MTL - Low Temperature Dependence-Chapter 130

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When Qi Wenxi turned around, she saw that the person who was supposed to be in bed for a month was standing barefoot behind her at this moment.

Qi Wenxi stared blankly at the woman wearing a loose oversized hospital gown.

What did the other party just say? dear, dear? Calling her 'Dear' in front of so many people?

What are you doing...

"Darling, why not continue"

Whale's eyes were sullen, and just as she was about to continue to speak yin and yang, her pretty mouth was covered by Qi Wenxi!

"Jing Lin! What are you doing here!?" Qi Wenxi was angry and annoyed. She was annoyed that Whale was walking downstairs like this without wearing shoes. She was annoyed—

Obviously, the people around, including the old man Hong, were all looking at them. What did the little shrewd boy call her 'dear' in front of so many people outside? ?

She hasn't had the courage to face the scorn and accusations of Jing Lian's family, and she hasn't built up her psychology yet. Now her relationship with Jing Lian can only be an underground love and cannot be made public.

Therefore, Qi Wenxi preemptively killed the whales before the whales questioned her.

He directly covered Whale's mouth, and then glared at Whale, he quickly lowered his voice and scolded, "What's your name 'dear', do you want me to be fed to sharks by your grandfather?"

my grandpa? ?

What the hell.

Jing Lin was covered by Qi Wenxi's mouth, frowning slightly and squinting at each other, she was still angry.

As a result, Qi Wenxi posted it when she was about to explode, of course, with Xiangxiang's hand.

Qiqi's hands are so soft and fragrant... I really want to add...

Whale Lin's low mood, which was as low as ice, has now turned into a puddle of soft water, she just let Qiqi cover her mouth, and it's not too late to enjoy the hand stick before getting angry.

So Whale Lin really took a sip of Qi Wenxi's palm with his small mouth.

Of course, only Qi Wenxi could feel the filth that Jing Lian did.

What time is it, this deflated calf still wants to kiss.

"Jinglin, I think you're just a little madman, how can you go down barefoot? Can you stop being angry with me, your body hasn't recovered yet, so you just come out like this, don't wear more clothes, do you know how cold it is? From the foot? I'm really being driven by you..." Qi Wenxi became more and more annoyed as she spoke, she was about to be annoyed by the appearance of a dog who didn't care about her body, more than just hearing him call her in front of so many people' Darling' more to fire.

Hong Que was originally worried that the whale would turn upside down.

As a result, looking at the scene in front of him, his precious "granddaughter" was being ordered by Miss Qi at the moment.

Very good, very good, finally someone can cure the damned temperament of the whale.

Of course, he still walked over like a majestic elder on the surface and scolded Jing Lian angrily.

"Jinglin, listen to what Miss Qi said, how can you not take care of yourself so much? Even if you don't have parents who love you, I really can't afford to worry about you so much at my age. , can you be considerate of the old man?"

Hong Que took out a stack of expensive handkerchiefs from his lined pocket, and wiped his crocodile-like tears, like an old man who seemed to love his ignorant granddaughter.

And Lu Ze was still holding him next to him, nodding again and again, expressing his approval.

"Miss, the master knows that you are suffering, but the master is also bitter, and he blames yourself for not being able to control it." Lu Ze said guiltily, and then looked at Miss Qi Wenxi, who was covering the whale's mouth.

When they sang together, Qi Wenxi's attention was completely shifted to Jing Lian's ignorance, which played down the fact that Jing Lian was able to jump down and walk alive in just a few days in the hospital, and he was so full of anger...

This decision should not make Miss Qi Wenxi suspect.

"Miss Qi, it's really hard for you. I'm really grateful that you can become friends with Jinglin." Hong Que emphasized the word friend, because she saw that Miss Qi Wenxi was embarrassed to admit that she and Jinglin were already in love relationship.

So it's definitely reassuring to talk about it.

Everyone should not know.

Qi Wenxi was still in the mood for fear that everyone would think "dear" when they heard Xiao Jinglin's crazy words, especially Mr. Hong. Now the other party even thanked him and didn't care about his granddaughter's intimacy just now. call.

Fortunately fortunately.

Qi Wenxi was suddenly glad that Jinglin was used to talking nonsense, and everyone didn't care.

Qi Wenxi breathed a sigh of relief.

He and the others carried Whale back to the ward.

During this period, Qi Wenxi always covered Whale's mouth, even though her palms were already stained with saliva from Whale's icy little snake tip.

But obviously, rather than resisting her own cleanliness, she asked Jinglin not to say any more nonsense!

"It's good to have you. 』

Qi Wenxi took a look at the whale.

Whale Lin didn't feel Qi Qi's warning at all, but licked it even more happily.

The little whale is definitely a dog, and it is also the one of the Hanhan big golden retriever.

Almost everyone was frightened by Whale's sudden action.

Only Jin Li, she still stood where she was, not because she didn't want to go up to help Qi Wenxi help Jing Lin back to the ward, but because she was intimidated by Jing Lin.

The boss of his own boss level, the ancestor of Jing Lian was turning his fingers between Qi Wenxi and Qi Wenxi, warning her with his eyes that he wanted to kill her—

Do what you have to do and don't cross the line.

Don't get close to Qi Wenxi.

The sharp and cold eyes made Jin Li horrified, and she herself didn't know how to make this terrifying boss unhappy.

In short, in order to save her life, she must not be able to contact Miss Whale Lin any more in the near future.

Lu Ze, who came out of the ward, handed Jin Li a letter.

Jin Li pouted, took a look, and sighed, "I thought I was fired."

"You've been working hard lately. You go home for a few days off and then come back. Of course, it's for your personal safety." Lu Ze explained intimately.

"I know, but it's obvious that Miss Jingling regards me as a rival in love, and I'm quite helpless." Jin Li shrugged, clearly admiring Jinglin, but the other party thought he liked his superior's lover instead.

"If it wasn't for Miss Qi's presence today to soothe her mood, it is estimated that no one could stop that old ancestor. You should thank Miss Qi." Lu Ze smiled. He had a complete view of the absurd things that happened today. Said that it was fortunate that there was no **** incident in the hospital.

Miss Qi is simply an angel.

"Well, okay, then who will replace me?" Jin Li raised her eyebrows, she didn't think anyone else could be better than her in pretending to be a nurse to take care of non-human beings.

Lu Ze frowned. To be honest, Jin Li was a good candidate, but the other party was impure.

"Let's talk about it, you go back to your hometown to rest for a few days to avoid the anger of a certain ancestor."


several days in a row

Qi Wenxi didn't see Jin Li anymore.

According to Mr. Lu, Jin Li's family had a few days off.

Qi Wenxi didn't care too much, after all, that woman had always been quite hostile to her, but she just felt that there was no one around to take care of Jing Lian, was it time for her to help?

"Qiqi, do you seem to have something on your mind?" Jing Lian, who was sitting on the bed playing with Qi Wenxi's fingers, asked the other person affectionately. She originally rejected being hospitalized, but now she is happy.

Qi Wenxi would come every day, accompany him for a long time, give her a kiss and hug and so on, Jinglin felt that she had a very wonderful life.

Just a little bad-

Can't be ambiguous.

In Qi Wenxi's eyes, she still needs more rest now, and she has to hang a bottle every day, which is a complete sickness.

"You have a few nurses around to take care of you now, is it enough?" Qi Wenxi asked, because she stayed here for so long, she didn't see a nurse on this floor. It was Jin Li before, but she hasn't seen it now.

Whale was stunned for a moment, and Hong Que arranged for her to evacuate.

It was just pretending before. After all, the other staff didn't have enough loyalty and mental quality, not to mention she was annoying.

"Because I knew you were coming, I sent them away temporarily." Whale explained without blushing.

"Oh, if you think others can't take care of you, I'll try to ask for leave tomorrow to take care of you, how about that?" Qi Wenxi worried that the little whale's picky and noisy make other nurses angry, she thought that she happened to have annual leave too, so she might as well take it.

Jinglin let go of Qi Wenxi's hand and hugged him.

"Whale you..."

"It's okay, there's no one else here."

"..." It was a bit unnatural for Qi Wenxi to be hugged by a whale. After all, this is a hospital, and people will come at any time.

It was embarrassing to be bumped into.

"Qiqi, why are you so nervous?" Jing Lian provoked Qi Wenxi's shirt buttons, no matter at any time, her Professor Qi was always dressed so restrained.

Qi Wenxi sat stiffly and crouched on the edge, seeing that Jing Lian was about to reach out and unbutton all the buttons in front of her.

She immediately reached out and held Jing Lian's hand, "Jing Lian, don't do this, here... No way!"

Jing Lian sat on the hospital bed and looked at Qi Wenxi's unwillingness to cooperate. She frowned slightly. What should I do? She hadn't been close to her relatives for more than two weeks.

Since the last incident, she hadn't tasted that wonderful taste again.

"Qiqi, in fact, I can already..." Jing Lian looked like she was about to suffocate.

Whether psychologically or physically.

Qi Wenxi listened silently, but she couldn't be deceived by Whale's pitiful posture now. She had to be hard-hearted and hard-hearted. She slowly tidied up her collar so as not to give Whale's a chance to be presumptuous.

"No, the doctor said that you have to rest for a month. During the rest, you know that you can't do what you shouldn't do." Qi Wenxi coldly rejected Whale's request to get close.

Which doctor said that? Is this killing her?

Whale rolled his eyes, pretending to be sick, he was asking for trouble.

So annoying.

At this time, a nurse wearing a mask came.

The other party slammed the door very politely.

Qi Wenxi immediately got up and went to open the door, but fortunately, he just came according to Jinglan's temperament. No, someone came again.

"Hello, I'm here to hang a bottle for Miss Jingling." The young nurse said to Qi Wenxi very politely.

Qi Wenxi nodded and stood aside.

Because Jing Lin kept his attention on Qi Wenxi and said this to the other party, he didn't care if the nurse was another person today.

How can you pay attention to wearing a mask.

"I'll hang the bottle for you." The nurse was very professional and quickly replaced the required supplies.

Whale Lin was speechless, it was enough to hang some physiological saline.

But she still held out her hand very cooperatively.

Qi Wenxi didn't dare to look at it, she would feel distressed when she saw it.

Whale has really suffered these days.

But this dog thing was still thinking about being with her, and thinking about it, she didn't feel bad.

"Okay, just pay attention." After the nurse told her, she took the remaining medicine and left.

"Qi Qi, do you want to rest for a while?" Jing Lin had to lie there obediently with a needle in his hand, staring at Qi Wenxi who was accompanying him with stars in his eyes.

"I'm not sleepy, you can sleep when you're sleepy, I'll accompany you." Qi Wenxi patted Whale's head, indicating that she didn't have to stare at her with big, dripping eyes every day, and she wouldn't leave.

"I'm not sleepy either..."

However, for some unknown reason, Jing Lin, who was lying on the hospital bed, always felt that Qi Wenxi began to have double images.

Is she tired? Why are there several Qi Wenxi?


"I'm fine," Jing Lin blocked the hand that Qi Wenxi was leaning on. She realized that something was wrong with her, and her heartbeat accelerated, causing some visual confusion. She lowered her eyes to look at the hanging bottle she was hanging, and then decisively pulled out the needle. Immediately sat up.

"Jinglin, what's the matter with you?" Qi Wenxi, who was sitting quietly beside him, was taken aback by Jinglin's sudden action. The other party abruptly pulled out the needle, then stood up and closed her eyes. when open.

The pupils stood up strangely.

Whale Lin immediately avoided Qi Wenxi's touch, she hurriedly walked into the washroom next to her, and at the moment when the door was closed, she gasped and ordered Qi Wenxi to call Hong Que before her consciousness gradually blurred. people.

Then Whale locked himself in the bathroom.


There was a cracking sound from the bathroom. After several times of pushing the door to no avail, Qi Wenxi anxiously found her mobile phone and called Mr. Hong.

She didn't know what happened to Whale, but it was clear that there was something wrong with the hanging bottle just now, and it was the hanging bottle that caused the accident!

"Jinglin, it's alright, just hold on, I've already called Mr. Hong, Jinglin, I beg you to open the door..." After Qi Wenxi quickly informed Mr. Hong, she locked the entire ward and closed the curtains .

She obeyed Jinglin not to let anyone but Hong Que see it. She didn't know what was going on, but she still did.

However, the sound of heavy objects shattering in the washroom made Qi Wenxi, who was leaning against the door, extremely anxious.

She has no idea what's going on inside...

"Mr. Hong, Jing Lian, she suddenly became very irritable, because of that bottle of salt water, her eyes became very strange... Jing Lian locked herself in it until now."

After Hong Que arrived, Qi Wenxi was already sweating on her forehead, and no one could imagine how anxious she was waiting outside alone.

Hong Que can roughly guess that someone is sabotaging it. As for who he is, he has to investigate. The shopping mall is like a battlefield. He has offended many people over the years. Some people must have heard rumors that he has more blood relatives or something...

But obviously, the current situation is out of control. Lu Ze has brought the remaining salt water back for investigation, and roughly believes that it is some kind of potent neurotoxin. At this time, the bathroom is completely quiet.

"Miss Qi, I hope you are still"

"No, no, I want to see Whale come out safely here." Qi Wenxi interrupted directly, she didn't want to always be late.

Hong Que supported his forehead, he didn't know what was going on inside.

The average person has been injected with high doses of neurotoxins and died long ago.

Whale's irritable mood should be related to toxins, but he can't guarantee that Whale's current appearance is acceptable to Qi Wenxi.

"Ms. Qi, if what you see next is a bit unacceptable," would you still want a whale?

Hong Que was a little hard to ask, it felt like a moral tie.

"No matter what the picture is, I accept it. I only want Jinglin to be safe, and I don't want her to be in trouble... She can't be in trouble any more." Qi Wenxi said very firmly. The only picture she didn't accept was that Jinglin was injured.


How many true loves are shattered and worthless in the face of reality.

When Qi Wenxi saw Whale's real face, could she still treat her like before?

Hong Que didn't feel optimistic, and even he was ready for Qi Wenxi to turn his head and run away or faint on the spot.

Hong Que took a deep breath and broke the door lock with a little force.

The door was pushed open with a creaking sound.

The bathroom seemed to have experienced a war, with glassware and hanging shower curtains all scattered on the ground.

Everything was destroyed, and there was a large groove in the wall.

On the cracked floor in the middle, the oversized hospital gown was scattered, but Whale was gone.

"Where's the whale..." Qi Wenxi looked at the hellish things in the bathroom, she just wanted to know where was her whale?

At this moment, the bulging hospital gown moved suddenly.

Then slowly, a small head stuck out coyly from under the hospital gown.

Golden erect pupils and a pair of big watery eyes looked up at the woman standing in front of her, and then a childish voice sounded from her mouth:

"Mom... Mi...?"


Whale sister juvenile body: Mummy Mummy. mua~

[This chapter pulls a message and sends a red envelope]

Thanks to the following babies for feeding:


suddenly like to be a mother


I feel like this doctor is wrong


I thought a little fish would come out


Little whale! Kawaii!

Miraculous direction...

ah this

Open countless times in one night, wait for more |? ω? ')

Professor Qi should be tender inside and out hhh

what! ?

It's a novel with many elements... cigarette face

Oh? cultivated? ? ? I like! ! ! ! Can I write a few more chapters?

Mother-daughter raising? ?

Read I Pick Up A Bunch Of Attributes