MTL - Low Key Star-Chapter 268 [268] Surprise

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   Chapter 268 [268] Surprise

After receiving Zhang Yang's promise, Lin was still very happy all day long. He felt that he would celebrate his birthday once. Because of his promise, he would get double happiness, because if he hadn't asked him, he would still be happy on his birthday, but this If you won't be so happy for two days, it means you have earned two days of happiness for nothing.

  Because of this, I became even happier.

The last two days of May passed quickly, and Zhang Yang made a more detailed and complete supplement to his birthday celebration plan. Her parents were there at night, and Liu Chan, Wang Shanshan, and her roommates were there at noon. They were all big light bulbs. The only thing suitable for romance is the morning, and he plans to surprise Lin Yiran from early in the morning.

  Excessive expressions are not appropriate, and she may not like them, Zhang Yang still decided to be more reserved and careful, believing that she can feel his own heart.

In the past when the two of them went to school, Lin still ate breakfast at home, or didn't eat it. He came to him first, and then had breakfast together, or watched him eat breakfast, and then went to school. This time, Zhang Yang planned to go downstairs to her house first. Wait, surprise her.

   Flowers are naturally necessary.

Worried that the next day would be too early and no flower shop would open, Zhang Yang went to the flower shop the night before and bought a bouquet of eighteen roses, expressing that he would add one rose every year in the future. Very dismissive, Zhang Yang still thinks this is the longest confession.

  Even if there are so many people who express their love in this way, how many of them can persist?

  Ten, twenty, thirty years later, Lin, who is no longer young, still feels the mood when he receives a large bouquet of roses, which is the most important meaning of today's beginning.

Zhang Yang went to sleep full of the best expectations, got up early the next day, and after washing his face, he specially used a few skin care products arranged by Lin Yiran, changed into new clothes, a brand new white shirt, and brand new black trousers, to complement himself The slender and tall body, the sharp-edged face, and the gentle and unrestrained temperament, from top to bottom, from the inside to the outside, interpret what is meant by a gentle gentleman is outstanding.

Scientific research has shown that wearing new clothes can effectively improve self-confidence in the short term. Zhang Yang is obviously in such a state at the moment. Zhang Hongkang came downstairs just in time and sent a message. After Zhang Yang replied, he recalled the later process , ready to take the flowers and leave.

Like most cats, Haha is very interested in things like plastic bags, trash cans, and cardboard boxes. Because he is worried that the flowers will be ruined by him when he sleeps at night and ruin his event, Zhang Yang deliberately puts the flowers in the room. When I woke up, I saw the bouquet of flowers at first sight, still blooming beautifully, so I felt relieved.

There is a saying that goes "half a hundred miles is half ninety", which means that before a goal or a thing is completed, even if there is only the last step to success, as long as it is not completed, it is not over, and before the dust settles, it is better In any situation, you are only halfway there, and there is still half the probability of failure.

  Reality taught Zhang Yang a profound and painful lesson.

After turning around, Zhang Yang found that when he had just changed his clothes and admired his tall and straight appearance, the bouquet of roses that was responsible for celebrating Lin Yiran's birthday today and making a good start for the romance between himself and her for a lifetime in the future, at this moment Lying on the floor next to the bed, Haha was biting the wrapping paper of the bunch of flowers in his mouth, shaking his head and twisting his waist, tearing it vigorously.

   A lot of broken petals have been scattered on the floor.


Zhang Yang didn't even have time to swear, he rushed over, reaching out to grab the flowers back, Haha seemed taken aback by his sudden inexplicable movement, with the wrapping paper in his mouth, he rushed After entering under the bed, the clacking sound of paws scratching the wooden floor was very clear.

Zhang Yang's athletic ability is not bad, and he can be called the most agile among ordinary people. However, he failed to **** the bouquet of flowers at the critical moment, because even in an emergency, he still subconsciously remembered the fact that roses have thorns. He didn't dare to grab the flowers directly, so he could only watch helplessly as the bunch of flowers was dragged under the bed by Haha.

   "Haha! Come out! Haha! Haha! Did you hear that?"

   "Haha! Haha! Haha! Get out! Come on! Haha! Haha!"

The bottom of the bed is not high, but it can barely be done by crawling in, but Zhang Yang just changed into new clothes, even if he often mops the floor, the floor is not dirty, so he couldn't make up his mind to get under the bed for a while, so he had to poke With his buttocks in his hands, he half-kneeled and put his head on the ground, shouting at the person under the bed.

Haha held the wrapping paper of the bunch of flowers in his mouth, stared at him innocently for two seconds with his big round eyes open, seemed to confirm that he didn't have any important things like eating and snacks, so he lowered his head , and began to shake his head and twist his waist, struggling to tear up.


Zhang Yang wanted to pull it up and throw it out of the window, and he didn't care about the image. He put his hands on the ground and started to crawl under the bed. He just got half of his body, Haha looked up at him, and then with a whoosh, he dragged the bouquet of flowers and fled. to the other side of the bed.

   "Come back to me! Ma Dan!"

Zhang Yang retreated from under the bed in a hurry. When he got up, he was too anxious and hit his head on the bed. The pain made him almost cry. He chased Haha out while rubbing his head. In a critical moment, it was still Haha’s cowardice when he was chasing each other when he was young. Expressing that he saved him, seeing Zhang Yang chasing him out of the room, Haha stopped running, biting the wrapping paper of a bunch of flowers in his mouth, curled up on the floor, and looked at him innocently with wide-eyed eyes. Some doubts, probably do not understand why he is chasing himself like crazy.

Zhang Yang couldn't care less about it, so he quickly rescued the flowers, looked at a bunch of broken flowers, and then looked down at the instigator lying on the floor and started licking his hair contentedly, wishing to whip it with flowers, but afraid that there would be nothing left. No matter how many petals were broken, he had to kick it with his feet. Haha thought he was playing with him, turned over on his belly, and cutely waved his little paws in the air to accompany him to punch.

Holding the residual flower, Zhang Yang carefully blew two breaths to remove the cat hair on it, and then gently smoothed the wrinkled petals with his hands, for fear of accidentally losing one or two more petals. The honor of this bouquet, could not help but sigh again.

  Go back to the room with flowers in your hands, and use your phone to search for nearby flower shops.

  Jiangnan Thatched Cottage, 1.1 km away, business hours 08:00-22:00

  Huajian Pie, 924 meters, business hours 10:00-23:00

   Hongmiao Flower Art, 1.2 kilometers away, business hours 09:00-23:00

  Nuannuan Flower Shop, 1.1 km away, open at 08:30...

  April painting...

Zhang Yang stood in the room in a daze for a while, then looked at the bouquet of flowers, and felt that it was actually not bad. A skinny camel is bigger than a horse, and there are three thousand nails in a broken boat. Anyway, this is still a bunch of flowers... It's better than empty hands Go strong... and you can also blame it on Haha, and describe its viciousness to Lin Yiran vividly... No, cute, add a little more fun... At the same time, you can show your love. In this case, you didn't give it the skin Picked up...

Zhang Yang came downstairs with the remaining flowers in his hands. After getting in the car, Zhang Hongkang habitually started the car. He glanced inadvertently, seemed to be taken aback, and turned his head to stare at the flowers that Zhang Yang was still holding tightly in his hands, with a puzzled expression, "Flower What's wrong?"

   "Ewed by a cat."


Looking at Zhang Yang's expression, Zhang Hongkang seemed to want to laugh, so he held back, turned his head and pretended to look in the rearview mirror, burst out laughing, quickly held back, and asked, "Then why don't you buy another one?" .”

   Zhang Yang said depressedly: "I've checked, but I didn't even open the door, and I didn't have time to ask one by one."

   "Then what to do?"

   "That's it, it's better than empty hands, and anyway, it was her cat who bit it, so I can't blame it."

  Zhang Hongkang turned his head to look at the bunch of wilted flowers again, nodded his head, and said very unconvincingly: "It's actually not bad."

In order to give Lin Yiran a surprise, Zhang Yang even counted the time on purpose, but what he didn't expect was that when he arrived outside Lin Yiran's community and was about to go downstairs to her house and waited to surprise her with "meeting love at the corner". , but found that one thing was overlooked.

  The community cannot enter!

Probably because the people living there are either rich or expensive, and the management of the community here is very strict, and they will only be released after being notified by the owner. Zhang Yang didn't want Lin Yiran to know, so he explained the situation to the security guard. The other party obviously recognized him, but it was still very embarrassing. Expressed his refusal: "I'm really sorry, I will be fired for violating the regulations."

  Zhang Hongkang looked at Zhang Yang, and Zhang Yang also looked at him. The two brothers stared at each other. Zhang Yang gritted his teeth and decided to insist: "Then wait here, she is coming out soon anyway."

  Zhang Hongkang had an expression of "Are you okay?", but Zhang Yang insisted, he naturally had no objection, backed up the car again, turned on the flashlight and stopped by the side of the road, and then asked Zhang Yang: "Do you want to go down and wait?"

   Zhang Yang rolled his eyes and said, "Am I stupid?"

  Looking at the time, the school starts at 8:20, and Lin Yiran usually arrives at her place at 7:30. Today she will probably be earlier, and it is already past 7:00, so it shouldn’t be long, and she should be out soon.

He took out his mobile phone and wanted to send Lin Yiran a message, but after thinking about it, since he even did the waiting at the door for the sake of surprise, he didn't need this little patience, sitting in the car and staring at the community door.

   "They won't go through the other door?"

  Probably because today's situation is not quite the same as imagined, Zhang Hongkang doubts that things will get worse.

  Zhang Yang shook his head and said, "No, this side is closer to ours, and this is the only vehicle exit."

"That's good."

   "Are you still afraid that she will run away in another way?"

  Zhang Hongkang glanced at him, and said "Yes" very frankly, Zhang Yang rolled his eyes speechlessly, "I'm not that unlucky, am I?"

  Zhang Hongkang didn't speak, but his expression was clearly not at ease.

   Zhang Yang didn't bother with this single dog, and continued to stare at the gate of the community, waiting for his daughter-in-law to go out, so as to surprise her.

After about two or three minutes, I saw Lin Yiran's black tuanlong car slowly driving over from the community. Just as Zhang Hongkang was about to remind him, Zhang Yang bent over to remind him: "Bend down, be careful, Don't let her see it."

  Zhang Hongkang was stunned, he didn't think much about it, and bent down. After waiting for a while, he still felt that something was wrong. He bent over and turned his head with difficulty, looked at Zhang Yang and asked, "Why do you want to hide?"

While hiding, Zhang Yang carefully looked out through the glass window, watching the parking pole of the community rise, Yuan Tong drove out slowly, then quickly buried his head, and said to Zhang Hongkang in a low voice: Was it a surprise when she saw it? Didn't she just wait here in vain?"

Zhang Hongkang turned his head to look at him, his expression was a little confused, and Zhang Yang didn't have the time to pay attention to it. He watched Lin Yiran's car turn a corner and drive towards the distance. I went to the black regiment dragon car, and felt that something was wrong.

  In the security booth at the gate of the community, the two security guards peered at Zhang Yang, discussing something in a low voice with some puzzlement.

  Zhang Hongkang also sat up, looked at the black tuanlong car going away, then looked at Zhang Yang, the expression on his face became more puzzled, he hesitated for a while, and finally asked: "Now she's gone...what's the surprise?"

   Zhang Yang froze there, blinked his eyes, then quickly buckled his seat belt again, and shouted in a loud voice: "Go, go, go! Chase! Chase! Hurry up!"

  (end of this chapter)

Read The Duke's Passion