MTL - Low Key Star-Chapter 339 【339】Dream Butterfly (The Finale)

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  Chapter 339【339】Dream Butterfly (The Finale)

   "Hey, did Ye Xianglun return to the past in the ending?"

"I think it is."

   "I saw someone interpret it on the Internet, and there are several endings!"


"The first one was made in a movie. Lu Xiaoyu died. The second one is that Lu Xiaoyu dropped out of school because everyone thought she was sick and stayed at home. When Ye Xianglun found Xiaoyu's mother, it was still somewhere. One scene is looking out of Xiaoyu's room, that is Xiaoyu who has lived to middle age."

   "Wow, isn't this brain hole too big?"

   "It should be that if Lu Xiaoyu doesn't come to look for Ye Xianglun, she will live, and if she goes to look for Ye Xianglun, she will die. If she comes once and doesn't come again, she won't get sick."

   "Hey, it seems to make sense too?"

   "Oh, why do you think so much, as long as the song is nice."

   "Fang Chang is so beautiful!"

   "I also think she is a good match for Zhang Yang...I'm not the only one who thinks so?"

   "Yes, you are the only one who thinks so!"

  Listening to the chattering discussions at the next table, Tang Yanqi kicked Zhang Wei who was sitting opposite him with his toes under the table, and asked with a smile, "Did you hear that?"

  Zhang Wei was picking up beef rolls from the hot pot, and said vaguely: "I heard, what's the matter?"

   "You don't care?"

   Tang Yanqi also put a piece of beef in the seasoning bowl, "Sister Lin is so kind to you."

   "I can't go up and scold people, can I?"

  Zhang Weidao, "Who asked him to find someone else to take the photo together."

   Tang Yanqi pursed his lips into a smile, and asked again: "I think what they said is quite reasonable."

   "Is there a shot of something looking out from the house? Why didn't I pay attention."


Tang Yanqi's voice was not loud, but he said with certainty, "After Xiao Yu misunderstood Ye Xianglun, Ye Xianglun went to her house to look for him, and was chased away by Xiao Yu's mother. At this time, there was a scene where Ye Xianglun was looking at Ye Xianglun from Xiao Yu's room. It is the ending of Xiao Yu being treated as a psychopath and growing old in the room."

"Ye Xianglun met Xiaoyu's mother, and Xiaoyu's mother bought a lot of apples, which should be for Xiaoyu, because Ye Xianglun had been sending apples to Xiaoyu before. Xiaoyu's mother drove Ye Xianglun away, maybe it was Xiaoyu's intention, because Xiaoyu was already old at this time, Ye Xianglun still young."

  Zhang Wei opened his eyes wide, and after a while he remembered to continue eating, so he continued to chew, "You remember so clearly?"

  Tang Yanqi smiled sweetly at her: "Actually, I watched the premiere the day before yesterday, but I didn't understand it at the time. I went back and read a lot of analysis on the Internet. I just watched it again before I almost understood it."

  Zhang Wei immediately showed a disgusted expression of "So you are this kind of Tang Yanqi".

Tang Yanqi said with a smile: "There should be a fourth ending, that is, Xiaoyu didn't meet Ye Xianglun, or she didn't look for him after seeing Ye Xianglun for the first time. This Xiaoyu lived a normal life and became an ordinary girl. The middle-aged woman is the middle-aged woman in the window when Ye Xianglun and Xiaoyu first came to Xiaoyu's house. I think she should know Ye Xianglun here, because she has been looking at Ye Xianglun and her young should be Memories of when I was young."

  Zhang Wei thought for a while, but found that he didn't remember at all, so he pouted and said, "I suspect that Zhang Yang himself didn't think so much."

  Tang Yanqi smiled and said: "He has written so much, martial arts, three-body problem, do you think we can think of anything he can't think of?"

  Zhang Wei snorted twice, and said again: "I heard sister Yiyi say that "Ghost Blowing the Lantern" is better, but it seems a bit scary."

   "Isn't that still early?"

   "I'll just talk casually."

After eating, the two strolled back to school. Because they ate too much, they ran to the playground for two more laps and separated in front of the dormitory building. Tang Yanqi returned to the dormitory, took a shower, and then sat at the desk Read reviews online.

On the first day of its release, the box office of "The Untold Secret" exceeded 100 million yuan, but on the second day, it dropped to a certain extent, because many people responded that they couldn't understand it, and it was messy. It played a role, and today's box office has risen again. Now that it has been released for three days, the box office has exceeded 300 million.

  According to this trend, this movie has a good chance to compete with those blockbusters.

Tang Yanqi smiled. He felt happy, but also had an indescribable feeling, empty, as if he was relieved, but at the same time, he felt lost. This feeling was not strong, but it made him feel more uncomfortable. There was a feeling that he couldn't vent even if he wanted to vent. torment.

   Chatting with her roommate for a while, it was past 10:30, and before the lights-out time set by the dormitory, she didn't think about doing anything, so she simply washed up and went to bed.

  A roommate just came back and was talking trivially. She was lying on the bed, and she could hear clearly at first, but then gradually became confused.

   When he woke up again, he heard Zhao Nan who was sleeping on the opposite side exclaim: "How is it possible?"

   "Really, it's all over the Internet... I don't think it's possible..."

   "Lin still responded on Weibo..."

   "Didn't she not have Weibo?"

   "That's why, I specially registered to respond."

   Tang Yanqi sat up in a daze and asked, "What's wrong?"

  The expressions of the three roommates were a little weird, but they still responded to her: "Zhang Yang and Lin Yiran broke up."


   Tang Yanqi stood there in a daze, with only one thought in his mind: "How is it possible?"

"No way?"

   "If it is true, I will never believe in love again!"

  The unbelievable discussions of the roommates were still in my ears, Tang Yanqi quickly took out her mobile phone, opened Weibo, and it crashed again... She didn't waste any time, and called Zhang Wei directly.

   "Wei Wei, you..." She didn't know how to speak for a moment.

  Zhang Weidao: "I know what you want to ask... I don't know if it's true or not, and I won't answer his calls... Probably not? But it's hard to say..."


   "I felt something was wrong during the Chinese New Year, maybe even earlier, since the little princess was still alive..."

   "Huh? Is she dead?"

   "Yeah, you don't remember?"


  Tang Yanqi tried hard to think, but he couldn't remember when Yang Yuting died, but he heard his roommate shout again: "Zhang Yang responded!"

  She quickly hung up the phone, opened Weibo, and finally opened it, and saw Zhang Yang's response: "It's not a breakup, it's a quarrel."

  Only half an hour later, Lin still posted a second Weibo: "It's a breakup."

   Then there was no response from either side.

  On the second day, she finally learned the truth from Zhang Wei.

"Sister Yiyi thinks that my brother still likes others... It's not that he doesn't like her, but he still likes others... You also know that Sister Yiyi is a bit of a perfectionist, and that's not right, is it mental cleanliness? It doesn't seem right... In short, she can't accept imperfection... In short, she wants to break up, my brother disagrees, but it's useless..."

Tang Yanqi didn't know what mood she was in for a while, and she didn't see Zhang Yang for a long time, but she learned a lot of news from Zhang Wei, and countless reporters and media also went crazy to dig up this passage. In the inside story, from time to time, someone saw and photographed where Zhang Yang appeared, and seemed to want to bring Lin Yiran back.

   So what Zhang Yang did to Lin Yiran caused the two to break up, which seemed to be a public opinion, and many people began to attack him with this, trying to deny everything about him.

Zhang Yang did not respond to this, but Lin still posted his third statement after registering on Weibo: "First of all, I am sorry for occupying public resources due to personal matters, but I have seen a lot of comments intermittently during this period, because various The reason, purpose, and conclusion are all unfair, so as the parties concerned, I would like to make a simple statement, and hope that everyone's exploration of this matter can stop here."

   "I have broken up with Zhang Yang, but it doesn't mean that we were together was fake, and the ending of this relationship can't erase the beauty of the past."

   "We are always easy to be too tolerant of bad things and too harsh to good people. Zhang Yang is just an ordinary person, and Lin Tong is even more so, but we have all paid for each other and worked hard to spend the rest of our lives hand in hand."

   "He didn't do anything wrong, and neither did I, just got separated."


  Time seemed to be speeding up, Zhang Yang began to sing many songs about broken love, but there was no more sweet song about love, everyone teased him, but Tang Yanqi only felt distressed.

  Going home during the winter vacation, when we met again, he seemed to be a lot haggard, and the whole person seemed to be mentally broken.

  She didn't know where she got the courage. Once at his house, she walked up to him, stretched out her arms and hugged him in his astonishment, and said to him, "Senior, I like you, I have always liked you."

Her heart was beating very hard, but she still finished what she wanted to say: "I... said this, not to ask you to like me too, but to tell you that Lin Yiran is not the only one who likes and cares about you in this world, you don't Because of her departure, I doubt myself, or...unhappy."

  After he was startled, he smiled and said, "Thank you!"

   No follow-up.

   But she was happy.

He still sings, still shoots martial arts, and makes movies. "Ghost Blowing the Lantern" was released, and "The Return of the Great Sage" was released, breaking his own box office record. Distressed.

  Creation 101 started. She has many, many fans, and also bears a lot of pressure that she never thought of before. He occasionally cares about her situation.

  Both of them are busy, but as contracted artists in his company, there are naturally many opportunities to cooperate and meet each other. As we slowly get in touch, I feel that he seems to be slowly getting desperate, and he is less and less looking for Lin Yiran.

  But the name of the company has not been changed, and Lin Yiran's shares are still there.

   It seems like many years have passed, and her parents are urging her to get married, and his fans are also urging him. Zhang Wei finally knows the truth. Seeing that there is no hope for her brother and sister-in-law to get back together, she begins to want her to be her sister-in-law.

  Although Zhang Wei's matchmaking didn't work, it gave her more chances to meet him after all.

  He took her home, she had been here many times, even more than him in a long time, but it was the first time he brought her.

  It was still the same house, after the renovation, the layout was still the same as before. When she entered the door, she remembered that many years ago, Zhang Yang brought Lin Yiran back home at the same place, and she happened to be there, watching.

   Time seems to overlap at this moment.

  He took her to meet her parents, grandpa, and grandparents. One of Auntie Fang's cousins ​​was a fortune-teller, and he gave her fortune-telling, saying that she was destined to have a son and a daughter, both of whom would be very promising.

  He joked with a smile: "The eldest uncle said, one son and one daughter, if one is missing, I will not let you go."

  She asked: "What if there are too many?"

   "If you have more, you can get more, if you have less, you can make up, if you have too much, you can't refund."

  Being together, should be content, but instead I feel more and more dissatisfied, and finally understand why Lin still can be alone for ten years after breaking up with him, but can't tolerate a small place in his heart that doesn't belong to her.

  It turns out that the more you love someone, the more greedy and harsh you are.

   Later one night when he was drunk, he mumbled something, she couldn't hear clearly, but she instinctively felt that it was the name of the most important person in his heart.

  In fact, he has never forgotten her. She thought that she could not care about so much, as long as he also likes her and is with her, she will be content.

   It turns out that people will not be satisfied.

  Long entanglement, one day she found out that she was pregnant, she suddenly felt relieved, said the breakup calmly, vaguely seemed to see Lin Yiran who broke up with him in the same way ten years ago, at this moment she understood her very well.

  He was inexplicably astonished again, but she just held back her tears and said softly: "If you like her, go to her, I... I can do well by myself."

  She withdrew from the circle she entered because of him, and prepared to give birth to the child alone, but Zhang Wei knew about it...Later Aunt Fang also knew about it...the daughter was born, very cute...he still didn't know.

   Many years have passed, and he is still alone, still making TV series and movies, and even participating in variety shows by himself, which is very popular.

  Later...the two of them came together again.

   "Wow, I believe in love again!"

   "I still think Xiao Qi is more suitable."

   "She herself said it was inappropriate. Didn't Zhang Yang write a song called "I'm Unworthy"? It's because of guilt."

   "Oh, let him blame Zhang Yang."

  Strange, after so many years, why are these silly roommates still discussing?

Tang Yanqi opened his eyes, rubbed his aching head and sat up. He turned to look at his roommate, but saw that the lights were on in the dormitory. Zhao Nan came out of the bathroom wiping his hair and said, "A few minutes later today. Can you turn off the lights again, I'll blow my hair."


  Zhao Nan came over and saw Tang Yanqi sitting on the bed in a daze, and asked strangely: "Hey, Xiaoqi, you woke up so soon?"


  Zhao Nan saw that she was a little silly, and said with a smile: "What's wrong? Sleeping stupid?"



  Zhao Nan ignored her and picked up the hair dryer to dry her hair. Amidst the buzzing noise, Tang Yanqi sat in a daze for a while, then picked up his phone to check the time, and only twenty minutes had passed.

   "How can I have such a dream... I'm so ashamed!"

  She remembered some scenes and details in the dream, and her face flushed with shame, so she put on her coat and got out of bed, went to the bathroom to wash her face, drank half a cup of hot water after coming out, and then went back to bed.

  After a while, she thought about it, and sent a message to Zhang Wei like a ghost: "Wei Wei, does Teacher Fang have a fortune-telling cousin?"

  After she sent it, she immediately regretted it. She was a little annoyed why WeChat couldn't cancel the message. When she was struggling with the annoyance, the phone rang, and Zhang Wei replied the message.

   "Huh? How do you know? I didn't tell you, did I?"

   Tang Yanqi's heart beat violently, "Really?"

   "That's right, Uncle Big Boy's fortune-telling is very effective."

   "A lot of people from their side went to their village to find him."

  Across a dormitory building, Zhang Wei, who had just washed up, was lying on the bed in the dormitory, typing away, and after sending it, he remembered to ask: "How do you know?"

  Tang Yanqi was lying on the bed, holding the mobile phone in front of his chest, staring blankly at a small pendant hanging on the top of his mosquito net, and forgot to reply for a while.

  Hanging from the top of the account are two cute imitation lollipop pendants.

   (End of "Low-key Big Star" book)

  (end of this chapter)

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