MTL - Lord of the People: Build Immortal Realm From Scratch-Chapter 313

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(PS: Day, when I started coding, I found out that I wrote one in the early morning and didn't upload it...)

Chapter 417 The Jade of the World! Temple desire! (1/5! Please subscribe!)

After trading with Natasha, Wu Chi returned to [Taiyin City] with a gram of "Eternal Gold"! Subsequently,

He directly took out the broken and mysterious props he got from Chu Xuan.

"Hint: Is it repaired? Requirement: 1 million Void Originium, 1 million Void Crystal, 1 gram of Eternal Fine Gold (satisfied~)!"

"Hope is a treasure, don't be a monster-ah!" Wu Chi took a deep breath. this thing,

The things inside are fixed, so let Jia Yingchun come - it's useless, Wu Chi can drive by himself! Think about it,

As soon as he gritted his teeth, he directly chose to repair!

Void Originium - 1 million!

Void Crystal - 1 million!

Eternal Gold - 1 (gram)!

in an instant,

A large amount of resources disappeared, and a mysterious and mysterious power descended, wrapping the damaged props. then,

Broken props are being restored at a speed visible to the naked eye! After about a minute or so, the mysterious item becomes complete and looks brand new!

Wu Chi couldn't wait to open the property panel.

【Jade of the World】

Type: Prop.

Quality: one color.

Attributes: Sacrificial materials.

Introduction: The remaining jade of the world, coveted by the gods.

"Hahaha, Yi Cai props!" "Materials... sacrificial materials?" "Nima!" Wu Chi just wanted to laugh,

After watching,

Bengbu suddenly stopped!

Nima, get your money back!

After returning to his senses, Wu Chi took a careful look and thought about it...

This thing might not be so bad! colorful material,

And in the introduction information, "the gods also coveted"!

Don't you mean...

Can't run away from a small goal?

"Well, if you think about it like this, it doesn't seem to be a loss? Instead, you earn blood?" "It's a pity that it's not a treasure." Wu Chi sighed,

He does have a need for Void Crystal, but this thing can be earned quickly, and treasures are different,

For example, strange things, strange things in the world, or heroes, arms, and even all kinds of strange props, which can improve the strength of the territory, Wu Chi will be very satisfied!

But one material, he can't use it at all now!

"Forget it, take it to Senior Brother Anbei to see, it is estimated that there will be a good price." Wu Chi hesitated for a while, thinking that Anbei helped him so much, this thing might be useful to him!

Buddha, like gods, also absorbs beliefs, but one calls it "prayer" and the other calls it "incense".

Holding the "Jade of the World", he turned around and walked towards the [All Heavens Forum].


Halfway there!

When passing through the [Ancient Temple], a strange throbbing appeared!

It seems to be from...[Ancient Temple]! "What's the matter?" Wu Chi frowned.

That feeling was fleeting, and it was gone in no time! can be very profound,

His spiritual attributes are very high, and he will not forget it!

After thinking about it, Wu Chi moved in his heart and switched from [Power of Heroes] to "Coral"!

The talent of golden quality and the mysterious "sincere heart" are enough for Wu Chi to clearly perceive a "craving"!

It seems to be the [Ancient Temple], the desire for the things in Wu Chi's hands! "Territory building, hungry for something?" "How does it feel like living!"

Wu Chi couldn't help feeling a little creepy, but thinking about it carefully,

Territorial buildings are not ordinary things, so there is no need to make a fuss!

Wu Chi hesitated for a while, opened the attribute panel of the [Ancient Temple] and glanced at it, 0·.· Asking for flowers...

Level 20 [Ancient Temple], but it took him a lot of Void Origin Stones to reach it, and the "Sacrificial" and "Blessing" effect is good, the value is higher,

Not as good as other buildings.

He only knows that this is definitely a very good building, but where the cow is, he can't show it now! Now, the treasure in hand, [Ancient Temple] is in demand again... "Forget it! Money can always be earned!"

"[Ancient Temple] is one's own thing, if you need it, you have to satisfy it!" Wu Chi gritted his teeth and stepped into the temple. As always,

It is full of ancient atmosphere, as if living in that mysterious era.

Empty coffin, strange stone wall!

He looked around and raised the "Jade of the World" in his hand! next moment,

The coffin that has not changed for a long time has moved!


A special wave is born,

The Jade of the World in his hand turned into a stream of light and fell into the coffin! "Bang Yi Yi!"

The streamer exploded and disappeared without a trace in an instant. "Gone?"

Wu Chi walked over with a confused look on his face.

"It won't be so pitiful, there is no feedback, just a little change!" Wu Chi complained, and after thinking about it, he turned back in confusion and prepared to leave. Can,

The moment he stepped out the door!

[Ancient Temple] Suddenly wrapped in white light!

This is the status of "building upgrade"!

"What's the matter? Isn't the task of upgrading the building not completed?" Wu Chi's pupils shrank,

He remembered very clearly that the last time he saw it, the upgrade task took a certain amount of time to complete. Although it was not difficult, it was absolutely impossible to end it now! how…

Don't wait for his response,

The white light dissipated, and a new building appeared in front of him...  

. again.

Chapter 418 Nine-colored jade pendant! (2/5! Please subscribe!)

"Wouldn't the Jade of the World be swallowed, and the task of upgrading the building would be omitted?" "Wori, that task is not difficult!" Wu Chi sweated on his forehead.

Building upgrades..

In terms of value, a "Jade of the World" is extremely valuable, and the architectural upgrade of the [Ancient Temple] is not the first, so it shouldn't be like this...

Wu Chi was depressed, and after the white light dissipated, a new building appeared in front of him.

The new building looks "out of place"! Or the temple shape,

But it was pitch black, and there was no light in it!

Wu Chi was a little surprised, and after a closer look, the material of the building was unknown, and there was no "three three three" road with dragon and phoenix patterns on it, but it looked rather dilapidated! but,

Just looking at the past, you can perceive a kind of "heart palpitations"! "strangeness."

Wu Chi curiously opened the property panel.

[Endless Temple] (Unique)

Type: Temple.

Level: 20 (0/10 million)

Function 1: Sacrifice (Level 20)

Function 2: Blessing (Level 20)

Function 3: Sacrifice (Level 20)

Introduction: This is the only miracle, the thing that should not have been born, the only connection between the heavens and the world and the endless road.


Level: 20.

Function: Sacrifice the sacrificial materials above a color level to someone, and have a chance to get the gift from the other party.

Introduction: Give each other a fart, what will you get? If you have a colorful fart.

The heavens are above, all realms are below.

A place where the endless void is unreached, where existence and non-existence intersect, where existence and non-existence coexist.

Those eyes of endless divine power opened again!

"She" looked in a certain direction, and a warm color flashed in her eyes. "What's wrong?"

A "person" asked,

"I feel...he's calling me," she said.


Someone was surprised: "How is it possible, here is..." "Wait, you are talking about the person last time." "Yes." "It's him..."

The others were silent. At this time,

A shiny thing rises!

It is the "Jade of the World"!

"He sacrificed this little thing to me." She spoke slowly, as if smiling, and in the smile,

There is a vague world of life and death, flowers bloom and fall, and the beauty is extreme. "Yes, only him." "Then..."


Wu Chi took a closer look, and his eyes almost popped out.

10 million Void Crystals needed to upgrade!

This is outrageous Nima!

It's a lot more than before! "What building is this!"

Wu Chi's face twitched and he looked down.

In terms of functions, the first two are the same, but there is a "sacrifice" at the back, which looks similar to "sacrifice", but the essence is different. The sacrifice is to turn the void crystal or people's worship into incense, and the "sacrifice" is Give something to "someone"!

The temple must have sacrificed a certain god, but the [Ancient Temple] has always been strange, and now it has become the [Endless Temple]. Wu Chi does not know who the sacrifice is....

But obviously,

The "Jade of the World" just now has been sacrificed to that god!

As for whether the other party will give it.

Wu Chi looked down and found a prompt.

"Hint: You have something that you haven't received."

"It's okay, okay! You didn't prostitute me for nothing!"

Wu Chi breathed a sigh of relief, after all he had worshipped for so long,

Read I Pick Up A Bunch Of Attributes
Read The Duke's Passion