MTL - Low Key Star-Chapter 2 [002] Suicide by jumping stairs

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  Chapter 2 [002] Suicide by jumping stairs

   "It's finally quiet!"

   Zhang Yang closed his eyes, and before he had been quiet for a minute, he heard the loud voice of the delivery lady from the corridor: "The food for bed thirty-nine is here!"

  Zhang Yang picked up the phone next to his pillow and checked the time, it was 11:06 am.

This Skyhawk 7 series mobile phone released by Kunlun Electronics three years ago, the full model name is SkyHawk7310, has a 1.5-inch color screen, supports dual-band GSM, supports MP3, can take pictures, and can chat online. The global sales volume exceeds 100 million units, which shows that it is popular welcome level.

  The mobile phone was a reward given by his grandfather when he was admitted to a national key high school two years ago. It cost nearly 3,000 yuan, and his younger sister Zhang Wei envied him for a long time.

There is a distance between the home and the hospital, so it is inconvenient to deliver meals in the morning, so Zhang Yang also ordered breakfast. Today's breakfast is porridge and two meat buns. He couldn't swallow it after two bites. It is indeed unpalatable.

  Although there is basically no amount of exercise in the ward, a boy of this age is at the peak of his metabolism. He only drank a bowl of porridge in the morning.

   Zhang Yang glanced at the two bitten meat buns on the bedside locker, recalled the taste when he ate it in the morning, and sighed secretly.

   Not to mention eating, he would rather be hungry than look at those two buns again.

   "Are you hungry?" A gentle girl's voice came to my ears.

   Zhang Yang turned his head.

  The scumbag on the next bed who was still playing with his mobile phone said without looking up, "A little bit."

   "What do you want to eat, I'll buy it."


There are three beds in this orthopedic ward, the 39th bed by the window is an old man in his sixties, accompanied by his wife; the middle 38th bed is a young man in his 25s, accompanied by his young wife; It's publicity, accompanied by a bathroom.

   "Ding Ding"

   Zhang Yang was secretly sour when the cell phone beside his pillow rang twice.

  On the screen was a text message from an unfamiliar number: Xiao Qi and I are having dinner, and this stir-fry restaurant at the door, what do you want to eat? — Zhang Wei

   Zhang Yang typed loudly and asked, "You didn't attend class?"

   "Are you stupid? Today is Sunday, and I don't have to make up lessons like my parents. What do you eat?"

The 3G network has just started to be promoted, and smart phones have just appeared, and they are far from being popularized. In this era where a message costs only a dime, it is a good habit to explain things clearly in a text message, unlike in the Internet age when you can’t wait to type a word and press the button. send.

  Then you didn't attend class yesterday, and it wasn't too early to deliver meals!

   Zhang Yang murmured and complained in his heart, but Zhang Wei sent text messages with other people's mobile phones, and he couldn't chat about such things, so he typed and replied: "Mung bean sprouts stir fried, two steamed buns."

  Put down the phone, Zhang Yang picked up the "Two Weeks History" next to his pillow, and continued to compare his memory and study the process of historical diversion.

  In the original history, Zhu Yuanzhang first destroyed Chen Youliang and Zhang Shicheng, and then sent his troops northward to drive out the Tartars. He was the only person in Chinese history who accomplished the great cause of unification from south to north. But in this world, Chen Youliang was defeated in the Battle of Poyang Lake but survived, Zhang Shicheng joined the battle, and the three parties were anxious, giving the Yuan court time to wipe out the Northern Red Scarf Army and march south.

  Zhang Shicheng surrendered again, revolted again, successfully reaped the benefits of the fisherman, and finally defeated Zhu Yuanzhang and established the Great Zhou Dynasty.

  History is written by the victors. Although Zhang Shicheng gave Zhu Yuanzhang a high enough evaluation, saying that he has made great contributions to anti-Yuan, but in this world, there is no doubt that Zhang Shicheng's image is bigger.

However, compared with Zhu Yuanzhang in the previous life and Zhang Shicheng in this world, Emperor Hongwu seems to be superior, because Zhang Shicheng unified the country in 1370, died eleven years later, and five years later, Yuanmeng cavalry broke through Nanjing again. Zhou died.

  Twenty years later, Zhang An, the fourth grandson of Zhang Shicheng, retreated from foreign enemies and quelled civil strife. In 1421 AD, he re-established the Great Zhou Dynasty with the capital BJ, known as the Northern Zhou Dynasty in history.

   "Isn't it also a time traveler?"

   Zhang Yang muttered secretly, although the person in his mind gave a barely reasonable explanation, but he still suspects that he is not in the real world.

According to the other party's explanation, I didn't travel through time, nor was I reborn, but "Su Hui", that is, the self in this world obtained the memory of the original self in that world. Only when your own self is suppressed will you think that you are yourself in that world for a short time.

  He was struggling with the parallel world when he saw the scumbag girl next door walking in with a bag.

The weather in June was already quite hot, and she probably left in a hurry, with sweat on her forehead. After putting down the food, she went to the bathroom to wash her face, and then came back to put the dining table on the hospital bed, and put two boxes of rice and one box of fish fragrance. Shredded pork, a box of sweet and sour pork loin, and a box of cucumber scrambled eggs were placed on the table, urging the young man who was still playing with his mobile phone: "Stop playing, let's eat first."

   "Understood!" Probably interrupted to play on the phone, the tone of the scum next door sounded a little impatient.

  The aroma of food permeated the ward, and Zhang Yang's stomach began to growl again. He sat on the bedside, stretched his arms and struggled to grab the plastic bag, and brought over the two buns left in the morning.

   After taking a bite, it was not fragrant at all.

  Put the bun back on the locker, Zhang Yang lay down halfway, and secretly pulled up his pants under the quilt, and then realized that he just grabbed the bun just after taking off his pants...

   Fortunately, it is separated by a plastic bag, and it has not been eaten yet.

   Zhang Yang got up and got out of bed, and threw the two buns into the trash can, not out of sight or out of mind, but because he didn't want to be seen by Zhang Wei.

   "Has your sister brought you food yet?"

  The accompanying girl next door said with a smile, "Would you like to eat together, I bought quite a lot."

   This is of course a courtesy, just two boxes of rice and two pairs of chopsticks, Zhang Yang can't handle it with his hands.

   "No, she doesn't have class today, she will be here soon."

   Zhang Yang thanked him, climbed back to the bed and lay down again, and found that his mind was still quiet, and the crisp and sweet voice did not continue to make noise.

   A little uncomfortable.

   "Why don't you continue the class?"

  The crisp and sweet voice said lightly: "Are you listening?"

  Zhang Yang sighed, and was thinking about talking again when his younger sister Zhang Wei walked in with a lunch box, so she stopped talking and was going to eat first.

  She is four years younger than Zhang Yang. She is only fourteen years old this year. She is in the second year of junior high school. Although she is not short, she is already over 1.6 meters tall, but she still looks childish.

The cheeks are slightly baby fat, but not fat, fair and smooth skin, regular and beautiful facial features, big bright eyes, wearing light blue jeans and a white T-shirt, long hair tied into a ponytail, a standard pretty schoolgirl appearance, Watery, pure and pleasant.

  The scumbag man in bed thirty-eight rarely looked away from the phone screen, staring at the girl who came to the ward every day to deliver meals, and walked to the next bed before lowering his head again and continuing to play with his phone.

  Zhang Wei put the lunch box on the bedside cabinet, turned around and went to the bathroom to wash his face, Zhang Yang bent down to pick up the dining table and put it on the shelf, opened the lunch box and started eating.

  Zhang Wei came back after washing his face, just sat down on the hospital bed, Zhang Yang said: "There is no hot water."

   "You're lazy!"

Zhang Wei glared at him angrily, angrily picked up the water bottle to fetch hot water, came back soon, went to the bathroom to wash the cup, poured half a cup of hot water for him, put it on the bedside locker to keep cold, Suddenly, as if thinking of something, he turned his head and asked, "By the way, I heard that someone in your school committed suicide by jumping down the stairs. Is it true?"

Lin Xuan almost choked to death on the steamed buns, tried his best to swallow it, let Zhang Wei bring over water, it was so hot that his mouth was scalded, he barely took a sip, but not much water went down his throat, he tried his best to breathe a sigh of relief, Only then did he ask, "Who did you hear that from?"

   "Xiao Qi, she has a cousin in your school."

  Zhang Wei moved the water glass he put on the edge of the dining table inside to prevent it from being knocked over, and continued to ask, "Is it true?"

   "I haven't heard of it, who is so stupid that he committed suicide by jumping down the stairs?"

   "That probably happened after you were hospitalized."

  Zhang Wei nodded in agreement, "I also feel mentally retarded. If I want to commit suicide, I have to jump off the building. Isn't jumping the stairs just to blame yourself?"

   Zhang Yang glared at her and said, "It's almost the end of the semester, if you don't study hard, you still have the mind to take care of these boring things!"

  Zhang Wei rolled his eyes and said, "You've been lying in the hospital for a month, why are you still talking about me?"

   "I was sick and hospitalized, can you compare?"

  Zhang Wei curled his lips, instead of arguing with him, he asked, "When will you be discharged from the hospital?"

   Zhang Yang said depressedly: "I don't want to lie here all day, the hospital won't let me, my parents won't let me, what can I do?"

  Paused, then said: "But it should be soon, and I should be discharged from the hospital next week."

  Zhang Wei said worriedly: "Then you will have the final exam not long after you leave the hospital. You won't fail the exam, right?"

   "I'll talk about it when the time comes, anyway, my parents won't blame me for failing the exam."

   "Who cares if your parents scold you or not, I'm afraid that your bad exams will affect your application for university."

   Zhang Yang was taken aback for a moment before realizing that this was not his previous life. It is no longer a college entrance examination that determines everything. His usual performance is equally important. After thinking about it, he said, "It shouldn't be."

  He finished eating, blowing hot water carefully, and sipping while sipping, Zhang Wei helped him throw the lunch box into the trash can, and asked when he came back, "Did you not eat breakfast again?"

   Zhang Yang glanced at her strangely, Zhang Wei pointed to the trash can, "Didn't you throw those two buns with a bite out of them?"


   Zhang Yang cast a sneaky glance to the side, and the scum next door took off his earphones at some point, and the sound effects of the game kept ringing, so he said, "It's none of your business, so go do what you should do."

Zhang Wei understood the sign in his eyes, and thought that the buns were left behind by the scum next door, so she stopped asking, and snorted, and snorted, "Ingratitude, crossing rivers and demolishing bridges, cunning rabbits and running dogs cooking... No, you are the one." dog."

   Zhang Yang said: "It's none of my business if you scold yourself, that's all, get out, and take my clothes back by the way."

  Zhang Wei said negatively: "Don't bring it! Let parents come and get it at night."

   "Be careful on the road."


  After Zhang Wei left, Zhang Yang drank hot water slowly and continued to think about what the guy had just said in his mind.

  The young girl accompanying the hospital bed next door asked: "Your sister doesn't know how you were hospitalized?"

  (end of this chapter)

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