MTL - Low Temperature Dependence-Chapter 118

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After Qi Wenxi heard the very satisfactory answer given by Jing Lin, he felt a little more relaxed.

She didn't even know that she was so obsessed with those CD-ROMs.

"Okay, if you know it, I'll put those discs away for you first, don't peek at it." Qi Wenxi preached to Jing Lian with the tone of an educating student.

Whale nodded very obediently.

Said he would never peek.

Little Whale is quite good, yes, that's how it should be. It's not necessarily a good thing for a little safflower in her twenties to know too much.

Whale is just right like this, like a blank sheet of paper, needing someone to guide him.

Qi Wenxi believes that she is a good and honest person, so she will paint the white paper of whale with bright flowers instead of strange twisted thoughts.

Yes, she had to persuade Whale Lin to always think about that.

"Then I'll change clothes first. Forget it, let's take a shower first. In order to 'save you', I have done this all over my body..." Qi Wenxi looked at her wet body and glanced at her with a bit of reproach, but her face was innocent. Such a whale.

It was all to blame that the other party floated on the water like a dead person, causing her to worry so much.

"Don't do those scary things in the future, it's scary to float on the water." Qi Wenxi told Jinglin not to scare her.


"Qi Qi is so cowardly ~ coward." Jing Lian snorted, hugged Qi Wenxi's 堠, leaned close to each other, and wanted to kiss Qi Wenxi's face.

"Who's a coward! Don't make trouble," Qi Wenxi hurriedly avoided the face that Jinglin leaned over. She was eager to change the wet clothes on her body, "Lend me use the bathroom, I have to flush, and then change clothes."

"I'll wash with you." Whale volunteered.

"No, I'm fast, it's not like you and Shui can grind together." Qi Wenxi refused immediately, she was still very shy, although they had just established a relationship, she was still very shy.

Whale frowned and asked, "Can't my girlfriend wash together?"

"Uh...then we'll start establishing a relationship tomorrow, and let me slow down tonight." Qi Wenxi didn't want to explain why his girlfriend couldn't wash together, so he could only use this reason to prevaricate, otherwise the little whale would definitely be over.

"No, just tonight, just what you said, we were dating, Qi Qi, you can't go back after you say it!" Jing Lin took the opportunity to hold Qi Wenxi's hand, and she refused to let go.

Qi Wenxi even thought about confirming it tomorrow, but she didn't agree.

Qi Wenxi pursed her lips, feeling a little guilty.

"...Well, I'm shy, Jing Lian, I'm shy, I can't let go of everything at once. I'd better wash myself first."

Qi Wenxi explained that it's true that she likes Jinglin, and it's true that she wants to be with each other, but there must be a process, and it's really a bit embarrassing to wash together suddenly.

By the way, what kind of underwear is she wearing today, it seems to be purple, a conservative style.

Qi Wenxi inexplicably thought of the shit-like question of whether the style he was wearing was the type that Whale liked.

"I'm not shy, Qiqi, I'll wash for you. If you're shy, just don't look at me." Whale tilted his head and proposed a wonderful solution.

"But..." Qi Wenxi was still worried.

Whale Lin suddenly became melancholy, her beautiful eyes were full of grievances at the moment, and God knew she could pretend to be pitiful in an instant.

"Qiqi, do you have the heart to wait for you here with a cold body on me? I'll catch a cold too."


Knowing that Jing Lin was pretending to be weak, but Qi Wenxi looked at the other party's watery golden eyes, still shaken to the point of helplessness, who could refuse such a look?

Anyway, Qi Wenxi couldn't refuse.

She confessed.

"Then... that's fine, but you can't mess with me." Qi Wenxi nodded in embarrassment, and at the same time gave Whale Lin an indifferent order.

Whale raised the corners of his mouth and agreed with a chuckle.

Then Qi Wenxi followed Jing Lin into this luxurious and spacious washroom. Only then did Qi Wenxi know the difference between the rich and ordinary people.

The bathroom is as big as her living room, with everything, very stylish.

As soon as you enter, you can even smell the smell of high-end perfume.

Very slightly drunk, making people feel relaxed and comfortable.

Truly a top suite facility.

No wonder Whale has always been willing to live in a hotel.

"We're going to soak"

"No, just wash it with a fluffy head. I don't want to take a bath."

Qi Wenxi hurriedly interrupted Jingling to invite her to share the wealth, because Qi Wenxi caught a glimpse of the extremely large pool, which was full of bubbling hot spring water, but she had no idea to take a dip, because it meant that she had to be with the woman in front of her. .

She still couldn't let go.

So it's best to wash it early and finish it early.

"Well... that's fine." Jinglin glanced at the pool with some regret, and she planned to have a love affair with Qiqi.

But don't worry, wash it first.

Whale Lin stood directly on the spot and began to take off his clothes.

Qi Wenxi saw that the whale was so abrupt, her cheeks flushed instantly, she quickly turned her head away, and walked to the glass door to adjust the temperature of the shaggy head, so as not to look at the washed-up lady whale behind her.

Suddenly, Jing Lin's icy hand was attached to her earlobe, making Qi Wenxi's whole body instantly stiff.

"Qiqi, I'm fine."

"Then you, wash first!" Qi Wenxi screamed with a blushing face.

"You're not well yet." Jing Lin pointed at Qi Wenxi's sober and restrained appearance very "simple".

Qi Wenxi blushed, she didn't know where to put her eyes, she was entangled in her heart, and finally she wanted to escape from here, but just as she wanted to escape like an ostrich, she was grabbed by Jing Lian beside her like a chick. collar.


The clothes were torn.


"It's alright, it just happened to be washed, Qiqi." Jinglin didn't stop because of this. Whoever made these fabrics not strong, they would break when they were pulled. Blame the fabrics, not her.

When Qi Wenxi wanted to fight over the issue of Whale's breaking her shirt, Whale lowered her head and kissed her.


Then he quickly loosened all the buttons that were in the way of Qi Wenxi, and quickly pulled them off.

It's broken, so don't feel sorry for it.

Therefore, Jinglin didn't care whether Qi Wenxi's clothes were torn again, and directly cleaned up the other party "intimately".

"Whale you"

"Hurry up like this." Whale blinked her charming eyes a few times, shining under the warm light, making it impossible for Qi Wenxi to scold her.

"You'll pay for my clothes later..." Qi Wenxi glared angrily at the bad guy.

Jing Lian looked at Qi Wenxi's dark red lips, and agreed in a convulsive voice, "I will obey."

Then he quickly pulled the other party into this sloppy underwater resort.

The fog confused the eyes of both of them.

With the arbitrary water drenching, Qi Wenxi no longer feels cold, and the facilities here are very advanced, and it seems that they can be adjusted at any time according to the temperature of the person.

The heat was rising around her, and she was dizzy due to the heat.

Especially the pair of icy hands provoked unscrupulously on her body.

"Are you washing or not...!" Qi Wenxi stood in front, she was shy and didn't want to look at the person behind, so she turned her back to Whale.

Out of sight is pure, I said to myself.

However, those blazing hands caressed arrogantly on her back.

This caused Qi Wenxi to have no intention of washing.

"Qiqi wash first."

Whale was close to Qi Wenxi's dripping earlobe, and licked lightly.

" do I wash it like this?" Qi Wenxi turned her head away shyly, the ice-cold hand that shifted its position had already hit her in front.

Whale's drenched face was slowly attached to Qi Wenxi's high-temperature neck, obsessively feeling the warmth of Qi Wenxi, which was her most infatuation.

Qi Wenxi is her addiction.

"You wash your hair, Qiqi, you don't have to worry about me."

The bewitched and hoarse voice of Jing Lian came from his ears, making Qi Wenxi unable to bear it any longer.

She wanted to blast Whale out.

"I can't wash you like this at all. You are not allowed to make small moves!" Qi Wenxi was going crazy, her face was almost vaporized by the heat.

Yes, she still couldn't hold back at this time and didn't turn around to look at the whale, she was dissatisfied with the wall roaring herself.

Jing Lian slightly stretched out his head and looked at Qi Qi's angry kitten face in front of him with some amusing.

She had to put away her playfulness, after all, she was afraid that Qi Wenxi would really get angry.

"Then I'll help Qi Qi wipe Mu Yulu." Whale said so, and then took out the bottle of Mu Yulu with a small sparkle from the side.

Qi Wenxi squeezed her washed hair, and she said that she didn't need to paint herself with Jinglin.

However, the other party has already started pouring Mu Yulu into the palm of his hand and rubbing her on her body.

It was cold and sticky, carrying the strong fragrance of Mu Yulu, which made Qi Wenxi feel dizzy.

She didn't understand how Jing Lian liked such a strong aroma, and she was so fascinated that she lost consciousness.

stop it now.

Qi Wenxi yelled to stop in her heart.

However, the cold feeling of Jing Lian's fingertips gave her a little more comfort to cool down in this confined space.

Difficult to let go.

"Can you hurry up?" Qi Wenxi urged unbearably.

Whale Lin didn't say a word, just smeared Qi Qi with dew on his own thoughts until he reached the front.

"I don't need you here"

As soon as Qi Wenxi wanted to stop him, Jing Lin stubbornly pulled Qi Wenxi to the front and made the other party face to face.

Damn, so shy.

Qi Wenxi's cheeks started to get hot again.

She could only pretend to glared at Whale Lian fiercely, and stopped the other party from overstepping.

"I'll come by myself, you don't need to wipe here." Qi Wenxi patted off Jing Lian's hand.

Jing Lian listened silently, her hands were full of pure white bubbles, and her eyes unabashedly fell in front of Qi Wenxi.

Such a beautiful mountain.

the same shape as her.

How would it feel if they were posted together?

Whale pondered for a while.

Qi Wenxi noticed that the **** Jing Lian was starting to think strangely about him, so he quickly turned around and said angrily, "You better restrain yourself, don't go too far."

Don't go too far...?

Whale Linglue amusedly recalled Qi Wenxi's little soft words of warning like a cat.

Then she's going to overdo it today.

"Qiqi, you are my girlfriend..."

"and then?"

"It's okay if I overdo it."

After Whale Lin finished speaking, he wiped all the bubbles in his hand in front of him, and then while Qi Wenxi didn't respond, he suddenly approached the other party and hugged him tightly.

Even the water could not fall into the area where the road was suddenly blocked.

The cherries in the water mist also swore each other's sole sovereignty without any gap.


Thanks to the following big babies for feeding the ducks:


Whale Girl's initiative made Professor Qi Wan Gu's heart set on fire!

Whales, you are so active, people who don't know, think you are fierce.

Ah, ah, ah, if you water the nutrient solution, it will grow a 4D fatter? !

flower flower flower

Isn't it updated today _(:з"∠)_

Do you have it today!

What's the matter, it's 11 o'clock


Update today?


Pour nutrient solution into a small tree pit, will a towering tree grow? There is a good article, I will never forget it, I will fill it with nutrient solution, and I will be frivolous.


Why is it getting late >_<

waiting for update