MTL - Low Key Star-Chapter 287 [287] Luoshen Selfie

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  Chapter 287 [287] Luoshen's Selfie

   "Hey, this song is nice, better than the jabbering ones you usually listen to."

   "That's what he sang too!"

   "Then what is sung, this is a good song... and it is about Wang Xizhi!"

   "He is a student of Huaxing University."

   "What are you so proud of? You can take the test if you have the ability?"

   "I... isn't this hard work"


Zhang Yang's appearance on the Spring Festival Gala has caused many fans and audience who have lost interest in the Spring Festival Gala to be very positive. They have already started to discuss why he hasn't appeared yet, and when he appeared on the stage of the Spring Festival Gala, even with the "good student" halo bonus, He couldn't satisfy everyone, especially some old people who disliked star chasing, and felt displeased with him even more.

Some elders who have occasionally heard some songs that are not clear even the lyrics are naturally even more dissatisfied. Either this is a Chinese New Year celebration, or this is the China TV Spring Festival Gala. Maybe when he appears, someone will Choose not to watch in protest.

  But I didn't expect that when he came out, he sang, hey, it seemed pretty good!

  Especially when I heard that this song was actually written in calligraphy, promoting traditional culture, it made many old people change their attitudes on the spot, which was a bit unexpected.

At this time, some younger generation in the family will tell (chui) sue (xu) about the deeds of Huaxing University students who wrote poems and novels, and even the dean of Huaxing University regarded him as a year-end friend, and properly harvested a large number of veterans The favor of a lifetime.

  Someone finished popular science for the elderly at home, and saw that the song was almost over, so he quickly concentrated on watching TV. Seeing that the song had come to an end, and the half-moon stage that had been rising was already falling, he even felt a little annoyed, why were he so inattentive?

   "It has nothing to do with Fengyue, I will wait for your reply"

   "Handwriting has no shame, no fear of right and wrong in the world"

   Zhang Yang returned to the stage, the singing was coming to an end, and the post on the background wall behind had also been completed, which was naturally edited, otherwise the whole post would not have been written so quickly.

  The background wall at the back gives a panoramic view of the entire "Preface to the Lanting Collection", but to show the beauty of the font, it cannot be stretched too far, so only a part is given, and it is quickly cut back to Zhang Yang.

   "Good words, good words!"

   "Oh, this word... tsk, tsk, elegant and flowing, round and round, like everyone..."

In a compound in the capital city, an old man with white hair looked at the close-up of the poster on the TV, and couldn't stop admiring. Suddenly, he slapped his thigh and almost jumped up, "Hey! What's going on... Where did you shoot it? What's so good about this so-and-so Yes! Read the words!"

   "This is a performance, not a calligraphy exhibition..." The children with a calm demeanor smiled and comforted them.


  If it weren’t for the grandchildren, the old man who has retired and still hasn’t changed his temper when he was young would almost scold his mother, “Such a good word, isn’t it better than this messy song?”

   Paused, "Songs are good enough, what's so interesting about people? No, call the station and ask what the show is about?"

   "Words! Words! Shooting words again!"

The close-up of the temporary post was reappeared on the TV, and the old man's attention was immediately attracted, "Oh! Oh! This word... good word! I have practiced it for almost twenty years! Twenty years! Even a hair of someone else is not a hair. It's not as good as...Is this written by everyone?"

   "Uh... it looks like it should be a girl, and it shouldn't be very old..." the granddaughter reminded in a low voice with some amusement.

"That's impossible!"

  The old man waved his hand confidently, "It's better than what I wrote! It must be that everyone, not Gu Yutang, or Lian Jiang! Either Jiang Xiaochen...or Zuo Jingguo, there is no one else!"

   " can't even recognize whose handwriting it is?" A certain grandson who owes a beating doesn't open any pot and pick up which pot.

   "Then how can I not recognize it... This is not for showing!"

The old man also needs to explain in front of the younger generation, so as not to be misunderstood that he has practiced calligraphy for so many years and only practiced loneliness. Seeing the unsightly guy on TV singing and walking straight to the corner of the stage, I thought this **** was finally going to step down. Just as I was about to speak, I heard my granddaughter say "Wow!"

  The old man took a closer look, this **** just got off the stage, but he pulled his clothes off, took off his shirt, threw it on the ground, and then walked to a big drum that he didn't know when he put it there.

  The eyes behind the old man's presbyopic glasses glared: "What do you mean? How dare you play tricks on me in front of the people of the whole country?"

"very handsome!"

Compared with other artists, Zhang Yang has undoubtedly spent much less sweat on image management. After all, he can’t wait to get tired of his wife when he has time. How can he go to the gym to work out when he has time? However, he has practiced boxing since he was a child, and his foundation is still very good After taking off the ink style top, there is a white blouse that is quite close-fitting inside, showing a strong and strong figure.

   "What is this for?"

  In Qingcheng's house, Zhang Shouyi, Fang Qianxue, and Zhang Wei were a little surprised, not understanding why he suddenly went crazy.

  Zhang Shouyi said: "This should be arranged, right?"

  Fang Qianxue said angrily and amusedly: "He dared to do this if it wasn't arranged properly? How many heads!"

  Zhang Wei curled his lips and said, "You won't lose your head if you mess around!"


  In the living room of the Su family, Su Cheng regained his energy, "What is this kid doing?"

  Although Lin Yiran didn't know what the transition was like, he already guessed what it was doing, biting his lips, hiding the joy in his heart, and said in an uncertain tone: "Let's beat the drums?"

   "He can still play the drums?"

  Su Cheng was a little surprised, and the old man Su Yu was also a little surprised. He shook his head and sighed: "The current songs... not many people need drums."

  Wang Xudao, who has some experience in literature and art work: "Hey, young people nowadays don't like these things very much."

  Lin still leaned on grandma again, and whispered: "That was in the past. Since he sang "Huo Zongxia", many people have also learned to use drum accompaniment."

   While speaking, Zhang Yang walked to the big drum, put the microphone on the drum stand, pulled out two drumsticks, held them with both hands, raised them, and then dropped them.


  The decoration of the home is according to the old man's preferences, and it is not luxurious. The TV was indeed replaced by Su Hui the year before last, and it cost tens of thousands. The sound effect is good.



The figure in the TV stood still, two drums sounded three times and four drums sounded one after another, but it seemed to be repeated one after another, like a tide covering one layer after another, the family in the living room couldn't help gathering their spirits, even The little Su Wan who always likes to be noisy, and the little Su Rong stared at it seriously with wide-eyed eyes.

   "Boom, boom, boom boom..."

  The sound of the drums became more and more dense and urgent, like a line of thunder rushing.

  The pipa sounded.

   "This is... the general's order?"

  Old man Su Yu had only heard a few Chinese-style songs sung by Zhang Yang before, and he was relatively unfamiliar with this song, but the melody was familiar to him, and Wang Xu had already asked.

  Lin still said: "Well, it has been changed."

  Su Yu looked at the title of the song given on the TV, "A man should improve himself?" His tone was quite appreciative.

   "Laughing with arrogance and arrogance"

   "Hot blood beats red sun"

The accompaniment became more and more exciting, and when it was about to reach its peak, Feng Ziang appeared on the stage with a slightly old-fashioned but still tall figure. His recognizable voice immediately suppressed the presence of all the accompaniment to the minimum, even if Suona came on stage , can only be reduced to a foil in front of the old man's masculine and domineering voice.

   "Huh? Cantonese?"

   "What song is this?"

   "It's so... bloody!"

   "I feel that Cantonese sounds better than Mandarin!"


  Due to the consideration of promoting Mandarin, there have been no dialect songs sung on stages like the Spring Festival Gala for many years. Therefore, the Cantonese version of "A Man Should Be Self-Reliant" surprised many people when it appeared.

For audiences in Cantonese-speaking areas, it is naturally a surprise. For other audiences, they don’t really care too much, because Cantonese songs have been popular in the music scene for a long time, and they have heard some of them more or less. How to listen to music if you understand it.

  According to the original plan, I didn’t want Feng Ziang to sing Cantonese, but his Mandarin is not very good. After discussion, I still adopted a compromise method.

   "Big-minded, long-sighted"

   "Vow to strive for self-improvement and be a good man"

When Feng Ziang sang here, the camera returned to Zhang Yang. He put the drumsticks back in place, picked up the microphone again and walked towards the center of the stage, silently memorizing the rhythm and lyrics. Once you open your voice, you have to be cautious.

  “Be a good man and improve yourself every day”

   "Hot-blooded man, heat is better than red sun"

   "Let Haitian gather energy for me"

In terms of masculinity and domineering, there is still a gap between Zhang Yang and Feng Ziang. He is a person who once became a **** on stage. Not to mention him, even those kings and queens have been abused. Coupled with the plug-in support, even if he is at this level of duet, he will not be at a disadvantage.

With the aura gained by **** and beating the drum just now, coupled with the release of my own emotions, when I sing these few lines, when I "gather energy" at the end, the aura in the singing is still there even if it is broadcast on the TV. Shaking thousands of households, it is the energy that makes people passionate on this cold winter New Year's Eve.

  In the courtyard of the capital city, the old man who just disliked this **** for delaying his appreciation of calligraphy took a breath, his expression was very exciting, "Oh! Tsk, tsk...unexpected!"

   "Well, let me just say that he sings well, right?" Seeing this, the granddaughter immediately sought justice for her favorite idol.


  The old man nodded, "It's a bit worse than Feng Ziang...but it's already rare."

   "This song "A Man Should Be Self-Reliant" was also written by him!"

  The old man stared at the TV, nodded frequently unconsciously, and suddenly slapped his thigh again, "You think he can write and sing such good songs? Why does he always sing those gibberish things? You **** who doesn't know what to do!"


   I don’t know when the lion dance and martial arts actors who appeared on the stage worked hard. Zhang Yang and Feng Ziang have already walked to the center of the stage, facing the auditorium side by side, and facing the faces of thousands of households with a pair of eyes.

   "Go to open up the world"

   "Go for my ideal"

   "Look at the tall and strong blue waves, and see the vast and majestic blue sky"


   "This song is nice and powerful! Refreshing!"

  At Tang Yanqi’s house in Qingcheng, the girl who was listening to the song suddenly heard her father’s admiration, turned her head to look at her parents’ expressions, and then quickly turned to watch TV, with a sweet smile on her lips.

   "Yes, I don't feel sleepy anymore!"

  Mother Tang also agreed, and then turned to ask her daughter, "Don't you often listen to his songs, why haven't you heard them?"

  Tang Yanqi grabbed a few melon seeds, leaned on the sofa, with a very casual look, "I only like to listen to a few songs, it's not that I like everything about him...what to sing..."

   "Hey! Isn't this a good song!"

  Father Tang didn't notice his daughter's slip of the tongue, "You download it for me later, and I'll listen to it when I get sleepy."

  Tang Yanqi curled his lips and seemed a little unhappy, but he still nodded and replied, "Oh."

   "Since a man should be self-reliant"

   "Standing up and holding your chest up, everyone is a pillar"

   "Be a good man, use my 100 points of heat to shine a thousand points"


In a certain hospital in the capital city, Yang Yuting, who was scolded for her unhealthy posture just now, was crooked in her grandma's arms again, staring at the old and the young singing passionately on TV. Many people listen to this kind of song.”

Yang Mu propped his chin, sat lazily in the corner of the sofa, and said, "It's up to everyone to like to listen to it, and not everyone dares to be as capricious as he is, if you write this kind of song and people don't like it, it will be cool." .”

  The old man said: "So we must pay attention to guidance!"

   Now Yang Qingze, who is the only son of the old man, said with a smile: "This is not a one-day achievement, it has to be done step by step."

  Yang Mu curled his lips, and Yang Yuting said, "How else can you dictate what other people sing? It would be nice to have a leader."

  When she was talking, she looked up at grandma, and the well-maintained woman who was over sixty reached out and tapped her forehead, "Don't make trouble for others, aren't you talking about a girl with the Lin family?"

   "Are you still worried that Yiyi will get jealous by mistake?"

  Yang Yuting pursed her mouth, and lay on her aunt on the other side, "Yiyi can't."


When Zhang Yang appeared on the stage, there was little applause from the audience. After he sang "Lanting Preface", many audience members who misunderstood that he was going to step down for a curtain call changed their impression of this age man, and prepared to applaud him. After the end, when Zhang Yang and Feng Ziang took the curtain call, the applause was not inferior to the previous cross talk.

  From a certain point of view, this can be regarded as a microcosm of the overall impression of him in just a few minutes by the vast group who did not have a deep impression of him before.

Based on the applause at the final curtain call, Zhang Yang felt that all the hard work and worries during this period were worth it. However, after the performance was over, he breathed a sigh of relief and went to the backstage to say goodbye briefly, and immediately said goodbye to Yan Xixi and Zhang Hongkang They left together, Yan Xixi went home, and he and Zhang Hongkang went straight to the airport.

  The flight at 11:20 will undoubtedly welcome the arrival of the Year of the Dog in the air.

It was two o'clock in the morning when we got home, Zhang Wei had already gone to bed, and his parents were still waiting. With the hot dumplings and joyful faces, Zhang Shouyi and Fang Qianxue were obviously a little sleepy when they first entered the door. But watching my son eat, talking to him about his feelings while watching TV, and what the old man and Zhang Shouxin said on the phone, and listening to his real experience in the Spring Festival Gala, I didn't feel sleepy, and I didn't sleep until after three o'clock.

Zhang Yang caught up with his sleep on the plane. Now he is more energetic. After washing up, he lay on the bed and couldn't fall asleep for a while. After he entered the door, he replied to Lin Yiran. He received a reply unexpectedly, and quickly let her sleep. At this moment, I can't sleep alone, so I had to ask Luoshen to send me lonely, but Luoshen ignored him, so I had to use my mobile phone to watch how to praise myself on the Internet. After a while, I finally fell asleep.

  The curtains blocked the lights of the city at night, and the room was plunged into deep darkness, echoing his sleeping snoring, loud and weak at times.

   After an unknown amount of time, a faint brilliance lit up in the darkness.

The brilliance flowed from the bed to the full-length mirror next to the closet. In the darkness, there should not be any image in the mirror. There was a girl in a water-green ancient dress. She was only fourteen or fifteen years old, with her hair tied. Bun, Shao Yan childish teeth, clever smile sweet.

  She frowned suddenly.

   "This way...will be laughed at..."

She raised her hand in the mirror and swirled lightly. After a flash of light and shadow, the water green ancient costume turned into a white suspender dress, shawl, black hair, bare feet, and a sweet appearance of seventeen or eighteen years old. in the mirror.

   She tilted her head and looked out of the mirror for a while, a satisfied smile slowly appeared on the corner of her mouth, and she nodded.

The sky outside the window was getting brighter, and there was also a little light in the room that was cut off by the curtains. The girl in a white dress in front of the mirror walked to the bed, with a joyful and teasing smile on her lips, and bent over to look at the room. Looking at Zhang Yang who was still soundly asleep.

   After a pause, she seemed to have thought of something fun, and slowly reached out to pick up the mobile phone placed by the bed, unlocked it with the password, turned on the camera, then held it up, and lay down carefully on the bed.

  Hold your phone high.




   "Hey, why is it so dark that I can't see anything?"

  The crisp and sweet voice muttered softly, and then the phone was raised again.


  The flash lights up.


   Zhang Yang was stunned by the sudden flash of light, babbled a few times, turned over, and continued to sleep.

   Fortunately, before twelve o'clock, full attendance is still there.



  (end of this chapter)