MTL - Lord of the People: Build Immortal Realm From Scratch-Chapter 326

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Their sanctuary does not have the "shininess and beauty" of modern civilization, but presents a kind of hardship to survive, exposed to the air one after another cable, all kinds of pipes,

iron gate,

And cement pavement!

There is a super tiankeng underground, which is divided into several small towns and several public districts.

The houses are all adaptive steel and concrete houses, no mansions or anything like that! This is a 911 shelter,

A human gathering place among the remaining civilizations! Wu Chi came all the way, thoughtfully,

There is an illusion of coming to another human world. doomsday style,

"Three Four Seven"

rough mine buildings,

and distorted text and graffiti,

Let the entire shelter present a turbulent, desperate atmosphere.

This kind of breath even made the girls feel a little uncomfortable.

They saw the human beings living in the shelters, most of them were hiding at home, and watched in horror as the troops of the two shelters invaded!


No one resists!

Humans are insensitive, but very strange,

They obviously seem to have a poor quality of life, but in fact they are not thin, and they all look like they are not lacking in food..


Wu Chi also saw a lot of fat people!

When Mr. Wu paid attention to Fatty, all the girls were disgusted by the atmosphere here.

They, who have lived in Taiyin City all the year round, have become accustomed to the fairyland-like city, and suddenly they feel a sense of discomfort when they suddenly see a dirty, chaotic and desperate human civilization.

"I understand now why our home is called [Tai Xu Wonderland]." Lin Daiyu pursed her thin lips, a trace of fear flashed in her beautiful eyes, and the other girls nodded.

Shan Shan said: "Although I don't live in Taixu Wonderland, no matter where it is in [Taiyin City], it's all very good! Asgard in the cloud, the palace on the ground, there are also huts!" "Compared with here, [Taiyin City] is very good! City] is really like a fairyland."

This desperate surviving civilization made all the women sigh. Wu Chi didn't feel much,

In textbooks, these things have been discussed in the classroom for a long time,

Even the teachers used spells or equipment to let them experience a virtual scene. Wu Chi even saw a scene of human civilization being wiped out in a class!

That was the abyss world attacking a human civilization, and in just seven days, a civilization with a population of 10 billion was destroyed, and even the world became the food of the abyss. in comparison,

The pettiness of these two shelters is nothing at all! At this time,

Some soldiers came over pressing the top of the 911 Shelter, all tied their hands and looked embarrassed.

Among them was an old man with white hair, who should be the leader here. "Damn old man! I told you earlier, let you open the door!"

"You don't agree, now the entire shelter is mine, regret it?" The one-armed man said savagely, quite proud.

The white-haired old man snorted coldly and said, "If it wasn't for An Zi's rebellion, you wouldn't even want to fight for a year!" "Cut!"

The one-armed man clicked his tongue, but couldn't refute it. At this time,

A young man with a big belly came over and said flatteringly: "Brother Nock, how is it, I'm doing well!" "Well, not bad!"

The one-armed man smiled grimly and patted An Zi on the shoulder.

The latter looked excited, knelt down in a hurry, and said, "Please don't worry, big brother, I will definitely be your dog!" "Don't worry, I promise not to change, you will be the head of the 911 shelter in the future!" The one-armed man Smile,

Anzi is ecstatic,

The one-armed man asked him to get up again and said, "So, go back and call your sister, I wanted her for a long time, and this time I'll show your father a show!" "Yes! Yes! My sister called, do you want my wife and brother?" An Zi flattered, turned around without hesitation, and prepared to bring someone over...

The one-armed man sneered, his head crooked, and immediately a soldier handed over a light energy rifle.

He raised his rifle and pulled the trigger at An Zi, who was walking happily...

Bang one by one!

The arc of light flashed, and An Zi broke a big hole in his body.

Even with a smile on his face, he lost his vitality and fell to the ground. people were horrified,

The one-armed man sneered, "It's just a dog! Old man, I helped you clear the door, do you thank me?" "Ha!"

The white-haired old man sneered,

The one-armed man half-knelt down and said solemnly: "The entire shelter is mine now, smart people, just cooperate with me!" "Don't think I don't know! Your [Valkyrie] plan!"

The scene here is serious and tense,

Wu Chi and others, who were watching the play next to him, looked relaxed. suddenly,

When the one-armed man finished saying that, a message appeared in Wu Chi's mind!

"Hint: Trigger the mission [Final Weapon]!" 2.3......


Wu Chi's eyes moved, and he hurriedly opened the task to see.

【The ultimate weapon】

Quest type: Civilization brilliance.

Mission Level: 20.

Mission Difficulty: Difficult.

Mission time: none (with failure condition)

Mission content: Under the suggestion of the last scientists, the surviving sanctuary civilization started a crazy biological weapon plan named "Valkyrie"!

Quest: Find and get the Valkyrie!

Mission failure condition: Valkyrie dies.

Introduction: In the endless despair, the flower of hope may also grow.


Chapter 444 Gene Project - Valkyrie! (3/5! Please subscribe!)

"Fortunately! Civilization brilliance appeared!"

"The book says there is a high probability, but it's not a lie."

Wu Chi felt relieved when he saw the quest prompt pop up. Millions of void crystals,

It's a huge resource for him now!

Now trigger the task, then your efforts can be rewarded! come back to God,

He carefully looked at the content of the task and couldn't help being a little surprised!

difficult task....

According to his current strength, the evaluation is difficult, which is enough to prove that he may encounter an enemy who can beat him.

But what means does this surviving human civilization have to beat him?

High-tech weapons? "Can't be careless!"

Wu Chi condensed in his heart, took out the [Li Wang Divine Talisman] and put it away, and thought about it at the same time,

And 06 took out something else.

Seeing Wu Chidong Naxina, the women next to him noticed a little dignified expression. They looked at each other, became serious and prepared for battle. At this time,

On the other side, I heard the word "Valkyrie" uttered by the one-armed man,

The white-haired old man finally couldn't hold back, and roared, "Is this what An Zi told you?" "Otherwise?"

The one-armed man smiled disdainfully and sneered: "Your good son really helped us a lot!" "I just made a promise, and he couldn't wait to sell you all!"

"Unfortunately, I don't dare to keep such a waste of him. What if he sells me one day?" Nock laughed, very proud.

Now that the 911 Shelter has fallen into his hands, whether it's "Valkyrie" or something else, it will become Nok's property!


The white-haired old man laughed at himself and mocked: "Perhaps, but the Valkyrie plan has failed, and all he got are monsters." "Really?"

The one-armed man looked in disbelief,

"I have already received news that your shelter has accepted a group of official winter scientists who helped you build underground greenhouses, electromagnetic reactors, gravity conduction systems and powerful defense devices!" "And that group of scientists , Before the official destruction, it was specialized in the Valkyrie plan, they have been studying in your shelter for so long, you told me that they failed?" Nok got too much news,

The young man who was called An Zi could be said to have completely sold his family to the ground.

The white-haired old man was bitter in his heart, but he also keenly discovered a key point!

After all, his son is not a researcher, he knows very little! Think about it,

The white-haired old man said: "You should know that the Valkyrie plan is to try to embed the genes of those monsters outside into the human body!"

"Gene embedding science was very advanced before the end of the world, but the reason why monsters are called monsters is unreasonable!" "No one succeeded, and even scientists died because of this!" After speaking, the old man coughed and closed his eyes to rest. stand up.

The one-armed man narrowed his eyes, and after a while, he said solemnly, "You think I'm a fool?" Obviously, he didn't believe it!

Just when he was impatient and was about to ask, the white-haired old man suddenly opened his eyes and smiled, and the next moment, his face was stiff...

Impressively lost its vitality! "!?"

Nock was startled, hurriedly pinched the other's head and looked at it, and then said angrily: "Old thing!" This old man actually committed suicide!

It seems to be a small probe device, which directly smashed the head and could not be saved.

The one-armed man roared, kicked the old man's body, looked at the other relatives of the old man, and roared, "Who among you knew about Valkyrie's plan?" "Sera! I want serum!"


(\'1.,5?;?) is a terrible beating and interrogation,

The one-armed man has a tyrannical personality, so he fights directly.

And Wu Chi,

Also took this opportunity to learn some information. Shortly after,

Finally, there was a softhead who couldn't hold on, and was willing to help the one-armed man, the nephew of the white-haired old man, a fat man with a bald head.

Although I don't know the specific situation of the Valkyrie plan, I know the location of the 350 Research Institute!

The one-armed man sent someone to control the arms and equipment of the shelter, and then took them to the institute. no one found out,

Wu Chi and others have been following around. Shortly after,

They walked deep underground, and finally came to a dark cave. The bald fat man opened the gate, and a light came on immediately. "Boss, there is a research institute inside."

"Twelve days ago, Uncle said that there was a change in the research institute, and the scientists were all dead, so we sealed this place."

The bald fat man spoke timidly,

Nock nodded and asked, "Can it be turned on?" "I'll try..."

A group of people walked in and came to an irregular alloy gate. This alloy gate can be said to be the representative of civilization's technological strength, even a laser cutter can't break it.

The bald fat man opened a password door with ease, and an electronic sound came out.

"Please press the fingerprint! Or enter the voice control password!"

Chapter 445 Help him (4/5! Please subscribe!)

He pressed his hand,

The electronic voice sounded a warning.

"Reminder! Boris, the fifth authority, you don't have any authority to open the door of the research institute!" Wen Yan,

The bald fat man turned back helplessly, "I don't have permission, and the voice control password can be changed at any time. Only Uncle can understand the password formula!" "Old things, if they die, they will trick us!"

The one-armed man scolded and asked people to look around for the codebook, and by the way, he beat and scolded the bald fat man and others. But half an hour passed and they got nothing,

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