MTL - Lord of the People: Build Immortal Realm From Scratch-Chapter 316

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"As a result, I actually lost?"

Wu Chi got up, only to feel sore all over.

"Sure enough, heroes are much stronger than soldiers!"

"Even if it is five times the number of soldiers, I am not afraid at all!"

"But the heroes came under siege, and by various means, they actually made me tired." Wu Chi took a deep breath and his eyes were bright. Failure is not terrible!

In his body, the "Emperor's Law" and the "Tai Shi Yin Yang Theory" are slowly running, one strengthens the physique, nourishes the soul,

One was born "Tai Shi Yin Yang Qi", and enhanced "Unlimited Network"! Every time he cultivates, he becomes stronger. Sooner or later, one day,

He can become the "Land of Ten Thousand Armies", a real one husband is in charge, and ten thousand women are not allowed!

come back to God,

Wu Chi twisted his neck and made a "click" sound.

He took a deep breath, went out of the [Great Void Wonderland] to take a shower, and then looked at his [territory] panel! above,

【Arrival】It has already cooled down!

Wu Chi stepped on the sea of ​​​​clouds, looking down at his territory, one by one heroes,

Every soldier is ready! on the fence,

The immortal Qin warriors wore bronze armor all over their bodies, like the powerful armored warriors from the ancient times. The bright moon girls held treasure mirrors, their faces were full of seriousness, and gradually they had the quality of "army". In the sky,

The female ghosts held the [Sacred Armament] and turned into a "shadow" state, 0....beg for flowers...

invisible to the naked eye,

Even the breath converges, reducing the probability of being perceived. in the city,

One by one, tall and slender women wearing veils and long black hair tied into a single ponytail stood with swords in their hands. The whole person seemed to be transformed into a sword, ready to cut through the sky at any time!

Wu Chi moved in his heart and slowly said, "Prepare! Coming!"

"Hint: Has the territory [Taiyin City] been detected, has it descended on the Endless Void?" "Yes!"




Every time I come to the "Endless Void", I feel different.

Wonderful endless void, always full of mystery, for countless years,

Hundreds of millions of people can't see the whole picture!

The moment he regained his vision, Wu Chi activated the [Invisible Disillusionment Formation], and then looked around!

Outside [Taiyin City], is a pitch-dark world. In the city where the light cannot reach,

There are badlands, jungles, and dwarf mountains.

Surrounding... very quiet!

The skin between Wu Chi's eyebrows split open, and when he opened his "eyes of the sky", he saw far away! Turn left and right,

Wu Chi found that some moving figures appeared in some places, most likely Void monsters!

"The Five Elements Disillusionment Array is always on!" "Miaoyu!"

Wu Chi called out,

not far away,

Miaoyu, who was sitting on the cloud, heard the words, and hurriedly stood up and responded. then,

With a wave of her hand, the female ghosts in the sky divided into small groups in an orderly manner, turning into blurred "shadows" and flying around. Entering the Endless Void First Steps to Investigate!

. ....again.

Chapter 423 The land of no light? (2/5! Please subscribe!)

The dark world is bleak! On the endless wasteland,

A huge city suddenly came!

【Taiyin City】!

(\"\'\'1;5\":) From the geographical point of view, [Taiyin City] is next to the mountains, and the other directions are wasteland, and jungles are occasionally seen.

But in the darkness, the weeds and the jungle look very scary, what monsters hide in them,

When you are close, it will suddenly appear and attack you!

In the sight of everyone, the surroundings are extremely quiet!

Only in a very distant place, relying on the "eyes of the sky" supernatural power, can Wu Chi find some vague figures. "Moreover, there is no sun in the sky for "Three Three Seven"!" Above the sea of ​​clouds,

Wu Chi looked over his head with a solemn expression.

One by one [Taiyin Locust Demons] have been sent out to search for information around. With the means of "shadow", they fly away from the sky,


Can be regarded as the most perfect scout.

"There is no moon, is it a completely dark world?" Wu Chi frowned and pondered. moment,

He shook his head again.

"No! This world is related, but I don't know where it came from!" "Otherwise, I can't see those figures in the distance!" Thinking too much is useless,

Wu Chi thought for a while, then came down from the sea of ​​clouds,

Get on the fence and find a place to sit! After a while,

Qin Keqing brought drinks and snacks, and his warm body sat on Wu Chi's lap, dispelling the chill around him.

She smiled softly and said, "If the young master is bored, have some snacks." "It's still as thoughtful as you think."

Wu Chi smiled, looked at the delicate dim sum on the tray, grabbed a big bun and bit it.

"Young master didn't eat breakfast. You didn't sleep last night, why don't you rest for a while?" Qin Keqing's phoenix eyes moved slightly, with a slight smile.

Unlike Sister Lin, she would not deliberately make fun of Wu Chi on weekdays.

However, someone Wu still felt that he had lost face, and hurriedly released the mouth that was biting on the bun, and said helplessly: "You don't talk about martial arts, besiege me! This can't be counted as a loss for me!" "Yes, yes! Your son is extremely powerful! "

Qin Keqing covered her mouth and smiled, her pretty face blushing, and she said with a smile, "If you are choking, have a drink." "Alright!"

Wu Chi smiled helplessly, poured the fruit wine on the bun, and ate it. Shortly after,

After eating and drinking, Wu Chi wiped his mouth and asked Qin Keqing to take away the tray.

He was leaning lazily against the wall, waiting for the information from the [Taiyin Huai Yao]!

Today's [Taiyin City] has a territory of more than 10 million square meters!

This is because Wu Chi did not directly pull it to level 25 considering that he has no rigid needs!

More than 10 million square meters, the walls in each direction are several kilometers long!

When Wu Chi was resting against the wall, a few hundred meters away from him, two charming and charming figures were gathered together and looked at him secretly. "Wu'er, do you want to have breakfast too?"

Xing Xiuyan pursed her lips and smiled, with a slight blush on her beautiful face.

Hearing this, Liu Wu'er just shook her head lightly, and there was an air of ecstasy all over her body.

She said, "No! I just thought that I've been in [Taiyin City] for many days, and I've been receiving help from the son, but we can't do anything." "No, don't you want to be the son's wife and concubine?"

Xing Xiuyan opened her beautiful eyes and muttered, "I've seen him beating people many times these days!" "To be honest, I'm a little bit afraid of him..." She said that Xing Xiuyan was not afraid of Wu Chi. .

She used to stay by Mrs. Xing's side, and the scorn and cold reception she received were much worse than now!

She is very clear about Wu Chi's great kindness, and naturally she will not "repay kindness with vengeance"! only,

Wu Chi has no time to take care of them,

They can see that Wu Chi often finds people to practice, and even occasionally sees blood, swords come out, and it is normal for someone to be injured!

This is where cultivation is, it is simply killing people!

She couldn't even imagine that if she was stabbed by Wu Chi's sword, she would die on the spot! Therefore,

The two new girls have been cautious these days, for fear of angering Wu Chi or being punished by Wu Chi or something. "I don't think so."

Liu Wu'er thought for a while, her beautiful eyes blinked slightly, and she chatted with Xing Xiuyan while looking at Wu Chi. "Yan'er, do you remember the reason why Sister Keqing told us last time?" "Well! I know, 2.3 two theories."

Xing Xiuyan nodded,

Liu Wuer asked, "Do you think that is right?" "Parallel world?"

Xing Xiuyan had a headache, and her pretty face was slightly wrinkled.

This new theory has had too much impact on their three views.

Liu Wuer smiled slightly and said in a low voice, "Perhaps the parallel world theory exists, but we are not..." "What do you mean?" Xing Xiuyan didn't understand,

Liu Wuer refused to say anything, just said: "In short, prepare to fight!" "At least, let's do a little bit for the son..."

Chapter 424 Slender Ghost Shadow (3/5! Please subscribe!)

The discussion between the two girls did not last long because,

Soon there will be Taiyin Huai Yao back.

One by one, the teams flew through the sky at a high speed, like supersonic planes,

In an instant, the sea of ​​​​clouds was torn apart and returned to [Taiyin City]! "Master!" "Master!"

In a loud cry,

The taiyin locust demons turned from the shadow state to the real, and then they bowed their hands slightly, and their beautiful faces were a little cold. When Xing Xiuyan and Liu Wuer saw these flying "girl ghosts", they couldn't help being a little scared, they both shrank their heads and didn't dare to speak loudly.

"I don't know how the young master started, they are all female ghosts, and..." Xing Xiuyan muttered, as if she had remembered something again, her pretty face blushed, and she dared not speak any more. "Go, go and help 06 son!"

Liu Wuer whispered something and walked over. "Eh!?"

When Xing Xiuyan saw Liu Wuer approaching, she hesitated, but she followed. Shortly after,

The two women arrived at Wu Chi. now,

Wu Chi is listening to several Taiyin Huai Yao tell about the detected situation.

"Master, we flew to a plain about seventy-two kilometers away!" "It's dark there, but there's still a little light!"

"We used [Sacred Arms] to illuminate the surroundings and detected some situations!"

"Over there, there are many monsters, and they are of different shapes. They should not be a tribe of murlocs!"

"Well! Describe the monsters you encountered..." "There is also a map, and also record it."

Wu Chi chatted with a few people for a while, and then ordered people to come over and prepare to draw a "map"! Unlike before,

Wu Chi, who has sufficient "reserves", will naturally not be reluctant to spend money on some daily necessities, such as maps, which are not hand-painted, but a kind of high-tech equipment called "consciousness intake machine"!

You can transfer the pictures in your mind into the machine with consciousness and turn them into "pictures" and "videos"! certainly,

This kind of picture in the mind must be real and effective. It cannot be successfully captured by imagination, and the gap between reality and imagination is very large.

After all, there can't be too many variations in the details! On the fence, the machine has already been moved,

A few Taiyin locust demons wore machines on their heads, and after a while,

Maps and videos are "freshly released". Wu Chi picked up a few pictures and looked at them.

The first picture is in the darkness. In the range illuminated by the [Sacred Armament] in the hands of the Taiyin Huai Yao, there is a huge black shadow, thin and long, with a black overall appearance, as if it was an elongated Figure!

But it gives a ghostly feeling. "Slender ghost?"

Wu Chi took a closer look and frowned. This monster, he knows it! After thinking about it, he asked a few female ghosts next to him, and after learning about some monsters,

I have a number in mind.

"Slender Ghost", a representative monster,

In many monster universes, such monsters appear very frequently! rumor,

This type of monster is derived from the fear and fear in people's hearts,

Read The Duke's Passion