MTL - Low Temperature Dependence-Chapter 141

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Qi Wenxi silently listened to the "compliments" of the people in front of her.

It was rare to hear Whale Lian teasing him in such a tone.

"...Are you laughing at me?" Qi Wenxi pursed her lips, and she asked a little dejectedly.

Whale raised his eyebrows slightly, noncommittal.

Qi Wenxi looked at this familiar yet unfamiliar face, and was about to say something else when her phone rang.

She had to take out her phone from her purse and looked at the caller ID—

"Xu Fanxing"

Only then did Qi Wenxi remember that she was going to take Professor Xu's car home, but she interrupted and forgot after going back and forth.

She looked at the caller ID on the screen, holding the phone and hesitating how to answer it.

Inexplicably, she didn't really want to answer Xu Fanxing's phone in front of Jing Lian, she always felt a little nervous.

As if nervous about doing something wrong.

Whale Lin stood aside, pulled down his umbrella slightly, and took advantage of the action of shielding Qi Wenxi from the rain to see the display name on the screen.

This name is unexpectedly familiar. Is it the woman who just stood at the school gate with Qi Wenxi?

It's a joyous conversation when they talk...

"You don't answer?" Jinglin asked indifferently, without expressing his displeasure.

Qi Wenxi raised her head just in time to meet Jing Lian's sharp golden eyes. Seeing the other party's expression, it seemed that she didn't remember Xu Fanxing.

Fortunately, I don't remember, otherwise I would have been angry before I left it.

"Uh, I'll answer, just think about the words." Qi Wenxi was forced to bite the bullet and answer the phone, she turned around when she answered the phone, but she didn't bring an umbrella, and leaving rashly seemed even more guilty.

Whale Lin looked at Qi Wenxi so directly and answered the phone.

She could also hear the female voice on the other end of the phone.

"Wenxi, why did you suddenly run away, where are you now?"

It's called 'Wenxi', it's really close.

Jing Lian listened silently, and the golden eyes were obviously darkened by a degree.

"Ah, Professor Xu is like this. I just happened to see a... a relative of my family, so I just left in a hurry and didn't have time to tell you. I'm really sorry." Qi Wenxi lowered her voice, not knowing how to explain herself like this immature behavior.

Relative, is she a relative of Qi Wenxi?

Whale twitched his lips and snorted somewhat self-deprecatingly.

The mood suddenly became gloomy.

"Where are you now?"

"Professor Xu, I'm really sorry. I just happened to be here. My relative is here. I have something to do, so I won't bother you to take me off tonight. I'll invite you to dinner next time." Qi Wenxi held her elbow with her hand and called, She was very sorry to Xu Fanxing, but at this juncture, it was obvious that she wanted to stay with Jinglin and have a chat with him.

I can only apologize to Xu Fanxing.

Xu Fanxing on the other end of the phone had to accept it.

After Qi Wenxi hung up the phone, she stared at the screen for a few seconds.

"Have you finished the call?"

Behind her came the cold and textured voice of the whale, asking her in a leisurely manner.

Qi Wenxi immediately turned around and nodded silently.

After holding her umbrella and staring at each other for a while, Whale wanted to say something, but she swallowed it again.

Because she knew that once she said it, it would appear that her ancestors were very angry.

For a man who doesn't even know himself.

"Are you going home?" Whale coldly asked Professor Qi Wenxi, who was still ignorant.

Qi Wenxi heard the other party's indifferent remarks, and she was thinking about whether to invite Jing Lian to sit in the coffee shop next to her, and her thoughts disappeared instantly.

It seems that Whale Lin has no intention of staying with her any longer.

"...Well, yes, I go home after work." Qi Wenxi explained.

Whale looked at the rain falling from the sky, but it didn't mean to stop at all.

Very straightforward and decided: "I will send you."

"You give me?"

"Yes, my car is parked very close, I can let Lu Ze drive over." Jing Lian explained, she doesn't know why now, after hearing the conversation between Qi Wenxi and the woman on the phone There was a fire, but she couldn't let it out, she could only forcibly suppress her jealousy and say this polite proposal to send someone home.

Qi Wenxi was actually a little confused as to why Jinglin appeared here.

Did she come to find her? So it's here?

Qi Wenxi wanted to confirm her inner hope.

"Then you came here specially today..."

"No," Jinglin denied without hesitation.

"Oh, this way, I think too much. I don't need to send it. I can go back myself. I think you are very busy. Thank you just now for saving me." Qi Wenxi smiled awkwardly, and she stood with Jing Lian. On the side of the road, it was already raining outside, and the cold wind blew through her body, which made her feel cold all over, and the attitude that Whale gave her was even colder.

How could she dare to say something to the other party, so she became unfamiliar Whale Lin, which made her really uncomfortable...

"Wait for me to make a call, where is this place?" Jinglin asked Qi Wenxi out of her own mind, she was not familiar with these road sections.

"Jinglin, I really don't need you to send it. I can take the tram back later, just right here"

"Where is this place?" Whale asked again.

Seeing that Jinglin was so stubborn, Qi Wenxi had to tell the other party, "Across from Gufeng Square on Ximing Road."

After hearing the answer, Whale told Lu Ze's location on the phone.

Soon, a black unruly car stopped in front of them.

Before Lu Ze got out of the car, Jinglin opened the car door and motioned for Qi Wenxi to get in the car.

"...Okay." Qi Wenxi rushed the ducks onto the shelves, so he had to obediently get in.

Whale Lin then sat next to Qi Wenxi.

"Where is your home?" Whale continued to ask.

Lu Ze, who was sitting in the front row, listened silently, and he had to pretend that he didn't know where Qi Wenxi lived.

Qi Wenxi had to tell her the location of the community.

After that, there was a brief silence in the carriage.

In order to ease the difficult atmosphere, Lu Ze had to play a soothing music.

Then he carefully pressed down the partition curtain of the rear compartment, and reserved a private space for the two strange and familiar ladies behind him.

Only this time, the private space in the back row is no longer as romantic as last time.

Both were silent.

Only the sound of nighttime music can be heard.

Qi Wenxi turned her head slightly, her lonely eyes looking at Jing Lian, who was at a distance from her, who supported one hand by the car window, her well-defined cheeks looking very handsome but very cold.

She didn't know how to speak to Jing Lian, as if there was a gap between them, near and far.

Qi Wenxi felt dazed and at a loss.

At that time, when he was teasing himself with a playful tone, Qi Wenxi thought that Jing Lian seemed to be a little closer to me, but it was just an illusion.

She also had the absurd idea that the other party came to the school specially to find her, which was simply stupid.

Qi Wenxi pondered silently all the way, just like Jing Lian, did not say a word.

Until the vehicle stopped at the gate of Qi Wenxi's house.

It was still raining.

So soon?

What are you doing, Luzer?

Whale frowned slightly and looked at the driver in the front mirror.

She pursed her lips depressedly, and at this time, the human woman beside her had begun to move.

The other party seems to be going home.

Should she say something?

No, it was Qi Wenxi who didn't tell her anything about the phone call just now.

This is the source of her depression.

"Thank you for taking me home, I really appreciate it, thank you." Qi Wenxi said thank you many times, then slowly opened the car door and walked out.

Jing Lian listened to the **** 'thank you' and saw the woman walking out like this, so she immediately opened the car door, held up the umbrella and handed it to the other party, "Take it."


"I don't need it." Jing Lin couldn't tolerate Qi Wenxi's rejection, and stuffed it into the other's hands, then sat back in the car.

Qi Wenxi looked at the grim figure that merged with the black car, so he had to bend down slightly and waved goodbye to Mr. Lu Ze in the carriage. As for Jing Lian, the other party stopped looking at him.

Qi Wenxi had no choice but to hold an umbrella and enter the community.

Seeing that Miss Qi Wenxi entered the community alone, Lu Ze, who was sitting in the front row, sighed with a headache, "I feel like Miss Qi is quite lonely."


"You look quite lonely too."

"I do not have."

"Really? Where are you going next?"

When Qi Wenxi returned home, she carefully propped up the umbrella on the balcony.

Then she stood silently at home and pondered for a while before adjusting her mood. She wearily put the wet leather bag on the cabinet beside her.

He walked silently into the bathroom.

She looked at herself in the mirror, and she could act in a zombie movie without makeup. No wonder she didn't even want to take a look at herself after watching it. How attractive is a haggard woman like her.

Qi Wenxi lowered her head and kept hitting her face with cold water, trying to wake herself up a bit and stop thinking about Jing Lian.

That person has drifted farther and farther away from him. Today's meeting is just a coincidence. Don't have hopeless thoughts.

Her whale will not come.

The corners of Qi Wenxi's mouth twitched, feeling as uncomfortable as a hole was dug in her heart.

She didn't expect that she would be tortured by emotions like this and hurt like this.

She held on to the door frame, remembering that she hadn't taken her medicine yet, so she hurriedly swallowed it with cold water, she just hoped to sleep a little tonight.

Qi Wenxi shook her heavy head. She was drenched in the rain today, so she had to take a hot bath first, otherwise she would catch a cold easily.

She immediately opened the flower umbrella in the shower room, gathering heat.

Then, one by one, he untied the clothes that he had attached to his body, as if completing a task.

Suddenly, the door of her house was slammed open, and the next second it was closed with an angry sound.

Qi Wenxi immediately stopped understanding the clothes, and in a panic, she took out a long-handled brush from the door of the bathroom as self-defense. She had no idea why someone would break into her home at this point!

And still so arrogant?

Her mobile phone is still in the living room, not around at all, and it is difficult to even call the police.

Just as the door of her bathroom was pushed open, Qi Wenxi just wanted to smash the opponent with a long handle, when the trespasser in front of him nimbly grasped the fragile plastic stick.

Then he decisively threw this obstructive thing on the ground.

In the fog, Qi Wenxi stared at this menacing woman with wide eyes.

"Whale, whale...?"

The black-haired woman stared straight at Qi Wenxi. The other party's shirt was half unbuttoned at the moment, and only the poor fabric was left. Obviously, the sound of the shower behind her indicated that Qi Wenxi was about to take a bath.

"You're in a good mood, and you just took a shower." Whale's tone was mixed with inexplicable sullenness as the opening remarks.

Fire is full of medicine.

"Jinglin, I don't quite understand what you mean, why are you here..." Qi Wenxi clearly felt that the whale in front of her was a little more emotional than when she was in the car just now. She hasn't burst in from here yet. reacted to the incident.

She was taken aback.

Whale Lin, who was standing at the door, stepped directly into this wet area.

She lived close to Qi Wenxi, her golden eyes showing a little resentment, "What kind of relationship are we now, we should still be lovers, even if I forget you temporarily, but the relationship is still lovers now."

Qi Wenxi was approached into the corner by Jing Lin, and her back was forced against the cold tiles.

"Whale, our current relationship..."

"She calls you 'Wenxi', what do you say I am, 'relative'? Don't you explain anything? If I don't show up tonight, are you going home in her car? You will take her home I've been waiting for you to say something all the way, but you didn't say a word."

Jinglin smiled and spoke, neither in a hurry nor in a hurry, but she felt very powerless, because now she was burning with a fire in her heart.

She kept trying to endure it, but she couldn't. Qi Wenxi didn't know that she saw everything tonight. She overestimated herself. Even if Lu Ze drove the car away, she was asked to turn back in the end. She was really not that generous.

Her anger didn't come out.

"Jinglin, I admit... I was going home in her car at first, because I was in a bad mood at the time, but I didn't think about anything else, I thought you didn't want to be near me, that's why I said , Said it was a relative or something and didn't want to be affectionate..."

Qi Wenxi was frightened by Jing Lin's expression of wanting to eat people. She explained it intermittently. She didn't expect that Jing Lin would suddenly break into her home and force her here.

The black-haired woman just stared at Qi Wenxi who was explaining the confusion in silence, the other's eyelashes trembling as she spoke.

Whale's eyes were full of sullen, depressed, and reluctant emotions. When she saw Qi Wenxi's wet posture, it was even more flamboyant. She didn't even know how she was caught. Qi Wenxi was fascinated by her mind and lost control like this.

She was too lazy to listen to Qi Wenxi's unreasonable explanation, so she directly held the other party's neck and didn't go up to it.

Whether she remembers it now or not, Qi Wenxi can only be hers.


Whale: I admit I'm crazy with jealousy

The baby who left the message in this chapter will send a red envelope~


Dragon Boat Festival

How many chapters is this going on?

hey hey


Ha ha ha ha

The bright moonlight in front of the bed, the more text is in Jinjiang, the nutrient solution is watered, and the code word is doubled~

Give me doi in place! ! ! ! begging! ! !

Straight enough! like

Ahhhh, so touching! Big writing is always so emotional and I like it? (????)? ?


I have spent my whole life offering you, and may the nutrient solution guide you in the direction of your progress!

Vinegar whale?

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