MTL - Low Key Star-Chapter 329 [329] Marriage and Engagement

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  Chapter 329【329】Marriage and Engagement

   "Outside the long pavilion, beside the ancient road, there are green grass and green sky"

   "Evening wind blows willows and flute sound remains, setting sun outside mountains"

   "At the end of the sky, at the corner of the earth, half of the best friends are scattered, and a pot of dirty wine is full of joy..."

  Amidst the faint singing, the big screen slowly dimmed, and then the subtitles turned on alternately.

  Director: Han Yi

   Screenwriter: Zhang Yang


  Seeing that the audience did not rush to leave immediately, Zhang Yang pulled Lin Yiran up, and the two of them stooped skillfully, and slipped past the side aisle quietly.

   Pulled up the scarf, put on sunglasses, and the two walked out of the studio holding hands. Lin was still thinking about the final ending, and asked, "What does the final ending mean?"

   Zhang Yang said with a smile: "What do you think it means, that's what it means."

  Lin still took off some sunglasses with his fingers, and stared at him with big eyes: "Be careful, I will pinch you again."

   Zhang Yang grabbed her hands to avoid being pinched again, Lin Yiran whispered: "Glasses! Glasses!"

   Zhang Yang leaned over and lifted her glasses up with his chin, probably because he didn't grasp the strength well, Lin still hurt from being bumped, so he pulled out his hand to put on the sunglasses by himself, and said angrily, "I hate it!"

  Walking lightly continued to walk forward, arm in arm. Although I couldn't really go to the store to buy anything, I felt happy walking in the crowd like this. Occasionally, someone looked at the two of them with curious and searching eyes, and walked straight over without paying attention.

   "Where do we go now?"

   Zhang Yang looked at the time, it was early nine o'clock, he turned to her and asked, "Do you want to go back?"

  Lin still blushed a little, pinched his arm hard, "No."

   "Hey, why are you blushing?"


   On the way back to the car, Lin still used his mobile phone to check the real-time box office statistics. He was a little surprised and said: "Twenty-three million!"

Since 1990, the box office of domestic movies has shown rapid growth. Last year, the box office reached 20.1 billion. In the first three quarters of this year, the box office has already exceeded 22 billion. It is a foregone conclusion that it will exceed last year. As for how much it can increase, it depends on the Box office performance during Christmas-New Year's Day.

  According to Zhang Yang's original idea, "Let the Bullets Fly" should be set during the Spring Festival, but later adjusted to New Year's Day. A large part of the reason is that the opponents during the New Year's Day are relatively weak, and during the Spring Festival, they have to face two Hollywood blockbusters.

In today's market, the box office of 23 million in less than one day is indeed a surprise, and more importantly, as word of mouth ferments, people who have watched the movie give feedback, will Influence and even directly mobilize more people to watch movies.

   Zhang Yang is very optimistic about the box office situation in the future.

  During watching the movie, he turned off his mobile phone. On the way, he asked Lin Yiran to turn it on, and it started beeping non-stop, with announcements, congratulations, and friendship. He drove and asked Lin Yiran to help reply.

  Just after replying to Ge Long, Zhang Wei called again, and Lin still helped connect. Before Zhang Yang could speak, Zhang Wei said excitedly: "Brother, I'm watching a movie!"

   "You are a person who is about to take the college entrance examination. It's not a holiday or a weekend. You sneak out to watch it. You still have the nerve to tell me? Why, don't you treat your brother as a parent?"

   Zhang Yang was still rambling, but Zhang Wei was impatient to listen, and interrupted: "Are you stupid? Today is Saturday, do you know?"


   Zhang Yang turned his head and glanced at Lin Yiran, who pursed his lips and nodded at him, so Zhang Yang changed his words: "Then pretend I didn't say anything!"

   "Humph! Humph!"

Zhang Weike realized the reason, and snorted twice in a very airy manner, "Is it okay to say what you said? Do you have a sense of responsibility? It's not that I, as a younger sister, don't give you face, even if you don't take it To be a celebrity and a public figure, to set an example for the general public, even if you are an older brother, to your younger sister..."

   "Hey, you're doing well, aren't you?"

   "You are wrong and you are not allowed to tell people?"

   "Okay, I'm driving, hang up."

   "If I can't say it, I'll just hang up."

  Zhang Wei snorted again, not bothering him, "Xiao Qi and I just finished watching "Let the Bullets Fly". You really wrote it?"


   "Hmph! Vulgar! Dirty!"

   "Do you know the allusion of Su Shi?"

"do not know!"

"Su Shi and Foyin are good friends. One day they discussed Buddhism. Su Shi asked Foyin what you think I look like. Foyin said that I look like a Buddha. Su Shi said I looked like a pile of cow dung. He was very proud of it. Later, When I got home, I told Su Xiaomei about this matter, and Su Xiaomei said that the master’s heart is pure, and my brother’s heart is dirty. There is a Buddha in his heart, and everything he sees is a Buddha..."


Zhang Wei waited patiently for him to finish, and finally couldn't help but start to sneer, "You're still writing novels, this kind of monk can believe what Su Shi is boasting about when he speaks nonsense, don't blame my sister for not reminding you. It’s fine if I say it, but don’t tell others, or they will laugh at you..."

   "You don't care if the story is true or not, there is a reason!"

   "Where does the nonsense come from? It's like a person who accidentally did a good thing in order to do a bad thing. Do you still have to praise it?"

   "Boast, others don't know that he originally wanted to do bad things."

   "You are sophistry!"

  Lin still couldn't listen anymore, and asked, "Have you watched the movie, Wei Wei?"

"Huh? Sister Yiyi, are you here? Brother, I'm sorry, I didn't know that Sister Yiyi was here, otherwise I would save some face for you. I was wrong brother. Don't be sad. Sister Yiyi is not an outsider anyway, so she won't laugh at you. of…"

   "You hang up, hang up."

   "You just hang up!"

  Lin still said angrily, "Concentrate on driving."

   "That's right, I don't concentrate on driving!"

  Zhang Wei followed the fox and pretended to be powerful, Zhang Yang curled his lips, too lazy to talk to her, but Zhang Wei said again: "I was interrupted by you, I forgot what to say... Oh, what does the ending mean? Has the third child turned bad?"

   Zhang Yang said unhappily, "I want to go."

  Zhang Wei said "Huh!", Lin Yiran said with a smile: "It should have gone bad."

   "They became county magistrates?"

   Zhang Yang laughed and said, "Hey, it's rare for you to think of this."

   "The pockmarked Zhang followed, is he going to kill them again?"

   "Maybe join them."



   "He is the protagonist!"

   "... makes sense!"

  Thanks to the popularity of the mobile Internet, although short videos and live broadcasts have not yet become popular due to the speed of the Internet, the user groups and influence of text and pictures have skyrocketed exponentially.

  For the dissemination and fermentation of movie word-of-mouth, words and pictures are enough.

   "To be honest, after I watched it, the biggest emotion was one sentence: How did this movie pass the review?"

   "Too classic, full score recommendation!"

   "I didn't like Zhang Yang in the past, but this time I completely knelt down and became a fan! The lines are so **** awesome!"

  “One classic line in a normal movie is enough to boast, but I can’t remember the classic lines and fragments of this movie!”

   "I feel that IQ has been crushed, Zhang Yang really deserves to be Zhang Mazi, just one word, labor and management are convinced!"

   "Full marks!"

   "I was planning to watch "Deep Sea Shark", but my girlfriend, Zhang Yang, insisted on dragging me to watch "Let the Bullets Fly"... Now I am kneeling on the bed!"

   "Far beyond expectations, I feel that Zhang Yang and Han Yi will become gods in a movie! No, Zhang Yang has long been a god!"


   "Is there a boss who can interpret it? I have been arguing with my roommate for a long time, and no one can convince anyone. What does it mean in the end?"

   "Taizu through the ages!"

   "Hearing the phrase "I'm very important without you" almost made my scalp explode, this depth... Zhang Yang is really awesome! "

"Strong push! Strong push! I've watched "Deep Sea Shark" and "Deep Mountain Old Corpse", and they don't match "Let the Bullets Fly". The rivalry scene between Han Yi, Zhou Zifu, and Chang Yu was so enjoyable! "

   "I'm asking the big brother to explain, is Sister Hua good or bad?"

   "What did Master say about the two things?"

   "What does the ending mean?"

   "Is that song called "Farewell"? Why can't I find it?"


Only on the first day, on the authoritative public rating platform "狴犴", the score of "Let the Bullets Fly" rose from 9.1 to 9.3. On this platform where you can watch more than six points, there has been such a review in the past Ten or twenty years later, there are always people who have watched amazing classic films, and most of them are foreign films.

   On Weibo, Diting Small World, and Fangtang, there are also related questions, discussions, and interpretations everywhere.

   "The following content contains spoilers, please be cautious before reading it, and express my own opinion."

"First of all, let me talk about the evaluation: this is the most worthwhile movie I have seen this year, or even in the past three years, and it also brought me the most shocking and thoughtful movie. It is not one of them! It is recommended to watch it if you have not seen it. It is definitely worth the ticket. price!"

   "Let's talk about the content next. The story happened in the early years of the Yuan Dynasty. The county magistrate spent 200,000 yuan to buy the county magistrate of Goose City. He wanted to make money, but he was robbed by the bandit Zhang Mazi on the way..."

   "The peasants got their guns... After overthrowing Huang Silang, the movie should end according to common sense, but Zhang Yang and Han Yi's best work has just begun!"

"The youngest and the others decided to take Sister Hua and leave together, not to be bandits anymore... This should allude to success... In the last scene, Zhang Mazi rode a horse and passed the railway again, but heard the familiar words of "outside the long pavilion, beside the ancient road" again. Singing, inside the train, the old Sanhua and the others are eating hot pot and singing, this scene is exactly the same as the scene at the beginning of the movie when Ma Bond came to take office..."

   "I don't know whether I can write or say what it means, so I will list the classic lines again, and welcome to add in the comment area (finally, I will urge Zhang Yang to post the song quickly)!"

   "The following classic lines:"

   "Let the bullets fly for a while!"

   "Create a name and win over a wealthy gentry..."

   "How can there be a wrongful case? Who dares to be wronged?"

   "Murder and hate! Kill and kill!"

   "Because you are a good person!"

   "It's finally over for me without you!"

   "If he is not decent, you help him to be decent!"


   Zhang Yang was lying on the bed, listening to Lin Yiran reciting Fangtang's discussion in his arms, mainly some positive comments, and now the most indispensable thing is positive comments.

  After reading a few lines, she probably felt tired. She put her phone aside, changed her position, rested her chin on his chest, stared at him with waving eyes and asked, "How much box office do you think you can get in the end?"

   "It hurts!"

   Zhang Yang put his palm on his chest, resting on her chin, and then hugged her with the other hand and stroked her gently: "It's hard to say, let's see how much word-of-mouth can bring to the box office in the next few days, it shouldn't be a loss."

  Lin still pressed his face sideways to his body, blinked flickeringly, and asked again: "How much do you want?"

   "I wish...I wish five billion."

   "You really dare to think."

  Lin still wrinkled his nose, pinched him lightly, Zhang Yang took her hand, put it to his mouth and kissed her, then kissed her cheek.

  Embracing each other silently, after a long while, Lin Yiran asked softly again: "What time is it?"

  Zhang Yang looked at the time, "It's still early...or, why don't you go back tonight?"

   "No, my mother will scold me."

   "Don't you know everything?"

   "That's different."

  Lin still took the initiative to kiss him, and said sweetly: "I will graduate in less than two years... I will marry you after graduation, okay?"

"it is good."

   Zhang Yang responded, then suddenly remembered, "Why don't you get engaged first? Then your mother shouldn't object, right?"

   "Is this what you think about every day?"

  Lin still moved his hand away, and pinched him again angrily, "It's the same if you don't get married."

   "People have a short spring night, but I don't have any."

   " are not satisfied with this?"

   "Don't be so lewd to me, okay, I just want to see you every morning when I wake up."

   "Hmph, I don't believe it."

  Lin still wrinkled his nose, leaned over and smiled sweetly, "Then I'll come over early tomorrow?"


   Tired for a while, I still had to put on clothes and send her home. After returning, it was past zero, Zhang Yang chatted with Lin Yiran for a while as usual, and when he was about to go to sleep, he unexpectedly received a message from Yang Yuting.

  (end of this chapter)

Read The Duke's Passion