MTL - Low Key Star-Chapter 299 [299] The originator of time travel novels

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  Chapter 299 [299] The originator of time travel novels

Zhang Yang came to Beijing on the Saturday of the tenth day of the Lunar New Year, and the serialization of "Tian Long Ba Bu" reached its fourteenth chapter. Duan Yu met Qiao Feng in the south of the Yangtze River, "North Qiao Feng, South Murong". Qiao Feng is also the leader of the Beggar Gang, and for loyal readers who have witnessed the ups and downs of the Beggar Gang from "The Sculpture of God" to "Yitian", he has a lot of different emotions.

  In the Tianlong world, the beggar gang is still the largest gang in the world, and Qiao Feng is a hero who is famous all over the world. How can it not be exciting to be sworn brothers with the protagonist?

Shang Gongyu's latest work "Blue Sky and Green Blood" started to be serialized in May last year. The start was not very smooth, and the feedback was not very good. Then in the middle period, the plot, word-of-mouth, and sales began to rise all the way. Although it failed to help "Gold List" Recaptured the first throne from "The Cold Window", but was recognized by most readers as the pinnacle of writing career.

  On Sunday, the 11th, the main issue of "Gold List" was released, and the finale of "Blue Sky and Blue Blood" was released.

   Zhang Yang got up early in the morning and on his way to the company, he bought a copy of the gold list. He didn't finish reading the last 20,000 words until he got to the company, and finally understood why Shang Gongyu told him to read it.

  Because this product sets the ultimate villain as the time traveler!

I have to cooperate with Shang Gongyu's writing skills as the head of the four martial arts masters. The setting is extremely ingenious. This big devil has been active in the mouths of various supporting roles before. People's feelings are both good and evil, which is difficult to understand. In the last episode, it is the appearance, especially when the setting from the future is revealed at the end, all the truth is revealed.

For readers in this era when online novels mainly write about gangsters, ghosts, and little white martial arts, this villain setting has made many readers applaud. Shang Gongyu fans who have been suppressed by Zhang Muzhi for many years can't wait to run away. Post on the Internet, let Zhang Muzhi's fans come and see, you are the first person in martial arts, can you write such an idea?

  Shang Gongyu is well-versed in human nature, and probably thought of this possibility in advance, so he directly prevented such a thing from happening. After the end of the full text, he attached a paragraph:

  The setting and creativity of "Time Traveling" all came from a chat with Zhang Muzhi last year, and I would like to express my gratitude here. The new book is already in preparation, and a preview will be released next week. Thank you for your support along the way.

  So the book fans who were planning to show off and ridicule immediately died down. The ideas are all their own, so how can they flirt with them?

It's just that what Shang Gongyu didn't expect was that his gratitude quelled a possible mutual tear, but caused many book fans on Zhang Yang's side to be very dissatisfied, because you actually threw such a good idea to others, and you don't like it. Don't you need to write? What's the meaning? Is it because we are afraid that the brain hole is too big for us to accept? Who do you look down on?

   Zhang Yang came to the company mainly to discuss the concert. This is the focus of his work this year, and the priority is still above the new album, because everyone is not very worried about the new album. At present, the four cities of Beijing, Shanghai, Qinghai, and Chongqing have been preliminarily finalized for the concert. In addition, there will be two countries' first concerts in North Korea and Ying, each with a concert.

  He himself didn't want to go out, but according to the company's data, there are a considerable number of fans there, which cannot be ignored. Since he wants to spread Han culture, he has to go abroad.

Later, while waiting for Wang Qingyuan, he was lying on his stomach in his office playing with his mobile phone, and saw the comments of book fans on Weibo, and suddenly had the feeling that he sent a piece of jade to Shang Gongyu, and then he returned a stone , And also throw the feeling directly on your feet.

   "Ding Dong"

  The phone rang, and Wang Qingyuan sent a message. Zhang Yang glanced at it, took the phone and went out to Wang Qingyuan's office upstairs.

Wang Qingyuan's office is very grand. It is the size of an ordinary two-bedroom room. It is divided into office area, reception area, and rest area. When Zhang Yang came in, only Wang Qingyuan was there, sitting behind the desk in a daze, and got up when he heard the knock on the door. He signaled Zhang Yang to sit down on the sofa at the reception side, and at the same time dialed a number to have coffee delivered, then asked after a pause, "Do you want tea?"

   Zhang Yang said with a smile: "The guest does as he pleases."

   Among the older generation Zhang Yang knows in this world, Wang Qingyuan is one of the few whose coffee is better than tea. Zhang Yang sat down on the sofa, Wang Qingyuan quickly walked over, sat down opposite him, and asked with a smile: "How is the concert preparation going?"

   "At the beginning, six cities have been set, and to be honest, I'm a little flustered."

   "Take your time and get used to it. You were born for the stage. I believe in your ability on stage."

Wang Qingyuan's hair on the temples has become frosty white, not blackened, but he still looks energetic. Even when he was prosperous in his early years, he relied on his talent rather than his appearance, but as he grows older, he appears more old-fashioned than when he was younger. The charm of men comes.

  Compared to this age, no matter how beautiful the appearance is, it has lost its original vitality under the erosion of time, and with the accumulation of experience and talent, it is more and more able to show the charm of a person from the inside out

  —The money and the gods are all secondary factors.

   After chatting for a while, the secretary brought two cups of coffee. Wang Qingyuan introduced that it was real Blue Mountain coffee, and asked someone to buy a barrel. Zhang Yang tasted it... Well, it tastes good after listening to the introduction.

  After the bedding was sufficient, Wang Qingyuan leaned on the sofa and was silent for a while before finally saying: "I know about Fang Chang, this matter is indeed my negligence..."

  Paused, he smiled self-deprecatingly again, sighed, and stood up, "Forget it, you are an insider, so there is no need to talk about the scene."

  He took a few steps, then turned to look at Zhang Yang, "What kind of person do you think I am? I want to hear the truth."

   Zhang Yang deliberately hesitated for a few seconds, looking a little hesitant, before saying: "Those who have brains, are smart, have talent, are musicians, have careers, and are successful...are also kind to me."

  Wang Qingyuan smiled: "Didn't you mention character?"

   Zhang Yang smiled and said: "I don't know much about your private affairs. Since you want to hear the truth, it's better to just say what I can confirm."

  Wang Qingyuan let out a long sigh of relief, and this time he smiled very happily, and sighed: "You are a smart person! After listening to Fu Quanyi's story, who do you think Fu Yizhi is?"

   Zhang Yang paused and asked, "Do you want to tell the truth?"

  Wang Qingyuan nodded: "Of course."

   Zhang Yang smiled: "The sentence is light."

Wang Qingyuan walked back and sat down opposite him, leaning on the sofa, "Yeah, every time something like this happens, especially on the Internet, everyone shouts for a heavy sentence, castration, what to do... let's not talk about this for now. Go ahead and talk about the Law on the Protection of Minors first, there are actually abbreviations in it, it should be the law on the protection of juvenile offenders...why should we protect juvenile offenders?"

   Zhang Yang said: "Because minors are highly malleable, I feel that there is still salvation after education, and I can continue to contribute to building a harmonious society and realizing the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation."

  Wang Qingyuan smiled, "Then do you think this is the right starting point? Is it effective?"

   Zhang Yang is silent.

  Wang Qingyuan asked again: "Among the juvenile crimes, do you think there are more people who are inherently bad and anti-social, or are more youthful and impulsive?"

   Zhang Yang continued to remain silent.

Wang Qingyuan asked again: "How long has the law on the protection of minors been implemented? If it has no effect, or if it is really reduced to a law on the protection of criminals, do you think no one above will picket and correct it? When I am, I also think he must be wrong." It is reasonable and needs to be modified, but it is undeniable that for most juvenile offenders, education is effective."

  He leaned back on the sofa, looking at Zhang Yang: "Fu Quanyi is upright and old-fashioned, do you think he spoils his son, how can he spoil his son?"

   "Fu Yizhi was almost beaten to death by his father back then. Fortunately, I have money. Otherwise, with the salary of their husband and wife, Fu Yizhi would probably walk with a limp now!"

Wang Qingyuan was silent for a few more seconds, and his tone became low, "After Fu Yizhi was released from prison for the first time, he knelt in front of his house for nearly two hours before Fu Quanyi let him in... Do you think the juvenile correctional center is full of Eating, drinking and sleeping? Do you think that Fu Yizhi stayed there for two years without knowing what the result would be if he committed another crime?"

   Zhang Yang sighed, "What do you mean?"

Wang Qingyuan smiled, "If I say that Fu Yizhi has reformed himself after he came back from prison for the first time, even after he found out that Fang Shang is an artist contracted by the company, he didn't dare to come here. I'm afraid that if I accidentally appear in front of her, it will bring bad memories to her... Do you believe it?"

   "It doesn't matter whether I believe it or not."

   Zhang Yang didn't like Wang Qingyuan's way of speaking, and said in a restrained tone, "Facts are what matter."

   "In the second case, Fu Yizhi said that he was wronged."

  Wang Qingyuan sighed, with a desolate tone, "Up to now, his sentence has passed half of his sentence, and he has applied for a commutation of sentence. He is about to come out, and he insists on saying so."

  (end of this chapter)

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