MTL - Los Angeles Detective-Chapter 423 arrest (two

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  Chapter 423 Arrest (two chapters in one)

   New York suburbs.

  Marka Community No. 308.

   This is an old-fashioned villa with a gray roof and yellow walls. The lawn is on the left side of the yard, and the garage passage is on the right side. The glass is all one-way perspective, and the situation inside cannot be seen clearly from the outside.

  Because there is no evidence of conviction yet, Michael Jeter did not arrest the suspect with great fanfare, but divided into two groups, one group guarded the suspect Mo Shaoxiong, and the other group continued to investigate the murder case, looking for evidence of Mo Shaoxiong's conviction.

   There are two cars and four people in charge of squatting.

  In which Michael Jeter and a black detective sit in a Chevrolet car.

   Luke was sitting in a Ford sedan with an Indian agent.

  Luke sat in the driver's cab. Since he became the deputy team, Luke seldom drove on missions.

  Luke looked at the Indian boy next to him, who was still wearing a pair of glasses, looking a little shy, "What's your name?"

   "Sir, my name is Aamir Khan."

   "Are you kidding me?" This happens to be a Bollywood actor Luke likes, and the only Indian actor Luke likes.

  The Indian agent pushed his glasses with his right hand, "No, I understand what you mean, I have the same name as him.

   In fact, I like his movies very much, and I have watched each of his movies many times. "

   "OK, I forgive you."

   "Sir, you are so humorous."

   "How long have you been in the FBI, what level?"

  Amir Khan made gestures with his hands while speaking, "I joined the FBI last year, and I'm just an ordinary agent."

   "Then why don't you drive? Don't you think I'm more familiar with the streets of New York than you?" Luke said with a hint of dissatisfaction in his tone.

   "Sorry, I'm not good at driving."

   "Then what are you good at? Computers?"

"No, I know that many people have a fixed impression of Indians and are used to associating us with computers and software, but I'm not good at computers at all, and I don't like them." Aamir Khan said with his hands gesturing back and forth .

  Luke asked, "You like to gesture when you talk?"

   "That's right, you discovered it."

   "So, what are you really good at?"

   "Criminal profiling.

  I am a criminal profiler.

   I graduated from Stanford University, I have two PhDs and three BAs…”

  Luke interrupted him, "You are very powerful, but why does a profiler also come to follow?"

  " is Michael Jeter's meaning, because the characteristics of the suspect are all based on speculation and there is no real evidence.

   Therefore, Michael Jeter hoped that I could profile the suspect Mo Shaoxiong to see if he matched the behavior and psychological characteristics of the murderer. "

  Luke is quite interested in the profession of profiler, "Then what do you think when you see the suspect's residence now?"

  Amir Khan thought for a while, "I think it should be divided into two situations. In the first situation, if this is the suspect's temporary residence and not his personal, then analyzing the living environment does not make much sense.

   In the second case, the residence here belongs to him, or even designed by him, which can explain some problems.

  First of all, the windows of the villa are all one-way perspective, which shows that he attaches great importance to his privacy and does not want himself to spy on his life. He is a very careful person.

  The yard of his house is very clean and tidy, without any clutter. This is not common among gang members. Combined with his professional characteristics, it shows that he has rules in his work and belongs to the kind of person who has a strong plan. "

  Luke was not very interested in his analysis, nodded, "Dude, nice to meet you."

   "Me too, Consultant Li."

   Then Luke stopped talking.

  Amir Khan pushed his glasses and said proactively, "Since I was preparing to join the FBI, I have read a lot of books on criminal investigation. I know about footprint identification, but the footprint identification in the United States can only analyze some simple data.

  The footprint identification you showed this time opened my eyes to a new world, it was simply amazing.

  Can you tell me about the analysis principle? "

  Luke glanced at the other party, trying to tell from the other party's expression that he was really interested in footprint identification, or just being polite, he didn't want to have an awkward chat.

   Seeing that the other party's expression is not fake, Luke nodded, "Let's talk another day, let's have a good chat when we have time.

  Now, you still focus on the task assigned by Michael Jeter. "

   "Yes, you are right, I almost forgot."

Luke stared at the villa of Mo Shaoxiong's family. There was no movement, and he couldn't see anyone. The most disgusting thing was the one-way perspective of the glass, so he couldn't see the situation in the villa at all. If there was a tunnel inside, the suspect ran away They don't know either.

  Luke took out the walkie-talkie, "Michael, are you sure the suspect is in the villa?"

   "Yes, did you find something wrong?"

   “It just feels so quiet.”

   There was a moment of silence on the other side, and Michael's voice sounded, "If you were in Los Angeles, what would you do?"

   Luke said, "I will find evidence to convict the suspect as soon as possible."

   "I want to, but the suspect can't get away until then.

   From my experience, this guy is definitely the murderer. "Michael Jeter's tone is firm.

  Luke didn't speak anymore. He is a consultant, and he should make suggestions. As for how to make a decision, it is the responsibility of the acting team leader.

  The footprint identification ability he has shown is enough to be worthy of the status of a consultant.

   It is not necessary for one person to do the work of the entire team, neither can receive more wages, and is not popular.

   Not far away, two cars drove over, a black car and a white car. The two cars drove into the suspect Mo Shaoxiong's house one after the other.

  Luke frowned slightly.

  Aamir Khan habitually pushed his glasses and looked out the window, "1234, four people got out of the two cars, all wearing hoods and masks, so they couldn't see clearly.

  This group of guys also belong to the Dragon Gang? "

These four people were dressed very tightly, and Luke didn't see any signs of tattoos, so he couldn't be sure whether they were members of the Flying Dragon Gang. Judging from their behavior, they should be very familiar with the suspect Mo Shaoxiong, and they entered Mo Shaoxiong directly. male house.

  Michael's voice sounded on the intercom, "Consultant Li, Mo Shaoxiong's accomplices are here, what do you think?"

  Luke said, "Although their purpose is not yet clear, they are likely to take action. Be careful. I suggest calling for support."

   "Agree, keep in touch, over."

  Luke put down the walkie-talkie and took out the body armor with the FBI logo printed on it from the back seat of the car. Although he has a bullet-proof card, he can save one.

  Aamir Khan in the co-pilot also picked up the body armor and put it on, and asked, "Advisor Li, do you think we will be in danger?"

   "I don't know, this is not Los Angeles." Luke asked back, "What do you think?"

  Aamir Khan pushed his glasses and replied, "Um... if they are actually gang members, I'm not particularly worried.

  Asian gangs, especially Chinese gangs, usually value peace and rarely fight with law enforcement. "

   "Hope you're right." Luke asked, checking the pistol. "What heavy weapons are in the trunk? If there's an exchange of fire, those alone won't do."

  Amir Khan shrugged, "I don't know either."

   "OK." Luke was a little helpless, secretly wondering if Michael Jeter had taken a fancy to his position as a consultant, so he arranged for such a partner with no field experience, and wanted to kill himself by the hands of gangsters.

  Aamir Khan also seemed to see Luke's dissatisfaction, turned his head and looked out the window to hide his embarrassment, "Hey, the door of the villa is open!"

  Luke turned his head and looked over. After the door opened, four people came out of the house. These four people were wearing black down jackets, hoods, and masks, and they couldn't see clearly.

  The four got into two cars respectively, started the car and left without even looking at Luke and the others.

  Amir Khan grinned and said, "Wow, four people went in, and four people left in a car. They were dressed so strictly that it was impossible to distinguish their identities.

  Mo Shaoxiong may stay in the villa, or he may leave in any car.

  Why do I have a feeling of doing multiple choice questions in mathematics. "

  Luke looked at him, "top student, how do you choose? A black car, a white car, or a villa?"

  During the conversation, two cars got on the community road, driving east and west in different directions.

  Amir Khan replied, "This is a probability problem, a bit similar to the problem of three doors.

  So, I chose Mo Shaoxiong to stay in the villa. "

  Luke started the car, turned the steering, and followed the black car.

  Aamir Khan “…”

   Dude, is this okay?

   How do you get along happily?

  Luke turned on the walkie-talkie, "Michael, I'll follow that black car, and you'll do the rest."

  The intercom was silent for a moment, and Michael said, "OK, I will stay in the villa and watch, and let the nearby patrol police help intercept the white vehicle for interrogation."

   Luke asked, "Where's the black sedan?"

   "Intercept, check to see if there is the suspect Mo Shaoxiong in the car."

   "Block for what reason?"

   "An informant reported that he was suspected of participating in a murder case."

   "Arrest people directly?"

   There was a moment of silence on the intercom, and then Michael Jeter responded in the affirmative, "Yes."

   "Are you authorized?"

   "I will apply to Director Negan."

   Luke said, "That is not yet."

   "Just keep an eye on that car. If Mo Shaoxiong is in the car, don't let him run away. Leave the rest to me, OK?"

   "Understood." Luke hung up the walkie-talkie and said to Aamir Khan, "Did you hear everything?"

   "Yes, I support Michael as team leader, but I still have to say, he is a bit reckless.

   This thing will probably screw up. Aamir Khan sighed.

  The black car is not fast, Luke has already narrowed the distance between him and it, and it can be seen that it is a black Buick car, "What would you do if you were the team leader?"

  Amir Khan said, "I will continue to investigate Mo Shaoxiong's criminal evidence, and I will not act rashly before that."

   "If Mo Shaoxiong hid in two driving away cars and fled to other states or other countries, what would you do?"


  Suddenly I feel lucky...I am not the acting team leader. Aamir Khan shrugged, looked at Luke on the side and asked, "Consultant Li, what would you do if it was you?" "

  Aamir Khan asked, "Will you watch Mo Shaoxiong flee, or arrest people without sufficient evidence?"

   Luke laughed, "I will find evidence of Mo Shaoxiong's conviction before he escapes."

   "Do you think Team Leader Michael is not capable enough?"

  Luke shook his head, "You said it."

  Actually, it’s a bad debt for the FBI to authorize such a thing. As long as you have a good relationship with your boss and the other party is willing to support you, the same goes for getting on the bus first and then buying the ticket.

   But there are risks in doing this kind of thing. If the wrong person is arrested or the case goes awry, the boss will be left with the problem of lack of ability and love to cause trouble.

  Michael would choose to do this. He must have his own considerations. If something happened, he would be responsible and it would have little effect on Luke.

  After all, Luke just came to the FBI New York office, even if he gave orders, these FBI agents might not listen to him.

  The black Buick car in front seemed to be aware of being followed, and accelerated without warning.

   "Sit still." Luke stepped on the accelerator, and the car speeded up instantly, catching up with the black Buick in front, and then turned on the police lights and siren to signal the other party to stop.

  The black Buick car in front not only didn't mean to stop, but drove faster and faster.

  Aamir Khan tightly grasped the handrail with his right hand, "Consultant Li, will you stop forcibly?"


   "That's why I don't drive, I can't do this, I even hate driving." Aamir Khan looked a little nervous.

  Luke is not in the mood to talk to him now, and concentrates on driving.

   At this time, it was already six o'clock in the afternoon, and there were many cars on the road, and it was already congested.

   This is a good thing for Luke. The suspect will naturally get out of the car when the car is blocked.


  The black Buick car in front collided with the vehicle on the right when trying to overtake, and the unlucky car hit by him rushed into the green belt.

  Luke turned off the police lights and siren, which is tantamount to opening the way for the suspect vehicle in disguise.

"Jingle Bell…"

  Aamir Khan's cell phone rang, and he pressed the answer button, "Hey, Team Leader Michael, I hope you can bring us good news."

   "Yes, it is indeed good news.

  The white car was stopped, and Mo Shaoxiong was not in the car.

  I knocked on Mo Shaoxiong's house just now, and the person who opened the door was not Mo Shaoxiong, he should be in that black car.

  Listen, he should be running away, I don't care what method you use, you must catch him.

   Never let him get away. "

  Aamir Khan said, "We are trying to intercept, but he is driving fast, we need support."

   "Send me the specific location, and I will ask the surrounding police to support you."

   "Yes, sir."

  Amir Khan hung up the phone, sent a location to Michael Jeter, and said to Luke who was beside him, "Consultant Li, Mo Shaoxiong is probably in that black Buick.

  You don't need to forcefully stop, the patrol should set up a card in front to intercept, we just need to follow steadily. "

  Luke laughed, and wanted to ask this guy so afraid of death, why did he join the FBI?

   It is true that there is no need to forcibly stop the black Buick, because the front is near the subway station, there are many people and vehicles, and the traffic is already blocked.

  The black Buick car in front stopped, the driver's and co-pilot's doors opened at the same time, and the two men ran towards different directions.

  Mo Shaoxiong is likely to be one of these two people.

   Among them, the man who ran out of the cab was taller, far surpassing Mo Shaoxiong who was about 170cm tall. However, Luke always felt that his figure was familiar, as if he had seen it somewhere.

  As for the man who ran out from the passenger cab, he was short and thin, which was more in line with Mo Shaoxiong's physical characteristics.

Luke parked the car on the side of the road. After getting out of the car, he immediately chased after the man in the front passenger cab. This man was wearing a black down jacket, a hood, black trousers, and thick-soled boots. He was dexterous and running. high speed.

  Amir Khan asked anxiously, "Consultant Li, I..."

  Luke didn't hear what he said, and had already chased into the subway station.

  The subway station was very crowded. Mo Shaoxiong was thinner and more flexible. He squeezed around in the crowd, ran rampant, and ran very fast.

   Luke is tall and strong, but it is difficult to move through the crowd.

   "LAPD, get out of the way!"

  People around looked at Luke with strange eyes.


Step aside! "

  That's right, the immediate effect, people who heard the sound moved away from both sides.

  The people in front of Luke actively dodged, without the obstruction of pedestrians, Luke was tall and had long legs, and quickly caught up with the man suspected of Mo Shaoxiong.

  The other party wanted to run away, and there were so many people in the subway station that Luke couldn't use a gun.

  Luke grabbed the opponent's shoulder.

   With a sound of "stab...", the down jacket was pulled open.

  The suspect turned around suddenly, swung his right arm violently, and slammed it into Luke's chest.

  Luke blocks with his right arm.

  The arms of the two hit each other.

  Luke felt like he was hitting an iron bar, it hurt!

  The hat of the suspect was pulled off. Although he was still wearing a mask, he could be recognized from the shape of his head and face. He should be the suspect Mo Shaoxiong.

  Mo Shaoxiong's eyes were fierce, and he grabbed Luke's arm with his other hand, raised his knee violently, and hit Luke's chest and abdomen.

   Luke is quick on his feet, backing away sideways, avoiding his knees.

  At the same time, Luke also began to fight back, swinging his right fist fiercely to his side.

  Mo Shaoxiong swung his right arm and hit Luke's chest with his elbow.

   Luke stepped back again, this elbow was about to hit his chest, and the bones would have been broken.

  The two drew a certain distance and glared at each other.

  The brief contact just now, although not long, has played several times. Luke has both offense and defense, while Mo Shaoxiong gave up defense and has been attacking all the time.

  Just like just now, Luke clearly hit him in the chest and abdomen, but he didn't dodge at all. Instead, he attacked Luke with his elbow, intending to exchange injuries for injuries.

  Luke thought of Mo Shaoxiong's information. He used to box in the black market and was proficient in Muay Thai.

   "Mo Shaoxiong, I am arresting you for assaulting the police.

   Just grab it. "

   "I'm not Mo Shaoxiong.

   You won’t be caught without a fight, if you want to catch me, it’s up to you. " Mo Shaoxiong waved to Luke.

   At this time, the fight between the two scared off the surrounding pedestrians.

  Without the scruples of accidental injury, Luke took the initiative to retreat. As long as he opened a certain distance, he could draw his gun and shoot, so there was no need to fight him recklessly.

  Mo Shaoxiong seemed to have seen Luke's plan, strode towards Luke, raised his right leg and kicked sideways, fast and hateful, fierce and domineering.

  Luke hurriedly waved his arms to block.


  Luke felt as if his arm had been hit by a steel pipe.

   This kind of opponent is very annoying, and it is completely desperate.

   But Luke didn't want to fight him, and he didn't want to get hurt.

  Luke is proficient in boxing and jujitsu, and his fighting skills are not inferior to him. Moreover, Luke's physical fitness is superior. If it is a ring fight, Luke is sure to win.

  But now it's a life-and-death fight. The competition is not only fighting skills and physical fitness, but also fierceness.

   Not only to be ruthless to the enemy, but also to be ruthless to yourself.

  Mo Shaoxiong now feels to Luke that he would hurt the enemy eight hundred and himself hurt one thousand.

  He was desperately injured and wanted to get rid of Luke's capture.

  Facing such an opponent, it is very difficult for Luke to capture the opponent without getting injured.

  Luke figured out what he wanted, so he knew how to fight.

  It's very simple, it's fighting.

  One word 'wrapped' is the essence.

   Luke is not alone, he also has FBI and police support.

   As long as Mo Shaoxiong can be kept, Luke will win.

   There is absolutely no need to try to get injured and grab each other, it's not worth it.

  Mo Shaoxiong made several consecutive leg sweeps and elbow strikes, but Luke skillfully avoided them. At the same time, he also tried to approach the opponent proactively, trying to subdue him with jujitsu.

  But after trying a few times, Mo Shaoxiong's counterattacks were very fierce, and he still used the fierce method of exchanging injuries for injuries. Luke could only avoid it and gave up the idea of ​​subduing the opponent.

   "FBI, hold on tight!"

  Amir Khan chased after him, holding guns in both hands, and shouted at Mo Shaoxiong.

   Luke breathed a sigh of relief and rubbed his arms, "Dude, you're finally here, I was almost beaten to death by this guy."

   "Sorry, I'm late."

   Amir Khan showed a little embarrassment and guilt on his face. He knew that Mo Shaoxiong was a black market boxing champion, and thought that Luke was really injured, and explained, "I went to chase another guy just now, but he ran away.

   Come quickly to support you. "

  Suddenly, Mo Shaoxiong moved, he gave up on Luke, and rushed towards Aamir Khan.

  His move was surprising, not to mention that Luke didn't expect it, and Aamir Khan was also confused.

   "Don't move..." Before Aamir Khan finished his warning, Mo Shaoxiong rushed forward.

   With a bang, Aamir Khan shot.

  While firing the gun, Mo Shaoxiong seemed to be aware of it and instinctively dodged it, but the bullet still hit his left shoulder.

  But Mo Shaoxiong didn't stop, the gunshot wound on his shoulder aroused his blood, he swung his right elbow and hit Aamir Khan's chest directly.


   Aamir Khan was knocked down directly. Even though he was wearing body armor, he felt like he had broken ribs.

   Severe pain in the chest, difficulty breathing, the whole person fell to the ground, and the pistol was dropped.

  Seeing this scene, Luke wanted to scold her, but he didn't have time at all.

  He took three steps and made two steps at the same time, then rushed up and punched Mo Shaoxiong on the head.

  Mo Shaoxiong lowered his head and blocked with his right arm.

  Luke feints, throws his elbow up to his left shoulder.


  Mo Shaoxiong let out a scream, the pain made his teeth chatter, his body curled up, and his body felt weak.

  Luke took this opportunity, swung his fist fiercely, and slammed him on the head.

  Luke's fist was very heavy. After several punches, Mo Shaoxiong was stunned and collapsed on the ground weakly.

  Luke didn't dare to be careless, pressed his back, and handcuffed him.

   Luke walked up to Aamir Khan and patted his cheek, "Man, are you okay?"

  Amir Khan panted heavily, "No.

   I felt like I was hit by a bull in heat. "

  Luke is relieved, if he can speak, he will not die.

   My dad has a heart problem today, so we went to the hospital with him.

   Scared me too.

   I took a color ultrasound, and the film will come out tomorrow.

   Spent most of the day in the hospital and on the drive.

   Sorry, I really don’t have the energy to write a supplement today.

   Omissions will be recorded.

   I promised everyone that I will make it up.

   I have to go to the hospital tomorrow afternoon to get a film to show to the doctor, so I still feel a little nervous.

   I can't guarantee whether it will be updated tomorrow.

   Once again, I apologize to everyone.

   When I get things done at home, I will make up for the missing chapters.



  (end of this chapter)

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