MTL - Lord of the People: Build Immortal Realm From Scratch-Chapter 272

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On the stone wall, Wu Chi breathed a sigh of relief when he saw the chaos of the undead army broke out.

He saw the prompt information on the [Heart of Flesh] building. "Transformed monster: 12772."

"Number of fusions: 910"

"Warning! Monsters do not distinguish between enemy and me!"

"It's a bit like the plague, but it's more terrifying than the plague!" "Is there a monster that doesn't distinguish between us." Wu Chi thought. At this time,

Sister Lin jumped up on the stone wall with a dignified look on her pretty face. "Young Master, we have returned and are reorganizing the army!" "Well, you can rest for a while, now the other party is very busy!" Wu Chi smiled,

Lin Daiyu looked towards the battlefield and asked curiously, "Is that a spell?" "No, the effect of a defensive tower."

Wu Chi showed her the information,

Sister Lin understood and said, "This is indeed a very scary thing, but it doesn't distinguish between enemy and me, it's a bit..." "It's just right now, isn't it?" Wu Chi pondered slightly. just,

The blessing of the [Ancient Temple] has been activated, and the attributes of soldiers and heroes have been improved again.

Some wounded soldiers were also brought into the city and recuperated in [Baiyun Tower].

The remaining soldiers were resting outside the city, preparing to continue fighting.

"Young master, I don't think it's any good to continue stalemate. When the opponent calms down, the heart of flesh and blood will also be weak!" "At this time, the best way is to behead tactics!"

Lin Daiyu said solemnly: "Let Yuanchun cooperate with me, I will cut out the ninth knife!" Hearing this,

Wu Chi narrowed his eyes.

"Nine Absolute Swords", he also used it many times,

Where is it not clear what "v ninth knife" means?

The ninth knife, cut me!

This is a mortal sword, kill the enemy, but also kill yourself!

"..." Wu Chi hesitated for a while,

Sister Lin urged: "Young master, don't hesitate! In the battle, every second counts!" "...Okay!"

Wu Chi regained his senses and nodded.

Brother Octopus responded quickly,

When the "heart of flesh" broke out, infecting tens of thousands of dark monsters, and then massacred, a hero came down with a treasure,

The strange smell came out, and the legionnaires were protected one by one to avoid infection. finally,

Flesh-hearted monsters cleaned up,

But in this short period of time, the Undead Legion has lost 30,000 to 40,000 people, and most of the dark monsters have died.

The loss is very heavy!

The remaining legions were furious, roaring the battle song and marching forward, to break the 【Taiyin City】! The resting Miaoyu and others also led the soldiers to kill them, and they were not afraid at all!

Under [Taiyin City], the defensive towers on the side of the giant ship are beyond reach,

The defense tower of Taiyin City can quickly support, and it blocked the fierce attack of the opponent for a while. The newly upgraded [Maoshan Taoist Tower] has played a big role. A Maoshan Taoist can "reverse" dark monsters and turn into zombies.

A Maoshan Taoist turned into a thunderbolt figure, jumped fiercely, and rushed into the battlefield with a mad hammer!

Thunder and lightning are with you, and every punch and kick carries a terrifying power of lightning, which is very terrifying!

Chapter 336 Beheading! Scared away! (3/5! Please subscribe!)

Relying on "geographical advantage",

for a while,

The undead army can't help Taiyin City!

But anyone with a discerning eye can see that Taiyin City is "resisting stubbornly in the corner", and it only needs to attack for a while before it is enough to defeat! on the giant ship,

Brother Octopus sneered, but he was relieved. The other party is very difficult,

But the outcome has been decided, it does not have to worry.

This time!

It saw Wu Chi, and actually ended up in person, bursting out with terrifying power, driving the thunder light with one hand and the seal with the other, killing the soldiers of the undead legion one by one.

Even the golden arms can't stop a move in front of Wu Chi! "Haha, can't you help yourself out?"

"You can kill a hundred, a thousand! Is it possible that you can kill a hundred thousand?" Brother Octopus sneered,

It can be seen that the opponent has used some kind of buff method, and the combat power of his subordinates has skyrocketed, but how long can it last?

On its side, it can continue to summon dark monsters, endlessly, to surround each other!


The other party didn't care about the undead legionnaires and rushed towards the giant ship quickly! Walking in the air, a sonic boom sounded,

Like a missile, it seems to want to "go straight to Huanglong"! 273 "King to king?" Brother Octopus frowned,

At this time,

It saw the human cry out.

"Brother Octopus, dare you come out and fight!"

"The battle between the lord and the lord, whoever loses, who leaves!" The voice fell,

Brother Octopus's face sank.

It's not a fool, the opponent's hero is so powerful, the [Heroic Power] is bound to be terrible, although there is a gap in the level, and he has a small advantage,

But the opponent's hard power is strong, and it's really hard to say the outcome of the fight!

Of course, the most important thing is...

"Idiot! Why should I fight you, a human who is about to lose?" "Go away!"

Mo Suo laughed mockingly, waved his hand, and the remaining heroes rushed out, wanting to surround Wu Chi!

Wu Chi looked very "angry", scolding Mosuo for being a coward, while fighting with the heroes of the deep sea. soon,

There are no other heroes around Musso.

Just when it was focusing on Wu Chi and thinking about whether it was going to make a sneak attack, a figure suddenly appeared under the giant ship!

It is a female human, holding a strange long knife and slowly pulling it out. Her eyes are calm, but a vision emerges behind her, a poor and strange beast, a nine-sword swordsman!

Between every move, the "swallowing the weather" suddenly broke out! "The ninth knife!" "Cut! Me!"

Qianying pulled out her sword, and the voice was very low, but it seemed to be able to ring in Mosuo's ear. It reacted, but there were no heroes around.

Plus all the heroes and him were attracted by Wu Chi, this move didn't give him time to make any moves at all!

next moment,

Knife light appeared!

For a moment, it seemed that time was frozen at this moment, and the vision merged into the knife light,

The power of swallowing the weather erupted into it as much as possible,

The strange long knife suddenly shattered into pieces, and the terrifying power gathered in the light of the knife!

Choke one-!

The dazzling knife light shreds time, shreds space, and swipes away!

The "hull" of hundreds of units was smashed to pieces. It had blocked the attack of the Taiyin City defense tower for so long before. The hull had not much durability left. Under this knife,

Instantly turned into powder,

Mo Suo looked up in horror, and was cut in two pieces by the knife light! cut flesh,

The sword cuts the soul, the sword cuts the life and death!

The light of the knife dissipated,

Lin Daiyu lost her breath of life, and her body turned into a light spot and was dragged away by (agcd) [Hall of Valor]. far away,

Seeing Wu Chi who was fighting a group of deep-sea heroes, he felt complicated.

It was also at this time that those deep-sea heroes were horrified when they saw the lord being cut off with a knife.

Wu Chi took the opportunity to shoot, his eyebrows and eyes opened, and the "flame of extinction" flew out, burning more than a dozen deep-sea heroes into flying ashes. However,

The giant ship did not disappear because of this!

Wu Chi frowned, and the "eyes of the sky" swept toward the giant ship!

In the huge ship, among the two corpses of "Musso", there is no heart! "Um?"

"Substitute for death skills?"

Wu Chi swept around and found a "soul box" under the skeleton banner, which contained the heart of "Mosso"!

"It turns out that this skull flag, which can summon countless dark monsters, uses its own heart as its energy source. This is equivalent to using the power of the entire territory. No wonder it can be so perverted!" "But!"

Wu Chi smiled and flew in directly.

He pulled out his long sword, his momentum condensed, and "Nine Absolute Swords" began to gain momentum! "The ninth knife!" he yelled,

"Damn humans! Again!?"

Mo Suo pretended not to be dead anymore, he glanced at Wu Chi resentfully, and chose to quit without hesitation! The next moment, "Bo Yi Yi!" The space is distorted,

The giant ship and all the soldiers of the undead army, the monsters disappeared! in place,

Only a mess of land remains..

Wu Chi fell from the air and fell to the ground, panting violently. At this time,

The long knife in his hand turned into smoke, and returned to the appearance of the black-haired Jia Yuanchun. She supported Wu Chi and worried: "Young Master, are you okay?" "It's okay!"

Wu Chi smiled and said: "It still wants to let the undead army return to the savior, I am not a fool, how can I give him a chance." "Yes, the son is the most powerful~!"

The black-haired Jia Yunchun smiled, and his pretty face was full of tenderness.

"By the way, the other Jia Yuanchun is broken, are you alright?"

"It's okay, if I don't die, she will be resurrected slowly, but the frown will be faster!" "That's good!"

Wu Chi hugged her waist and stood up straight. "Go! Go home!" "Um...go home."

I don't know when

The sun is setting and the sky is... dark.

Chapter 337 Rest (4/5! Please subscribe!)

The war is over!

It looks like an anticlimactic battle, in which there are thrilling collisions, strength and wisdom, strategy and psychology.

There is no one more time, only victory and defeat ~ defeat!

As long as Mo Suo was not so arrogant and careless, Wu-Chi could not succeed. But the same,

If it wasn't a careless person, Wu Chi wouldn't have used such rough methods. In short,

He's a winner, that's enough!

Back at [Taiyin City], Wu Chi asked the soldiers and heroes to rest, and the wounded went to [Baiyun Tower],

Wu Chi entered the [Hall of Heroes] and pulled the dead soldiers into the resurrection queue. certainly,

The first to be resurrected was Sister Lin!

Among the soldiers, a total of 707 died, and most of the heroes were injured. Only Lin Daiyu and Roya died. Lin Daiyu wanted to behead the enemy lord, while Roja...

In order to save a few soldiers, this silly girl blocked the enemy's spell, and it was completely cold on the spot! fine,

With [Valley Hall], death is not terrible!

In just a few days, the heroes can be resurrected, and the soldiers can be resurrected one after another, not too slow.

After arranging the soldiers, Wu Chi came directly to the [Xiangong Palace] and fell asleep with his head covered. night,