MTL - Low Key Star-Chapter 315 【315】star production line

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  Chapter 315 [315] Star Production Line

"Let me show you. He held a concert. There were more than 10,000 tickets, and they disappeared in a few minutes. Even the cheapest ticket of 280 yuan can be sold for 880. The concert is popular. Next How do you create momentum for TV dramas?"

"Hey, his restaurant is about to open! So he went to his restaurant the next day, just happened to be met by fans, and then invited them to dinner, these fans will definitely show off on the Internet, Zhang Yang will make people fuel the flames, Being on the hot search, you have a good reputation, right?"

   "The restaurant is going to open soon, has there been any publicity?"

   "The more important thing is the name of the restaurant! What is it called? Jianghu! What is Jianghu? A martial arts man is called Jianghu. Who is Zhang Yang? Zhang Muzhi! The leader of the martial arts world!"

Qian Mu also drank a lot of wine, and now he became excited, pointing Jiangshan, spitting all over the place, "The leader of the martial arts also took his own Condor Heroes to film the Condor Heroes, and now even the TV series is also promoted A wave!"

   "The worst thing is this time. Is he apologizing? It's just to promote the TV series!"

   "Why is Phoenix Video announcing the broadcasting plan when TV dramas are about to start broadcasting? It can't be that they are inexperienced or entangled in when to broadcast it?"

When Qian Mu talked about the excitement, he couldn't help but pat the table, "It was on purpose! It was announced two nights before the broadcast on purpose, just to complain for everyone at night, and then he got up early in the morning to post an apology on Weibo, without spending a dime , directly ranked first in the hot search, and promoted it again!"

   "Now it's hard for everyone to wonder whether "The Legend of Condor Heroes" will start airing tomorrow! He has earned a good reputation for nothing, and he will correct any mistakes he knows, and put fans and audiences first!"

   "I wonder if someone really complained that the online broadcast was too late. He said there was a private message from a fan. Who knows, right?"

After Qian Mu was over excited, he lost interest again and sighed, "So I said he is a genius in marketing. Before that, Huaguang's "Shooting the Condors" was also broadcast on the Internet, and there was no splash at all. When you come to him, you see Look, it hasn't been broadcast yet, there are just so many tricks!"

   A group of people look at me and I look at you. At first glance, this kind of publicity plan sounds a bit ridiculous, but when you think about it carefully, it seems that it really makes sense.

Seeing that he was completely overwhelmed by himself, Qian Mu continued: "Also, when he debuted, he wrote songs for the girls he liked. This is very common in itself, right? Of course his writing is really nice, and Lin Yiran is really pretty too. , and his grades are really good...but it’s so popular to participate in an draft, why do people know that he chased Lin Yiran, even in high school, and didn’t feel much disgusted?”

   “This is what marketing is all about!”

"He is very good at brainwashing everyone without knowing it. First, he establishes the image of a scholar, a wit, a beautiful woman, and an affectionate person, and then everyone thinks what he does... Just like what Jing Yuan said just now, Why do you think he wants to make money because he is short of money?"

"By the way, I missed one more point. The game he invested in is going to be tested soon, right? So he keeps posting on Weibo, every word and every word has a deep meaning. Why does he say he wants to make more money? Let everyone wonder where his money is spent... Of course, these so-called fans may be pretended by the staff to help set the rhythm."

   "Well, now that everyone knows that Zhang Yang has invested in the development of games, then you must be curious about what games Zhang Yang has made, and then go to learn about the game. He will promote it here, the game public beta..."

  Qian Mu slapped his hands, and there was a crisp "snap", "It's hot again!"

  He looked around at the people on the table: "This is not a genius, what is a genius? One link is one link, and there must be no mistakes in any link. They have calculated everything step by step, and it has come true!"

   "Doesn't he still have a movie? When the movie is about to be released in the future, he must take advantage of another wave... Isn't his movie broadcast in the summer?"

  Zhou Yanwu shook his head and said, "It should be this year's Spring Festival."

Qian Mu nodded, as if everything was under control, "It should be that there is no coordination, or there is always a gap in every hundred secrets, otherwise the movie is also arranged in the summer file, and with this wave of publicity, it should be It can save a lot of publicity costs."

  After listening to the director's analysis, Lu Yimo was amazed and shocked at the same time. He didn't expect Zhang Yang to be so scheming at such a young age. It was really terrifying! But fortunately, he offended many people, otherwise he would probably kneel down and beg for mercy, or turn around and hug his thigh...

  He thought for a while and said, "This shouldn't be Zhang Yang's arrangement, right? How old is he? Maybe there's an expert behind him."

  Qian Mudao: "Whether it is Zhang Yang's handwriting or not, in short, we must pay attention to such a person."

What he actually wanted to say was friendship, but Lu Yimo and Zhang Yang had conflicts, and the conflicts are likely to continue in the future. After all, the entertainment industry is a standard pyramid structure, and there are only so many positions at the top. Standing there, Zhang Yang is destined to block the way of those below.

   And the closer the person is, the more difficult it is to avoid conflict.

  As for forming alliances, among those present, including myself, there may not be many who can appreciate their publicity and capital.

Thinking of this, Qian Mu calculated silently. Zhou Yanwu must be counted as one. Jing Yuan, Cheng Feng, Tan Wei, and Zhang Yang should not be willing to offend easily. As for himself, he should be able to count half of them, even though he has no ability to do anything to him. , but there is no need to easily become an enemy of yourself.

  Thinking about this, he suddenly realized that there seemed to be another choice.

  Why do you want to be an enemy?

   Hasn’t Yiyang Film and Television been recruiting since last year? Zhang Yang has a strong original ability and his own shooting ability, why can't he cooperate?

  As soon as he changed his mind, Qian Mu suddenly felt that there seemed to be a bright road in front of him. Tan Wei was not enthusiastic about him, because he had a strong background and a wide network of contacts, and he strongly advocated the extension of "Great Wind Song".

  Tan Wei held Mu Yun, and wanted to keep this boy as the leading role. A woman in love has zero IQ, no matter how good the boy's life is, he can't resist the drama!

  Since this is the case, why do you want to drill into Tan Wei's circle?

  Yiyang Film and Television is far from being strong enough now, but its potential has already been shown. Zhang Yang has a background and brains, but he is temporarily short of people. Although he cooperates closely with Li Changge, Li Changge is in the system and cannot become his own.

   No matter how close a partner is, it is not as good as your own!

Thinking about it this way, Qian Mu found that such a big tree with broad prospects and not yet strong enough seems to be really worth hugging. You can't reserve a pendant space for yourself.

  Mu Yun glanced at Tan Wei's expression, and then said: "He can use this method, so can we?"

  Qian Mudao: "Of course it can be used, but it's hard to say what the effect is. Some can be learned, and some are not easy to learn. For example, he uses his influence. Who among us can learn it?"

   These words are equivalent to saying that there is no influence of Zhang Yang, Mu Yun is too far behind, Wang Yin no longer cares, others do not rely on fame to make a living, only Jing Yuan and Lu Yimo can be used to compare Zhang Yang.

  Jing Yuan didn't care much, but Lu Yimo was upset about it. Hearing what Qian Mu said, his expression became ugly again, and he said, "It's not that exaggerated. It's marketing, as long as the publicity is good."

Qian Mu could naturally see his dissatisfaction, and said with a smile: "Actually, in terms of fame, Yimo and Jingyuan are no worse than Zhang Yang, but the impression in the hearts of ordinary people is different. Zhang Yang can do this, on the one hand because of his high popularity, On the other hand, and most importantly, from his debut to now, he has always maintained a very positive energy, or the appearance that parents want their children to become, good at learning, talented, and even finding a girlfriend is also the national ideal type... With so many conditions present in one person at the same time, it is very difficult to reproduce."

  Tan Wei said: "There is no need to copy others in everything, learn what is useful, learn by analogy, what suits you is the best."

   Mu Yun nodded, with an expression of approval and admiration that he couldn't hide, Tan Wei smiled slightly at him, Qian Feiyu saw this, and immediately said loudly: "Sister Wei is right, that's the truth!"

  Tan Wei smiled lightly again.

  Qian Mudao: "There are some propaganda techniques that we can really use in the future."

Shi Yan is also a well-known screenwriter, but among the people present, in terms of seniority and status, Mu Yun is worse than him, but he is a little boy who doesn't rely on seniority, so he can only be careful with his company and dare not talk too much. At this time, he also echoed: "Yes, for example, the promotional video, the promotional song, etc. are pretty good."

Cheng Feng added with a smile: "You can also find some other gimmicks, just like in the past, there were dramas and movies that were sure to stir up scandals. Marketing, in the end, it is better to find something that everyone likes to watch. Zhang Yang is smart in what everyone likes to pay attention to. , are all relatively positive things.”

  Zhou Yanwu smiled and said: "This is reasonable, and people have this ability."

  Lu Yimo didn't expect to go around, and became exaggerated again, a little arrogantly said: "That's not necessarily true, just like what Director Qian said just now, it's all arranged, it's just a show."

Zhou Yanwu glanced at him, took a shredded green onion for seasoning from the plate in front of him, put it into his mouth, chewed a couple of mouthfuls with relish, put down the chopsticks, said with a trailing "eh", and said, "Director Qian, I'm not following you. You are raising the bar, if you mean this, then you are really overthinking, I know the director of Zhang Yang's studio, and he really hasn't done anything fake."

  Lu Yimo's expression was even more unsightly, and he wanted to say more, but when he saw Tan Wei throwing a sideways look, he had to shut up.

   Tan Wei asked with a smile: "Director Zhou also knows people from Zhang Yang's side?"

  Zhou Yanwu smiled and said: "It's a family friend, and the elder has a good relationship. I don't know her very well. It was only last year that I found out that she works at Zhang Yang's. I just chatted with her a few days ago."

  Cheng Feng seemed to be interested, and said with a smile, "Director Zhou seems to have a good impression of Zhang Yang?"

  Zhou Yanwu said: "I have a good impression, but I can't talk about it. I'm interested, but I haven't met, so it's hard to say."

   Jing Yuan, who was playing with her mobile phone with her head down again, suddenly interrupted: "Hey, I saw another Weibo..."

She didn't affect the consciousness of Tan Wei, Cheng Feng, and Zhou Yanwu's conversation atmosphere at all. She raised her head and said with a smile: "It was sent by the fan who sent a private message to Zhang Yang. The content was that he sent a screenshot of the private message to Moments. A lot of likes and comments, saying that since the opening of the circle of friends, there has never been a sense of existence like today..."

  Tan Weichengfeng laughed, and Mu Yun, Qian Feiyu and Lu Yimo laughed, and soon there was a burst of laughter.

Jing Yuan also laughed: "After this person posted on Weibo, he liked, commented and reposted a bunch of them. The person who liked the most said, 'I guess after opening Weibo, I have never had such a sense of presence like today', laughing to death. me."


  Going out of the box, Cheng Feng wanted to send someone to take Zhou Yanwu back, Zhou Yanwu waved his hand and said: "No, I'll take a stroll first, there is a friend's shop next to it, let's go shopping, then... I'll go first, see you later."

  After Zhou Yanwu turned around, the smile on Cheng Feng's face disappeared immediately. He watched him leave, and then smiled again, and leaned against Tan Wei, "Sister Wei, what does the surname Zhou mean?"

  Tan Wei sighed, and said: "It's not obvious, if we don't deal with Zhang Yang, he will be ready to take Zhang Yang's side."

  Cheng Feng frowned and said: "Zhou Yanwu doesn't seem like such an impulsive person, what reason do you have for doing this?"

  Tan Wei said indifferently: "It means that there are still things we don't know. For example, this time... Zhang Yang is doing things like this. Doesn't CTS act as if nothing happened? Is this like CTS's style?"

   Lu Yimo, who was glanced at by her, was terrified, and lowered her head, not daring to say anything.

Cheng Feng glanced at Jing Yuan, who spread his hands, "I'm also wondering, but I don't intend to make things difficult for Zhang Yang, I'm a member of his fan group who often dives, and I just opened the annual membership of Phoenix Video .”

  Cheng Feng sighed: "Actually, there was no need to mention Zhang Yang. Now that it's over, I guess we can't agree on cooperation... Should I ask Zhou Fengyi, or you can ask Wang Ting?"

  Tan Wei thought for a while, then smiled and said, "Don't worry, just wait and see."

  Qian Mu listened to the last conversation between the two, smiled and said, "Then Brother Cheng and Sister Wei, I'm leaving too."

   "Okay, slow down, we will meet later."


  Qian Mu and Shi Yan left together, Shi Yan went to call a substitute driver, and sent them to Shi Yan's residence. After entering, Shi Yan collapsed on the sofa, and Qian Mu also sat down beside him, sighing.

  Shi Yan got up to get two bottles of water, opened his own bottle and took a sip before asking, "What's going on today?"

Qian Mu sighed: "Chengfeng is going to start his own company and wants to cooperate with Tan Wei, and Zhou Yanwu is also a partner..." He paused, looked at Shi Yan and asked, "What do you think of the commercial value of a star... Simply put, it is how to cultivate a star." A star with commercial value?"

  Shi Yanzabazabayan, "Filming or singing, being famous, being famous, won't you be worth something?"

   "But the problem is that it's too troublesome. The works need to be accumulated, and they are all selected from the majors. There are only so many people every year, and they are monopolized by several colleges. Of course, there are some who are not majors, but it is too difficult to get ahead."

  Qian Mu's tone was a bit sarcasm, "Those who want to make money can't bear this, so they thought of a way to omit the most troublesome steps in the middle."

  Shi Yan blinked again: "What do you mean?"

   "Don't all celebrities need media promotion? Now that the media is so developed, there are companies that are ready to directly rely on publicity to create stars. No matter whether there is a work or not, they must first make people popular."

   "If there is no work, who will buy it? Why is it popular?"

"You look good! Tell me how you work hard, be filial, and be polite. Anyway, it's not easy to praise. Nowadays, children are like this. As long as they are good-looking and there are many people who praise them, they will follow suit." Follow fans... In this way, not only will it be fast to create a star, but it can be mass-produced, and whoever is popular will be praised. Anyway, if it is not popular, there is not much loss. If it becomes popular, it will be a blood profit."

  Qian Mu also thinks this is a bit ridiculous, but after thinking about it carefully, he thinks it is not impossible, "And more importantly, it doesn't need professional ability, as long as it is good-looking, so you can bypass the academy!"

"And the threshold is lowered. It doesn't matter whether you have learned to sing or not. With so many people in China, it's not easy to catch the handsome ones? As for business ability, quality, and even whether they can read or not, it's not listed. It doesn’t matter if you have passed school, of course it’s better if you have it, it doesn’t matter if you don’t, it’s all about bragging anyway.”

The front sighed again, "If this road really works, in the future they will make whoever they want popular, just like the assembly line in the factory, it doesn't make much difference whoever puts it on, if this batch is not popular, they will make another batch... Anyway, there are so many people who want to get into this circle! This is really pinching the root of life!"

  Shi Yan was silent for a while, "What about us?"

   "Us? It depends on people's mood."

  Qian Mu smiled again, and took a long breath of relief, "I originally wanted to get in the car, but they didn't seem to like it, and I thought I couldn't care less about these things, but in the end it seems that I don't care that much..."

"so what?"

  Qian Mu leaned on the back of the chair, looked at the ceiling and said, "I want to see if I can change a boat..."

  (end of this chapter)

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