MTL - Lord of the People: Build Immortal Realm From Scratch-Chapter 340

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Chapter 472 Five-color cloud (1/5! Please subscribe!)

"It's a good thing to exchange things that you don't need for life-saving things!" The old woman said in a deep voice, "It's just, Wentian..." "Okay! Don't say it anymore!"

Shangguan Wentian's face sank, and he said, "I know what you're thinking, it's nothing more than persuading me to give up!"

"But, the whole secret realm has been explored to the end, and the final reward of the secret realm is so close at hand, why give up so much!" "I'm not reconciled! Are you willing?"

"You know, that secret realm can get the Heart of the Plane! The Emerald Dream is within easy reach!" Shangguan Wentian blushed and looked at the others. The old woman kept her mouth shut.

The young man excitedly said: "I support Dad!" Shangguan Qianqian snorted and wanted to object.

But her timid character for a long time made her finally choose to give up...

"Bring the Legendary Spirit Blood! A piece of Legendary Spirit Blood should be able to heal us and we have more than enough to use in the secret realm!" Shangguan Wentian made a decision and opened his hand.

Personal platform!

Wu Chi opened some exchange forums and searched for the information on the scroll in his hand! soon,

Similar posts, the exchange information is listed, "Goblin Natural Disaster Support Gate", "Osiel Invasion Support Gate", "Deep diver Invasion Support Gate", "Nightmare Comes Support Gate"

Wu Chi casually opened a few and took a look.

It was found that all human lords above level 60 were talking. "Could it only be used at level 60?"

Wu Chi was startled, took a closer look, and then heaved a sigh of relief!

The so-called "xxx support door" is actually a reverse summoning prop! all the worlds,

Some worlds are at stake, and the world consciousness of some worlds has communicated with the lords, and will create many "xxx support gates" to go to Wanjie for support!

In the past, what the lord has to do is to fight against those forces that want to destroy the world. The more you contribute, the better the reward! certainly,

This reverse summoning is time-limited!

The more you contribute, the better the reward, so the general lord will go after level 60!

As for Tianjiao, there is no such restriction...


Wu Chi dived in the forum, and what he saw was basically a general lord! "Is there a time limit and a limit on the number of people!" "Um...equivalent to a copy?"

Wu Chi read the posts one by one, and finally realized it in his heart.

In simple words, this is a copy, the more enemies you kill within the corresponding time, the better the reward! From the words of Xianxia, ​​it is to help heaven and earth defeat the demons and obtain gifts from heaven and earth!

"Should I go right away?"

"Or, wait until it's more advanced?" Wu Chi hesitated,

Think about it,

He looked at some posts and compared the strength of those lords, the specifications of the rewards, and the strength of the monsters!

After thinking about it carefully, he felt that level 30 would be the most suitable "level of brushing", "That's it, get a small goal first and upgrade to level 30!"

Back to 【Taiyin City】,

Wu Chi went directly to the periphery, looked at the wall [Thunder Cloud Enchantment Stone Wall] that had accompanied him for a long time, and couldn't help sighing in his heart.

"Old friend, I'm sorry!" After saying that,

With a move in his heart, he chose to demolish it!

Knock Knock--! Visible to the naked eye,

The huge stone wall turned into powder and collapsed in an instant!

Soldiers fell off the fence one by one, and they were all a little surprised.

But they are not weak, and they will not be injured when they fall, so Wu Chi did not inform them. "Kings!"

"Your Majesty! What happened? Why is the city wall..." 0·.····························

The girls looked at Wu Chi and hurried over.

Wu Chi waved his hand, motioning them to calm down, and explained, "I want to rebuild one, don't panic!" "Yes!"

The girls agreed and hurriedly moved out of the way.

Wu Chi pondered for a while and decided to fill the entire territory at once!

The current [Taiyin City] has a total of more than 11 million square meters. Wu Chi thought about it and decided that 10 million square meters would be enough.

So I chose the size of 4000×2500 and threw the [Shiliyun] out!


The small white cloud building model swelled in the wind and turned into a cloud and fell in front of Wu Chi!

The "ten-mile cloud" of a unit looks like a cloud and has nothing to do with the fence.

【Ten Mile Clouds】(+)

Type: Fence.

Wu Chi chose to open it without hesitation, and with a finger, the five-color divine light flew out of the body, wrapping the cloud!

After a while,

Divine light dissipated,

A group of five-colored clouds appeared in front of Wu Chi!

Bright light, holy and holy!

【Five-color cloud】

Type: Fence.

Level: 1 (0/10000)

Function 1: Five-color fairy light (level 1, you can use all supernatural powers, magic equipment, and summon magic)

Function 2: Immortal power blessing (level 1, the durability is greatly improved!)

Function 3: Immortal Blessing (Level 1, located on the five-color cloud, the resident's mood +, will +.)

Function 4: Five-color sea of ​​clouds (level 1)

Durability: 20000/20000

Introduction: It is rumored that a certain Kong surnamed Da Neng, who obtained the [Ten Mile Cloud] and studied it for thousands of years, just created the [Five Color Cloud], but one day it disappeared.

. again.

Chapter 473 Expand the scope of attracting monsters (2/5! Please subscribe!)

"I'm going, so fierce!"

Wu Chi's eyes widened, and he finally understood why Yuan Tao said [Ten Mile Cloud] was excellent, and with his golden fingers,

All of a sudden it becomes a 4-function fence!

Offensive and defensive,

Moreover, the durability is very fierce. At level 1, there is a durability of 20,000. Does this not take off?

"A certain Kong surnamed Da Neng..." Wu Chi looked strange,

Wouldn't it be the one in "Fengshen Bang"? certainly,

Now that he thinks this is meaningless, he shakes his head and starts to soar!

Level +1!

Void Originium - 10000!

Level +1!

Void Originium - 20000!

"Three seven zeros" in one breath,

Wu Chi filled the [Five Colors Cloud] to level 20, and spent a total of 2.2 million Void Originium! Subsequently,

He accepted the task of building upgrade! Just as simple,

As long as 100 enemies are killed by the wall, the mission is complete!

But now there are no enemies, Wu Chi regained his senses, opened the territory panel, and began to lay out!

4000×2500 specifications,

It is a total of 13,000 units of [Five Colors Cloud], including the city gate!

And each unit,

It takes 200 Void Crystals, and it cost 2.6 million to fill it up, which is not much!

Building a city wall is not expensive to upgrade and expand, but when it comes to repairing it, it can be ridiculously expensive!

This thing is "whole", so the lord can't choose to demolish a unit and rebuild it, either demolish it all or choose to repair it, it is impossible to take advantage of it.

Level 20 [Five Colors Cloud], the durability has soared to 500,000, which is more than ten times higher than the previous [Thunder Cloud Enchantment Stone Wall]!

When Wu Chi was fiddling with the fence, the girls also gathered around curiously.

In 【Taiyin City】,

People were surprised to see a five-colored cloud falling from the sky, expanding rapidly, and suddenly forming a square, protecting [Taiyin City] within it! Since the previous layout was different,

All the buildings in Taiyin City are in the center, and there is a large space outside, which looks very abrupt. soon,

They saw defensive towers flying up and placed all over the territory under some mysterious power. Then, there were barracks, restaurants, [Illusionary Realm], [All Heavens Forum], [Mingjing Lake], etc. Wait…..

The women understand,

This is the great power of his master, so he is not surprised. He just stares at this scene like a creator in amazement. soon,

The new territory layout is complete!

[Taiyin City] has a new look. Under the wrapping of five-colored clouds, it has the feeling of a fairy town. It is mysterious and mysterious, like a fairyland on earth. "good!"

Wu Chi stepped on the five-color cloud and showed a smile. At this time,

A few shadows came from the sky,

It was Miaoyu and Sister Lin who landed on the five-color cloud,

They looked at the new building curiously, and their beautiful eyes were full of surprise. "Master, is this a wall? Can the cloud block the attack?" Jia Yingchun couldn't help but sighed, stepping on the wall with her little foot, feeling "soft".

It doesn't seem to be able to block the attack.

"But don't judge people by their appearances...ahem, they should judge walls by their appearances!" Wu Chi smiled and said, "If you don't believe me, try attacking!" "Really?"

Jia Yingchun's eyes moved,

She can't use attack abilities (including passive and aura bonus effects), but she can still get a flat A. With a strong physical attribute, some level 20 elite monsters can't handle it with a punch!

Jia Yingchun rubbed his hands and hit the wall next to him hard!

The small fist smashed directly into the cloud, and the terrifying force disappeared instantly! "Eh?"

The second girl was a little surprised, and tried a few more punches.

A fist strong enough to make a sonic boom, but not even a cloud can be dislodged! see,

All the girls also tried it out, and they displayed attacks, skills, and even weapons one by one!

[Five Colors Cloud] No one refuses to come, and all are blocked! "What a terrifying defense!"

"It's just a cloud, but it can block all physical and magic attacks!"

Hearing them on the forum, Wu Chi couldn't help but smile...


He noticed that the durability of a few units under his feet was decreasing,


I wipe it, it takes money to repair it!

Read The First Vampire