MTL - Los Angeles Detective-Chapter 425 identity

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  Chapter 425 Identity

  The previous chapter (chapter 423) is unblocked.

  6,000-character chapter.

  The order is before the single chapter.

  Book friends who have read a single chapter need to turn a chapter forward.


  Luke picked up the wine glass, lowered his head and took a sip of Zhuyeqing, and had no intention of getting up to go to the bathroom.

  Luke has no patience with this cousin. He is looking for him because he is a member of the family. It is for the sake of his father and uncle that he did not completely give up on him.

   But to say how much Luke cares, it is not always true.

  Luke is not interested in talking to him alone, let alone educating him.

   Even if he doesn't listen to his father, he can still count on him to listen to himself. Luke doesn't have Naruto's big talk.

  Find him, and Luke completes the mission.

  He took out his mobile phone and sent a text message to his uncle, and continued to eat.

   The squab in this restaurant is really good and goes well with wine.

   After a while, Will came out of the toilet with an ugly expression on his face.

  An accomplice wearing earrings joked, "Why did it take you so long to come back, kid, thinking you fell in.

  We are still thinking about finger guessing to decide who will save you. "

   "Damn it, you just fell in." Will cursed with a smile, and sat with his companion shoulder to shoulder.

  After the waiter served the food, several people began to eat and drink.

  Will would glance at Luke from time to time, but Luke didn't respond.

  Will was a little absent-minded, drank a lot of wine, and the food was tasteless.

   An hour later, the group was already two drunk, supported each other to stand up, and left the restaurant.

   At this time, the little girl who was sitting at the cash register and yawning said, "Mom, they haven't settled the bill yet."

  The proprietress was settling accounts, she looked up and said, "Don't worry about them."

   "I remember they didn't pay the bill last time, why didn't they pay the bill this time? We children all know that we have to pay for meals. They are so old and still reckless. Didn't the teacher teach them?"

  The proprietress glanced in the direction of the door, as if she was afraid that this group of people would hear, "You remember wrongly, an uncle gave money last time."

  The little girl snorted, "Even if I remembered it wrong last time. Then why didn't you pay me this time?"

  The little girl's voice was not low, Luke glanced at it, wondering if it was a psychological effect, and felt that Will's cheeks were a little red.

  If Will really joined the Feilong Gang to find a backer, then what is the difference between their current repudiation and Heshengtang?

   It just changed the name of the gang, and Will changed from a victim to an accomplice.

   Fortunately, the gangsters drank too much, and their ears couldn't work. They didn't hear the little girl's words, and walked out of the restaurant together.

  Of course, it is also possible that they have heard it, but they just don't care anymore.

  Leaving the restaurant, Will let out a long sigh of relief. He wanted to leave quickly, but he was still supporting a drunk companion.


  Lewell! "Two familiar shouts sounded, shocking Will all over, and the little drunkenness that was originally not much dissipated completely.

  Will looked up, it was his father and mother.

  How did they come here?

  By the way, it must be Luke who informed.

  Li Zhaonian stepped forward quickly, pointed at Will's nose and cursed, "You bastard, you're not dead yet.

  Refused to go home for so long, we followed you in fear, but your kid was eating and drinking in the restaurant.

  We are worrying for nothing. "

  Yao Xin grabbed his son's shoulders and looked him up and down, "Will, where have you been these days, we are so anxious.

  Let's go home.

  Zhaonian, don't talk about it, take your son home first. "

  The man with the tattoo on his arm asked, "Will, are these your parents?"

   "Yes, Brother Wolf. I haven't been home for a long time. I will go back with them first, and I will find you tomorrow."

  Brother Lang nodded, and said to Li Zhaofeng and Yao Xin, "Uncle and aunt, don't worry.

  With me covering Will, he can't suffer.

   Put your hearts in your stomachs and wait for the blessings! "

   Li Zhaonian cursed in his heart, I enjoy a tofu, you guys are not good at first glance, Will will definitely be led astray if he follows you.

   At the same time, he also blamed Will for not being up to date. He just had a conflict with He Shengtang a few days ago. Why did he hook up with gangsters again?

   Who are these people?

  Brother Huayilang greeted and left with the three punks.

  Will asked, "Mom and Dad, did my cousin ask you to come?"

  Yao Xin asked, "If Luke hadn't told us, how long are you going to keep it a secret?"

   "I didn't intend to hide it from you, I will go back after a while."

  Li Zhaonian pointed at the backs of Brother Lang and his group, "Who are they?"

"my friend."


  Look at that group of people, how can they be decent people if they are dressed in a casual manner?

  How could you be with this kind of person?

   It's trying to **** us off. "Li Zhaonian hated that iron could not be made into steel. If it wasn't for the fear that this kid would run away again, I really wanted to slap him.

   "Mom and Dad, don't worry about it, I have grown up and have my own ideas."

   Li Zhaonian shouted, "idea, what's your idea? Let us hear it."

  If you can convince us, we will leave now and never care about you again. "

  Yao Xin persuaded, "Zhao Nian, don't be angry.

  Will, let's go home first, let's talk when we get home. "

   Li Zhaonian said, "Where do you go home? Can you still go back?"

   "Then take Will to Mom and Dad."

   "They are all getting old, and we still go to the house to quarrel, so we don't want to **** them off."

  Will was surprised, "Mom and Dad, what are you talking about? Why can't you go home?"

   "You still have the face to ask, let me ask you, does Zhang Qilong's death have anything to do with you?"

  Will's face was a bit ugly, "Mom and Dad, this...

   Those **** in Heshengtang have troubled you. "

  Li Zhaonian snorted, "You are so chic, you ran away by yourself.

   This is your idea, this is what you do. "

   "I..." Will opened his mouth, hesitant to speak, "I didn't expect this to happen."

   "Okay, come home with us first." Yao Xin held his son's arm tightly, for fear that he might run away.

  Will was a little helpless, and turned to look at the restaurant, "Where's Luke? Why doesn't he come out?"

   Li Zhaonian asked, "Luke is in this restaurant?"


   "I'll go in and say hello to him, and we'll go."

  Wildau, "I'll go too."

  Looking at his son, Li Zhaonian exhorted, "Don't make trouble when you go, Luke has helped you a lot.

   You have to thank him well. "

  Yao Xin also said, "Yes, Luke is a good boy. If he wasn't there that day, your dad and I...would have suffered.

  In order to find you, he was too busy to find you. "

   "Mom and Dad, what's wrong with you? What's going on?"

  Li Zhaonian waved his hand, "Don't ask, just go back and talk about it."

  The family of three walked to the restaurant, and Luke happened to check out at this time, and the two met, "Second Uncle, Auntie."

   "Luke, we blocked the kid.

   Thank you for your hard work this time.

  Tomorrow, I will go to your grandparents' house, and my uncle will cook something delicious for you. Li Zhaonian showed gratitude and patted Luke on the shoulder vigorously.


  It's good that Will is back. Luke responded with a smile, and then said to Will who was beside him, "Brother, don't think I'm too busy."

  Second Uncle and Aunt are worried about you every day, and after a few more days of tossing, their bodies will not be able to bear it anymore. "

   "Brother, I want to talk to you."

   "Another day, you go back with Second Uncle first.

  I will visit you when I have time. After Luke finished speaking, he greeted Li Zhaonian and his wife and left.

  Luke knows that Will must have a lot of shit, but he is a cousin, not a real brother, so let Li Zhaonian talk about it.

  People's parents are here, and it's not his turn to educate them.

  Even if he wanted to help, Li Zhaonian had to ask, and Will didn't have the face.


  The next morning.

  Fauble New York office.

   Office of the Criminal Investigation Department.

  Luke walks into the office, and Michael Jeter says, "Hey, buddy, just waiting for your meeting."

  Luke sat at a desk and asked, "Has Mo Shaoxiong confessed?"

  Michael Jeter laughed, "Yes.

  He has recruited. "

  Luke was a little curious, "How did you pry his mouth open? His attitude yesterday was very tough."

  “I had a serious talk with him, and I did him a little favor, promising to turn him into a tainted witness, and give him a new identity, a new city, and new development.

  I offered the best terms, as long as he is not stupid, he will naturally agree. "Michael Jeter said that seven points are true and three points are false, concealing some things that are inconvenient to say.

   "According to Mo Shaoxiong's confession, Ma Jiansheng was indeed killed by homicide in order to press for the whereabouts of gambling king Zhou Tiancheng.

  The person who instigated him to do so was the leader of the Feilong Gang, Zheng Lagong. "Afterwards, Michael Jeter took out a document and introduced,

   "Zheng Lagong is the deputy head of the Iron Blood Hall of the Feilong Gang. He is forty-six years old this year and spent his early years in Southeast Asia.

  Immigrated to New York fifteen years ago.

  He has always been in contact with Southeast Asian gangs, and it is said that he has always had a good relationship with gambling king Zhou Tiancheng.

   There are even rumors that the gambling king Zhou Tiancheng used to hang out with him. After he came to New York, Zhou Tiancheng took over his team in Southeast Asia and gradually became bigger.

  In addition, according to the information we got, after Zhou Tiancheng was wanted by the Malay police, Zheng Lagong might have helped him smuggle to New York.

   Just for some unknown reason, the two broke up.

  Zheng Lagong sent his subordinate Mo Shaoxiong to find Zhou Tiancheng's whereabouts. "

  Luke asked, "Did Mo Shaoxiong find out Zhou Tiancheng's whereabouts?"

"Mo Shaoxiong tortured and questioned Ma Jiansheng. Ma Jiansheng admitted to being an accountant for Zhou Tiancheng, and also produced a ledger that recorded Zhou Tiancheng's assets. Mo Shaoxiong gave the ledger to the deputy secretary. Lord Zheng Lagong.

  In addition, Ma Jiansheng also gave Zhou Tiancheng's address, and Mo Shaoxiong also told Zheng Lagong. "

  Luke said, "Ma Jiansheng gave Zhou Tiancheng's address on the night of January 23, Mo Shaoxiong told Zheng Lagong the address, and Zheng Lagong might kill Zhou Tiancheng at any time.

   And today is January 27th, Zhou Tiancheng is likely to be in danger. "

  Michael Jeter said, "Without further ado, let's split up.

  I will take people to arrest Zheng Lagong, and you will take people to search Zhou Tiancheng's address. "

  Luke nodded. These two missions are more dangerous to capture Zheng Lagong. Of course, the rewards may also be greater.

  Michael Jeter said, "Louis, you take someone with you to go with Consultant Li, and all actions are under the command of Consultant Li."

   Agent Bai Niu next to her nodded and said, "I see."


   Inside a Chevrolet SUV.

  White Girl Detective Louise was driving, and Luke was sitting in the passenger cab with half-closed eyes.

  This is the right way to open it. How can Luke, a forensic consultant, drive himself.

   "Consultant Li, are you from New York or Los Angeles?"

   Luke laughed, "I grew up in New York, and my parents divorced.

  I went to live in Los Angeles in college, it’s hard to say where I’m from. "

  Louis laughed, "Then I think you are from New York."

   "No problem, as long as you are happy."

   "Have you thought about going back to live in New York?" Actually, Louise wanted to ask if he would formally join Fobole, but she didn't want to ask too directly.

  Luke said perfunctorily, "Are you going to introduce me to a girlfriend?"

   Seeing that Luke was unwilling to answer directly, Louise didn't ask any more questions, and said with a smile, "You don't seem to be short of a girlfriend."

"I am too busy."

   "Understand. If you don't work hard, you won't have the achievements you have now at a young age.

  What kind of girl do you like, if there is a suitable one, I will introduce you. "

  Luke thought about it seriously, "He is beautiful and has a good figure. It would be better if he could be more considerate."

   "Are there any requirements in terms of personality and interests?"


   "Are you serious? I thought you would like women with connotations, common hobbies and values."

   "I'm looking for a girlfriend, not a female teacher.

  I think the first impression is very important, and others can get along slowly.

   Even if it is not suitable, you can also be ordinary friends. "

  Based on Louise’s experience, a man who only pays attention to a woman’s appearance, but not her inner quality and personality, is either a superficial person, or has not yet settled her mind.

  She hasn't been in contact with Luke for a long time, but she can also feel that Luke is definitely not the first type, that is the second type.

  Louis didn’t think there was anything wrong. It’s normal for Luke to love to play at this age. Her younger brother also thinks similarly, and often asks her to introduce beautiful girls.

  Louis usually sends him a sentence, go to hell.

   "Louis, what are you usually responsible for?"


  For example, contact the police at the scene of the crime, the family members of the victim, and occasionally act as a spokesperson. "

   "Me too?"

   "NO, you are on your own.

  I'm just curious about you, so I volunteered to partner with you. "

   "Your work matters."

"I think so too."

  Luke is not speaking politely. Forbole's scope of authority is much wider than that of LAPD. It is not an easy task to often handle cases in different places and coordinate and communicate with various departments.

  Many policemen have a certain resistance to Fobole. At this time, the role of the contact person is very important. The contact person communicates well, so that Fobole and the police can work closely together to solve the case.

  Conversely, if Fobole and the police have conflicts and have different ideas, the case may fail.

  During the conversation, the car drove into the Mario community and stopped beside a white villa.

  This community is located in the outer suburbs of New York. Although it is far from the city center, the villas have a large area, and each household has an independent courtyard.

  Luke led several Fobole agents into the yard, and glanced around. The doors of the house and the garage were tightly closed.

  He went to the window to check, frowned slightly, took out his pistol, and made a gesture, Louise also came over to check.

  The two exchanged a few words in a low voice, and then called several agents over to discuss. Afterwards, several Fobole agents walked to both sides of the door, and one of them smashed open the door with a door breaker.



   "Ahem..." A Fobole agent had just rushed into the house when he was choked up, coughing and gagging.

  There was a strong corpse smell in the room.

  This smell is no less lethal than chemical weapons, and it can smoke people after a while. Luke feels that it is unlikely that there are living people hiding in the house.


   Luke scolded and told the agents to retreat to a farther place.

  Louise said to the two agents, "Open the back door too to let the smell out.

   Others were watching around to prevent anyone from escaping from the villa. "

  Luke laughed, "It doesn't matter even if someone escapes, the smell on your body can be smelled from more than ten meters away."

  Louis rolled her eyes, "God, I don't want to be in this house.

  I should have gone to catch Zheng Lagong, not here. "

   "Hehe." Luke glanced at his watch, "Thank you for reminding me, I seem to be leaving get off work soon."

   "No, you are needed here."

  In order to dissipate the smell as soon as possible, a Fobole agent entered the room wearing a protective suit, and opened all the doors and windows for ventilation.

   After more than half an hour, the smell in the room was almost gone, and Luke wore a mask before entering the villa to investigate.

   There was a lot of dry blood spilled in the living room, and a corpse was tied to the radiator in the living room. The corpse was severely decomposed and dilapidated.

  The head and face of the corpse were hit hard, coupled with the corrosion and deformation of the corpse, the original appearance was no longer recognizable.

  The corpse had no clothes on it, only a pair of trousers, and the fingers were deformed from the beating, and the fingerprints on the fingers were also damaged.

  Luke searched around the body and found no identification documents (including but not limited to driver's license, social security card), only that the body was an Asian man.

  Louis also came over, frowned and said, "Do you think this is Zhou Tiancheng's body?"

  Luke shook his head slightly, not wanting to judge lightly.

   "Wait for the DNA test results."

He has only seen photos of Zhou Tiancheng, but never the person himself. His body was damaged, decomposed, and almost unrecognizable. "However, judging from the injuries on his body, he was tortured before his death, and he may have been tortured and interrogated just like Ma Jiansheng. "

  Louis said, "According to the clues obtained by the intelligence department, he may be Zhou Tiancheng or Song Jinbao.

  If the body was Song Jinbao, the murderer should have pressed him for Zhou Tiancheng's whereabouts.

  If the body is that of Zhou Tiancheng, the murderer may be asking about his property. "

  Luke also agreed with this analysis. The corpse was so rotten that there were not many clues to be seen. He turned to check other places.

   There are signs of being turned over in the room, and the murderer seems to be looking for something.

  The restaurant was also a bit messy. There were some leftover dishes on the table. These leftovers were not placed on plates, but in plastic packaging boxes. There was no trace of cooking in the restaurant. It was probably a takeaway.

  Luke took a closer look, and could vaguely distinguish a few dishes, roasted squab, steamed grouper, boiled chicken, boiled cabbage heart, claypot rice.

  This table is a typical Cantonese cuisine, but there is no obvious restaurant logo on the lunch box, and no takeaway bags.

  If it is a takeaway, the deliveryman is likely to have seen the deceased when delivering the meal, and the identity of the deceased can be determined.

  Luke took out his mobile phone, clicked on the takeaway app, and searched for Cantonese cuisine.

  However, to Luke's surprise, there is no Cantonese restaurant nearby, not even a Chinese restaurant.

  This is the outer suburbs, far from Chinatown, and there are few Cantonese restaurants in other places, and the Chinese restaurants in Chinatown have exceeded the delivery distance.

  Luke looked at the dishes on the table again, feeling a sense of deja vu, especially the boxes containing the dishes, which he had seen before.

  Yesterday, Luke went to Yuelai Yuehao Restaurant for dinner and ordered these dishes. In addition, when Luke left, he packed a roasted squab for his father, and the lunch box was the same as the one on the dining table.

   Is it a coincidence?

   Or the takeaway from Yuelai Yuehao Restaurant?

   Or maybe the deceased had been to Yuelai Yuehao restaurant?

  (end of this chapter)

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