MTL - Low Key Star-Chapter 1 【01】Li Xianrong

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  【01】Li Xianrong

   "Ladies and Gentlemen: The plane is descending. Please return to your original seat, fasten your seat belt, and adjust the seat back to the normal position..."

   "Ladies and gentlemen: The plane has landed at Yifu Airport in Tianhai City. The temperature outside is nineteen degrees Celsius. The plane is taxiing. For the safety of you and others..."

  In the cabin, the soft and sweet aviation broadcast sound came faintly into his ears. Li Xianrong's consciousness slowly regained consciousness, but he didn't get up immediately.

  She lay quietly in the rather comfortable seat, but it was not a bed after all, and subconsciously eased her breathing, enjoying the rare time to let her mind go.

  For a female star who is at the peak of her career and ranks first-line, at least in the past two years, there is not much time to really relax.

   If one day I really have free time, maybe I don’t have this kind of mind to enjoy it?

  She secretly laughed at herself in her heart.

   After waiting for an unknown amount of time, the assistant next to her stretched out his hand and pushed her softly, calling softly, "Rongrong, we're here."


   Li Xianrong responded softly, dragged out an ending sound that seemed to be in a good mood, pulled off the blindfold, and habitually smoothed out her long, soft and loose hair, and sat up.

  The assistant Zhou Yan next to her got up and packed her luggage, while Li Xianrong took out a mask and sunglasses from her bag, covering her delicate and beautiful face so as not to be recognized by others.

She used to think that those who deliberately covered their faces were obviously annoying. When she first became famous, she also enjoyed the feeling of being recognized for a period of time, and she sincerely communicated with every stranger who expressed her love and kindness to herself. comminicate.

  This kind of communication, sometimes it is language, sometimes it is a smile, and sometimes it is a nodding action—it depends on the reaction of the other party.

   Later, I don’t know when it started, this kind of friendly communication became a habit, or it was necessary to maintain my image and reputation.

   Later, I also don’t remember when I got used to wearing masks and sunglasses.

   If you can not be recognized by others, then don't be recognized by others.

  It’s already tiring to smirk at work during working hours, so why force yourself to “work overtime”?

   But having said that, when I became famous through "Creation 101", I was secretly happy for a long time when I was recognized by others. I was panicked, uneasy, and doubted the silly little girl who stretched out from my dream. How could I have thought that I would have today?

  Whether it was during the recording of the program or after forming the group, she was not the most dazzling person in the group, not even one of them.

  No company, no background, no resources, no ability, just a good-looking face, but there is no shortage in the entertainment industry.

  If I hadn't participated in the first "101", if the man who created this talent show that was imitated by countless capitals was not there, more or less fairness was guaranteed, where would I have the chance to make my debut?

  The scene of the group formation night is vivid in my memory, but it has been seven years, and it has been six years since the group disbanded.

  When the group disbanded, I don’t know how many fans were sad. Everyone in the group, including myself, really shed tears.

But it's only been six years. The other ten sisters, including those who made her not even think about chasing them for various reasons, some of them collapsed, some of them were banned for death, and some of them lack stamina. It disappeared in the entertainment circle where newcomers appeared every day.

  Even after the show that formed a group had been "remade" countless times, it was stopped directly because some operations were too excessive...

   On the contrary, it was me, the ugly duckling who was not favored by others, and even had little sense of existence, step by step against the current, and became the most dazzling pearl in the group back then.

  There are not only a bunch of idols who "debuted" in similar programs, but also a lot of them. The ones who have really stepped out of the shackles, counting them in detail, and it seems that she is the only one who started to make stars on the Internet.

  Of course, if the most dazzling person in the group hadn't quit the entertainment circle, maybe she would have gone faster and farther than her... No, not maybe, but definitely.

  And if she doesn't quit, the man who created "101" at the beginning will more or less take care of the group...

  She sat in the car that came to pick her up, her thoughts gradually diverged, and she woke up when the other two assistants came to pick up the luggage and the car started.

   But in that case, there is a high probability that I will miss a very important opportunity, right?

  No, not a high probability, but a certainty.

When "Creation 101" was being organized, she was an ordinary college student who had just entered university. Because the activity video of participating in the freshmen's top ten campus singers was posted on the Internet, it accidentally aroused a certain amount of enthusiasm, and was watched by a small company. middle.

  She specially asked someone to read the contract to confirm that she was not cheating. At most, she would not be able to develop in the entertainment industry for a few years. She also heard that there was a chance to appear on some show—at that time, she didn’t know it was "101", so she agreed.

   Then he broke into the entertainment circle all the way. When he entered the top 36, the boss of the company almost laughed madly. Later, he debuted in a group and almost regarded himself as an aunt.

  In all fairness, the people in the company, including the boss, are all pretty good, but the dishes are a little bit lacking.

  So after his debut, the boss "shared" himself with "Yiyang Film and Television", which is the company of the man who created "101".

  After that, with the help of Yiyang Film and Television, she began to gain a firm foothold step by step, and slowly gained momentum.

   But if there is no accident, until I leave this circle, there is a high probability that I will not have the chance to reach the current height.

  Who would have thought that his true potential is not in the field of dancing and singing, but in acting?

Of course, she is still very self-aware. Although she became popular for playing the heroine in the movie "Tomb of the Gods", she is very clear that she really has no talent in acting, at least not worth boasting about. She can have a qualified work The presentation effect was purely forced by the director.

  If the director is willing and dares to be true, she believes that no little fresh meat will be scolded for bad acting skills.

   But having said that, those actors don’t even want to go to the set. In order to “act”, they even have to face each other and cut out pictures. Isn’t it funny that you go to tell them about your acting skills?

   At least I have a good attitude, right?

   Also willing to endure hardships...

   looks good too...

   On the way to the set, Li Xianrong was fascinated by the scenery outside the car window, and quietly "argued" for himself in his heart.

  However, there are many people who are serious, willing to endure hardships, and good-looking. How many people have such an opportunity?

  If it wasn't for Tang Yanqi, who was originally selected as the heroine by default, not to act, how could I have this opportunity?

   It is said that this series of movies was originally planned to be made because of her...Of course she didn't say no to acting, she just quit the entertainment circle...

   A good sister is not in vain, even after quitting the entertainment industry, she still misses herself...

   Waiting to see her in a few days, I must bring more delicious food...

That man once said something, which probably meant that he could see all kinds of people when he was not popular in the past, and then he became more and more popular, and only good people are left in this world. Cheerful.

Li Xianrong has come to the present, naturally there is no shortage of friends of various types around her, but in her heart, there are not many friends who can be regarded as friends. The one who used to be the most dazzling in the group, who could have reached the highest level, unexpectedly chose to quit the entertainment circle Tang Yanqi is undoubtedly one of them.

   In other words, it is precisely because Tang Yanqi quit the entertainment industry that the two of them can maintain such a friendship, otherwise...

   "How much will it affect?"

   Li Xianrong said something quietly in his heart, without thinking deeply about it, because even if the other party didn't quit, the relationship between the two would not be much different based on the other party's character and the objective gap between the two parties.

   It’s just that they are in the same circle, and there is a difference between up and down. It is probably difficult for me to achieve the mentality of getting along with friends like this in front of the other party.

   "It seems to be very close to Qingcheng, right?"

  Arrived at the hotel, when she was in the elevator, there were staff chatting in a low voice, and a name she was not very familiar with came to her ears, and Li Xianrong was slightly taken aback.

  She has never been to Qingcheng in her whole life, so of course she doesn't have any feelings for it, but for this city, she really "has admired her name for a long time".

Qingcheng No. 2 Middle School is a century-old prestigious school, the man named "Zhang Yang", and the girl named "Lin Yiran" who is also almost a household name because of him, and who is envied by countless girls, all used to belong to this school. student.

  Tang Yanqi is also...

  The filming location of the movie "The Unspeakable Secret", the birthplace of the song "You at the Same Table"...

  There are also such classic sentences as "Thousands of grinding and ten thousand blows are still strong, let the wind from east to west, north and south", "Luohong is not a ruthless thing, it turns into spring mud to protect flowers" and other classic sentences...

   There is also "Shooting the Condors"... Uh, the martial arts novel should be written by him at home, right?

  But anyway, they are all in this city...

   Now Zhang Yang has truly become famous all over the world, and he is a household name. Before he turned 30, he already occupies half of the entertainment industry:

  In the field of pop music, he is almost the only king-level singer;

  In the field of film, not to mention the production of Yiyang Film and Television, it is just his own leading filming, which has already had a box office of tens of billions;

   It's just because I don't want to act, and I don't have an actor...

  In terms of TV dramas, Yiyang’s productions must be high-quality products, which is already a fact recognized by everyone, and there are high-quality TV dramas almost every year;

  The "The Legend of Condor Heroes" co-produced by himself and Lin Yiran is not only a memory of a generation, but also truly a classic among the boutique martial arts dramas produced by Yiyang Film and Television;

  In addition, he also set off a certain degree of enthusiasm for ancient poetry in the modern society where ancient poetry has declined. It is recognized that his works can be compared with ancient sages, and he is selected into textbooks, and it is not uncommon to appear in examination papers and topics...

Just like "Preface to the Pavilion of the King of Teng", "The Story of Yueyang Tower", "Climbing the Stork Tower" and "Yellow Crane Tower" have made the four famous towers, a line of poetry and a celebrity can directly support the tourism industry of a city. Not to such an extent, but it did make more people remember Qingcheng and Qingcheng No. 2 Middle School...

  Although he is not in Qingcheng most of the time now...

  But Lin still seems to be in Qingcheng, and the headquarters of "One" magazine is also here...

  Because of the last things that came to mind, Li Xianrong lost his mind for a short time again. Fortunately, as Zhang Yang said, now Li Xianrong is greeted by people wherever he goes, so he doesn’t have to worry about missing the elevator, forgetting to take his luggage, or being bumped into himself.

After thanking the attentive staff, she followed her assistant into her room. There was nothing to clean up, and her mood was inexplicably depressed. She quickly asked her assistant Zhou Yan, who had always been on good terms, to "read the script" as an excuse. He left his room, closed the door and sat in front of the window in a daze.

   Of course she didn't remember that Lin was still in Qingcheng because someone mentioned it.

  Actually, after learning that the filming location was Tianhai, which was only two hundred miles away from Qingcheng, the first thing she thought of was Lin Yiran.

   When Li Xianrong first heard about this name, she was not yet in high school. At first, she was just amazed by her beauty. Later, when she heard about her love affair with Zhang Yang, she began to envy her for having such a romantic love.

   Later, she began to envy this man named Lin Yiran.

   Good-looking, looks, figure, temperament, all are excellent, family is good, grades are good, people are good, boyfriend is also good...

   It is the life that all girls dream of.

  Later, she knew that people cannot be envious, and she can become very good and excellent, so she began to slowly aim at the symbol called "Lin Yiran" to make herself better.

She has indeed become better and better, and more and more people praise her for being "good-looking" and "good-looking". She knows that it's not that she was not good-looking or temperamental before, but that she is so dazzling in these aspects now Everyone is willing to praise it straightforwardly.

  The so-called cone is in the capsule, which is probably the reason.

Perhaps only she herself knows that she has been consciously imitating the Lin Yiran she has seen and understood from various channels, from the empty standards such as perfect appearance, good grades, politeness, and temperament, to her speech, demeanor, and dressing style. She is consciously learning.

   This is a very normal thing. Isn’t the so-called “idol” just for people to learn and work hard to become better?

  But abnormal things appeared soon. During "Creation 101", she found that she was more and more envious, even was Lin Yiran's boyfriend.

  Maybe it's because I can't "learn" by myself?

  In this world, where can I find another Zhang Yang?

  How could there be a second publicity?

  Although in various imitation shows and videos, there are people who "like Zhang Yang", and some people even imitate his speech, actions and other details, but as long as you pay a little attention, you can easily make a difference.

  In this world, where can I find another Zhang Yang?

  No one knows how happy she is when the company "cooperates" with Yiyang Film and Television—everyone knows that she will be happy. Who wouldn't want to cooperate with Yiyang Film and Television?

   But no one will understand the real reason for joy in her heart.

  She once analyzed as rationally as possible, thinking that her mentality is more like the love between "fans" and "idols", similar to the so-called "husband fan" and "wife fan".

   I like it, of course I like it, but I have never had delusions.

   After all, he likes Lin Yiran so much...

  However, he and Lin Yiran actually broke up!

   Zhang Yang and Lin Yiran broke up!

   This incident was a sensation, and the most popular buzzword on the Internet during that time was "I don't believe in love anymore".

   Li Xianrong was also one of them, but soon discovered another possibility.

   This is naturally just a fantasy, even if she has already entered this circle, even if she can get in touch with him.

  However...he is with Tang Yanqi!

   Li Xianrong knew that Tang Yanqi had known him very early, and probably not later than Lin Yiran, and liked him very early...

   This is not something I can compare.

  However, Tang Yanqi is Tang Yanqi after all, not Lin Yiran.

   This made her realize that the opinion almost broke her original cognition: it turns out, it turns out that the girl next to him may not be Lin Yiran.

  Then if Tang Yanqi can do it, why can't Li Xianrong?

   This idea once made Li Xianrong very ashamed and blamed himself, but after experiencing a lot, he knew that "it doesn't matter what you think".

  After Tang Yanqi broke up with him, her first reaction was not to be secretly happy, which made her feel even more relieved after she realized it.

   It’s okay, it’s okay, I’m not that kind of person…

  It has been three years since he broke up with Tang Yanqi, and I have had a lot of contact with him due to work reasons. From an objective point of view, regardless of his deeds, he should be able to say "with a clear conscience".

   These are the reasons why she immediately thought of "Lin Yiran is in Qingcheng", but the direct reason is that she has not met Lin Yiran yet.

  The girl who had the deepest influence on her life, and it can even be said to have the most profound influence on her, had never met her.

   Never seen it once!

  But when she really wanted to meet her, she found that she didn't have the courage to meet her.

   What are you afraid of?

  I didn't hook up with Zhang Yang, and I didn't have any demands on her, nor did I have any malice towards her, but I was just curious.

  Let Zhang Yang fall in love with Lin Yiran;

  Rejecting Zhang Yang's confession directly contributed to the birth of the sentence "Thousands of blows are still strong, let the wind from southeast to northwest" be born;

   Lin Yiran, who "looks at everyone, the color of the world is like dust";

Lin Yiran, the prototype of Little Dragon Girl known as "the number one beauty in martial arts novels"—even many book fans suspect that because Zhang Yang's confession was rejected, Zhang Yang wrote the book that made many people tear up the book under a certain dark psychology. plot;

   Lin Yiran of "Xie Ting's posture of singing snow, and Banji's posture of continuing history";

  I envied and imitated since I was a child, and now I have become a first-line actress in the entertainment circle, but I am still ashamed of myself, and Lin still has no courage to meet...

  What does such a Lin Yiran look like in real life?

   I don't know how long it took, but Li Xianrong came to his senses when he heard the faint movement of people walking in the corridor outside.

  She tried again to restrain her thoughts, and then took out the movie script "God's Tomb: Spiritual Corpse" from the bag that she was going to shoot this time.

   This is the sixth movie in the "Tomb of God" series, and the heroine Yu Xin played by her will officially appear in ten thousand years.

   It has been two years since the release of the third film "God's Tomb: Love You for Ten Thousand Years" that made her a big hit.

  After picking up the script, she didn't calm down to read it as before, but thought of Lin Yiran again.

   It’s not just "The Sculpture of God", it's not just "You at the Same Table", all Zhang Yang's works, from poetry to music, from novels to film and television, all the good things in his heart, where there is no shadow of Lin Yiran?

   It is said that when he chose the heroine in "In the Snow", his first requirement was to have dimples, and they had to be relatively small and delicate pear dimples...

  How can there be such a reason?

   Can't look good without dimples?

   It's not because Lin still has two beautiful dimples!

  Even Yu Xin in "Tomb of the Gods" is said to be modeled after Tang Yanqi, but even so, there are traces of Lin Yiran in some of the so-called refined fairy images he obviously pursues.

  In terms of immortality, who can compare to Lin Yiran?

  Although there is a word "Xian" in my name, there is no wife in the wife cake, there is no fish in the fish-flavored shredded pork, there is no stockings in the silk stocking milk tea, and the ants climbing the tree are even more outrageous. There are no ants and no trees...

   Li Xianrong was getting more and more angry at first, but his thoughts spread along his name, and finally he couldn't help laughing.

  She took two deep breaths, and this time she finally suppressed her chaotic thoughts and began to read the script seriously.

   "Tomb of the Gods" was rumored to be a novel, but Zhang Yang was too lazy to write it, so he finally chose to make a movie directly.

  Of course, all the TV dramas and movies produced by Yiyang Film and Television, such as "Xiao Li Feidao", "Zhu Xian", "Snow in the Snow", etc., have similar statements.

   Anyway, I haven’t seen it in novels, TV series and movies are enough.

In the "God's Tomb" series of movies, the heroine Yu Xin once showed up in the first movie. She was the male protagonist's lover from 10,000 years ago before he was resurrected from the God's tomb. , and then did not officially appear until the third part.

  The total box office reached 4 billion yuan, ranked seventh in the global box office that year, and third in domestic box office.

  Li Xianrong officially became one of the first-line actresses because of this fire.

  But after that, she only showed her face in "Tomb of God IV", and she disappeared even more in the fifth part.

   And became a "corpse king".

  When she first heard about this incident, she almost thought that Zhang Yang had lost his mind, or because Lin Yiran and Tang Yanqi both broke up with him, there was another act of "revenge on society".

   She was so annoyed that she even thought about refusing to perform.

   But I took a quick look at the's quite delicious!

   This plot was unexpected, and it was reasonable after careful consideration. More importantly, it had a so-called "big heroine" feeling, which made her feel extraordinarily comfortable.

  She was thinking about the script seriously in the room, and came back to continue reading the script after dinner at night. When it was nearly nine o'clock, she heard a commotion outside again.

   After a while, assistant Zhou Yan sent her a message: "Zhang Yang is here!"

   Zhang Yang is here?

  Li Xianrong was slightly taken aback.

"Zhu Xian", "In the Snow" and "Tomb of the Gods" have been filmed so far. The sixth film of the "Tomb of Gods" has been filmed. It's clearer that Zhang Yang doesn't follow the crew all the time as he did in the beginning.

  The last time she filmed "God's Tomb: Love You for Ten Thousand Years", it is said that she followed more because she was afraid that the director would not know how to film emotions and that the filming would be too bloody.

   It is said that he never appeared in the last one.

  Why did you come here right after the filming started?

  Although he is puzzled, it is undoubtedly good news that he can come. It is something to be happy for both public and private.

   Li Xianrong naturally understood what Zhou Yan meant, hesitated for a while, and chose to go out to say hello.

Because of some feelings hidden in her heart, she sometimes wants to do some willful actions—like a little girl acting like a baby in love—for example, when she heard that he turned Yuxin into a corpse king, she once wanted to She was angry and stopped filming, but in terms of action, even with her popularity and status today, she dared not show any airs.

   The update time is not fixed, please watch as you like~~



  (end of this chapter)