MTL - Los Angeles Detective-Chapter 6 taser gun

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  Chapter 6 Taser

  【Distributed to the host through legitimate channels. (depending on the actual situation)]

  Luke is a policeman, earning dead wages, and has no other sources of money.

  Eight thousand U.S. dollars is not a small amount, so I have to think of a way to get the money.


  The five scratch cards that Luke bought are not yet used, but they just come in handy.

  Luke pulls out the scratcher and the dollar.

  The rules of Fruit Scratch are very simple, there will be fruit under the coating, if the fruit has the same row, you can get the following amount of dollars.

  Luke scratched off the coating, bananas, apples, grapes, watermelons, oranges, there are many kinds of fruits.

  The second scratch card is missed.

   The third card was missed.

   The fourth card was missed.

  Luke is a little depressed, and there is one last scratch card left. Could it be that he guessed wrong, this way of monetization won’t work?

  Start scratching the fifth sheet.

  Bananas, bananas, bananas, with $8,000 written on the back.


  Luke shook his fist vigorously.

  He wasn't just excited about getting $8,000.

   What is more important is the continuous gold-making ability of the 'Detective System'.


   Friday, 7.58 points.

   Police Detective Agency.

  Luke entered the office energetically, "Good morning."

  Back straightened, the voice was a little louder.

  Money is a man's guts, regardless of national boundaries.

  David touched the top of Guangliang's head, "For you, it's morning, for us, it's just off work, we have to pour a cup of coffee and continue to investigate the case.

   Oh my god, is it too late for me to change careers? "

  Luke put a plastic bag on the table, "Thank you everyone, I brought you breakfast for free."


  David looked at Luke in surprise, "Your boy is getting more and more abnormal, are you sure you don't need to go to the hospital?"

  David has a violent and reckless personality, and he is not popular in the "Robbery and Murder Division". Although he often bickers and sarcasm with Luke, the relationship between the two is relatively close.

   Simply put, they are bad friends who attract like birds of a feather.

  Luke shrugged, "If you want to lose weight, I won't force it, your belly is almost catching up with a pregnant woman."

   "I want a hot dog and a non-fat vanilla latte." Vincent was not polite, and smiled at Luke, "Boy, I'm starting to like you a little bit."

   "You will develop a habit." After Luke finished speaking, he knocked on the door of the captain's office,

   "Captain, it's time for breakfast."

  The door opened, and Susan came out with dark circles around her eyes, probably not sleeping all night.

  Susan took a cup of milk tea, "Thank you, I will taste it."

  Everyone knows that Luke is buying people's hearts.

  But the real money spent by others is a conspiracy.

  Luke picked up a box of hand-cut french fries, and while eating the french fries, he asked David, who was devouring it, "Is there any progress in the interrogation?"

  David took a sip of Coke and swallowed, "You actually took the initiative to care about the case? It's really rare."

   "I caught the person, and I have the right and obligation to know the investigation of the suspect."

  Although the ‘Detective System’ didn’t give a clear indication, Luke roughly figured out the rules of the system through what happened last night, and he can get a lottery chance if he solves a case or catches a suspect.

  Each draw has a chance to win $1,000.

  The future of money is bright, how can Luke not be moved?

   "You don't need to remind, everyone in the police department knows about it." David found a transcript from the messy pile of documents and handed it to Luke.

   "The suspect admitted to last night's robbery, but did not admit that it was related to the previous two 'taser gun robberies'.

  According to him, he saw the news about the Taser gun robbery, and imitated the crime on the spur of the moment in an attempt to put the blame on the other party. "

  Luke thought of this possibility. Both suspects used Tasers, but the details of the crime were obviously different. He asked, "What is the motive?"

   "The suspect is named Tim. He has no proper job, is drinking heavily, and is not in a good financial situation. He wants to make some quick money."

  Luke recalled the scene of the arrest last night. Tim did smell a lot of alcohol, and confirmed, "Did he have an alibi for the two previous taser robberies?"

   Marcus yawns, "I checked overnight. He was at his girlfriend's house doing exercise when the second taser robbery happened.

  His girlfriend is actually an African-American girl with a very good figure. "Marcus gestured with his hand, "I really don't understand why I would fall in love with this kind of scumbag..."

  Susan interrupted Marcus, "I'll say it again, and it's the last time. In the future, no one will be interviewed by the news without my permission. I don't want similar imitation cases to happen again, understand?"

   "Yes, Madame."

  Susan continued, "Although the case is not directly related, the suspects used Taser guns to commit the crime. Inspector Raymond, please introduce the guns used by the suspects."

  Raymond Boca is of Mexican origin and is proficient in various firearms.

  Different from Luke, David, and Marcus, he is calm and unsmiling, which fits the image of a reliable police officer in the eyes of the Los Angeles people.

  Ramon put down the burrito in his hand and wiped his mouth with a tissue, "The suspect used an X26-C Taser gun produced by the Taser Company.

  X26-C type can launch two wires, and the explosive power is extremely strong. According to the manufacturer, this type of taser can knock out malicious intentions from up to 15 meters away.

   After the target is hit, it will be weak within 10 seconds to 30 seconds. "

  Luke recalled for a moment, "But according to my observation, the Taser gun used by the suspect was more powerful than that. The victim was unconscious for at least a few minutes after being knocked down, and his consciousness was not very clear afterwards."

  "That's right, that's the problem. The Taser gun used by the suspect has been modified. The original X26-C type will emit a shock voltage of 50,000 volts, while the gun used by the suspect is as high as 100,000 volts.

  The modified Taser gun is more dangerous, with a longer coma time and a higher fatality rate. Raymond paused, picked up a photo from the table,

   "The magazine was also modified. The standard magazine produced by the Taser company will eject more than 40 colorful small pieces of paper after use. The serial number of the gun is printed on it. The magazine used by the suspect does not have it."

   "Binggou, that's what I want to say." Wen Sen's deputy team snapped their fingers and continued,

   "There were also no paper scraps found at the scene of the previous two 'Taser gun robberies'; the victim was unconscious for several minutes, which was obviously more powerful than ordinary Taser guns.

  This shows that the suspect may also be using a modified Taser gun.

  Even if the two suspects are not directly related, the modified Taser used may have been purchased in the same place.

  According to the suspect last night, he bought his gun at the Qiaowei gun store. "

  Susan ordered, "Raymond, Marcus, you two go check that gun store."

  Vinson's deputy team walked over and suggested in a low voice, "I suggest letting David and Luke investigate, they are the most efficient."

   "I know, but they are also the most likely to cause trouble, can you guarantee that they will not have problems?"

  Vinson's deputy pouted, "I can't control that much. Today is Friday, and the suspect may commit another crime."

  (end of this chapter)

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