MTL - Low Key Star-Chapter 282 【282】Seven Lixiang

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  Chapter 282 [282] Qilixiang

   "Really agreed?"

   Zhang Yang was also a little confused. He thought there would be a "negotiation", but he didn't expect to ask Lin Yiran to show off his skills, and he agreed, and it seemed that there was no counter-offer...

  How much budget do you have?

  I gave you room to bargain!

   "Yes. But they explained that the final decision must be made after looking at the work. You can sign an agreement of intent first. If the final work is not adopted, there will be a compensation fee."

Zhang Yang nodded, he has no objection to this, if the song he wrote in the end feels worthless, he will definitely not spend the money wrongly, but even so, he has nothing to lose, the song is still in his hand, and he will get a fortune for nothing Hard work.

  After he nodded, he realized that Nan Xue couldn't see it, so he said, "I have no objection."

  Nan Xue said: "Then I will prepare a contract... Also, they hope to meet and communicate."

   Zhang Yang thought for a while, "Yes, you can arrange it."

After hanging up the phone, he made a video call to Lin Yiran again. She has an exam tomorrow and is doing her final review at home today, so he coaxed her to make her happy, and after she could study more seriously, Zhang Yang went home by himself. review.

For more than two years after Su Hui, Zhang Yang has never stopped studying. He has dabbled in all aspects of history, literature, and psychology. In addition to the many unsystematic knowledge accumulated in Su Hui's memory, although he asked for a lot of leave this semester, But I'm not too worried about my studies.

It’s just that I’ve been busy with filming, albums, publicity, and classes this year, and I’m really a bit tired, but I think that after "Sculpture of the Gods" is broadcast, Luoshen will be able to leave, and he can do things to Lin Yiran unscrupulously , I still feel very motivated.

  After the exam, Zhang Yang still failed to go home. After the exam, he met with the person in charge of Hongmeng and communicated about the next cooperation.

  The song Zhang Yang chose is "My Dream" and "Dream It Possible" in English. In the previous life, before the mobile phone brand was high-end, Huawei relied on this promotional video to gain huge attention and popularity overseas. It is rumored that Huawei bought the copyright of this song at a sky-high price of 80 million for the lyrics and singing of the Chinese version, but whether it was the 80 million for the copyright of this song, or the total cost of the production of this promotional film, including the song Copyright, Zhang Yang is not very clear.

   But no doubt worth the money.

The Hongmeng in this world is a bit like the Apple company in the previous life. The high profits brought by product sales made them extraordinarily rich and powerful. For the sake of the five million "bargaining room", Zhang Yang also deliberately told the story when communicating. Give me your thoughts on the promotional video.

  The idea of ​​"An Ordinary Girl's Dream Journey" was highly recognized by Liang Xinyue, the person in charge of Hongmeng, and even said that the genius is indeed a genius. In this way, the theme is clear, and the filming process of the promotional film will be greatly accelerated.

There is nothing wrong with the English version of lyrics and music. Zhang Yang is not in a hurry to produce a finished product. There is always a process of conceiving and polishing. He is more troubled by the Chinese version of the lyrics, because Zhang Wei and Tang Yanqi wrote the lyrics, and Fang Shang composed the rough version. "My Dream", to be honest, there are not many similarities except for the name and the theme.

  Zhang Yang just remembered that Zhang Wei said that Tang Yanqi wanted to become a star after graduating from high school. If she still thinks like this now, this seems to be an opportunity to help her.

After thinking about it, Zhang Yang still called Zhang Wei, and first blamed each other for not going home during the holiday: Zhang Wei accused him of not going home, Zhang Yang accused her of being ignorant and inconsiderate of the hard work of being a brother...then he Only then did I ask: "Let me ask you something, didn't you tell me before that Tang Yanqi wanted to become a star after graduation, does she still think so?"

   "Yeah, she's still learning music theory by herself... what's wrong?"

   Zhang Yang then talked about the cooperation with Hongmeng first. Before he had time to talk about the lyrics, Zhang Wei first asked: "Did they send a mobile phone?"

   Zhang Yang: "..."

   "Can you care about something serious?"

   "This is the business!"

  Zhang Weili was confident, "A mobile phone is so expensive...Isn't it normal for them to make it themselves and give them a souvenir when they meet?"

  Zhang Yang sighed, "Do you want to change your phone? If you want, I'll buy it for you."


  After Zhang Wei asked back, Zhang Yang didn't even have a chance to confirm, so she smiled happily and sweetly: "Thank you brother!"

   "Heh! If you have a gift, you will know that you are called brother?"

   "Oh, you are my elder brother, by the way, what does this have to do with Xiao Qi?"

   "I think the lyrics you wrote are pretty good, I'm going to change it, she..."

   "Huh? Really?"

  Zhang Wei's voice sounded like he was about to jump up, "You didn't lie to me, did you?"

   "Don't howl, listen to me!"


   "If she wants to enter this circle in the future, and sign together, it will be considered a bit of qualification..."

   "Wow, brother, you are so kind!"

  Zhang Wei's voice sounded like a holy golden light was shining on her brother who was disliked by her just now, "What about me? I also contributed a few lines to Xiao Qi."

   "It's okay, when the time comes, it will be completely changed, and there will be no words for you."

   "Ah! Why?"

   "What do you want to sign for??"

   "Let's write lyrics together with you, or write a commercial song for Hongmeng. It's so embarrassing to say it."

   "Face your head, so stay where it's cool."

   "Zhang Yang, are you shameless? How can you be an older brother like you? I'm going to sue you for copyright infringement!"


   "Mom, my brother plagiarized my ideas and works..."

   "I wrote a first edition, please send it back to Xiao Qi."

   "Xiao Qi is also your name?"

  Zhang Wei was dissatisfied with him, and even wanted to criticize him by title, "Are you asking her to agree?"

Zhang Yang hung up the phone, took a photo of the revised "My Dream" lyrics and sent it to Zhang Wei. Needless to say, Tang Yanqi's version of "My Dream", he also felt a little bad about the version that Wang Haitao and Zhang Liangying wrote the lyrics together in his previous life. In other places, I simply made a "triple version" by mixing it together, and then slowly changed it after preparation.

  The meaning of this version is just to make Tang Yanqi believe that the song is really based on her lyrics, so that she, Zhang Wei or others feel that they are only far-fetched to help her.

  However, I have to say hello to Hongmeng about the signing. After all, a large part of the reason for his spending money is his reputation as a "talented scholar". Fortunately, this does not affect the publicity, and Liang Xinyue probably will not object.

   "Write words together?"

  Tang Yanqi almost thought he had misheard after Zhang Wei finished speaking, "He...why?"

   "I must think that our writing is good."

  Zhang Wei hung up the phone and went out to find Tang Yanqi. She and Tang Yanqi had a good relationship. Although she didn't quite agree with her idea of ​​becoming a star, she had no choice but to support Tang Yanqi's desire to go.

Regardless of Zhang Yang or Hongmeng, their influence can be easily felt in their lives. Even if it is just a joint signature of the lyrics, for Tang Yanqi, it is a huge step for Tang Yanqi to become a star in the future... And this is Zhang Yang's initiative Yes, don't worry about Xiaoqi feeling embarrassed.

  When Tang Yanqi learned about this matter, Tang Yanqi's first reaction was to refuse, but the "joint signature" made it difficult for her to say no, and if she wanted to write lyrics together...she hesitated: "Isn't that good?"

  Zhang Wei widened his eyes strangely: "What's wrong?"

Tang Yanqi's expression was a little weird, but Zhang Wei was understanding, he patted his head and said, "Oh! I understand!" Tang Yanqi's heart skipped a beat, he looked up at Zhang Wei, and heard her say, "I forgot to ask How much is it, but with my brother’s current status, it’s definitely not cheap to write lyrics, why should it cost tens of thousands? He will definitely share it with you.”

   Tang Yanqi froze for a moment before saying, "No..."

  Zhang Wei asked puzzledly: "Then what are you thinking?"

  Tang Yanqi bulged his cheeks, walked to his bed in a bit of annoyance and lay down, staring at the wall, quietly said: "Why should I write lyrics with him?"


Zhang Wei didn't understand what she meant, so he sat down on her bed and understood with empathy, "Oh... this, it's not like he hasn't been back all this time, after the Spring Festival Gala is over, he will definitely be back, and he can make phone calls Well, his number hasn't changed, you have it in your phone, I'll send you his WeChat message later."


  Zhang Wei turned his head to look at her, then turned around again, resting his chin on the back of his hand, and whispered: "Your brother is Zhang Yang now...I..."

   "Hasn't he always been Zhang Yang? He hasn't changed his name."

Zhang Wei patted her protruding buttocks, and this time she really understood, "What's the matter, it's just writing lyrics... Who stipulated that Zhang Yang can't write lyrics people? Let's talk about him two years ago Isn’t it because you don’t dare to show it to others when you write lyrics? Maybe you will be more famous than him in two years, right?”

Tang Yanqi couldn't make up his mind to refuse, so he agreed, Zhang Wei called Zhang Yang and told about it, Zhang Yang said "OK" and said, "Then give Xiaoqi the phone, and I'll tell her. "

   "Cross the river and tear down the bridge!"

  Zhang Wei complained dissatisfiedly, and gave Tang Yanqi the phone, so Zhang Yang told Tang Yanqi about Hongmeng's request and his own thoughts, so that she could think about it when she was free.

   After finishing this work, I will wait for the release of the new album.

Since the beginning of this year, due to being busy with film and television dramas, he has seldom appeared in public. Although there have been a few interviews and two variety shows to promote the new album, compared to other popular artists, the number of such appearances It’s even less than a thing of the past, and now that Weibo is on the rise, many celebrities have racked their brains to get their employees to think about copywriting, and some celebrities don’t even care about changing their careers to become jokers in order to pay attention, like him. There are very few people who are silent.

Under such circumstances, the fans' expectations for the new album can be imagined. It is not over yet, and on the eighteenth day of the twelfth lunar month, most colleges and universities are already on holiday, and many elementary and middle schools also have holidays, even if they are not holidays. , Those who want to buy can mostly spare time on weekends.

  This morning, at the entrances of countless video stores in big cities and small towns, people began to line up early in the morning.

As usual, the digital album will not go online until the evening, giving everyone more motivation to buy more expensive physical albums. Within an hour of the release, there are audios circulating on the Internet. Fortunately, thanks to the protection of copyrights in this world, pirated distribution channels Very few, and the dissemination of some audio and video clips that do not constitute piracy on the Internet is also helpful for publicity, and it will not be judged as infringement.

  In the absence of marketing by the company, the two keywords "Zhang Yang's new album" and "Qilixiang" began to appear on Weibo's hot search list at noon, and their rankings have been rising all the way.

  Before eight o’clock in the evening, Zhang Yang, who had just had dinner with Lin Yiran and took her home to watch cats, finally updated another Weibo to publicize the news that the digital album will be launched soon, and express his thanks for everyone’s support and enthusiasm.

   At this time, many "expert" reviews of this album have begun to circulate on the Internet.

   Zhang Yang didn’t expect that so many people would start saying “Zhang Lang is exhausted” only two years after his debut.

After the launch of the digital album, this kind of comment has become more and more. Passers-by who really feel this way may also have fans who are really dissatisfied. Naturally, more of them are trolls with obvious traces of manipulation. media.

  First report "Zhang Lang's talent is exhausted", and then report "The quality of Zhang Yang's new album has fallen off a cliff, causing fans to be dissatisfied, saying that "Zhang Lang is exhausted"".

Zhang Yang rested his head on Lin Yiran's lap, saw these title routines on his mobile phone, and thought it was a bit funny, Lin Yiran leaned over to take a look, curled his lips and said, "Didn't you just say that last year... I guess these people will say that every year when they release an album in the future. , This year’s album is too bad, last year’s is so good, next year’s album will become a classic, let’s compare slowly, anyway, the sooner the better.”

  She paused, then asked again: "Have you checked the sales?"

   Zhang Yang shook his head, feeling indecent, so he dropped the phone, turned sideways, and put his arms around her waist, "No, I dare not."

  Lin still looked down at him and said with a smile, "Are you nervous too?"

   "I'm afraid everyone is too enthusiastic."

Lin still wrinkled his nose, pushed his hand away, Zhang Yang wanted to touch it again, but she pulled his ear and pulled him up, Lin still pushed him away angrily, got up to hug Hehe and Haha, the two cats passed by The running-in of time finally subsided, Haha no longer bluffed at Heihe all day long, but always tried to lick his fur.

Lin Yiran said it was a sign of obedience. The party being licked obeyed the licking party. This is probably the case, because Hey never wanted Haha to lick his fur. Every time he licked, Hey would throw it away and sometimes wave Claw and bite with haha.

Haha's fighting style opened Zhang Yang's horizons, because every time Heheyi made a movement similar to rushing over and raising his paws, his first reaction was to lie down, turn over, and lie on his back waving his four paws to make a move. I'm going to bite you gesture.

Zhang Yang doubts that when hehe grows up a little bit, haha ​​will become the one being bullied. This makes him even think of the excellent civilization of the Chinese nation that has been passed down from ancient times to the present. You see, the Chinese pastoral cats can abuse the British and beautiful pastoral Cats are proof of that.

  When he talked about this argument, Lin still looked at him like he was looking at the third silly cat in the family.

After ten o'clock in the evening, Zhang Yang had just sent Lin Yiran away, and when he got home, he received a call from He Yanping. As of six o'clock in the afternoon, the total sales volume of physical albums through various channels was 870,000, which was lower than that of "Zhang Shouyi". 10% or so, but still exceeded expectations.

  Not all of these albums have been bought, and many are still in video stores, so it seems that everyone's sales expectations for physical albums are declining.

Compared with the decline of physical albums, the sales of online albums are unexpectedly booming. Although the three music platforms have made preparations in advance, the two music platforms Phoenix and Prisoner are still due to the huge traffic and purchases in a short period of time. There was a brief breakdown in trading.

In this way, Chongming Music is embarrassed, because its final sales data is indeed slightly lower than that of Phoenix and Prison Niu, but it is far from the level of "fewer people, so it didn't collapse", but it is in everyone's impression. , It seems that everyone doesn't need to re-emphasize music.

The total sales of "Qilixiang" on the three major platforms exceeded one million in five minutes, one and a half million in ten minutes, and more than three and four million in 24 hours, surpassing the new albums of Lin Suyuan and Ling Ran. The number one spot for digital music album of the year—if it's a '93 album at all.

  After this result came out, the major media began to publicize that "Zhang Yang's new album "Qilixiang" sold 3.4 million online in 24 hours, and the era of digital music is coming!"

  It seems that they were not the ones who said "Zhang Lang's talents are exhausted".

   Noon (×)

   Afternoon (√)



  (end of this chapter)

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