MTL - Low Key Star-Chapter 304 【304】Promotional Video of "The Legend of Condor Heroes"

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  Chapter 304 [304] Promotional Video of "The Legend of Condor Heroes"

   "Why am I such a scumbag?"

   "If you don't have anything to show courteousness, you can either **** or steal."

   "Isn't there still a "thief"? "


In some respects, Zhang Yangke and Luoshen shared more things than Lin Yiran, so there was no need to hide this matter, so he frankly said that he would become a shareholder of Phoenix Video, and wanted to pull Chuyu into the group and ask her to help suppress the scene idea.

  After Luoshen finished listening, he let out a "tow" and lost all interest: "Boring."

   "This is business, okay?"

   "I don't need to absorb your belief anymore. With your current popularity, you can add at least 30 hours to your life every day. Don't you need to fight like this?"

"Do you think I'm stupid? Even if it's hot again, how long can it last? If it doesn't catch on, and you can't live continuously every day, who can you talk to at that time? I have the right to speak, and with my current capital, when the time comes, if Lao Bo It’s not enough to eat, don’t you have to come out of the arena again?”

   Zhang Yang is very far-sighted, "When the time comes, I want the king to return, and I don't want to beg for mercy from the capital."

   "So you are the capital yourself?"

  "The word capital is usually used in a derogatory sense. At least I have the resources to do things that go against my conscience."

   "Then you will be abandoned by capital."

   "A proper correction is always possible."

   "You are so active, maybe you want to save more, and ask me to help save Yang Yuting in the future?"

   Zhang Yang was said to be the main thing by her, and he was silent for a while, Luoshen said with a touch of teasing: "Really, is it so great?"

  Zhang Yang hesitated for a moment before replying: "After all, it's fate. If I can really save her, I can't just watch her die."

   Luoshen said indifferently: "I'm sorry to disappoint you, this is beyond my ability."

   "Is there no way at all?"


  Lin still seemed to be aware of Zhang Yang's abnormal mood, looked at him with some doubts, then hugged his arm, and leaned his head on his shoulder.

   Zhang Yang stroked her smooth hair and smiled, and Lin Yiran also smiled sweetly at him.

Both Haha and Heehe have been taken upstairs. The difference is that in the past, Haha hardly dared to go out even if he opened the door. Heehe loves to go out for a walk, but it is only limited to the elevator hall and Zhang Zining’s door. As soon as her house opened, she was so frightened that she would rush back immediately.

But this time when they were carried up from downstairs, Zhang Yang and Lin still didn't bother to wait for the elevator, so they went up the stairs directly. Haha, they were still stupid, but hehe was very shrewd. Lin Yiran hugged the big secret all the way back to the familiar living room, wandered around several times curiously and doubtfully.

Later Zhang Yang or Lin Yiran opened the door again, and it often ran downstairs by itself, especially when it gained enough weight to open the door by itself, often Zhang Yang and Lin Yiran were doing their own things in the study or living room, and suddenly received a call from Yang Yuting. The news said that hee hee was calling outside the door.

  The number of times was too many, Haha finally had the courage to go down there, and later learned to open the door.

Back home, Zhang Yang first went upstairs with Lin Yiran and brought Xihehaha down. He wanted to find a chance to talk to Chu Yu about something serious, but as soon as he got down, he saw Chu Yu calling on the balcony, as if to persuade her to go home, but she Refused.

   After a while, she hung up the phone and came back. Yang Yuting asked, "Your brother?"


   "Let's go back then, we can't stay so stiff forever."

   "No reply, I live well here."

Chu Yu sat on the sofa and got sulking. Yang Yuting and Lin Yiran persuaded him, but Luoshen was very reserved and didn't participate. He was just playing with cats and seemed to be muttering something. Didn't hear it very clearly, only heard her mention one word: black cat!

  He made up his mind, and Luoshen seemed to be saying: "It's a pity that there are no black cats..."


  After Yang Yuting and Lin Yiran had finished persuading her, Zhang Yang coughed and offered his own suggestion, "I happen to have something to ask for your help. If you want to find a part-time job, how about listening?"

  Several girls turned their heads to look at him together, Zhang Yang felt his heart beat faster for no reason.

  Chu Yu asked: "What's the matter?"

   "I'm talking to Fenghuang Video about buying shares. If you want, why not go and get a job in it. It shouldn't be difficult for you."

  Chu Yu thought for a while and asked, "Phoenix video?"

  Zhang Yang was stunned for a moment before he understood her question, and explained a little speechlessly: "It's an online video website, a subsidiary of Phoenix Group, but it doesn't receive much attention, otherwise people would not talk to me."

   "How do you want me to help you?"

  Looking at Chu Yu's expression, he probably suspects that Zhang Yang wants her to do something "using the public for personal gain", although the term "using the public for personal gain" is not accurate.

"Phoenix Video is losing money now, and now we are talking about buying shares. However, it is difficult for me to obtain an absolute controlling stake. But if Wang Genshan, the current boss, continues to insist on his own way, it is estimated that he will continue to lose money. There must be someone who can make him obedient. , otherwise I don’t need to buy shares.”

  Chu Yu nodded, and asked again: "Then why do you want to invest?"

  Zhang Yang thought for a while, and said truthfully: "I am very optimistic about the prospects of video websites, and if there are no accidents, it will not be long before the explosion."

  Yang Yuting has been listening, and suddenly interrupted and asked: "Because of the smartphone?"

   Zhang Yang looked at her in surprise, nodded and said, "Well, but to be precise, it should be the mobile Internet, and we have to wait until 4G becomes popular."

   "Isn't the Internet speed very fast now?" Chu Yu was a little puzzled, "Even if 4G is fast, what's the point? Isn't it enough?"

"Speed ​​is one thing, and more importantly, the price of traffic needs to be reduced. It is almost the same level that many people don't bother to use wireless networks at home, and just use data to watch videos." Zhang Yang couldn't elaborate on the significance, impact and changes of 4G. Take an example at random.

  The girls looked at each other, vaguely feeling that they had understood a little bit of direction, but also felt that they were still clouded and confused.

  Lin still asked: "So you are optimistic about the video application on the mobile phone?"


  Chu Yu thought for a while, and said: "That's fine, anyway, sooner or later I have to find something else to do, then I'll go back and tell my parents."

   Zhang Yang arched his hands: "Thank you."

  Chu Yu also imitated him, arched his hands, and said with a smile: "Everyone takes what they need, you are welcome!"

  Paused, then laughed again: "If you really make it, I'll follow suit, hey, what are you going to do?"

   "Make more good dramas."

With Chu Yu's intervention, the negotiations that had some signs of getting stuck quickly progressed smoothly. Wang Genshan was also overjoyed. This lady is here!

In order to maintain a balance and facilitate operation, after Zhang Yang discussed with Chu Yu, he invited Ge Long to join in. Wang Genshan is as long as he has money, so he quickly agreed. Pay attention to it, and finally agreed that Yiyang Film and Television and Longsheng Media Company established by Ge Long jointly invested 60 million yuan to buy 54% of the shares of Phoenix Entertainment.

Yiyang and Longsheng each own 27% of the shares, but they have different voting rights. Among them, Yiyang Film and Television has 40%, Longsheng 20%, and Phoenix Group also has 40%. Longsheng has the weakest voice. However, if the other two parties are equal, can still directly change the outcome.

Of course, in fact, although this investment is a lot of money, for Ge Long, he is still optimistic about Zhang Yang, and he wants to follow him to eat meat, and he did not want to compete with him for the right to speak. , can completely develop in the direction Zhang Yang expected.

  After discussions, the three parties quickly reached an agreement and confirmed the following things:

  First, upgrade the website page, application software, and server to ensure simplicity, beauty, and smoothness, and expand the current website and application team, and keep paying attention to it for a long time.

  Second, use the funds to acquire the copyrights of film sources, especially some classic dramas that are rarely shown on TV. If you can buy exclusive rights, you can be exclusive, and those who have already been bought exclusive copyrights can be negotiated.

   Newly purchased film sources will be put into the member film library as much as possible according to the situation.

  Third, on the premise of ensuring that the advertising time is short, optimize the data algorithm, carry out more accurate advertising, and increase advertising revenue.


For video sites, there is no need to repeat the importance of film sources, but it costs money. Before Phoenix Video, due to its lack of cash, it was inevitable that there was a big shortage in this regard. A large sum of funds was applied for there, and Wang Genshan finally gained some confidence.

More importantly, the following "Condor Heroes" and "Shooting the Condor" are basically exclusive exclusives. The situation of CTV's version of "Shooting the Condor" is not clear to Wang Genshan, but whether "The Legend of Condor Heroes" can become popular, he Dare to use their own personality to vouch for it!

At the end of April, the post-production of "Sculpture of the Gods" was basically completed. Although it was agreed in advance that this drama may not be premiered on CTS, and other TV stations can still participate in the bidding, but CTV's domineering is in the same line, and Zhang Yang will not be stupid. Fortunately, although Huashi's style is domineering, it is not unreasonable to everyone, not to mention that everyone knows the prospect of "Sculpture of God".

  The final negotiated price was 700,000 per episode, plus advertising revenue sharing.

  The schedule has also been finalized, on July 20th, two episodes per day, for a total of 20 days, in late July and early August.

The promotional video was also edited early. After Zhang Yang considered it, he decided to put it on Phoenix Video and broadcast it exclusively. This is a certain degree of compensation. In order to ensure the negotiation of the second round of broadcasting rights, he decided to wait for the second round of broadcasting. Then put the video on Phoenix Video to play.

  From the perspective of Phoenix Video, this is undoubtedly not very interesting, but Zhang Yang has been throwing money out one after another. Even if the new album sells well, he is still a bit stretched, so he continues to withdraw funds.

Moreover, "Sculpture of the Gods" and the following "Shooting the Condors" will be exclusively played by Phoenix Video, so you don't have to worry about not attracting users. Besides, it will take time to upgrade the website and application. It must become better, so that everyone can discover your inner self nice.

  Vietnam TV has the preheating rhythm of TV station promotion, but now that it has entered the Internet age, although video websites have yet to develop, the influence of real-time social networking platforms such as Weibo is already considerable, and we must make the best use of them.

  The time has entered June, and the website and app of Phoenix Video have just undergone the first revision and upgrade. The second day is also Lin Yiran's 20th birthday. The official Weibo of "The Legend of Condor Heroes" released a promotional video.

Today's Weibo mobile terminal does not support direct viewing of the full video, you need to jump to the mobile webpage of Phoenix Video, and Phoenix Video also took advantage of this opportunity, not only released a promotional video, but also promoted it on its official Weibo There is a wave of exclusive network broadcast rights.

   Zhang Yang's first concert is about to start, and he is quite busy. However, it is Lin Yiran's birthday, so naturally he has to return to Beijing to accompany her in advance. At ten o'clock in the morning, the promotional video is officially launched, and the two of them are also at home watching the computer.

   "I also specially opened a membership."

   Zhang Yang sat in front of the computer desk, holding her in his arms, not forgetting to show off the price he paid.

  Lin still curled his lips and did not speak. He just pressed his hand, but did not really try to stop it. He refreshed it with the mouse in one hand, "Why haven't you released it yet... Ah! There it is!"

  A push was given on the homepage, and Lin still clicked on it immediately.

  This is the first martial arts work shot by CTV, and it is also the pioneering work of Yiyang Film and Television. Both Zhang Yang and Li Changge attach great importance to it. This promotional film has also been discussed many times, and finally decided to start with ink.

Lin Yiran clicked on the full screen first, and then played it. He saw an ink-and-wash style picture with the beautiful lake and mountains of Jiuzhaigou as the background. Accompanied by music, the song "The Legend of Condor Heroes" "Yanqiu Ci" is known by many people as a novel.

  Zhang Yang's handwriting and Xingkai: Ask the world, what is love, and teach life and death directly?

  A drop of translucent water slowly fell, and a figure in the lake and mountains swept across the screen. In the reflection of the water, I saw this person wearing a Taoist robe and holding a dust in his hand.

  Li Mochou!

Overlooked from a high altitude, a Taoist priest held a long sword, and turned around a figure in the center layer by layer. The golden light in the shape of a dragon flashed by, and the surging air wave was mighty.

  Guo Jing broke into the Chongyang Palace and broke the Tiangang Big Dipper Formation!

   An emerald green bamboo stick danced and was held by a white hand, revealing a delicate and dignified face.

  Huang Rong!

In the dark night, the figures and flames fluttered loudly, and the crowd suddenly parted. Under the moonlight, a figure in white clothes Shengxue flew down from the main hall. The beautiful face was not intentionally indifferent, but just faintly showing no expression. Has a cool temperament, like a fairy who has fallen into the mortal world, untouched by the smell of fireworks in the world.

   "Wow! It's so beautiful!" Lin still couldn't help but blurt out admiration when he saw the amazing scene of his appearance.

   "How can you boast yourself like this?"

   Zhang Yang pinched her dissatisfied, "I'll do it!"

  He opened his eyes wide, and said "Wow!" in an exaggerated tone: "It's so beautiful!"

   Then hurriedly urged: "I'm coming out, I'm coming out, hurry up! Hurry up!"

  (end of this chapter)

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