MTL - Los Angeles Detective-Chapter 429 conspiracy

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  Chapter 429 Collusion

  Negan touched his chin, "Who interrogated Mo Shaoxiong?"

"it's me."

  Negan looked at Michael Jeter, "Are you sure about his confession?"

   “I don’t think it’s very likely he’s lying.”

  Negan nodded. He has rich experience, and a lot can be seen from Michael Jeter's tone and attitude.

   "Where is the killer who attacked the proprietress of Yuelai Yuehao Restaurant?"

   "It's out of danger, I sent someone to take notes for him." Michael Jeter replied.

  Negan pondered for a moment, "The person who hired the killer is most likely the one who killed Zhou Tiancheng.

  Michael, you should pay attention. "

  Michael Jeter heard the dissatisfaction in Nigan's tone, and said hastily, "I understand, I will go to the hospital to interrogate him in person now."

   "Very good." Negan patted him on the shoulder, then looked at Luke aside, "You go to the hospital too, and make another record for Mo Shaoxiong."

   "OK." Luke nodded.

"very good.

  I look forward to your good news.

   Guys, be smart and move. "

  Negan did not clearly express his dissatisfaction with Michael Jeter, but with this arrangement, many problems can already be seen.


   Inside a Chevrolet SUV.

  Luke sat in the passenger cab, and Louise drove in the cab.

   "Did you see Michael's face just now? It's like he just came back from a trip to Africa." Louise smiled.

   "Don't you like him as the team leader?"

   "No, I just thought it was funny."

   "Hehe." Luke smiled, the woman's mouth.

  Louis glanced at Luke, "Compared with him, I think Negan likes you more."

  Luke raised his eyebrows, "Do you think so too?"

  Louis shrugged, "It doesn't matter what I think, it's not something I can decide."

   Luke smiled and said nothing.

   Some positions are not arranged by the leader, so they will definitely be able to sit firmly.

  If all the detectives of the Criminal Investigation Department recognize Michael as the acting team leader, even if Luke is airborne as the team leader, he may not be able to gain their trust, and this position is not easy to sit.

   Conversely, if the agents didn't approve of Michael Jeter, then Luke's airborne would be a lot easier.

  Of course, Luke currently has no plans to parachute to become the team leader of the Criminal Investigation Department. Being a criminal investigation consultant is fine, free and easy, and occasionally earns extra money.

  Even if he returns to Los Angeles, he can continue to use this status.

   Soon, two Fobole's cars drove into the hospital.

   After Luke got out of the car, he saw Michael Jeter waiting in front, and the two chatted in the yard.

  Michael Jeter's attitude towards Luke has not changed, and he probably knows in his heart that whether he can remove the word "agent" depends on his own ability.

   If he is not capable enough, even without Luke, Negan will find someone to replace him.

   Moreover, judging from the contact with each other, he can also feel that Luke has no intention of competing with him for a seat.

  After being separated from Michael Jeter, Luke took Louise to Mo Shaoxiong's ward.

   "Boom boom."

  Louis knocked on the door symbolically, pushed it away and walked in.

  Mo Shaoxiong was still handcuffed, raised his head slightly, and looked at Luke and Louise expressionlessly.

  Luke greeted with a smile, "Man, what's the matter with your recovery? Do you dare to call me again."

  Mo Shaoxiong curled his lips, "I'm practicing killing skills, and I don't know the tricks of the ring."

  Luke reminded, "I am very small-minded, you better be careful when you speak."

   "If you have anything to say, just say it directly, don't disturb my rest."

  Luke smiled, "The purpose of my visit today is very simple. I want to ask you if you want to see your wife and daughter for the last time."

  Mo Shaoxiong frowned, "Are you going to kill me?"

   "NO, your wife and daughter will be sent back to Thailand."

   "Fuck! That guy named Michael promised that he would help my wife and daughter solve the identity problem and not allow them to be deported.

  Why doesn't he count what he says? Is this the style of your Fobole? "

   "Hey, don't be the villain to sue first, you are the one who doesn't count.

   You lied and made Agent Michael miserable.

  He wants to throw you into the Atlantic Ocean to feed the fish now.

   Judging by your attitude, you probably don't want to see your wife and daughter anymore.

  They will board the plane back to Thailand early tomorrow morning. ’ Luke got up and made a gesture to leave.

  Mo Shaoxiong's expression changed drastically, and he hurriedly shouted, "Hey, don't go.

   What happened? "

  Luke tentatively said, "Zheng Lagong is an informant of the New York Police Department, and he never asked you to kill Ma Jiansheng.

   You lied.

   There is a price to pay for this. "

   "God." Mo Shaoxiong showed annoyed expression, "I'm sorry, please give me another chance."

   "What chance will I give you, another chance to lie to us?"

  "NO, I will never lie, I swear.

   As long as you give me wife and daughter status and let them stay in New York, I promise I won't lie anymore. "

   "Look at me." Luke pointed to his eyes and asked word by word, "Who asked you to kill Ma Jiansheng?

  You only have one chance, stop lying. "

   "Zhou Tiancheng."

   "When did he give the order?"

   "January 22."

   "Have you met him?"


   "When was the last time you saw Zhou Tiancheng?"

   "After killing Ma Jiansheng in the early morning of January 24, he handed over the remaining employment money to me."

   "After that, did he still contact you?"


  If you don't believe me, you can ask Zhou Tiancheng. " Mo Shaoxiong shook his head.

   Luke stared at each other, showing no signs of lying.

   "Zhou Tiancheng is dead."


   "On the night of January 24th, do you know who killed him?"

   On the night of January 24th, Zhou Tiancheng went to Yuelai Yuehao restaurant to pack meals. According to the forensic doctor's guess, his death time was likely to be between 10:00 pm on January 24th and 6:00 am on the 25th.

  Because the corpse is decomposing so badly, it's hard to be precise.

"I have no idea.

  I swear, after the early morning of January 24, I have no contact with him again.

  His death has nothing to do with me. "

  After recording it in his notebook, Luke continued to ask, "Why did he kill Ma Jiansheng?"

   "Shut up, Ma Jiansheng is his accountant, he knows his financial and asset status, he is worried that Ma Jiansheng will betray him.

   Even if Ma Jiansheng does not betray him, he will be targeted by other forces.

  So he must kill Ma Jiansheng. "

   "How did you know Zhou Tiancheng?"

  “We have known each other for a long time, and we worked hard together in Southeast Asia, but then he went to Malaysia, and I came to New York.

  He became a well-known gambling king, while I was just a shady killer.

  We got back in touch, he knew what I was up to and wanted to ask me to do something.

   I was going to say no, but he offered a lot of money.

   And this is exactly what I need.

I agreed. "

   "How did he give you the money?"

   "Cash, half a million dollars from the first meeting.

  Packed it in a suitcase and said it was a gift for me.

   I rarely admire a person, but at that moment, I was really conquered by him.

   No one dislikes a boss like this. "

   "How much money did he give you after that, and how did you pay for it?"

   "A million dollars.

  In the early morning of January 24, in an alley in Chinatown, he handed over the final payment to me.

  We're done. "

   "Where did you hide the $1.5 million stolen money from Zhou Tiancheng?"

  Mo Shaoxiong sighed, "Chinatown Henry Bank, private safe."

  Luke wrote down the address, and asked another question, "Do you know Zhou Tiancheng's wife?"

   “Saw it in Southeast Asia many years ago.”

   "See you recently?"


  Luke took out the photo of the shooter who attacked the proprietress, "Do you know him?"

  Mo Shaoxiong shook his head, "I don't know."

   Luke made another scribble on the notebook and asked the last question, "Where is Zheng Lagong?"

"I have no idea."

   "Don't lie, you know for sure.

  Last time, Fobo Le agent Michael Jeter took notes for you, and you said that Zheng Lagong sent you to kill the accountant Ma Jiansheng.

  If you don’t know what happened to Zheng Lagong, it is impossible to frame Zheng Lagong as the mastermind behind the scenes. Otherwise, once he is caught by Fobo Le, and your confession doesn’t match, you will know that you are lying. "

  Mo Shaoxiong's expression was serious, and he said after a while, "He's dead."

   "How did you die?"

   "I don't know, it was Zhou Tiancheng who said it.

  He said that Zheng Lagong was an undercover agent and betrayed his whereabouts, so he killed Zheng Lagong. "

   "Did Zhou Tiancheng do it himself?"

   "I don't know, it may be the little brother named Song, Zhou Tiancheng trusts him very much and asks him to help with New York affairs.

   Nothing to do with me anyway.

   Zheng Lagong is my boss, I can't do anything to kill him. "

   "Where is Zheng Lagong's body?"

"I have no idea."

   Luke frowned slightly, and marked it in the notebook. He felt that Mo Shaoxiong might have lied on this issue.

   "Anything else to say?"


   "OK, your wife and daughter will board the plane back to Thailand tomorrow morning, and Fobol will send them off on your behalf."

  Mo Shaoxiong stared at Luke with wide eyes, "You despicable liar.

  You promised to keep them in New York. "

  Luke said in a serious tone, "You also promised not to lie.

   It was you who violated the agreement between us. "

  Mo Shaoxiong shook his head, "I didn't lie, what I said was true, it was Zhou Tiancheng who asked me to kill the accountant."

   "That's not what I asked.

  Who killed Zheng Lagong? ’ Luke stood up, gesticulating to leave.

  Mo Shaoxiong's tone was firm, he swallowed, "I don't know!"

  Luke waited for a while, but he still didn't change his words, so he could only leave the ward with Louise.

   "Are you sure he lied?"


   "Why didn't I see it?"

  Luke pointed to the certificate hanging on his chest, "That's why I can be a consultant, but you are not."

   "Have you always been this confident?" Louise shrugged.

   "Do you have a different opinion?"

  Louise looked at the ward, "Although I don't have much contact with Mo Shaoxiong, I can feel that he loves his wife and daughter very much.

  You have said so much, why is he still lying? "

   "I didn't say he didn't love his wife and daughter.

   But he probably loves himself more. "

  Louis crossed her arms, "Then what are you going to do now?"

   "Based on my experience, Mo Shaoxiong did not lie about the accountant's death, Zhou Tiancheng should have ordered him to kill.

  But he lied about Zheng Lagong.

   Go to meet with Michael first to see if there is any progress in his interrogation.

   Comparing the confessions of the two suspects, there may be new discoveries. "

  Luke judged through micro-expression analysis that Mo Shaoxiong's testimony was true or false. This is also a common trick used by many prisoners.

  How much evidence law enforcement agencies have, how many charges he confessed.

  It is simply unrealistic to expect him to sincerely repent and tell all the crimes he has committed.

   Law enforcement agencies need to find tangible evidence before they can judge which ones are true and which ones are lies.

  Evidence is king.

  The two walked to the door of the killer's ward, and Michael Jeter just came out of the ward, and asked Luke, "How is the interrogation going?"

  Luke glanced around, "Let's talk about it in another place."

  Louis suggested, "Let's harass Amir and we can borrow his ward."

  Michael Jeter laughed, "Good idea, he lives in a single room.

   But we are not harassment, but visitation. "

  Everyone came to Amir's room door, "Dong Dong."

   "Come in."

  Amir is peeling and eating oranges, "Hi, you are all here."

   "Yes, let's see how you are recovering?" Michael Jeter sat by the hospital bed, took out an orange from the plate,

   "You are living in style."

   "I'd rather not be cool, I'd be bored to death here.

  Hey, did you get any results from your interrogation? Amir looked at the crowd curiously,

   "Speak out and listen, my brain is going to rust."

  Luke recounted Mo Shaoxiong's confession, and said, "Although he changed his words, according to my experience, he still hasn't fully explained it."

  Louis guessed, "Could it be that Mo Shaoxiong killed Zheng Lagong? So he lied about this issue."

   "It is still uncertain who will take the initiative to blame themselves.

   It's up to us to investigate. "

   Aamir Khan asked, "Then why didn't the interrogation continue?"

   "Mo Shaoxiong is considered a professional killer, and he didn't leave much evidence in the first place, and we have too few bargaining chips.

   Before new evidence is obtained, another trial will be useless.

   We first need to prove that he lied. "

   After Luke finished speaking, he looked at Michael Jeter who was eating oranges, "Did the killer confess?"

   "Yes, his name is Basong, a Thai-American, the killer Song Jinbao found, with a deposit of 200,000 yuan, and 300,000 US dollars after he gets it.

  Song Jinbao gave him a prepaid mobile phone specially used for contacting.

  On January 27th, Song Jinbao called and asked him to kill Chen Yue, and also sent him Chen Yue's address and photo.

  Originally, another accomplice was responsible for driving him, but this unlucky guy was shot and wounded by you, and he didn't even have a chance to run away. "

  Louis crossed her chest with her left hand and propped her chin with her right hand and said, "It's Song Jinbao again. It seems that this guy played a very important role in the case."

  Lu Ke said, “Mo Shaoxiong said he met Zhou Tiancheng in the early morning of January 24th, and Zhou Tiancheng was killed on the night of January 24th.

  Song Jinbao hired someone to kill Chen Yue.

   Now it seems that only Song Jinbao is safe and sound in this case. "

  Michael Jeter guessed, "Song Jinbao is Zhou Tiancheng's confidant in New York, he should know what properties Zhou Tiancheng has in New York.

  Will he kill Zhou Tiancheng and take those properties for himself? "

   Luke agrees, "I think it's possible, too.

   This is also consistent with Mo Shaoxiong's confession, Song Jinbao should have been by Zhou Tiancheng's side all the time. "

  Michael Jeter raised his right hand and gave Luke a high five.

  Louis smiled, "What are you two? Are you sympathetic to each other?"

   "Hey, guys, there is another person here." Aamir Khan was a little dissatisfied with being ignored, "Do you want to listen to professional analysis?"

  Michael Jeter quipped, "Is there anyone called 'Professional' here? I don't know, hehe..."

  Aamir Khan shrugged, "This is not funny at all.

   Really no one cares about my analysis? "

  Michael Jeter laughed, "Man, take it easy. You're still a patient.

  Talk about it, we are all ears. "

  Amir Khan cleared his throat, "First of all, Zhou Tiancheng is a gambling king, and anyone who can reach the pinnacle in a certain field has his own merits.

  OK, let me just say it, I don't think he will be killed by his henchmen.

  I mean, he either trusts this confidant very much, or he is on guard. "

  Michael Jeter said, "But Song Jinbao did hire someone to shoot and kill Zhou Tiancheng's ex-wife, Chen Yue."

   "You also said it was your ex-wife.

   Zhou Tiancheng and Chen Yue are already divorced, and their relationship is not good. They haven't been in contact for so many years.

  Song Jinbao hired someone to kill Chen Yue, it doesn't mean he betrayed Zhou Tiancheng. "Aamir Khan became more and more excited as he spoke, gesticulating,

   "From the available information, Chen Yue has always harbored hatred for her ex-husband Zhou Tiancheng.

  That's why she left her wealthy husband, preferring to live an ordinary life in seclusion in Chinatown.

  She and her daughter are doing well.

  Suddenly, Zhou Tiancheng broke into their lives again, breaking their peace.

  Is it possible for Chen Yue to use his old and new hatred to directly kill Zhou Tiancheng?

   And Song Jinbao hired the murderer to avenge his boss! "

  Amir Khan talked more and more vigorously, and concluded, "I think it is entirely possible.

  Based on my analysis of Chen Yue's life experience, she is not as innocent as I said.

  It is likely to be a deeply hidden black widow. "

  Michael Jeter slapped his hands, "The analysis is good, but there is still a lack of evidence for the time being."

  Amir Khan asked, "Does your analysis have evidence?"

   "Hehe." Michael Jeter smiled and looked at Luke, "Consultant Li, what do you think?"

  Luke shook his head slightly, but did not answer.

  At the same time, I was thinking about Aamir Khan's speculation.

   It is not impossible for Chen Yue to kill Zhou Tiancheng and Song Jinbao to hire killers to get rid of Chen Yue.

   But Luke felt that Aamir Khan's analysis of the motive for the crime was somewhat insufficient.

  Through contact with Chen Yue, Lu Ke felt that she was a mature woman, she would not kill people easily because of past hatred, and she still had a daughter to raise!

  If he really wants to kill someone, it must be for the safety and benefit of himself and his daughter.

  Zhou Tiancheng hid his property in the name of other people. Could this other person also include Chen Yue and his daughter?

   Now that the big tree Zhou Tiancheng has fallen, it is likely that Chen Yue and his daughter Chen Ning will also be implicated.

  Will Chen Yue kill Zhou Tiancheng first for the benefit of herself and her daughter, so that Zhou Tiancheng's hidden property will completely belong to them.

  Luke thought for a moment and felt that this possibility existed.

  However, Zhou Tiancheng is not stupid. If he and his ex-wife have such deep entanglements, it is impossible not to be on guard.

  According to Aamir Khan's speculation, Zhou Tiancheng was on guard against Song Jinbao.

  How could he completely trust his ex-wife?

   With Chen Yue alone, it would be very difficult for Zhou Tiancheng to subdue, interrogate, or kill the opponent when Zhou Tiancheng was prepared.

   She should have a helper.

   And this helper is probably Song Jinbao.

  Song Jinbao has been helping Zhou Tiancheng manage assets in the United States for a long time. He has the opportunity to get in touch with Chen Yue. Maybe the two have a tacit understanding.

   No matter how smart and careful Zhou Tiancheng is, if he is betrayed by his ex-wife and his subordinates, it will be very difficult for him to survive.

  As for why Song Jinbao wanted to kill Chen Yue, it was most likely because he wanted to monopolize the property or was worried about being confessed by Chen Yue.

  In this way, all clues point to Song Jinbao.

   Maybe if you find Song Jinbao, you can find the huge amount of stolen money left by Zhou Tiancheng.

  (end of this chapter)

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