MTL - Los Angeles Detective-Chapter 488 mutation

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  Chapter 488 Mutation

  Crowa Community.

  In a dark basement, the environment is a bit humid, with a lot of debris piled up, and a bed is placed in the corner.

  Two large iron chains were nailed to the wall at the head of the bed, and the other side of the chain was bound to the ankles of a young white girl. Her hands were also handcuffed, and she was wearing black suspenders on her top, with no clothes underneath.

  The girl chained was Isa Redman. She looked haggard and had many bruises on her body.

   There was a "creak..." sound.

  The door to the basement opened.

  A girl with short hair who was about the same age as Isa Redman walked into the basement. The girl was wearing a white T-shirt and light blue jeans, and she was holding a plastic dinner plate at the end of the bed.

  Isa Redman raised her head, looked at the short-haired woman with tearful eyes, and choked up, "Did you get the ransom?"

   "It's not clear yet."

   "My parents will definitely give the money, and they will definitely not call the police. After receiving the money, will you let me go?" Isa Redman's voice was a little helpless.

   "Let's eat first." The short-haired woman pushed the plate forward, which contained a piece of pasta and a can of milk.

  Isa Redman looked at the dinner plate, and tears fell down, "I'm used to eating pasta with a fork, can you give me a fork?"

  The short-haired girl shook her head, "You know I can't make the decision, so don't make things difficult for me.

  Hurry up and eat, after you finish eating, I will leave with the dinner plate. "

  Isa Redman wiped away her tears, grabbed the noodles with her right hand and ate voraciously. The noodles fell on the black suspender top and got dirty.

  Isa Redman seemed to be extremely hungry, and quickly finished the noodles on the plate and drank the can of milk.

   After eating, Isa Redman looked at the short-haired girl again, "I feel dirty, I want to take a bath."

  The short-haired girl picked up the dinner plate, walked to the door, and reminded, "It's not a bad thing for you to be dirty.

   Stop making so many demands, not everyone is like me..."

  Isa Redman covered her mouth and sobbed, "Please help me, I really don't want to die!"

  The short-haired girl hesitated for a while, "I will intercede for you, but that's all I can do."

   After the short-haired girl finished speaking, she closed the basement door and left.

  Isa Redman crouched in a corner, shivering and crying bitterly.

  She thought of her parents and her black boyfriend.

  She longed to see them again...

  The short-haired girl returned to the first floor, entered the kitchen, and cleaned the dishes.

  A white middle-aged man walked into the living room excitedly, pointed at the short-haired girl with his right hand and smiled, "Sophia, have you contacted the cleaning company yet?"

   "Yes, they will come to clean up early tomorrow morning."

   "Fine, get your stuff in the car, time to leave Los Angeles."

  The short-haired girl known as Sophia asked, "Did they get the cash?"


   They used the homeless as planned to get the cash, a solid six million dollars.

   We are rich! The white middle-aged man shook his fist vigorously, "They are driving to the meeting point, we have to hurry up, the sooner we leave Los Angeles, the better." "

   "Hugo, what else can I do?"

   "Load our packed items into the car as soon as possible."

   "What about the hostages? What are you going to do with them?"

   "You don't need to worry about the hostage matter, I will handle it, there is no need to waste time on it, understand?"

   "OK." Sophia responded, and moved the already packed luggage into the car.

  At this time, the man named Hugo also escorted Isa Redman out. He was still wearing a black suspender, naked, with handcuffs on his hands and tape on his mouth.

  Sophia couldn't bear it, "I think she should wear something."

   "No, she doesn't need it, she is very beautiful now." Hugo picked up Isa Redman and stuffed it directly into the trunk.

  Sofia opened her mouth, as if she wanted to say something, but she didn't speak after all, and sat in the back of the car.

   Hugo sat in the cab, turned his head and glanced at the house next to him, "I will miss this place, this will be a turning point in my life."

   After speaking, he stepped on the accelerator, and the car drove quickly into the night.

   At this time, it was less than one o'clock in the morning, the surroundings were pitch black, and there were almost no vehicles on the road.

  The car drove for about ten minutes, and the gray Volkswagen driven by Hugo drove into a small street. This street was mostly shops, and there were no people living nearby, so it was very quiet.

   A black Dodge was parked not far away, with double flashing lights, and it was the only movement on the street.

   Hugo parked the car near the black Dodge, turned to Sofia and said, "It's them, I'll go down and have a look, you're staring at the hostages."

   Hugo got out of the car, waved at the black Dodge, took out a pack of cigarettes from his pocket, and lit one.

  Two people got out of the black Dodge car, one was Tom, and the other was an accomplice of Mexican descent.

  Tom looked at the Volkswagen on the opposite side and asked, "Where is Sophia? Why don't you let her come down together, I also want her to see what six million dollars looks like with her own eyes, haha."

   "She was watching the hostage in the car." Hugo took out two cigarettes and handed them over.

  Tom took a cigarette, took out the lighter and lit it.

  The Mexican man also asked, "We have already got the money, should we deal with the hostage issue?"

   "You're right, it really needs to be dealt with." While speaking, Hugo took out a silencer pistol from his pocket with his right hand, and pulled the trigger directly at the Mexican man.

   "Bang bang."


  The first two gunshots were muffled and not loud.

  A gunshot from behind shook the night sky.

  The Mexican-American man clutched his chest and fell powerlessly to the ground.

   This sudden change made Tom dumbfounded, showing a look of horror, the cigarette on his right hand fell off, "He wants to silence, save me!"

   Before the words fell, Hugo also fell to the ground. A big hole was opened in his head, and blood splashed on Tom's face.

  After Hugo shot, the police snipers also shot.

   All this happens in a split second.

  Then, the police officers rushed out from all around, surrounded the gray Volkswagen, and smashed the glass directly.

   "lapd, don't move."

   "Let me see your hands."

"Put your hands up!"

  Sophia was splashed all over by broken glass, with a look of horror on her face, "I am not carrying a weapon, please don't shoot."

  Xiao Hei opened the car door, dragged Sophia out, and searched, "Where is the hostage?"

   "In the trunk of a car."

  Luke walked to the back, opened the trunk of the car, and saw Isa Redman crouching inside, her hands bound, her body writhing and struggling, and she made a "woo-woo" sound.

  Luke could sense her fear and reassured, "Don't be afraid.

  We are the police, we are here to rescue you, and I will help you uncuff your handcuffs. "

   Afterwards, Luke ordered to Jackson, "Go get a blanket.

  Jenny, you take care of her. "

   "Yes, sir."

   Subsequently, the ambulance rushed to the scene to rescue the wounded.

  Isa Redman was overly frightened and a little dehydrated, but her body was fine.

  The other two wounded were not so lucky. Hugo was shot in the head by a sniper rifle and died instantly.

  The Mexican man was shot in the chest, which was very dangerous. Fortunately, the ambulance was nearby and the bleeding was stopped in time. The next step is to see if his will to survive is strong.

   Luke didn't think about Hugo's sudden murder.

  As for why Hugo was not arrested immediately, the main consideration was the safety of the hostages.

  The other kidnapper never showed up, and the exact location of the hostages could not be determined. If Hugo was arrested immediately when he got off the car, the other kidnapper might harm the hostages.

  So, Luke wanted to find out the location of the hostages, or lure another kidnapper out of the car before he acted. Unexpectedly, Hugo had already murdered the two accomplices who took the ransom.

  Although there were some twists and turns in the process, the hostages were successfully rescued and the kidnappers were killed or arrested, which is considered a successful completion of the mission.

   Luke did not interrogate immediately, he went home to sleep after dealing with the situation at the scene.

   Sleep until nine o'clock in the morning the next day.

  Luke ate a hot dog on the side of the road, and then went to work at the police station, preparing to interrogate the suspect.

   Hugo Choudhury has been killed.

  The Mexican kidnapper is still being treated in the hospital.

  The interrogation objects are Sophia and Tom.

  The deputy team is responsible for interrogating Tom.

   Luke and Jackson interrogate Sophia.

  In the corridor, Jackson said softly, "There are four kidnappers in total, and only one of them is a female kidnapper named Sophia. Could she be the hostage Sophia who was kidnapped ten years ago?"

  Luke thought for a while, "I don't know, I still have to look at the appraisal report of the technical team."

  Jackson excitedly said, "Will we solve the kidnapping case ten years ago together?"

  Luke shook his head, "It's not that easy. After all, ten years have passed, and many clues and evidence have disappeared. Conviction is also a big problem."

  During the conversation, the two walked into the first interrogation room of the Robbery and Murder Division.

  A short-haired girl was lying on the interrogation table. Hearing the opening of the door, she raised her head to look at Luke and Jackson, rubbed her eyes, "Can I have a cup of coffee?"

   In order to investigate the case in the past two days, no one in the first squadron had a good rest. Jackson had already prepared a pot of coffee, poured a cup of coffee from a paper cup and handed it to him.

  The girl picked up the cup and took a big sip, "Thank you, I feel much better."

  Luke went across, opened the file, "Your name is Sophia?"


   "What's your last name?"

   "Good question, I also want to know, if you can find it, remember to tell me."

  Luke stared at the other party, "Sophia, we not only caught you, but also your accomplices. It is meaningless for you to hide your identity now."

   "I'm not hiding, I don't know my last name at all.

  I suffered a serious head injury when I was a child, and lost most of my memory. I only remember that my name is Sophia, and even, I can't be sure if it is my name.

   It may also be the name of a TV character that impresses me. "Sofia lowered her head, revealing the scar on her head.

  Jackson went up to take a look, then touched his head again, "I also have a similar scar, it is a sad memory."

   Sophia said, "At least you still have memory, and I... only have this name."

   "Remember your parents?"

  Sophia thought for a while, and said with a complex expression, "I can't remember the specific appearance of my father, but I vaguely remember that he is a very gentleman, tall, about forty years old, with a mustache.

   Moreover, I remember she also gave me a bicycle, a very beautiful bicycle, I can’t remember the brand, it seems to be red.

  Very vague memory, but I can feel that he should be my father, but I don't know why we separated later...

   This is one of the few I can remember. "

   "What about your mother?"

  Sophia shook her head, "I don't have any memory about my mother, maybe...they are divorced."

   "How old were you when you got injured?"

   "I don't even know how old I am now, do you think I will know my age then?"

   "How many years has it been since you were injured?"

   "It should be nine years."

   "You were injured young, how did you survive? Who is taking care of you?"

   "I don't need others to take care of me, I can take care of myself."

   "Are there other people around you?"

   "Yes, Hugo Choudhury, the white man who was shot dead by you. But I don't think he is taking care of me, it is more like a supervision.

  He didn’t allow me to leave, and he didn’t let me talk to strangers, otherwise I would be punished. "

   "Haven't you thought about leaving him?"

  “I not only thought about it, I tried it.

   But he would beat me every time, and I later realized that he was deliberately probing those opportunities to escape.

   After a long time, I also know how to get along with him. Although it is not pleasant, at least I don't have to be beaten anymore. "

   "Do you hate Hugo Choudhury?"

  Sophia nodded, "Hate and fear.

  He is a very cruel person, if you don't do what he says, he will kill.

   Do as he says, and he might kill, too. "

   Luke asked, "Like killing that Mexican kidnapper?"

   "Yes, if he hadn't been killed by you, he would have killed John. I have no doubts."

   "Why did he kill two accomplices?"

  Sophia laughed, "The two of them are dead, and the six million will belong to him. And in his words, these two people have no professional kidnapping qualities.

  They were used to being poor in the past, and they simply didn’t have the ability to control so much money. They were either killed by the money or arrested by the police.

   And the latter may implicate us.

   So, the best thing to do is to make them speechless. "

   "When did he tell you about the decision?"

   "When they go to get 6 million cash."

  Luke raised his eyebrows, "You also agreed to this plan."

  Sophia shook her head, "It's not a discussion, he just told me."

   "What were you thinking?"

   "I was wondering if he would kill me together."

   "But you still choose to believe him?"

   "I don't know, and I don't care at all. Death is not as terrible as I imagined, at least for me."

  Jackson heard a kind of desolation from her tone, and he didn't like this feeling very much.

  Luke turned the pages of his notebook, "Tell me about the kidnapping case, why did you kidnap Isa Redman?"

   "For the money, of course."

   "Who planned the kidnapping?"

   "Hugo Chowdhury. He's the mastermind of the kidnapping and we're all on his heels."

   "Describe the process of committing the crime."

  "Before committing the crime, Hugo Choudhury selected several targets, and after some research, he finally chose Isa Redman.

   After that, we started following Isa Redman to see what she does every day.

  In order to avoid the camera and try not to attract the attention of others, we were very careful when tracking.

A few days ago, we saw news that the son of a real estate tycoon was kidnapped, and the incident was a big one. Hugo Choudhury thought it was an opportunity. The kidnapping of the son of a real estate tycoon would attract the attention of the FBI and the police. .

   In addition, it can also give a warning to the family members of the hostages. If they call the police, their daughter will also end up in the same way.

  He decided to carry out the kidnapping plan. "

  Luke asked, "Why did you choose to commit the crime in the underground garage of the health club?"

  “Two reasons, the first is that she exercises at least five times a week, and the time is very fixed.

  The second reason is that the underground garage has dead spots for surveillance and her own car, so we don’t even need transportation. "

   "Who made the blackmail call?"

   "Hugo Choudhury."

   "Why did he call himself Mr. V?"

   "I don't know." Sophia shrugged, "If there is something I should know, he will tell me.

  If he doesn't tell, then I won't ask, which is why I can survive by his side. "

   "Tell us about Hugo Choudhury, what has he done illegally?"

"I have no idea."

   "Didn't you always follow him for the past nine years?"

   "No, sometimes he locks me up in one place. I don't know everything about him."

   "What about you, apart from this kidnapping case, have you done any other illegal things?

  Be sincere and don't try to get rid of all the blame.

   It would be more beneficial for you to become a tainted witness.

   If you don't take this opportunity, your associates will name you. "

   "I really only participated in this case." After Sophia finished speaking, she lowered her head.

  Luke could feel that she didn't tell the truth, and she should have concealed something.

Hugo Choudhury can keep her around, it is impossible to keep her hands too clean, she is likely to follow Hugo Choudhury in some other illegal cases, only her hands are dirty, Hugo Choudhury Only then can Du Li feel at ease with her.

   This may be the fundamental reason why she did not leave Hugo Choudhury.

  Out of the interrogation room, Jackson couldn't help sighing, "I see a sense of vicissitudes in her, she doesn't look like a twenty-year-old girl at all, she must have experienced a lot in these years...

  Captain, do you think she will go to jail? "

  Luke asked back, "Are you sympathizing with her?"

  "No, it's not just sympathy, but a very complicated feeling.

   Judging from the current situation, she is likely to be the kidnapped victim Sophia ten years ago.

  She was originally a kidnap victim, but due to various reasons, she is now a kidnapper.

   Don't you think that's ironic? "Jackson shook his head,

   "I don't think it's fair to treat her as a common suspect."

   Luke nodded, "I think the judge will seriously consider this issue, and if you want, you can also attend the trial."

   "I do."

  (end of this chapter)

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