MTL - Lord of the People: Build Immortal Realm From Scratch-Chapter 288

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Came to "Yunmeng Shenshan"!

Falling from the giant eagle, Wu Chi stepped on the ground and turned around and shouted, "Thank you! Brother Eagle!" "You're welcome!"

The giant eagle spit out words, turned and disappeared instantly. "Cow batch!"

Wu Chi sighed,

was saying,


He saw a white feathered snake, flying suddenly, hovering on the side of the mountain!

A familiar figure flew down from the feathered snake! His face was pale, and he looked extremely "weak". He was a big brother, Li Mu!

"Big Brother!"

Wu Chi said hello,

Li Mu nodded and said, "Let's go... Let's go." Then,

He walked silently down the road.

Wu Chi also knew about the character of the big brother, but he didn't say much, and followed. Shortly after,

The two came to a bamboo forest, and in the depths, there was a valley!

There is a sea of ​​purple flowers in the valley, with bamboo houses and a small lake. next to the bamboo house,

Fairy Luo and Yuan Tao were sitting together and seemed to be drinking tea. "coming!"

Seeing the two of them, Fairy Luo spoke lightly, waved her jade hand, and there were two more chairs beside her. Li Mu coughed and sat silently on a chair. Wu Chi also sat down and said with a smile, "Master v, Third Senior Sister." "Hey! Your mouth is so sweet~!"

Yuan Tao giggled, her beautiful and beautiful face with a touch of luster.

She raised her brows and said, "Little Junior Brother, it's been a long time since you've seen your strength!" "It's okay! It's okay!" Wu Chi touched his head,

Li Mu also glanced at Wu Chi, nodded and said, "Yes." Well, to be concise.

But it was rare for him to speak his praises.

Fairy Luo blinked slightly, and said indifferently: "Did you take the risk of doing a high-perfection building upgrade task?" "...Yes!"

Wu Chi nodded.

Fairy Luo frowned and said helplessly, "Forget it, let's talk about it when you're level 40."

(Ok) "???" Wu Chi is a little confused, what is Fairy Luo talking about?

Yuan Tao laughed and said, "Master originally wanted to help you, but you did it yourself." "Speaking of which, no one thought that you are so fast." Yuan Tao smiled, and her pretty face became bright. Two small dimples appeared, which looked quite cute.

She stuck out her tongue again, showing a little playful color, which was heart-warming.

Wu Chi shrugged and said, "I didn't think about it that much. When I'm ready, I'll start the task directly." "However, the task is a bit of twists and turns, but I've gained a lot!" "I can see it! Your strength comparison Before, it went up a lot!" Yuan Tao nodded in approval.

Chapter 366 Small Gathering (3/5! Please subscribe!)

What Wu Chi did was a 1000% perfection building upgrade task. After completion,

Naturally, the harvest is great!

You can easily perceive it from the improvement in his strength! after all,

As far as a lord is concerned, the improvement of physical strength is at the back. Generally, if the strength of a lord's body increases, it means that the improvement of the territory is even greater!

"Have you used your free attribute points?" Fairy Luo asked again.

Wu Chi smiled helplessly, waved his hand and said, "Teacher, you underestimate me too much. No matter what I do, I will never stop reading, and I will not use my free attribute points indiscriminately." "Well!"

Fairy Luo nodded.

Free attribute points are generally called by the lord after level 20 according to the "perfect degree" of the building upgrade, but not everyone will do this.

Some rotten lords felt that they could not be highly perfect, so they simply used it early, and it had no effect anyway.

And Wu Chi is different, no one asks his perfection,

But everyone present knows that Wu Chi's perfection will not be low!

It must be more than 100%!

"I came to you this time, mainly to talk about perfection." "It's just right, I also have some situation here."

Fairy Luo spoke lightly, her cold voice was like a mysterious girl above the nine heavens, she leaned down, and the voice rang in her ears.

Wu Chi's heart moved, and he glanced at his attribute panel.

Free attribute points are mainly obtained in the "trial for newcomers", and in the following months, they will be obtained less, often only one or two points occasionally.

Wu Chi didn't care much, it just accumulated. now,

He already has "123" free attribute points in his hand, which is not low! after all,

You can't buy this stuff.

Like the Void Originium, the older the lord, the more he gets.

At Wu Chi's age, hundreds of free attribute points are something they can't even think about. "so...."

Fairy Luo was about to speak,


She frowned and stopped. moment,

Two figures came hurriedly,

It is the second senior brother Chen Dong and the fourth senior brother An Bei! "Master, I'm sorry!"

Chen Dong exhaled, looking a little embarrassed,

An Bei smiled and said, "Master, I'm sorry, I'm late!" "Stand."

Fairy Luo spoke lightly,

The two naturally did not dare to disobey and stood on the side. "Everyone is here, let's start talking about business." Fairy Luo said lightly,

(:!,1?.5?:\") "First, it is to help the younger brother to solve the problem of free attribute points, and second, I called you here to tell you something. " "Master, say it!" "

Chen Dong clapped his hands and said with a smile, "Is junior junior brother unable to do the task, tell brother, brother help you!" "I can support too!" An Bei smiled. "People have already done it!"

Yuan Tao rolled her eyes and teased, "Don't underestimate others!" "Ah?"

Chen Dong suddenly woke up, glanced at Wu Chi, and immediately sensed Wu Chi's breath!

"Compared with the last time we met, the younger brother is indeed much stronger now!" (agcd) "Awesome!"

Chen Dong stretched out his thumb,

An Bei was thoughtful, and suddenly smiled: "Little Junior Brother, did you use the good thing I gave you! Hehe!" He winked, as if he had added some information to his brain, with a connotation on his face. see,

Wu Chi sighed helplessly and said, "I have indeed practiced Fourth Senior Brother's exercises, but now I have changed to a new one." "Oh? It's actually better than the "Happy Zen" I grabbed?" An Bei was surprised ,


His face twitched, and he realized that he had leaked his words! next moment,

There was an aura of frost in the air, and Fairy Luo and Yuan Tao looked icy cold.

"Master, I said that I just wanted to help my younger brother, do you believe it?" An Bei smiled.

next moment,

He was directly frozen into an ice sculpture. "Okay, let's continue."

Fairy Luo waved her hand and said, "Wu Chi's free attribute point is still there, what do you think?" "What is the development direction of the territory of the younger brother!" Chen Dong turned his head and asked, and the other three also looked over. Wu Chi replied: "Xianyu." "Xianyu..." Chen Dong nodded,

Yuan Tao showed a hint of surprise and said with a smile: "That's great, my junior brother is the same as me!" "You are a farming lord who is on the war side!"

Chen Dong retorted, and said to Wu Chi: "Little Junior Brother, although I am not a fairyland, but I am also a war lord, brother will take you to fly!" "You know the fart!"

Yuan Tao suddenly burst into foul language, and there was a hint of certainty on her beautiful face.

"I am also the development direction of Xianyu. With experience, let the younger brother and me be the best!" "You are a farmer, and let the younger brother follow you to farm?"

"Chen Dong, are you courting death! Don't farmers have the ability to fight?"

"Farm the fields well, and what does it mean to talk about the war every day?" "What, a fight?"

"Hmph, Master is here, I won't argue with you!"

. .

Chapter 367 Free Attribute Points (4/5! Subscribe!)

The two fought directly.

Seeing the two noisy, Wu Chi looked strange. Chen Dong's character,

He also understood last time,

This is a straightforward man with a temper ~ grumpy.

But in front of Yuan Tao, he dared to be a "mouth gunman", and always avoided answering Yuan Tao's invitation to discuss. suddenly,

An Bei's voice sounded in his ears.

"Hey, Junior Brother, I'll tell you secretly, Second Senior Brother was beaten by Junior Sister before!"


Wu Chi looked back,

Good guy, inside the ice sculpture, An Bei blinked secretly. obviously,

He is not completely frozen and can be released from the "ice sculpture" state. next moment,

An Bei said again: "Don't make a sound, or Master will get angry again."

"Hey, speaking of it, Junior Brother must have found a lot of wives and concubines, otherwise the progress of the practice won't be so fast!"

Wu Chi sighed helplessly,

Don't know how to explain it.

After thinking about it, he simply didn't answer, leaving An Bei to babble. but,

Chen Dong and Yuan Tao rushed to bring "Wu Chi", which made him feel a little "flattered".

Just as the voices of the two became louder and louder, Fairy Luo showed a hint of helplessness on her cold face. She looked at Wu Chi with her beautiful eyes.

Don't dare to make any difference. moment,

Fairy Luo said coldly, "Have you had enough noise?" Hearing this,

Chen Dong and Yuan Tao hurriedly stopped.

Fairy Luo snorted coldly and said, "Don't waste Wu Chi's time, and don't take him to some social places." "Yes!"

The two were startled and nodded helplessly.

It goes without saying that Yuan Tao, as a farming lord, has some connections with various major chambers of commerce and major forces, and Chen Dong, although he has been fighting outside the country, is a world-level war fighting alone? It seems,

The two have the idea of ​​pulling Wu Chi to their side!

But Fairy Luo saw it at a glance, so she opened her mouth to warn, and just extinguished the two's careful thoughts. "Master, it's just a free attribute point. Is it necessary to win over?" Wu Chi was a little surprised.

Fairy Luo moved her beautiful eyes and explained, "You are a genius, and you are worthy of being attracted. The free attribute is just an opportunity for the two to win over you." "Ahem, Master is too straightforward!" Chen Dong smiled helplessly. ,

Yuan Tao also burst into a smile and said softly, "Then I don't speak secretly. The junior brother will be higher in the future, but you should consider the elder sister's place!" "It must be considered." Wu Chi smiled.

Chen Dong is too lazy to say such nonsense,

Fairy Luo said again: "Wu Chi, have you ever had any idea of ​​arranging free attribute points?" Free attribute points...

It seems that it is only a hundred or so attributes, and there is not much change in "physique" or "spirit".

But in fact, this is a kind of "knowledge barrier"! The era of total lords,

"Lord's Heart" gives the lord the ability to digitize data, so people are used to saying things like attribute points. But in fact,

"Attribute" represents the physical quality of a person,

As the level increases, the representative realm increases, and the level of life improves, so the physical fitness will be comprehensively strengthened. Under the data information, the attribute will increase! So,

Read The Mage of Eternity