MTL - Low Temperature Dependence-Chapter 128

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Jin Li's Observation Diary

Today's weather is cloudy to light rain 11 degrees Celsius

Still in a bad mood as usual.

The woman came again. The woman in vulgar and rustic clothes came to the hospital with that strange lunch box.

Jin Li didn't understand very much. She, who always stopped in the upper circle, really had a hard time agreeing with Ms. Qi Wenxi's simple and boring dress, and the other party didn't even wear perfume.

The only thing that passed by was the smell of laundry soap, not a high-end smell, but it wasn't bad either.

What she couldn't understand was why Miss Whale was infatuated with such an ordinary human woman, who looked so ordinary, as if any woman on the street looked better than this Qi Wenxi.

She also didn't understand why Master Hong and Mr. Lu Ze treated this woman so kindly, with no background, no power, and no place of use, let alone such an ordinary person who could accept Miss Whale's advice. identity?

Jin Li was skeptical.

When she wrote this, the pen was almost shattered by her.

Yes, a negative emotion called "jealousy" filled her inner world. She didn't admit that she was jealous of that ordinary university professor, but it was undeniable that Miss Whale was alone when she saw Qi Wenxi coming. The expressions of the rooms are different.

One looks like a "dog", while the other looks like a cold sculpture in Greek mythology.

What magic does Qi Wenxi have?

She can fascinate Miss Whale Ling.

Jin Li is very curious, she has been observing Qi Wenxi's demeanor, movements, manners and way of speaking.

Qi Wenxi wasn't the kind of woman who was flamboyant, so she wouldn't hate her, but she definitely wouldn't like it.

After all, it is common for "rivals in love" to be jealous when they meet each other.

"Jin Li, good evening."

Jin Li raised his eyebrows, put down the sketch pen, and raised his head to look at the woman whose hair was blown by the wind.

Qi Wenxi is here again today.

Really persistent.

Did she have that much love with Miss Whale?

Jin Li wrinkled, and responded with a light "um" as a perfunctory response.

Qi Wenxi had no choice but to nod to say hello, and then prepare to walk into Jinglin's ward.

Qi Wenxi knew that as long as the nurse didn't say anything, it meant that the whale was in good condition. Sometimes it's a good thing for doctors and nurses to talk less.

Although she could feel Jin Li's indifference and slight hostility towards her, as long as the other party took good care of Jing Lian, it would be fine.

However, I heard that Jin Li was the manpower sent by Master Hong personally, and at first glance, he did not look like an ordinary nurse.

Since it was sent by Master Hong, he can be regarded as a trustworthy person there. To be honest, Qi Wenxi really wanted to have a good relationship with the more important people around Jinglin, at least not to make people hate him.

Qi Wenxi has always thought this way, so sometimes she will bring some more food she made herself, such as baked little whale biscuits, and bring some more, which will be handed to Jin Li when they are packaged.

Thank you for taking care of Whale.

"Jin Li, these are the biscuits I brought from home. I made more. These are specially brought to you."

Jin Li frowned slightly as he looked at the whale biscuit that fell on the table beside his hand.

She was not willing to accept the small gift from Qi Wenxi.

But she didn't say anything, she didn't know if she needed to say anything.

She wanted to refuse, but the words were swallowed coldly by her.

Seeing that Jin Li didn't speak, Qi Wenxi pursed her lips in embarrassment and went to Jing Lian's room.

When Qi Wenxi entered the ward and closed the door, she deliberately raised her eyes to look at Miss Jin Li outside the duty room. The other party was just taking notes coldly, not interested in the biscuits she made.


The little guy's happy little voice came from behind.

Suddenly, this sticky voice calmed Qi Wenxi's somewhat lonely mood.

"Are you awake?" Qi Wenxi smiled and walked to Jing Lian's side, looking at a certain little ancestor who had sat up long ago and waited for feeding with a peaceful look.

"I've been awake, waiting for you to come." Whale groaned, patted the side of his hospital bed, and motioned Qi Wenxi to sit down.

Because Whale's high-end VVVIP room provides the most suitable temperature throughout the day, so Qi Wenxi felt warm as soon as he entered the room, so he took off his coat and hung it on the hanger next to him, then sat obediently next to Whale's.

"Are you good today? How many bottles of water did you hang up?" Every day when Qi Wenxi came, the first sentence she said was this question.

Jinglin really wanted to tell her Qiqi that she was not so weak that she was a "medical miracle".

Seeing that Qi Qi was close at hand, Jing Lian immediately bent down and hugged Qi Wenxi's biceps, and then leaned against Qi Wenxi's foot to absorb energy.

"Jinglin, what are you doing..." Qi Wenxi was still asking questions, but the little guy came out here.

"I miss you, Qiqi."

Jing Lian didn't shy away from saying what he missed, and then rubbed on Qi Wenxi like a nostalgic, so fragrant, Qi Qi really fragrant everywhere.

miss me...

It was really natural for Whale to say these embarrassing words.

"I stayed with you very late yesterday." Qi Wenxi replied helplessly.

"But I don't think it's enough, Qi Qi, do you miss me?" Jing Lian took Qi Wenxi's hand and played with it, then raised his eyes to look at each other.

I miss you as well.

Of course I miss you.


It was impossible for Qi Wenxi to say the words "I miss you" because she dared not say it. When she was a child, her parents' accident happened because she made them go away because she said these words.

So far, these words stabbed her heart like a knife and axe, and she dared not say it to anyone.

"Uh... Do you know what I brought you today?" Qi Wenxi stroked Whale's hair, then deliberately changed the subject.

Jing Lian was a little concerned that Qi Wenxi didn't answer, but she was attracted by the beautiful plastic bag in the other's hand.

"Little whale biscuit." Qi Wenxi shook the biscuit bag in his hand and handed it to the dazed whale.

Whale's eyes widened in surprise, looking at the cute little whale biscuits, "Qiqi, these are what you made?"


The oven at home is rusting.

She cleaned it yesterday and it still works.

Two days ago, Jinglin told himself that the girl in the ward next door has a sister who loves her very much. Every day, she changes her tricks to make each other happy, paints nail polish, makes bear biscuits and so on...

That's my sister.

Jing Lian didn't care, she muttered that other people's sisters spoiled her, and she also wanted her sister's pets, Qi Wenxi's love.

So, Qi Wenxi had no choice but to ask Whale what biscuits she would like to eat.

Little Whale actually told her to ask for a cookie in the shape of a little whale.

This little guy really loves whales.

Not only do the tea cups you buy have a small whale pattern, but so do the biscuits.

"Do you think you have become a little whale, so do you like this look?" Qi Wenxi jokingly looked at Whale's eagerness to unwrap the wrapping paper.

Whale suddenly became terrified.

She stared blankly at Qi Wenxi, thinking that the other party had guessed her identity, she clearly...disguised it well...

"Why are you in a daze?" Qi Wenxi waved in front of Jing Lian.

Whale blinked frantically, she looked at Qi Wenxi a little hesitantly, and yes, the other party did not discover her non-human identity.

If she could keep hiding it, it would be a good idea, but can she keep hiding it?

"What the **** are you thinking? Eyes are rolling." Qi Wenxi felt that there were too many small expressions on Jinglin, and she always felt that the other party was going to do something in the next second.

Jinglin took out a very delicate little whale biscuit and put it in his hand. Qi Wenxi seemed to be like this. No matter what he did, he was serious, rigorous and restrained. OK

And the premise of this 'she' refers to the whale that belongs to human beings.

What Qi Wenxi had in mind was the human-like whale.

If she becomes the real one, can Qi Wenxi still accept her? Will you still love her as much as she does now?

"Qiqi, if Whale was not Whale, would you still like it?"

Whale Hesitantly took a little bit of the iceberg out of the secret hidden in his heart.

Qi Wenxi looked at each other in confusion, is this little guy stupid in hospital?

"What do you mean? You're not you, so what are you? Alien?" Qi Wenxi snorted and rubbed Jinglin's hair. It seemed that Jinglin's hair had never been taken care of, and it seemed to be longer than before. some.

She was sure to take him to the barber shop for repairs after Whale was discharged from the hospital.


"It's possible." Jinglin pointed to herself. She had seen the appearance of aliens in the production of movies. Anyway, they were different from humans, so you can make an analogy.

All are terrifying existences.

"Oh, so you're a little ET, that's pretty cute too." Qi Wenxi didn't care at all, and even installed Whale with the cute title of a little alien.


"ET? What is that?" Jing Lin saw from Qi Wenxi's contemptuous attitude of pleasant smile that this was not a great word.

"Well, I'll find it for you." Qi Wenxi was killing time, so he took Jinglin's mobile phone. The other party's mobile phone was obviously a brick. too interested.

Qi Wenxi mobilized the search page, and then pressed Byte.

"Well, this is ET, isn't that what you are?" Qi Wenxi handed the picture of the little alien ET to Jinglin to look at.

Whale's expression was as painful and distorted as if he had eaten three pounds of shit.

Please, can she be as ugly as this thing?

Look at the deformed head, the bulging fish eyes, the deflated mouth, and the green skin.


She is not so ugly!

She is the lord of the abyss who has been silent for countless years, with black and white hard skin, golden compound eyes, and the most perfect serrations.

Can cut all the hard things in the world.

She is an existence with invincible beauty (self-confessed)

It's not like such a weak idiot at all.

"I'm much more useful than this thing." Whale Lin couldn't help but break.

"Well, what did you say?" Qi Wenxi was not very clear, and motioned Jing Lian to say it again.

"...It's nothing," Whale looked at the ET in the picture thoughtfully, "Qiqi, can you accept such an ugly thing?"

Whale pointed to this ET picture, she needed Qi Wenxi to give her a reassurance.

Qi Wenxi was about to be fooled by Jing Lian, and the other party was really stubborn.

Has this little guy's head started to malfunction? It seems that the steel bar really hit Whale's head last time.

She had to call Lu Ze quickly to check Whale's nerves.

After watching Qi Wenxi pick up the phone, Jinglin grabbed Qi Wenxi's phone directly, and it's troublesome to talk to her seriously, and don't do anything else.

"Don't call, answer me." Whale Lin urged.

Seeing that Jinglin was so strong, Qi Wenxi couldn't help but follow the patient's emotions.

Even though she knew that Whale was talking nonsense.

She squeezed out a foolish smile, and touched Jing Lian's face thoughtfully: "Uh... accept it, ET seems to be quite cute."

"Since you can even accept such an ugly one, then I'm relieved."

Jing Lin was a little surprised. I didn't expect Qi Wenxi to have such a strong taste. She was worried that her invincible and handsome beauty would scare the other party. It seemed that those worries were unnecessary.

And if Qiqi can accept her originality, then they can achieve a lot of...other fun.

She can open Qi Wenxi's horizons.

"What, are you going to transform?" Qi Wenxi quietly took his mobile phone and wanted to make a call.

Whale's golden eyes turned, she was still relatively shy when she was suddenly mentioned, as if she was showing the shyness of showing her original handsomeness to the other party, she gently held Qi Wenxi's hand, "Let me I'm brewing, I'm a little... um a little nervous."


I've been waiting for a long time, darlings, this chapter will give you red envelopes, compare your heart



I've been reading a lot of chapters

Is it really going to change! how do i feel

This way of taking off the vest is special enough

Manual star eye. Give you more water, and please grow strong, little sapling.

Check in!

Ha ha ha ha

Can't scare Qi classroom into a daze?

After drinking this bottle of nutrient solution, I will fight 33,000 tomorrow!

Little killer whale is about to transform

I guess the transformation will be interrupted

I'm not really going to transform, I'm a darling killer whale

change quickly

oh yeah more tricks

Read The Duke's Passion