MTL - Lord of the People: Build Immortal Realm From Scratch-Chapter 291

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For example, Fairy Luo called a few apprentices over to "open a small stove" for Wu Chi. According to An Bei, Fairy Luo mainly contributed resources, and they each had a spirit flag to play a supporting role. "I see!"

Wu Chi sighed and said helplessly: "Master didn't make it clear to me, it's hot and fast!" "Master, she has this personality!"

An Bei shrugged and complained, "You've only just started, so maybe you're not used to it, but I'm used to it anyway." "Before, I always asked Second Senior Brother and Third Senior Sister for help." "Now I'm also a Senior Brother, Wu Chi, remember to find me in the future!" An Bei smiled, suddenly remembered something, raised his brows,

With a wretched look on his face, he said, "By the way, you have progressed so quickly, you must have been credited with "Happy Zen", how about it, senior brother said earlier that you would like it!" "Thank you senior brother for cultivating..."

Wu Chi was sweating on his forehead and said helplessly: ""Happy Zen" has indeed given me a lot of benefits, but I have changed my practice now." "Tsk! You're not good!" An Bei tutted, with a pity on his face.

Wu Chi said speechlessly: "Fourth Senior Brother, are you really a Vajra Buddha?" "Laugh to death! I am a true Buddha!"

An Bei's face was determined, he waved his hand, and the "Golden Wheel of Buddhism" appeared behind his head, which was the manifestation of the Buddha state, the true supreme representative.

If there are Buddhist believers here, it is estimated that they will immediately kneel.

"I thought all Buddhas were very serious, the kind that didn't move Ami tofu." Wu Chi waved his hand helplessly.

An Bei snorted and said, "There are indeed many of them. In the end, they are no longer human! Their Buddha nature is greater than human nature! And I am still dominated by human nature!" "This..." Wu Chi was taken aback.

"Hey, seriously, you really don't want that purple troop [Desert Maid] in my hand?" An Bei winked and said with a smile, "All of them are desert-style, making you feel great!" "Sorry, don't! "

Wu Chi's face twitched, and he said, "Let's talk about business, where is the master?" "Oh! Yes!"

An Bei calmed down, hesitated for a moment, and sighed: "Master is looking for the foundation of enlightenment, this is the way of the future!" "She is going to enter the mythical world of "Shan Hai Jing"!"

"Isn't this a good thing? I remember that when Master was young, there was a fragment of "Shan Hai Jing"!" 0·.For flowers·.

Wu Chi was a little puzzled.

An Bei shook his head and said, "There are many mythical worlds in the heavens and the world, and most of them are not simple! Such as the world of Fengshenbang, the world of prehistoric wilderness, the world of Journey to the West, the world of clouds, etc.!" "The Classic of Mountains and Seas is even more ancient , even more terrifying! The great power of the ancients will fall, let alone Master!" "I can only hope that everything goes well with Master."

An Bei was helpless and said, "We can't do anything." "Okay..."

Wu Chi understood and nodded.



The two chatted for a while,

An Bei's personality is eccentric and his speech is quite interesting. He gave Wu Chi some advice, but after all, the two have different directions and can't talk deeply.

As a "Vajra Buddha", An Bei can't be close to women, so he doesn't have any good suggestions for Wu Chi's practice. He just tells him that the world is infinitely mysterious, and any choice has a way to go.

There is no need to worry about whether your choice will be a problem.

A few hours later, when the two finished talking, Wu Chi said goodbye and left.


Fairy Luo sat alone on top of the sea of ​​clouds, looking at Daze below with a cold expression. At this time,

A mythical beast came flying,

The terrifying body of tens of thousands of feet shrank in an instant, turned into a human form, and knelt in front of Fairy Luo. "Got to go."

Fairy Luo spoke quietly, grabbed it in her hand, and a dilapidated ancient mysterious stone carving appeared in her hand. "If I fall..."

"Oh, that's it!" The voice fell,

With a wave of her hand, the stone carvings bloomed with nine-colored light, spreading to the whole world!

. again.

Chapter 373 Buwu World (5/5! Please subscribe!)

Back to the personal platform,

Wu Chi frowned slightly, and there was a touch of unease in his heart.

After having known Luo Yunmeng for so long, Wu Chi also knew the character of this master. She was not good at explaining things, and she often did what she had to do directly, and she acted resolutely and gave no time to prepare.

For example, if you accept Wu Chi as a disciple, don't remind Wu Chi at all!

If Wu Chi refuses, it is estimated that she will not be angry, but the kind that refuses it! Put another way,

It is the "heart of a child"! but,

Luo Yunmeng is definitely not a naive person.

She is smart, determined, and powerful!

Since such a person has decided to gain a "three zero seven" foundation of enlightenment, no one can stop her! is also like this,

Anbei few talents can only support...


This is not a safe thing!

It can even be said that Luo Yunmeng's death is more fortunate than fortune!

"Shan Hai Jing", in witty terms, is a mythical "recipe", but the dangers in it are extremely terrifying.

Many great powers, ancient myths, saints and gods, among them, are just in case, there are countless mysteries! rumor,

There are thirty-six in the Classic of Mountains and seventy-two in the Classic of the Sea.

And Fairy Luo, I'm afraid it's for the rest of the "sutras" except for the scraps in her hand! If she succeeds, she has a promising future, but if she fails, she is directly cool! "It hurts..."

Wu Chi sighed and looked at the friend list. Except for Anbei,

The three of Chen Dong also responded, mostly instructing and taking care of them.

Li Mu talked less, and the sentence "Be careful, don't disturb Master" disappeared. Chen Dong and Yuan Tao talked a lot, but there was nothing important. After Wu Chi replied, he closed the list. At this time,

He found information about those "aboriginal people", among which,

"Huang Rong" in the shooting world is shining with golden light! "Could it be..."

Wu Chi's eyes lit up and hurriedly opened it.

"Hint: luck condensed successfully! Get [World Anchor] x1."

"Qi Luck Condensing: 3.1%!"

A [World Anchor] has been successfully condensed, and,

The new air luck condensation has also started, reaching 3.1%! "What did Huang Rong do?"

Wu Chi was a little curious, so he contacted Huang Rong.

Shoot the vulture world!

Between worlds, the speed of passage is different!

In this world, time flies fast.

As Huang Rong ruled the world and began to govern, the whole world entered a period of "great turmoil". Some people called Huang Rong the second Wu Zetian, but some people disagreed.

Because Huang Rong won the world on her own, relying on her strength! In short,

After Huang Rong suppressed the turmoil with her formidable strength,

The world has returned to peace, and the whole world has entered a period of rapid development. some of,

Naturally, there is Miaoyu's credit,

This female bodhisattva likes Rong'er the most, so she often comes to help her and often gives a lot of assistance, so that Huang Rong doesn't need to worry about resources. And recently,

Huang Rong began to "play martial arts in the world", vigorously develop martial arts, and make the whole world run fast!

This, of course, is also the relationship between the world's luck and luck!

She's not just disrupting the plot, she's reshaping the world, vaguely,

The fate of heaven and earth came together, Huang Rong has become a real "child of destiny",

As long as she is in the shooting world, her every move will receive extra attention and care from the world! now,

In a splendid and magnificent palace, Huang Rong's imperial robe was added,

Sitting on the throne, holding his head on his arms, he is looking at the bottom 0 with some boredom...

in the hall,

Civil and military officials are on both sides, reporting the situation of the world. Because there is a Taiyin City card plug-in,

Huang Rong disrupted the world and rebuilt it, so there would be no natural disasters of rebellion, and there was enough food. What the officials said were basically nonsense.

All kinds of compliments and flattering remarks, or recording of things in such and such places, make the girl annoyed.

Although she has done many things that shocked the world, her age will not change!

Most of the girls of this grade are more than happy. Just when she was "drowsy", suddenly,

Wu Chi's news appeared in his mind. "It's the son!"

Huang Rong woke up immediately, a little excited. next moment,

She said impatiently: "Everything is over, let's retreat!" After speaking,

She couldn't wait to get up and walk away.

The maids next to them and the civil and military officials below all looked stunned, and in the end they had no choice but to retreat. back to the inner hall,

Huang Rong hurriedly came to her room on 2.3 and replied, "Young Master, Rong'er is here!"

"Wu Chi": Did you do anything major over there?

"Huang Rong": A major event? If it is considered a major event, the only thing is that the world will be armed!

"Wu Chi": The world of martial arts? Interesting!

The two chatted for a while, and after Wu Chi understood, he stopped talking.

The girl sighed and missed the day in [Taiyin City] more and more!

No matter how good the world is....

It is mortal after all!

"It would be great if you could go to [Taiyin City]!" Rong'er sighed slightly,

was thinking,

A maid knocked on the door: "Your Majesty, Hall Master Huang is looking for you!"

Chapter 374 New Forum Features! recruit! (1/5! Please subscribe!)

Huang Yaoshi, is now the master of the "Wu Temple" of the Peach Blossom Dynasty, and the author of Buwu World!

Huang Rong sat in the chair, and when she heard that her father was coming, she said, "Yes!" "Yes!" The maid went to deliver the letter.

after awhile,

Accompanied by two maids, Huang Yaoshi walked in.

He had a childish face, with a smile on his face, holding a thick book in his hand. "Dad, why are you here?" Huang Rong was a little puzzled.

Huang Yaoshi smiled, stroked his beard, and said, "I'll send you a baby!" "Look!"

He put the books on the table,

on the cover,

It is the word "Wu Dian"!

"Gathering martial arts secrets from all over the world, bringing together all the masters and masters of Taoism and Buddhism!"

Huang Yaoshi was very happy and said with emotion: "In history, there should be my name!" "Dad, is this a secret?" Huang Rong was a little surprised.

Huang Yaoshi nodded and said, "Yes! A basic martial arts manual!" "Is it just the basics?" Huang Rong frowned.

Huang Yaoshi smiled and said, "Rong'er, although you are powerful, you don't know much about martial arts! Or, the way of the world, everything is the foundation!" !"

"The same is true for people. The foundation of people and the foundation of martial arts basically set the upper limit of martial arts!" "Every martial arts realm is actually strengthening the foundation and improving the body's background!" "And the "Wu Dian" is a way to make Every mortal has the power of the foundation of the sky!"

"At this point, the whole world will usher in huge changes!" Huang Yaoshi was very excited,


(\',1;!5\') Huang Rong thoughtfully nodded and said, "Okay, Rong'er will fully support Daddy!" "Well, I'll show you this "Wu Dian", I'm going back!" Huang Yaoshi didn't say much, turned around and left. Watching him leave, Huang Rong smiled helplessly.

This father in my family feels a bit "old and pedantic", and now he devotes himself to the affairs of the martial arts hall, and doesn't care about other things,

Read The Duke's Passion