MTL - Los Angeles Detective-Chapter 433 arrest

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  Chapter 433 Arrest


  Luke made a mute gesture, "Don't yell, it hasn't started yet.

   If you dare to bark, I will be very unhappy, and your fate will be miserable. "

  Lan Mao's hands were bound by plastic handcuffs and he couldn't move, "What on earth do you want to do? If you dare to kill me, He Shengtang will not let you go."

   "If I were going to kill you, you'd be dead already.

   So, you better do what I say, don't yell, don't struggle, take the punishment. ’ Luke turned on the faucet in the bath and started running the water.

   "Why put water? What are you going to do?" Lan Mao kicked his feet vigorously, trying to escape from the bathroom.

  Luke grabbed his neck again, "Your voice is too loud!

   If anyone hears it, you're dead, understand? "

  Blue hair was pinched by the neck and couldn't breathe. His body kept twisting, showing a painful expression, his face turned pale, and he had already shown symptoms of hypoxia.

  After Luke let go of his hand, the blue hair was powerless, panting heavily, watching Luke handcuff his feet.

  At this moment, there were tears in his eyes, and he knew that he might not be able to escape.

  He looked at the bathtub next to him, and the fear in his heart rose with the water, trembling, "I know I was wrong, please let me go, please."

   "I shouldn't have gone to the restaurant and taken the thousand dollars."

  Luke smiled, "You shouldn't have pointed a gun at me.

  I hate this the most. Anyone who dared to point a gun at me before has already lived in the cemetery.

  Have you chosen your cemetery yet? "

   "I don't want to die, please don't kill me."

   "Then, you brought more people to the restaurant to make trouble, or just shot me." Luke patted Lan Mao's cheek and said coldly,

   "I gave you a chance.

  Last time I let you go, you promised not to make trouble again, but you broke your promise, and this time you went too far, why should I trust you again? "

   "I'm from He Shengtang. My younger brother knows the conflict between us. If you kill me, He Shengtang will definitely trouble you."

   "I don't care about He Shengtang at all." Luke took out Fobo Le's ID and patted Lan Mao's cheek, "You are a piece of trash. Do you think He Shengtang will fight against me for a piece of trash? Do you deserve it?"

   "You're Phoebe! I don't know. If I knew, I would never go to a restaurant to make trouble."

   "There are no ifs in this world. Everyone is responsible for what they have done." Luke said, pulling the blue hair from the ground.

   "What are you doing? Put me down quickly. Don't hurt me..." Blue Hair's prayer had no effect. He was thrown into the bathtub by Luke. He wanted to sit up, but was pushed into the bathtub by a big hand.


  Blue Mao choked on the water and struggled desperately, but because his feet and hands were chained, he could only writhe continuously, like a caterpillar bitten by a group of ants.

  The blue-haired face was distorted, and the strength of the struggle was getting weaker and weaker, showing the characteristics of drowning.

  Luke let go of his hand, and the blue hair relied on the instinct of the body to straighten up and lie down beside the bathtub, coughing and vomiting vigorously.

  The bathroom door is closed, even if outsiders can hear it, they will only think that he is vomiting from drinking too much.

   Luke asked, "Dude, try not to take a bath after drinking, it's easy to drown."

  Blue-haired snot and tears flowed together, "I know I was wrong, I don't dare anymore, what do you want? I will do as you say."

   "You know what? I usually stay in Los Angeles, and when I come to New York, even a little reptile like you dares to jump in front of me. I am very unhappy.

   I needed to let off steam, and it's better now. "

   "Then can you let me go?"

  Luke used a detection card, but found no cameras or listening devices. Then he said, "I will give you two options. The first option is that I will charge you with assaulting the police and kill you."

   "nonono, please, don't do this, don't kill me, you can ask me to do anything."

  Luke stretched out two fingers, "The second choice is to be my informant."

   "What do you want me to do? Betray He Shengtang?"

   "I have no grievances with He Shengtang, I'm just not familiar with New York, and I want to have an eyeliner here.

  I am easy to get along with, think about it. "

   "Can I say no?"

   "Of course, I will default you to choose the first one." Luke's face was expressionless, and his voice lacked the slightest emotion.

  Blue Hair trembled, and hurriedly said, "I promise you, I am willing to be your informant."

  "Smart choice, I am easy to get along with, decades later, you will be grateful for today's choice."

   "Can you let me go?"

  Luke released his handcuffs, "We are our own people now, we should have a good chat and get to know each other."

  Blue hair turned out of the bathtub, rolled and crawled out of the bathroom, lay on the living room carpet, panting heavily, "Why me? Why did you choose me as your informant?"

   "It can only be said that it was a coincidence. If you didn't go to the restaurant to make trouble for the second time, I probably wouldn't do it.

   Besides, I gave you enough face in the restaurant, didn't I? "

   "What do you want me to do? I will not betray He Shengtang."

   "I have no conflict with He Shengtang, at least not now." Luke changed the subject, his tone was severe,

   "My request is very simple, don't go to restaurants again in the future, let alone trouble my uncle's family."

   "I swear, I will never go. I will stay away from them when I see them, and I will never conflict with them."

   "Very good." Luke stared at the other person's face and asked, "Do you know Zheng Lagong?"

   "You mean Zheng Lagong, the deputy head of the Iron Blood Hall of the Feilong Gang?"

   "How much do you know about him?"

   "Zheng Lagong is a Southeast Asian, to be exact, a Thai, he is not Chinese.

   I don’t know if his ancestors were hundreds of years ago, but he is more like a Thai.

  The Flying Dragon Gang originally only recruited Chinese in the vicinity of Chinatown, but because it became increasingly difficult to recruit people, it also began to recruit some Asians.

   Zheng Lagong was the first batch of Asians recruited by the Feilong Gang. It is said that this guy has practiced Muay Thai and killed a fighter from Heshengtang in an underground black boxing match. He was also a ruthless character before.

   Recently, there have been many rumors about him, saying that he kidnapped a Southeast Asian gambling king and extorted money from that gambling king.

  Some people also said that he was killed by the gambling king, but I don't know the specifics.

  Yesterday, news of him came from the Feilong Gang, saying that he was hiding in a motel.

  The people in Heshengtang also moved their minds, trying to find the gambling king through him, but when they went to the motel, there was no one there, so the trip was in vain.

  In the evening, news came that the undercover agent of the Feilong Gang had been beheaded. "The blue hair shrank its neck and looked at Luke with some fear.

  Luke guessed that he should be sad.

   "Yesterday, there was a fight between law enforcement agencies and the Feilong Gang, did you know?"

   Lan Mao nodded, "I seem to have heard about it."

   "It's Fobole's swat team." Luke explained, "Phobole's informant has also been exposed, and they are going to rescue the informant.

  As long as you are loyal enough, Fobole will not give up on you.

   Moreover, you should be very clear that gangsters are not the right path after all, and few people can end well.

  Fobole is also your way of retreat.

  As long as you are with me, I will cover you. "

   "Thank you." Blue Hair still wanted to refuse, but he had no choice.

   "Tell me about Zhang Qilong, how did he die?"

"I have no idea.

   We got drunk that night and got into a fight with Will.

  Pockmarked, Big Bear and I went to chase Will, and when we came back, Brother Long had disappeared.

   His body was found the next day. "

   "You think Will killed him?"

   "To be honest, I don't think Will dares to kill people, and for such a small matter, there is no need."

   "Then why did you go to the restaurant to trouble him?"

   "Brother Long was killed, we as younger brothers are responsible.

  We all went after Will at the time, and he was somewhat responsible.

  It is better for him to take responsibility than for us to take responsibility.

   Besides, if I want to take over Brother Long's position, I have to do something. The easiest way is to find Will and beat him up.

   It is not only an explanation for Brother Long, but also for the gang, so that I can secure the seat left by Brother Long. "

   Lan Mao's statement was similar to Luke's guess, and he continued to ask, "Did Zhang Qilong have any abnormalities before he died?"

   "Brother Long spent a lot of money in those few days, saying that he has become a nobleman, and as long as things are done well, he can get a lot of money."

   "What nobleman?"

   "Brother Long is very tight-lipped, he just smiled and refused to say anything."

   "What are you doing?"

   "The nobleman asked him to find a plastic surgery clinic, the kind that the police can't find. Brother Long also asked me to help find it, otherwise, I wouldn't be able to know.

  Brother Long told this matter to be kept secret. Once the news got out, not only would you not get the money, but it might also be in danger.

  So this matter was only told to me, and neither Pocky nor Big Bear knew about it.

   As a result, Brother Long died before he got the money. "

   “Have you found the right plastic surgery clinic yet?”

   "Yes, we found a beauty salon on Kauwina Street. If there is a need for plastic surgery, they can contact a plastic surgeon in a large hospital for surgery, but the fee will be higher."

   "Did Brother Long tell 'Your Honor' the news?"

   "Probably not, Brother Long is shrewd, what he said is paying money with one hand and news with the other hand.

  Brother Long died before he got the money, so it is impossible to tell him. "

   "Are you sure you didn't get the money, or did you get the money and didn't tell you?"

  Blue Hair "…"

   "Probably... no." Lan Mao's voice was a little weak.

   Your Excellency? Plastic surgery clinic?

  Luke immediately thought of the gambling king Zhou Tiancheng.

  According to Chen Yue's description, the corpse was probably Song Jinbao.

   Luke and others guessed that Zhou Tiancheng would probably abscond after plastic surgery.

  Because Zhou Tiancheng and Zheng Lagong have a close relationship, and Zheng Lagong has disappeared, Fobo Le guessed that Zhou Tiancheng might have found the clinic through Zheng Lagong's channel.

  But I never thought that Zhou Tiancheng, the gambling king, did not use Zheng Lagong's channel.

   Instead, they found Zhang Qilong, a small leader of the hostile forces of the Feilong Gang and Shengtang, and Zhang Qilong died for no reason.


  Cauvina Street, Venus Beauty Salon.

  The beauty salon has three floors, usually only the first and second floors are used, and the third floor is used as a warehouse.

  In a room on the west side of the third floor of the beauty salon, the curtains were drawn and the lights were on.

  The room was converted into an operating room, with an operating table in the middle and many instruments on both sides. The doctor was wearing a blue surgical suit, and there were three nurses beside him.

   At this time, an Asian man was lying on the operating table, about forty years old, medium-sized, very thin, and looked very capable.

  Beside the doctor's operating table, he said, "Mr. Feng, the operation is ready."

   "Doctor Jin, please."

  Dr. Jin nodded, "You need anesthesia before the operation. If you feel any discomfort during the process, you can tell me."

  Mr. Feng nodded.

  Afterwards, Dr. Jin injected an anesthetic, and Mr. Feng slowly closed his eyes. He will have a new name next time he wakes up.

  Under the effect of the anesthetic, Mr. Feng entered a half-asleep, half-awake dreamland that seemed to be real and illusory.

   "No, my surname is not Feng, my surname is Zhou, and my name is Zhou Tiancheng. I am the king of gambling!

   No, I won't soon be.

  I will become a person named Fang Dingqian and start a new life..." Zhou Tiancheng muttered to himself in a voice that only he could hear, with expectations on his face, but even more reluctance.

  He recalled past experiences in his mind.

  【Seventeen years ago.

   Street stalls in Malaysia.

   Four shirtless young men eating laksa noodles.

  A lean, shrewd young man said, "Brothers, I have invited you for today's meal.

   In the future, you can follow me. "

  A tattooed man said, "Zhou Tiancheng, you want to buy us off after a meal, who do you think you are?"

  A man with studs on his ear said with a smile, "That's right, you are just a pony yourself, and you still want to be the boss."

  Zhou Tiancheng wiped his mouth, "Don't be unconvinced, I'm from Yunding now, and I'm no longer the pony boy I used to be."

  The tattooed man laughed, "Haha, yes, you are no longer an ordinary pony, you are Junket Operator."

"Ha ha…"

  The people around burst into laughter.

   "Why are you laughing, what happened to Junket Operator?

  I am going to be the king of gambling sooner or later. "


   Fifteen years ago.

  The tattooed man said, "Brother Zhou, do you really want to leave Malaysia?"

   Zhou Tiancheng said, "Tiger, haven't you seen it yet? Genting is the only one in Malaysia, and there can be no other casinos.

   No matter how many customers I have, I’m still just a big Junket Operator.

   This side will be watched by you from now on.

   What I want to do is the king of gambling, the real king of gambling. "

  The tattooed man said, "Brother Zhou, but I heard that gambling is also banned in Thailand. Is there any difference from Malaysia?"

   "Gambling is banned in Thailand, but there are many underground casinos. As long as the local black and white are well managed, there is no problem.

  But Malaysia is different. With Genting, small gambling houses cannot develop at all.

   And there are many tourists in Thailand, so there will be no shortage of gamblers. "

   "Brother Zhou, it's not our territory after all, you need to bring some talents."

"I know.

   Don’t you have a man named Song Hebao under your command? That kid is very skilled. Let him go to Thailand with me. "

   "Song Jinbao, no problem."


   Thirteen years ago.

  Thailand, Cosmos Hotel opening ceremony.

  This hotel is seven floors high, the lower five floors are residential hotels, and the upper two floors are entertainment venues.

  The owner of this hotel is Zhou Tiancheng.

  After coming to Thailand, he opened a small casino. After two years of accumulation, he bought a hotel and converted the sixth and seventh floors of the hotel into a casino.

  Today is the official opening day of the hotel.

  Song Jinbao came over and said, "Boss, Boss Zheng is here."

  Zhou Tiancheng took a few steps to meet him, and a strong man in his thirties walked in front of him. He was about 1.8 meters tall, which is already considered tall in Thailand.

   "Boss Zheng, with your good words, go up and have a good time today, I'll treat you."

   "Haha, then I'll be impolite, thank you Boss Zhou."

   "Boss Zheng, if you say that, you'll be offended. Without your care, I wouldn't be able to open this hotel." Zhou Tiancheng pulled Boss Zheng aside and asked, "I heard you're going to America?"

   "The Dragon Gang in New York is recruiting, I'm going to try it."

   "Aren't you developing well here? Why are you going to the United States all of a sudden?"

   Boss Zheng smiled, but did not answer.

  Zhou Tiancheng continued to ask, "If you leave, who will you hand over to in Thailand?"

   "I'm going to give it to Xiong Zai."

   "Mo Shaoxiong?"

   "Yes. In the future, if you have something to do, just ask him."

"I see.

  Boss Zheng, I wish you a smooth journey and become famous in the United States as soon as possible. At that time, I will also go to New York to join you. "

   "Haha, easy to say." The two chatted for a while, Zhou Tiancheng sent Zheng Lagong to the hotel, and at the same time, his face showed a thoughtful look.

  He was walking and accidentally bumped into a person.

   "Hey, boss! I'm sorry, I'm sorry." A tall, pretty woman in a red cheongsam stood by the door, with panic showing on her fair cheeks.

  Zhou Tiancheng sized her up and said with a smile, "What's your name?"

   "Chen Yue, I didn't see you, boss. It wasn't on purpose." The woman bowed slightly, and hurried away with her head down.

  Her voice was very low. Zhou Tiancheng couldn't hear the name clearly. Looking at her graceful figure, a smile appeared on the corner of her mouth, and he waved to the little brother beside him.

  Song Jinbao hurried over, "Boss, you are looking for me."

   "See that woman?"

   "I see."

   "The opening ceremony is over, bring her to see me."]



   Zhou Tiancheng felt a little pain in his left cheek, and the operation started?


  The right cheek also started to hurt. Could it be that the anesthetic has worn off?

  The pain on his face woke him up from his sleep.

  The doctor and nurse had already left, and there were a few unfamiliar faces standing beside them. The surprise on Zhou Tiancheng's face disappeared for a moment. He didn't take the initiative to speak, but looked at these people coldly.

  Luke stood by the operating table and said with a smile, "Zhou Tiancheng, what dream are you doing? You have a beautiful smile."

   "You have misunderstood the person, my surname is Fang." Zhou Tiancheng sat up while supporting the operating table.

   "You're not only dreaming, you're talking in your sleep." Luke took out a mirror and handed it over, "Here, take a look for yourself."

   Zhou Tiancheng took the mirror. There was no bandage on his face. It was still the same face, but there were two red palm marks on his face.

   Very eye-catching!

   Thanks for the reward from book friends!



  (end of this chapter)

Read The Duke's Passion