MTL - Los Angeles Detective-Chapter 427 reason (update)

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  Chapter 427 Reason (Supplement)


   Another burst of gunfire rang out.

  Louis was taken aback, and also pulled out a pistol and pointed it at the gunman.

  But Louise didn't dare to shoot immediately. The gunman stood in the crowd and could easily cause accidental injury.

  She has no assurance that she will not hurt the innocent.

  The gunman can not care about the life and death of the people around him, but she can't.

   However, to her surprise, Luke shot without hesitation.

  After the gunshots.

  The shooter fell to the ground.


   There were bursts of screams from the crowd.

  Louis walked over quickly, kicked the gunman's pistol away, and checked the gunman's injuries.

  The gunman was shot twice in the chest, and blood kept pouring out.

  Louis squatted down, pressed the shooter's wound, and asked, "Consultant Li, how is Chen Yue's injury?"

   "She was shot in the shoulder and abdomen, and the wounds are dangerous." Luke hurriedly took off his coat, pressed it on Chen Yue's wound, and shouted at the waiter who ran out of the restaurant, "Call 911!"

  Luke scanned the crowd to prevent other gunmen.

  The situation just now was very critical. The shooter's marksmanship was very powerful. Even though Luke pushed Chen Yue, she was still shot twice, but fortunately, she avoided the vital point.

  At the same time, the gunman also fired at Luke, almost hitting Luke's chest. Fortunately, the bullet avoidance card was activated, and the bullet passed through Luke's left chest and passed through Luke's coat.

  【The bullet avoidance card is activated and has been used. 】

  【The precision card is activated and has been used. 】

  In this critical situation, when Luke shot, he directly used a 'precision card'.

  There were many tourists around, and he was also worried about hurting innocent people, so he didn't hold back this time and shot directly at the gunman's chest.

   "Consultant Li...go to school...rescue..." Chen Yue squeezed out a few words with difficulty.

   "Stop talking, I will contact Fobo Le's colleagues to protect your daughter." Luke waved his hand and asked a restaurant waiter to come over to take care of Chen Yue.

  He stood up and called Michael Jeter, asking him to send someone to pick up Chen Yue's daughter from school.

  Luke rarely uses system cards, but today he used three at once, which really hurts.

  Luke suddenly thought that he is now handling the case as Fobole, and he wonders if there will be rewards.

   If there is no reward for this case, it will be a big loss.

  Now I can only hope to find Zhou Tiancheng.

  If Zhou Tiancheng is really dead, then the person who killed Zhou Tiancheng should also know the whereabouts of his property. Only by finding Zhou Tiancheng's property can he make up for the loss of Luke's three cards.


   A few minutes later, the New York police rushed to the scene to support, pulled up the cordon, and dispersed the crowd of onlookers.

   Twenty minutes later, the ambulance arrived at the scene.

  Medical staff carried a stretcher and carried the two injured people into the ambulance.

  Louis said, "Consultant Li, I will send them to the hospital for treatment, and I will leave it to you on the spot."

   "Go." Luke has just joined Fobole, and is not familiar with many situations. It is more appropriate for Louise to send the two injured to the hospital.

  After watching the ambulance leave, Luke complained that he even fired a gun and didn't pay wages. At least some subsidy should be given, otherwise he can't justify it.

  Actually, the situation at the scene is already very clear, and Luke is just waiting for the on-site investigators to collect evidence.

  He walked outside the cordon, ready to smoke a cigarette.

  A young and slender Asian woman came over. She was wearing an orange-red short woolen jacket, dark jeans and black boots underneath, exuding a youthful atmosphere.

  She glanced at the Fobole ID on Luke's chest, picked up the microphone and asked, "Sir, I'm Noreen Chen, a reporter from the New York office of CBF TV station. May I interview you?"

  Luke smiled and said kindly, "No."

   Noreen “…”

  Then what are you laughing at?

   "I won't take up too much of your time."

   "Sorry, I'm not a spokesperson."

  Noreen Chen did not give up, "Many tourists in Chinatown heard gunshots, which has already caused some panic, and may even have a certain impact on the whole of New York.

  sir, as a consultant of Fobole, you have the responsibility and the ability to quell the panic, just say a few words.

   Rumors spread, causing the citizens to panic even more. "

  Luke shrugged, "I don't want to be too famous."

   "SIR, I'm afraid you're overthinking it, I'm just a trainee reporter, and I don't have that much influence.

   Also, I've done a few individual pieces of news, and most New York City citizens still don't know me.

   Let me introduce again, my name is Noreen Chen. ’ These words were spoken to the camera.

   "OK, you can ask."

   "Can you tell me what happened just now?"

   "A gunman attacked an Asian woman."

   "Did you subdue the shooter?"

   "Yes, I wounded him and he's in the hospital now.

  Things are over and Chinatown is safe now.

   No need to panic. "

   "SIR, on behalf of the citizens of New York, I thank you for your bravery. May I ask your name?"

   "NO, I'm just doing my job."

   "Why did the shooter attack the Asian woman?"

  Luke said perfunctorily, "It's still under investigation."

   "Last question, why do you call 'LAPD' on the streets of New York?"

  Luke "…"

   "SIR, did you hear my question?"

   "Yes, you are beautiful, I like your eyes."

   "Thanks, but that's not what I asked.

I mean…"

   Luke interrupted the other party, "It's a pleasure to accept your interview, I'm going to work, bye..."

  Luke got into the cab, lit a cigarette, and muttered, "Phoebe, Phoebe..."


  Fauble New York office.

  Criminal Investigation Department.


  Luke walked into the office, and there was a familiar knock on the door.

  Michael Jeter pointed at Luke familiarly, "Hey, man, I heard, the way you shoot is super cool."

   Luke laughs, "It's cool when I'm not shooting.

  Is Chen Yue's daughter brought back? "

  Michael Jeter pointed in the direction of the lounge, "Louis is taking care of her."

   "What about Chen Yue?"

   "Fortunately, he was sent to the hospital in time, the operation is over, and he is still in the critical illness observation room.

  The same goes for the shooter, who was not completely out of danger. "

   With a sound of "Bang!", the door of the lounge opened, and there was a burst of crying, "NO, I want to see my mother."

   "Your mother is still in the hospital..."

   "Then take me to the hospital, now, immediately, immediately..."

   "Your mother said, let me take care of it temporarily..."

   "I don't listen." The little girl covered her ears with her hands, "I'm going to see my mother, I don't want to stay here, I want to go home... woo woo..."

  Michael Jeter came over and said, "Hey, if you want to see your mother sooner, just listen to me carefully; the more trouble you make, the less we will take you to see Chen Yue;

  If you can cooperate with us to complete the work, I can take you to see Chen Yue earlier. "

   "Do you mean what you say?"


   "What job? What do you need me for?"

   "It's very simple, as long as you answer a few questions." Michael Jeter showed an expression of a caring brother.

"go ahead?"

"May I have your name?"

  The little girl replied, "Chen Ning."

   "Where is your father?"

   "I don't have a father."

   "Everyone has a father, otherwise he would not have come into this world."


   "When did you die?"

"when I was young."

"How did you know?"

   "My mother told me."

   "After that, haven't you seen your father?"

   "SIR, you are so funny, he is already dead, how can I see him again.

   Oh, I see, you mean in a dream?

  Sorry, I never dream. "

  Michael Jeter said, "Have you ever seen a picture of your father?"

   "No, we don't have pictures of men in our family."

   "Then what's your father's name?"

"I have no idea."

   "I don't know, or I don't want to say?"

   "I'm also curious, I asked my mother, but she refused to tell." Chen Ning wiped the tears from the corner of his eyes, "Why do you keep asking my father?

  What happened?

  Why is my mother hurt? "

  Luke kept staring at the little girl, not seeing any signs of lying, Luke said, "She really shouldn't know."

  Michael Jett nodded, and said to the colleague beside him, "Take her for a DNA test."

  Chen Ning asked, "When can I see my mother?"

   "My colleague will take you for an appraisal, have something to eat, and then you go to bed early, and you can see your mother tomorrow."

   "NO, I'm going to see her today."

  Michael Jeter is not good at dealing with little girls, "Louis, please."

  Louis knelt down, patiently persuaded Chen Ning, and took the little girl out after chatting for a while.

  Michael Jeter scratched his head and sighed, "This is the situation I'm most afraid of encountering. Children are such a headache."

   Luke asked, "Did Zheng Lagong catch it?"

   "NO, we searched his house and found nothing.

   Also went to the bar where he often hang out, and no one has seen him.

  Based on my experience, this guy probably ran away. Michael Jeter was a little disappointed, "It's a pity."

   We are one step too late. "

  Luke took advantage of the analysis, "Gambling king Zhou Tiancheng smuggled to New York through Zheng Lagong's relationship, and then the two broke up for some reason.

   Zheng Lagong knew that Zhou Tiancheng had accumulated a lot of wealth through the gaming industry, and he wanted to take Zhou Tiancheng's wealth as his own.

   Subsequently, he sent his subordinate Mo Shaoxiong to investigate Zhou Tiancheng's whereabouts.

  Mo Shaoxiong found Zhou Tiancheng's accountant, Ma Jiansheng, and killed Ma Jiansheng, and learned of Zhou Tiancheng's whereabouts from Ma Jiansheng.

  Mo Shaoxiong told Zheng Lagong the news.

  Zheng Lagong personally led someone to kill Zhou Tiancheng, and forced to find out the whereabouts of his property. "

  Michael Jeter thought for a while and asked, "From the existing evidence, this analysis makes sense, but why would someone kill Chen Yue?"

   Luke also thought about this, "Maybe the relationship between Chen Yue and Zhou Tiancheng is not as simple as she said.

  Although Chen Yue and Zhou Tiancheng are divorced, they still have a daughter.

   Zhou Tiancheng may not give money to his ex-wife, but he will not give money to his daughter.

  I suspect that one of the purposes of Zhou Tiancheng's coming to New York is to meet his daughter, and at the same time transfer part of his property to her daughter's name.

  In this way, even if Zhou Tiancheng dies, his daughter can be guaranteed to grow up smoothly and prosperously.

   Of course, there are pros and cons to this.

  If Zheng Lagong finds out, he will definitely kill Chen Yue in order to ensure his own safety.

  I think Zheng Lagong should be aware of Chen Yue’s existence, and even Chen Yue can open a restaurant in Chinatown because of Zheng Lagong’s protection.

   It's just that the benefits are too great this time, and Zheng Lagong and Zhou Tiancheng fell out. "

  Michael Jeter said, "Anyway, the top priority now is to find Zheng Lagong. Part of the money belongs to Fobo Le, so we can't let that **** squander it all."

  Luke reached out and fist bumped him, "I totally agree."

  Michael Jeter laughed, "Do you want a drink tonight? My treat."

   "Another day, I have an appointment today."


eight pm.

   New York suburbs.

  Luke and his father drove to grandpa's house together.

  As soon as the father and son got out of the car, Aunt Yao Xin warmly greeted them, "Brother, Luke, you are here, come in quickly."


   "Auntie, where is my uncle?"

   "I'm busy in the kitchen, preparing his special dish."

  Because of Will's incident, Li Zhaonian and his wife lost their enthusiasm for the New Year, and did not cook many dishes.

   "Then I'm lucky today." Luke responded with a smile, and opened the trunk to move things.

   Entering the house, Li Zhaonian was busy in the kitchen, Will was helping, and Luke's grandma was also restless, sitting at the dining table choosing dishes.

   Luke greeted everyone.

  The old man was sitting in the living room drinking tea, he waved his hand and said, "Come and sit.

   Our father and I will chat. "

  Luke thought that after he came to New York, he was too busy to patronize, and he really didn't spend much time with his grandparents.

  Luke picked up the teapot and poured a cup of tea for grandpa, "Grandpa, when I came today, I bought you a box of Wuliangye,"

   "No, there is wine at home."

   "You can drink it, this wine is not afraid of going bad."

  The old man smiled and said, "Okay, save it first, and open it when you get married."

   "That's no need, you can drink as much as you want. I'll buy it for you later."

  Grandpa and I chatted while drinking tea and talked about Los Angeles.

   "I also went to Los Angeles when I was young. It's really good there. Your grandfather still invited us to drink at home. It's been more than ten years." The old man showed emotion,

   "How is your grandfather now? Is he in good health?"


   After a while, you can go to Los Angeles to play.

  I covered the expenses. "

   "Boy, don't talk big, I will take it seriously, and then don't feel bad about your wallet."

  Luke smiled, "Don't worry, I have money."

  Dinner is ready, and everyone sits around the dining table.

  The old man took out his treasured Moutai again, and said, "I didn't enjoy drinking it on New Year's Eve, let's have a good drink this year.

  Will, you boy can stop messing around in the future, learn more from your cousin. "

   "Understood, Grandpa." Will picked up his glass, stood up and said, "Cousin, I would like to toast you, I will trouble you during this time."

  Luke also picked up his glass and said with a smile, "Don't be polite to me.

  Dried. "

   Li Zhaonian greeted with a smile, "Eat vegetables, eat vegetables, stewed goose in iron pot, braised lamb in red, and fat intestines in dry pot are all my specialties."

  Luke picked up a piece of goose meat. People in Northeast China eat more goose meat, and it’s really delicious. Compared with chicken, the meat is firmer and less sticky. It’s a bit like chicken leg meat.

  The braised mutton and dry pot fat intestines are also delicious, and they are both dishes that go with wine and rice.

  After dinner, Luke helped clean up the tableware, and Yao Xin was in charge of washing.

   When Luke finished packing, he found that his grandparents had gone back to the house.

   Only Li Zhaofeng, Li Zhaonian and Will were left in the living room.

   Luke feels like something is up.

   Sure enough, when he saw Luke leaving the restaurant, Li Zhaonian stood up and said hello, "Luke, come here, I have something to discuss with you."

  Luke walked to the living room and sat beside his father Li Zhaofeng, "Uncle, what's the matter?"

   "It's your cousin's business." Li Zhaonian glanced at Will, "It's better for you to talk about it yourself. While your uncle and your brother are here, let's discuss it together."

  Will was a little embarrassed, "Dad, I've said it's hard to needs to be kept secret."

  Li Zhaonian's face drooped, "There are no outsiders here.

  If you think you need to keep a secret from us all, you are not treating us like family.

  You can go wherever you want, I will never stop you this time. "

  Yao Xin heard that the tone was wrong, and hurriedly persuaded, "Zhao Nian, you can't talk properly.

  Will, neither your uncle nor your brother are outsiders. If you don’t even trust them, who else can you trust? "

   "It's not that I don't believe it." Will sighed and said helplessly, "Okay, let me say.

  A few days ago, I joined the Feilong Gang. "

  Li Zhaofeng's expression changed immediately, "Will, why did you join the gang?

  Could it be... because those people in Heshengtang were eating Bawang meal in the restaurant? "

   "Yes, there is this reason, but not all." Will scratched his head with his right hand, a little annoyed, "I was very angry that night, and I thought a lot, why did they dare to bully us?

  Why do they dare to eat overlord meals in restaurants?

   Because we are not strong enough, we have no guns in our hands. "

  Li Zhaofeng disapproved, "Then you can't join other gangs, He Shengtang is not a good guy, and the Dragon Gang is the same.

   And once you join a gang, it's hard to get out. "

  Will explained, "I see.

   I didn't really join a gang, at least not my intention.

  I went to the 62nd Precinct. One of my classmate’s older brothers works in the police station. I want to join the police station.

  I learned that joining the police force is not as easy as I thought.

There are generally two channels. The first channel is to go to the police academy at your own expense. You need to pay for the tuition and police equipment yourself. The optical fee is about 5,000 US dollars. More than two thousand dollars.

   It's a bit pricey for me.

The training period is about 8 months. After graduation, there is no guarantee that you will be hired by the police station. You need to submit your resume to the police station. If the police station is hired, you have to go to the police academy again. They want to It is too difficult for me to use the training and way of doing things of their police academy to work in the 62 police station.

  I cannot guarantee that I will pass the training, let alone that I will be admitted to the police station.

  The second method, if you can pass the selection assessment of their police station, you can directly enter their police academy training, and work directly in the 62nd branch after you come out.

  So, I chose the second option, but I need to complete the assessment of 62 divisions. "

  Luke asked, "Why do you have to join the 62nd Division?"

  Will said, "The 62nd branch is responsible for the security of Chinatown. If I can work in the 62nd branch, no one will dare to...

   Messed up at the restaurant. "

   Li Zhaonian's eyes were slightly red. He knew that his son did this for himself and his wife.

  Luke asked curiously, "What assessment?"

   "Join the Feilong Gang."

   "The 62nd branch asked you to be an undercover agent?"


  They knew that I was a native of Chinatown and could easily gain the trust of the Dragon Gang, so they wanted me to inquire about some news. "

   "You were cheated." Luke sighed, feeling that his cousin was really stupid.

   Is undercover work something ordinary people can do?

   This must have been fooled.

  Luke may be a policeman in this life, or he may join Fobole, but there is one thing he will definitely not do, and that is undercover.

   This is the bottom line Luke set for himself.

  Luke admires people who go undercover in gangs, but he can't do it himself.

  He dared to challenge the gang boss, and would rather fight the gang than be an undercover agent.

  Too dangerous, too hateful.

   No one likes to be betrayed.

  Any organization has zero tolerance for this behavior.

   I finally made up the missing chapter.

   You can breathe a sigh of relief.



  (end of this chapter)

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