requirements and obtaining the heart of the lord.

The heart of the lord is the core of the lord and the cornerstone of the development of the territory!

Ordinary people pray to the sky, and the hearts of lords obtained are different, but there must be a territorial characteristic!

The quality of the characteristics is different, which determines the potential of the lord.

Although this era is impossible, even the most **** features may become immortals and become gods.

However, among the human race, there are very few such people, and there may not be one in a million people.

Under normal circumstances, it is natural that the stronger the characteristics, the better.

Wu Chi was a little nervous in his heart, expecting that he would have the heart of a lord, but he was worried that the characteristics of the territory were too poor, and the feeling in his heart was quite complicated for a while.

The characteristics of the territory are different, and the color of the lord's heart is also different!

The gray lord's heart is "low-quality"!

The white lord's heart is of "ordinary" quality!

The Green Lord's Heart is of "rare" quality!

The heart of the blue lord is "exquisite" quality!

The purple lord's heart is of "excellent" quality!

The golden heart of the lord is of "legendary" quality!

Most people have obtained the hearts of lords of "inferior" and "ordinary" quality. If there is no great opportunity and great luck, the future will only be a waste of life, and they will not be able to build the territory to any extent.

A small number of people get the heart of a lord of "rare" and "sophisticated" quality, and if they work hard, they also have the opportunity to become strong, but there is no one who can leap through the dragon gate.

Very few "excellent" quality lords' hearts have a high probability of becoming immortals and becoming gods, immortality, immortality and immortality are not necessarily delusions!

The most rare "legendary" lord's heart, as long as each one does not die prematurely, he will become an immortal, and the road is far more than that!

In history, every person with the heart of a golden lord has become a well-known myth and legend.

The Immortal King "Zhang Bairen" opened up the Nine-layer Immortal Realm, the territory of "Heavenly Court", and there are thousands of immortals coming to court!

The Taoist "Li Er" has evolved into the mysterious gate, and the territory is "Shangqingdongtian", and the Fa is passed on to all realms!

The wonderful Bodhisattva "Tantai Xuan" ascends the Buddha's land, occupies the "All Wonderful Buddha Country", and purifies all sentient beings!

God King "Yahweh", created the Garden of Eden, the territory of "heaven", believers can ascend to the kingdom of God and have eternal life!

The god-king "Artemis" sits on Mount Olympus, the territory "Moon Palace", and holds the stars!

The Lord of Truth, "Karina", wanders the void, occupies the "Tower of Truth", and hunts the evil god!


this era,

Myths, not just stories!

Immortals, right in front of you!


Chapter 2 Goldfinger! ? (2/4! Please collect!)

This is an era of immortals, and it is also a great era in which the heavens are fighting for hegemony and all races are competing for power. One by one world, one universe, one dimension, one plane, one by one, colliding in the endless void, war!

Coming to this era, Wu Chi was filled with excitement, but he couldn't say it. He could only secretly clench his fists and wait silently.

Finally, the guide finished reciting the "Words of Prayer for Heaven".

The altar erupted with dazzling brilliance, turning into clouds and mists, carrying the ancient rhyme, holding up Wu Chi and standing in the air!

"The way of heaven is clear, and the human race is forever prosperous!"

The guide shouted loudly!

The next moment, I saw the clouds turned into a trace of Taoism, all pouring into Wu Chi's body.

A faint light radiated out, like a dream.

"This is......"

Wu Chi's eyes widened, and he only felt that some kind of change had taken place in his body. It was at the level of life, as well as flesh and soul. It was mysterious and mysterious.

I don't know how long it took, Wu Chi woke up.

He fell from mid-air and stood on the altar,

In the palm of his hand, there was an extra white light group.

Lord's Heart!

"Ordinary quality lord's heart!"

The Introducer looked calm and nodded.

The Lord's Heart of ordinary quality is the most common, and it is not surprising.

Wu Chi's face was ugly, and his mind was a mess.

The result is obvious...

He is not a darling of the heavens, nor is he a waste material, an old grandfather is just the most common ordinary person among all living beings!

After years of anticipation, but the result was so cruel, Wu Chi couldn't help but look pale, his arms were stiff, and his five fingers were pinched tightly.

When the Taoist leader saw Wu Chi's appearance, he sighed slightly and reassured him, "Don't be discouraged, there is no ordinary lord in history who has become a fairy and a god!"

"There are infinite possibilities in the endless void. Maybe you have just arrived, and you will see the treasures of the gods and gods, and the way is smooth!"

Hearing this, Wu Chi regained his senses and calmed down slowly.

After all, he has lived in two lives, and he did not have the same mental breakdown and noisy as ordinary young people.

"Thank you!"

Wu Chi cupped his hands, didn't say much nonsense, and walked down the ladder with the "Heart of the Lord".

On the 81st floor climbing ladder, the people in line watched Wu Chi go down with different eyes.

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